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@Nilegotnoodles 10 дней назад
my dad has left me thank you for the song.
@27mei1993 2 месяца назад
Dad is will forever love you although you left
@talkswithlizbethpodcast 2 месяца назад
My dad will text me and brother once every few years when he feels like it it’s stupid .
@DooglesRevenge 3 месяца назад
I’m always happy
@kalinkakalinko 3 месяца назад
my dad left out of the blue this march. he said he wanted freedom and to be by himself. he moved in with his new girlfriend, her dogs and kids three weeks ago. he used to be a great dad.
@sheameeker7290 5 месяцев назад
I'm 43 April 30th and, I never had my mom or dad. They Divorced when I was 9 yrs old. My mother abused me mentally and physically and for some reason my sister could do no wrong she's a yr older than me. My mom and, her boyfriend beat me to death and, kicked me out with the clothes on my back in the streets of Cali at the age of 10 lived on that streets till 14. But they were never there for me.mother took care of her as she died of lung cancer spread to brain. Never met my daughters except my oldest daughter. My father is still alive I used to go try to help him and, be there for him. But as we are sitting across from each other close and, he lets me know he never wanted fn kids. I wanted her to abort you. All I care about is my music, smoke,and that's it. I don't fn care. I don't need you. That hurt because the last time I was going down there I got in a severe vehicle accident at 70 miles an hour hit ditch head on and flipped like 7 times was ejected my teeth ripped all up from the glass window I flew out and was knocked out. Flown to trauma center I almost went into a deep coma. He just yelled at me so haven't spoken to him since Sept 26 th I crashed so about 2 weeks or 3 after the accident. And told me I'm an idiot ECT. Women and, children should be seen and not heard. F**k my egg and, sperm donor. Raised myself and, have 5 beautiful daughters and 5 grandchildren. AND THREE WEEKS AGO I FOUND OUT I HAVE CANCER IN MY NECK BESIDES ALL THE RARE CONDITIONS I HAVE. AND NO ONE CARES IM FIXING TO GO TO SURGERY TO GET THIS CANCER REMOVED FROM MY NECK. IT HURTS FOREVER NO MATTER HOW OLD YOU GET. I PRAY NO CHILD EVER HAS PARENTS LIKE MINE.😢
@kermit-the-gay-frog7973 7 месяцев назад
I want to forgive my dad but I can’t so I just forget him and laugh through the pain he’s left me
@O.d.d.c.a.r.z.y 8 месяцев назад
I miss my dad he left my mom when I was 9❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
@user-ke8io9po6f 10 месяцев назад
This hit really hard
@virgikuplen 11 месяцев назад
🤍 Fuerza, cariño que acompañe y sostenga 🤍
@juileb197473051 11 месяцев назад
Because I KNOW my God JEHOVAH is real, and His Truth, The Word, and His helper, The Holy Spirit has been my threefold of friends amongst "Satan's" attacks when I have suffered from abuse, neglect, revenge, lies, deceit, and the creepy stranger things, and NOBODY has showed they TRULY care by apologizing and forgiving. 🤷 but it's all good, I'm not seeking revenge, I've already showed I care by saying I'm sorry for MY erring ways, and I've already been forgiven by myself and my God, but I cannot control other people's choices of "To hate or not to hate," that's the questions of self reflection that they must do for themselves
@juileb197473051 11 месяцев назад
You know divorce does hurt kids. Bad relationships hurt kids, neglectful parents hurt kids, abusive parents hurt kids, over powering parents hurt kids, parents with addictions hurt kids,, many many things hurt BOTH children AND adults, but you can either let it take you down in a pity party, seek revenge causing more heartache and pain for BOTH the vengeful and the victim of revenge and let that hate boil inside causing yourself and the person you hate misery. Or you can let love guide you and remain in your heart realizing that it's not you, it's them. You could say there are two options (for BOTH sides)when it comes to heartache and pain.. You can listen to Jesus' wisdom and forgive yourself, apologize, and ask them for forgiveness and move on (if you were the one that caused the heartache and pain) And if you were the victim of the hurt and pain you can listen to Jesus and forgive them if they apologize or you can keep the hate and misery. Or if you cause someone hurt and pain, you can be like Satan, and laugh about it saying they deserved it and you don't need to apologize and you don't Or if someone caused you hurt and pain and apologized you can ignore the wisdom of Jesus and choose not to forgive them and keep that hate and misery and seek revenge to hurt them back. I am very blessed to have love in my heart, no matter how much pain and hurt I've been dealt by unforgiving VENGEFUL people. I not only feel pain and hurt for causing pain and hurt to others, but I also feel pain and hurt by others who don't know how to forgive and enjoy causing me grief. So I'm doubled down in the den of heartache, pain, and, misery. But I do choose forgiveness and happiness to climb my way out of the dungeon of depression. 🤷 It might trap me for a minute, but I soon Shawshank redemption and dog my ass out of that prison cell back to my freedom and God given rights of agape love. And I thank my God EVERY day for those rights and his wisdom of truth and freedom from the dragons layer, and he helps me be the dragon slayer, and if watching my show doesn't prove what our wonderful heavenly Father, Jehovah, and His son, and their Spirit can do for a person under trials and tribulations then perhaps you should rethink the gods that you love and worship
@Jasmin-17748 Год назад
You know , to my father i would say , where were you , what happened thay was so important that you couldnt teach to ride the bike , play baseball , and soany other things that i almost founf in someone else . But when you found out my mom was dating someone else you said if it was true that i had found someone else to be my dad , and i couldnt answer . Because it was true , he was never there for 6 years I had met him and he disappeared and if I try to have a relationship with him he pushes me away so f him I can do anything I want without him .
