Homebrewed Tabletop
Homebrewed Tabletop
Homebrewed Tabletop
The new channel is still a work in progress but I cover TTRPG's, Board Games and Industry News. If you are a huge nerd who is into roleplaying, sci-fi, fantasy, boardgames, etc... then this might be the place for you.

Im currently running open 1-3 session adventures of various types, so I invite you to drop by the discord and join a game!
Best Games | GenCon 2024
Месяц назад
Review: AlchemyRPG VTT
2 месяца назад
GURPS: 5th Edition Changes | What It Needs
2 месяца назад
Dragonbane: Ogre Mage Guide | Bestiary Build
3 месяца назад
Dragonbane: Thief Build Guide
4 месяца назад
Dragonbane: Ultimate Knight Tank Build Guide
4 месяца назад
PAX East Interview: Alchemy Virtual Tabletop
6 месяцев назад
@yvesschnoebelen2954 18 часов назад
More than self contain books, I really think that all we need is a better layout in the basic sets, and something that looks like the way a competitor did with basic roleplaying game: simple rules, that can be completed with optional rules if needed, with the simple rules being a fully playable game on its own.
@TinyTactician День назад
I'm glad youre covering this great publisher, and product. I'm looking forward to playing the board game, Fateforge Chronicles of Kaan
@homebrewedtabletop День назад
I actually played it at gencon! I have to say, it’s being developed by a different company just using the fateforge IP, and I personally found it to be mid. Kind of unfortunate but I love everything that studio agate has done so far. Let me know if you have a different experience though, I hope it was just me or being tired at a con.
@TinyTactician День назад
That slow walking mallard, is prime candidate to go on a quest for some boots of speed.
@homebrewedtabletop День назад
Haha 100%
@TinyTactician День назад
I agree with most everything you said. The only thing I would add is, they need to hire a layout designer for their books. They are really really frustratingly laid out and, formatted. Just walls of text, like they just threw images in a word document.
@homebrewedtabletop День назад
That’s fair. I’ve recently been looking at Car Wars to do a review on it, and the rule book for a board game is top notch. It’s a small company so hopefully it’s the same person doing layout for all of their products moving forward. Fingers crossed 🤞
@TinyTactician 16 часов назад
@@homebrewedtabletop Hell yeah looking forward to that. Car Wars is something I always wanted to play.
@TinyTactician День назад
GURPS gets a bit of a reputation for being complicated, but honestly, it can be pretty simple if you stick to the basics. The core system is just rolling 3d6 and trying to get under your skill or stat, which is super easy to wrap your head around. The complexity really comes from all the optional stuff you can add in, but you don’t have to use it. If you just want a straightforward game, you can keep it light and ignore most of the extras. It’s really as simple or detailed as you want it to be, which is kind of the cool part. You can mod the game to be exactly what you want.
@homebrewedtabletop День назад
I agree, I just think most people come to GURPS because they have heard you can make whatever character or world you want. Then it’s an issue of complexity to make that happen. But again, I basically agree with you here.
@Grumplestitskin 2 дня назад
Looking forward to the character creation videos
@homebrewedtabletop День назад
Ive got one of the world of Constantine that Im editing for the 5th time, but it should be out soon! Ive had a lot of issues with companies not wanting any of their material used on youtube, fair use or not. Pretty understandable really but it's been complicating things a bit.
@lyrielle5631 6 дней назад
So cool that you got to talk to him! I forgot that they were coming out with a Divinity board game! I hope the cat is a character in it, I loved befriending him. He was tough to win over but if I didn't succeed in making him my friend (or if something happened to him before he became immortal) I would always restart. The squirrel was amazing too (I loved his devotion to the great acorn), also hope he's featured in the board game.
@homebrewedtabletop День назад
I got to play it some and I’m 90% sure the cat is in it? Can’t remember with the squirrel. I actually recorded it but never released it to the public.
@lyrielle5631 6 дней назад
I'm looking forward to trying this, it sounds really fun!
@homebrewedtabletop 5 дней назад
It’s pretty awesome! I think you have a friend who would like the scholar class.
@lyrielle5631 6 дней назад
I was surprised how much fun I had playing this! I've never played a wargame before and honestly don't know much about the genre, so it was way outside my comfort zone and I still thought it was a lot of fun (although I didn't want any of my animal guys to get hurt 😢). And playing it as a co-op using the rules they have for that made it even better for me (especially when i was playing against someone significantly more experienced with these kind of games!)
@homebrewedtabletop 4 дня назад
Awesome to hear! It takes the cake for me for gateway wargaming, although I am really loving mech warrior (aka battletech) and car wars. The later was a huge surprise to me.