@Favoriterottmnt Год назад
My mom made me leave my dad for 11 years of my life and he comes back in my life saying he's going to stay my mom and dad were fine but then fighting was happening and more and then she says she's done then they she's says NVM we are still working on our selfs and my dad had a hard childhood and stuff he came around to see me and then he stopped because he's trying to get the money to get a house for us but now I'm stuck thing is his work more important then me while we my dad for 11 years I found out I had 3 half siblings and 2 step siblings and I see that he finds time for them but not me and it's been 2 months sense he came to visit it hurts still mom says give him time how much time do I have to give him until he's ready to fully come to my life mom says as long as it takes and im now stuck with a messed up head
@austinbradway6995 Год назад
My dad leaves us
@kaylastreets4072 Год назад
My dad is in Florida 😢😢😢😢😢
@sahilchopane8849 Год назад
It's been 7 months, I've lost my father. I'm doing well father. Wish you could see this❤
@fandomsholic504 Год назад
My dad left me and my 4 siblings and went on to have 8 more kids with 3 different women. It hurts man. Why weren’t me and my siblings enough for him?
@shannonphillips-yv4kv Год назад
im in care im 16
@sahidahmed4737 Год назад
You know what when I was born my dad was not in home he was out of station he came back after ten years
@druekobleh563 Год назад
My dad is a great father, not to me but to my older siblings and to his new children…. Why does he hate me so much, What did I DO WRONG!? I WAS 1 WHEN HE LEFT AND WHEN HE CAME BACK HE DEVIDED THAT I WAS HIS PROBLEMS! i was the WORST that ever happend to him… What did i do?….
@Ariayagamont17 Год назад
The thing is my father stayed and my mother left
@bretthemeon8269 Год назад
It's so hard to deal with a father that don't want anything to do with his only son and child it fucked me up for over 18 years but the only good thing about it is I will never stop loving my kids and I see that I have to deal with all the pain and I will not ever let that dead beat hurt my kids as he did to me fuck you
@jayliynbrickey Год назад
i know how it feels my dad left me befor i was born i know who he is and hes a back stapping tradior and i know who he is i know hes name and every thing iv been seeking for him for so long he has 2 kids and another wife he forgot about me😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😞😞😞😞😞😞😟😟😟😟😟😟🥶
@cloudy2613 Год назад
my dad left 1 year ago today he’s been an off and on drug addict and he stole almost everything in my house i’ll never forgive him
@stormiewages3602 Год назад
My father has been in and out of my life since I was 4 he finally signed his rights away at 10 and now my new father the one adopted me choose drugs over me then choose a women over me and just walked out again last night and I am 16 now
@prettygirl-fj6zw Год назад
my dad was very selfish he was abusive for my mom he always drank but before 5 years he knows that he is diabetes but he didn't stop drinking alcohol then 2 year ago the doctor told him his blood pressure was very high and he was in hospital for 3 weeks and after that he start to being nice to us he start to love my mom he stop dinking alcohol and now he give his full time for his family and we just forgive him or his past personality if your father have a personality like my father's past personality i advice you to just pray i know your father don't listen you but remember god listen you he listen me and he solve my problem so trust me he is listing you and he is working in your problem
@tavern_ledilucs8799 Год назад
All I wanted was a father…..