@AlexeyPetrov-n4e 6 дней назад
Only thing 5th edition really needs is to take their own Gurps Diskworld magic system as main (and rules structure) and build base for new edition around it. I wish they SJG could discover that magic system for their Basic set at release of 4th edition... They also should add more character example through the book as Chaosium did for their CoC 7th. They also should work on character progression mechanics and meaningful clear examples of it... even if its classless system, there is almost no info for new players or GMs how progression works... prerequisites for powers, magic or even skills... And of course monsters and encounter construction.
@homebrewedtabletop День назад
I need to check out the Diskworld book, I keep hearing great things about it.
@benhogan8643 8 дней назад
It may seem complicated at first but compared to alot of other wargames its a lot simpler once you play through the format is pretty similiar to most layouts of wargames rules. I also think what makes thos game great is that its written by vertern wargame rules creator Andy Chamber eg. Warhammer 40000, necromunda plus alot of.other games. As for value your spot on is the best value ive come arcoss in a long time especially for its conpleteness. Amazing breakdown of the game aswell cant wait to see more of videos.
@homebrewedtabletop 8 дней назад
Thanks Ben, really appreciate that, especially coming from a knowledgeable wargamer. I spend a great deal of time and energy on making quality reviews, glad it comes through. Agree on Andy being the reason. I should have mentioned it. I knew he had come from those other wargames but am not personally familiar with them since im new to the space. It’s definitely clear though that he knows what he’s doing. As does Thomas, in finding the right people if nothing else. lol Thanks for watching and dropping a comment!
@blkjet117 8 дней назад
This is probably one of the very best everything in one box games I have ever come across. It is nice getting terrain, but I think the play mat is too big. It should be 30" x 30". There are only 5 miniatures in a faction so game sizes are 10/15/20 for 2/3/4 players, which is the lowest model count that I am aware of. I think Moonstone does 6 figures on a side. The second box provides two different factions, another bunch of scenarios that are designed as a campaign, and more terrain. The terrain is really needed to fill out the 36" x 36" game mat. The terrain is pretty good, but not quite as good as what you get with Corvis Belle starter boxes. Only four figures less than what you get with Infinity starters, but at half the cost, with no expectations that you need to buy more figures to really play the game the way it was designed.
@homebrewedtabletop 8 дней назад
What’s crazy is I feel like there are (arguably) some even better values out there. But I might be judging differently than a long time wargamer, and would defer to a more experienced opinion. But none are as good looking, or high quality of materials, so not an apples to apples comparison either way. As a long time wargamer do you have any other games you think are worth checking out?
@blkjet117 7 дней назад
@@homebrewedtabletop Rangers of Shadowdale, and Zombicide Marvel Heroes Resisitance are both under$50. The cheapest dungeon crawl comes in a tiny tin box that fits in your pocket by Kozz Games - Dark Tomb series for $20 on kickstarter. What games do you think are great complete games in a box. There is a ton of stuff out there I don't even know exists.
@laborc8929 9 дней назад
Thanks for the mention! Great video!
@homebrewedtabletop 9 дней назад
Your painting is amazing. Can’t wait to see your channel blow up.
@mauritz3724 9 дней назад
I love this game. I’ve played it with a bunch of people, none of them wargamers, and all of them really enjoyed it from the get-go.
@homebrewedtabletop 9 дней назад
That’s awesome, glad to hear others have had similar experiences to mine. Are you the wargamer in the group or is everyone new?
@FamilyTableTop 10 дней назад
Do you really think this game is beginner friendly? The video makes the game seem pretty complicated… have you found a wargame that plays like Slay the Spire? The problem with a lot of these tt war games is that a new player needs to know more than they can remember on a first game - every one of these games need to have a cooperative mode.
@homebrewedtabletop 10 дней назад
I think when compared to the handful (10 ish) of war games I have played, I do think it’s one of the most beginner friendly. Given, most war games are not at all beginner friendly, so there is some perspective there. Actually why I’m doing the series because they have been completely inaccessible for most people for so long. I would also say with the rules I was disappointed as I mentioned. And that very much detracts from the new player accessibility. On slay the spire I think you mean a game where you build up your style as you play and then adapt based on the situation you are faced with? If so, no, I have not. I’m only about 10 games deep though and I’m sure there are well over a hundred in the space. Hundreds if you count those that a mostly similar. I think for me having come from a ttrpg background I didn’t find my options overwhelming, even if I didn’t understand or act in my own best interest at all times. And with the ingrained randomness’s I found it more forgiving. Not to give too much away but when I compare this to other war games, I find some so much more tactics based that the skill gap is a mile wide, others are just too complex and/or poorly designed that it feels like taking a college course just to understand the game, and so on. So there is 100% some comparison bias. Land of the blind and all that. If you happen to know of one that’s not any of these things though, let me know, because I’m still looking. Also agree that the coop mode is great, and I wish they wouldn’t have buried its existent. TBH I could have said a lot more about the rulebook, and I did, I just cut it for time. Love to hear more of what you think, you seem like you have some experience in this space and while I’m not truly new to it, I feel like I am.