@Maylin_blxck 2 года назад
My das is the best 😁 he run away when I was born and come back when i was 10 then he run away with my best friend mother and blocked me on every contact we have I bet he has 4 children now and life happy while he left me traumatised and with daddy issues there That’s the best father I ever have
@kaliaramirez5399 2 года назад
My dad left me for drugs
@vaydawiles9270 2 года назад
the man i would do anything to never talk to again
@potatokink3318 2 года назад
My dad left, he walked out the door and he killed himself. I can’t relate to the people who’s parents left but are alive, but it still hurts all the same cause I’m still wondering if I was ever enough and if I ever could be enough.
@noname.707 2 года назад
@tadrexdavis8243 2 года назад
Its been a year since he's talked to me, the longest it's eve been and I know that all he does is hurt me but I still love my dad
@springlite3526 2 года назад
@cc-fq7yk 2 года назад
He loved me once.
@alinakit6665 2 года назад
my dad left when I was 4 .he had beaten me and my mother but I still want to get to know him.And I don't understand why tbh
@2024herewecome 2 года назад
It’s sad for me to see all my Friends have dads and have fun with them. My dad left before I was born and he has a new family now and a wife. 😭 I love My mom so much but there is just one missing part of my heart u know 😭 can anyone relate ? 😭😢 it is so hard for my to see My half siblings have a dad and seeing how much fun they have with him 😭😢
@2024herewecome 2 года назад
I’m sorry it’s hard 😢
@sarahgallaher1597 2 года назад
My dad left me for another family he let me go for another daughter for another son and he let me go like a piece of trash I don't forgive him he left and that was his choice
@b.kalisingh8513 2 года назад
Geloof het of niet... De Geschiedenis herhaalt zich vaak... Als een vader zijn kinderen verlaat...doen zijn kinderen vaak precies hetzelfde....ze verlaten ook hun kinderen....het lijkt net een ziekte..erfelijkheid....
@s2_trappy159 2 года назад
It very surprisingly thaf your dad just doesnt want u n he want see see you when your like 13 or 14 and then u don't know if u want to see him or not bc your scared hes gonna break your heart again 😔😭😒 my dad didnt even feed me at once like when i was 2. He was never there for me but my other dad was. Hr told me that it is up to me to see himbor not but it wikk breka him and that im just to scared to see him like just in case he ever hurt me as he did when i was born 😔😔😔 but what the point having a dad when they don't bother it is there duty to stay by there childs side anytime anywhere .there just No point😔😔
@bakug0esimp4ever44 2 года назад
I still have my dad but since I'm a girl he loves my brother's more since I can't do as much as they can even when I try my hardest to impress him it's always " ok that's nice" but when my brothers need something or do something he's so exsited and happy
@aya-3790 2 года назад
I don't wanna see him again anyway
@YourstrulyAlastor666 2 года назад
My father chose drugs over me... I hardly remember the last time I saw him... And who needs a father?! Not me! I have a mother who is my father as well! I don't need my dad!
@amarajansen4588 2 года назад
my dad left before ii was born , ii felt so empty w/o him , ii felt incomplete , he came into my life right befote ii graduated high school , he left me again , for his new family.
@Rae2710 2 года назад
When I was little he was in and out of my life. Then when I was six I stopped seeing father altogether. Now my sister hates him and my brother loves him. I don't know who to agree with because I don't know my dad.
@davidbowie4993 2 года назад
I used to visit my dad until his mom threatened to kidnap me and my brother so my mom call CPS and the only way to get them put of my life was to tell him I didn't want to see him anymore. I knew deep down he was happy that he didn't have the responsibility of us anymore but I wanted to believe he loved us. I was hoping he would beg for us to stay he didn't.
@sleepyangelzzz 2 года назад
My dad left when I was 6 cause he hid a family with another kid my mom couldn’t pay bills cause it was only her and me so we had to live at my grandmas house so we slept in the living room for a year them my mom met my step dad and we bought a house now I am 13 and I forget he exists sometimes but I sometimes cry at night thinking I why did he leave me and my mom
@evehatrik5915 2 года назад
Fathers leave while their job is to stay
@Pheaktra03 2 года назад
I’m today years old and I just realized that he wanna leave me since I was a child. Now he left…
@bea-bloody 2 года назад
I have 2 dads. 1 was married to my mom and when I was going through the toughest time in my life he wasn’t there for me. My Biological dad didn’t under stand what was happening so he didn’t help. I only had my mom at that time. Btw I’m only 15