@FamilyTableTop 11 дней назад
This is a great explanation video. Well done. Very helpful 🎉. Do you have a favorite system? You said you like crunchy like GURPS - is GURPS your favorite?
@homebrewedtabletop 10 дней назад
Thank you! I try to put as much care into my reviews as the rpg/game devs do with their work. GURPS is indeed my favorite system, although it has its hang ups. I actually did a couple of videos on it here if you’re really interested. But the tldr is that while it’s amazing, it’s also too much for more people (myself included at times).
@FamilyTableTop 10 дней назад
@@homebrewedtabletop I will take a look at your videos about GURPs to get a better idea about the game system. Thank you
@dvosburg1966 13 дней назад
Gurps is awesome. It is far better than D%D, SWADE, and PbtA, or any other of that ilk. I loathe the current mantra of "simplify".
@homebrewedtabletop 12 дней назад
I think part of the reason for the move towards simplicity is that DnD is so poorly optimized that people think they need more simplicity when in reality they just need a better designed system. But when you only play one game, you have nothing to compare it to.
@Kylrue 17 дней назад
I took a shot every time to said vtt
@homebrewedtabletop 16 дней назад
Haha are you okay, or do I need to send an ambulance? I noticed the same thing in editing, and part of it is because this is from two different recordings. I decided mashing them up was the best solution vs a reshoot. I’m honestly rarely happy with my finished products, but at some point I have to send something out the door. I’ll keep working and iterating though. Thanks for watching and dropping a comment. Let me know if you come up with any more fun drinking games. Lol
@liambrennan7410 20 дней назад
Third party content making D&D the game it is today is not the winning selling point you think it is 😂
@homebrewedtabletop 20 дней назад
I meant the most popular rpg game by far, and it’s growing player base over the years. But I’m not selling anything, so I’m confused by your comment.
@FuzzballStudios 22 дня назад
Mechanist actually refers to mechanism: the belief that the universe is an interconnected machine.
@homebrewedtabletop 22 дня назад
Oh cool. Where is the lore from? I would love to catch up on it.
@tubebobwil 24 дня назад
I appreciated having your use of the system displayed behind you while you were talking.
@homebrewedtabletop 23 дня назад
Thank you, I try to spend time in editing to make these videos the best I can!
@BanjoSick 24 дня назад
And that is why I play Rolemaster. Way less rules, most stuff just backed into the charts. Skill + Stat bonus + circumstance + d100 and read the chart, done! Super specific results without all the hassle. I like GURPS, I just don‘t like to play it.
@homebrewedtabletop 23 дня назад
Made me lol when you said you like it, just don’t like to play it. I have learned recently a lot of people feel the same, and use it to world build, but not actually. I need to check out Rolemaster. I’ve heard of it before but never played.
@BanjoSick 23 дня назад
@@homebrewedtabletop And I really mean it. GURPS is a much more thought out system than my dear Rolemaster and is the source of many of my house rules. The skill system has been a constant hassle in all 3 versions of Rolemaster and the defaulting to stat or similar skill in GURPS helped me solve that. RuneQuest/BRP is also great in that regard with its base chance mechanism. To me they are the big 3 in simulationist role playing and I happen to like the Rolemaster action resolution (tables and charts) best, so I make the rest fit. Rolemaster Classic is the best if you ask me. They sell that on DriveThru:)
@BanjoSick 23 дня назад
@@homebrewedtabletop I took many house rules from Gurps, especially the rules for defaulting to similar skills/attributes helped me to improve RM weak spot, the skill system. If you want to dip a toe in the water, Rolemaster Classic (on DriveThru) is best place to start.
@BanjoSick 24 дня назад
Just upgraded to 4th Edition…
@homebrewedtabletop 23 дня назад
Noo!!! lol well hopefully you’ve got some time.
@tstormn3tw0rk35 26 дней назад
I started playing GURPS 5 years ago (2 years after I was introduced to 5e), and I've never looked back. You are absolutely right! GURPS needs a better & more cohesive jumping-on point without sacrificing its greater depth, and some kind of tool to create a basic writeup of all the rules you are using. I love GURPS though, aside from maybe homebrewed to hell FATE, its the only system that can handle my game!
@Danielle_The_DataWitch 27 дней назад
Great review that highlights some of the pros and cons of GURPS! I played and GM'd for about 6 years before switching to FFG Star Wars and now the equivalent setting-agnostic Genesys. How would you compare the "fiction-first" Genesys with the "hardware-store" approach of GURPS?
@homebrewedtabletop 27 дней назад
I have a confession to make… I mostly know Fantasy Flight for Twilight Imperium and some of their other board games. I have not actually played Genesys or the FFG system (although I’m familiar with some of the more well known mechanics). Sounds like I should put it on my list to try though, if you recommend it?
@Danielle_The_DataWitch 27 дней назад
@@homebrewedtabletop Genesys is a lot of fun. Where GURPS is sometimes a toolsets for simulating *physics*, Genesys is a toolset for simulating *fiction*. It's core mechanic has more room for narrative play as well, which suits my style. I highly recommend giving it a try if you can!
@homebrewedtabletop 20 дней назад
Will do! Sounds a bit similar in intention to Fate then?
@Danielle_The_DataWitch 20 дней назад
@@homebrewedtabletop I think so, though Genesys may lean even further toward narrative. Since you mentioned Twilight Imperium, they did release a setting book just for that. I haven't tried it, but I've heard good things if you're in the mood for a space opera with lots of opportunity for intrigue.
@frederickmontero5077 Месяц назад
With GURPS,, you can mix genres. Once I started a cyberpunk game that evolved to a fantasy game. Something like Evil Dead 3 with Akira.
@homebrewedtabletop 29 дней назад
Haha nice. Yeah, I like to pull rules in depending on the flavor of adventure I’m going for. So adding grit if the party visits a low magic desert world, or horror if they are diving into a forgotten crypt.
@darth_zorg Месяц назад
Great stuff and also a very balanced comparison.
@homebrewedtabletop 29 дней назад
Thanks Zorg, I appreciate it.
@dane3038 Месяц назад
Yeah, I'm over subscription services. Foundry VTT: One time $50. Does everything Roll20 can do and does it better.
@hectamus_ Месяц назад
Didn’t know about this! Thanks for talking about it. Will definitely support them!
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
Awesome, I’m glad it wasn’t old news to everyone. I didn’t seen much about it here on RU-vid when researching for the video.
@yourgmchandler Месяц назад
One of Alchemy's best features is its flexibility. As an example, if you wanted your players to have personal journals, you could simply create a custom item called Player Journal or whatever you like and place that in your game. Players can add it to their equipment list and then open it and edit it with markdown capabilities. Another approach would be to create a player container, called a module, where in you give them access and control. They can then create articles as journal notes and those could be shared among the whole party. There are lots of ways to get things done in Alchemy that I am discovering as I learn it better and that reminds me a lot of Foundry, but it's a lot simpler.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
Oh that’s cool, I didn’t think of that as a workaround, or maybe they didn’t have it at time of testing? Either way cool to see. Thanks for passing on the info!
@odinulveson9101 Месяц назад
First. Also check out Dragon Breath/ Dragepust from Spillforlaget- the Gaming Publisher🇧🇻. Its a very new Norwegian ttrpg thats very special and ease of use to get younger peeps to try 😄So Dragonbane/ Drakebane or Dragons and Demons/ Drakar och Demonar from Swedish Free League- Frie Ligan🇸🇪 is just so good. Lovely art by Johan Egerkrans and their own ambient music of same name . Got " Simple " yet deep combat, magic system, boons&banes, VERY easy homebrewing of monsters, new ancestries even classes. Also as with 9/10 Frie Ligan ttrpg games, Its SOLID regarding Solo and and Co-op play aswell as standard GM+players. Still room to expand on with homebrew and official stuff, wish they had official plastic minis along with otherwise awesome standees
@odinulveson9101 Месяц назад
First off. Love your content. Could you do a Draconomicon series of all different new and new takes on dragons from Kobold Presses books? Tales of Valiant, Creature Codex, Tome of Beasts 1-3? Im gonna get the ToV PHB and GM Guide soon. But I HAD to grab the Monster Vault book! Why? Oh sure alot of new monsters and in general a new backstory, behaviour+preferences, take/ twist on existing ones from base D&D5e14/24. BUT the creators did something ( Kobold Press in general ) tgat WotC totally draaaags their heels on. And that is to add new types of kinda forgotten dragons of chromatic, metallic ( gems someday too I hope ) and miscellanious ones. They frigging added YELLOW dragons! Behaviour like a reptilian cat with radiant breath weapon ala a gem Crystal dragon! Also a purple Voud dragon! Want to fill in more missing chromatics? Brown sand dragons from Tome of Beasts 3 and orange wasteland dragons from Creature Codex. Sure all but yellows have a different naming than their colored scales but still. THIS also makes me think of using these for inspiration creating dragonborna after these ALONG the original takes on aforementioned chromatics. D&D yellows have salty bludgeoning+blinding breath, lives by the coast. Oranges live in jungles and have oily salvia with sodium mixed in to immolate and explode prey in water and purples have plasma breath and live in Upper underdark, neighbours to Lower u.d deep dragon sub species and Middle u.d 3e/4e purples. Browns in DnD had acidic breath but I rather have ToV browns which does split dmg with fire and piercing sand. Grey are missing but in DnD they are purely physical and tough with draining piercing bite, they have thanks to Tiamat acid breah but just homebrew it to acid dmg at bite instead so it stays unique.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
Thanks Salty! I really appreciate it! I do plan to continue covering all things ToV in the future. Although time is a constraint right now as I build up a catalog of videos. I was going to skip covering the Monster Vault, as I didn’t have a lot to say about it, but after hearing how excited you are about it, I feel like I should give it a go! I might have to figure out a different format than what I typically do with reviews though, so I’ll have to think on that. Thank for taking the time to say hello and passing on all the dragon info! Hope to see you around!
@odinulveson9101 Месяц назад
@@homebrewedtabletop I' ll stick around! And dont stress out too much. All you content creators work is admirable and guess not easy
@Joshuazx Месяц назад
Video is well done, but this system is not for me and I hope everyone plays Shadowdark RPG.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
Haha got a pdf to review, and I can’t wait!
@connors7078 Месяц назад
It did not take 4 decades for D&D to add short descriptions in spell lists. The 3E versions did.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
Indeed, thank you, I genuinely appreciate the correction. A few others pointed this out as well. I played a lot of 3-3.5 back in the day and had forgotten this, or perhaps had assumed they would not regress. Clearly I was wrong. Although I’m not sure the regression is quite the brag some have claimed it to be.
@connors7078 Месяц назад
@@homebrewedtabletop Agree it is a regression. I was not bragging. I just saw that part and went, "I'm sure the PHB used to have those." Yes. Weird they let that go. I think there might have been some argument about it cluttering up the spell lists. I don't really care either way. I actually hate the class-based spell lists for D&D :D
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
@@connors7078 Oh, I didnt mean you. A few die hard WotC fans have given me a talking to on various social platforms. Like missing that one fact made me the stupidest person ever and completely negated any other points I had. So you know, typical internet conversation. lol Yeah, I have heared page count was an issue, but that seems crazy so idk about it. Felt like copium. I think it's more likely the people making the content are some combination of overworked, underpaid, or just plain not listened to.
@connors7078 Месяц назад
@@homebrewedtabletop All good. Ignore the haters. Keep doing what you're doing. It was a good summary. I prolly did not need to point that out - it just made me think I am sure it has been done in past :D
@Val-ym8pm Месяц назад
I think Tales of the Valiant is better update of 5e than the new players handbook 2024
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
I suspected that might end up being the case. A friend offered to show me the 2024 handbook at GenCon but I haven’t gotten to do much more than glance at a few things. Were you one of the lucky few to have gotten one, or have you scoured the web for it?
@zimthefan6258 Месяц назад
more of these reviews of classes?
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
I hope to again in the future. I’ve got a grip of full ttrpgs/settings to review, editing one for Fateforge right now, which is a 5e setting that includes a new class (scholar), a bunch of subclasses, and a grip of other things.
@zimthefan6258 Месяц назад
@@homebrewedtabletop could you review the talent by Matt colville
@martijnsanders8527 Месяц назад
Had a number accidental reveals with dynamic lighting that ruined sessions. Since then i am an advocate of manual fog: the GM controls what is visible the GM sees what players see, everybody sees the same, players do not need to move their tokens to peek around the corner. On top it saves hours of prep time: just drop the map and you are good to go. Not being able to manual handle fog of war has stopped me from using foundryvtt during play. Dynamic Lighting SimpleFog is a foundryvtt module that provides manual painted fog (and the module even has a maintainer again). But it's written by a programmer: too many options that you need to change for each map.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
Thanks for the info on that module. I feel the same about most of them tbh. After playing MMOs for years the whole addon thing gets only. Not one paying anyone to keep them up to date, so they always end up with issues or deprecated. And yeah, I’ve also had those same accidentals. Thanks for dropping a comment!
@martijnsanders8527 Месяц назад
WHat i like about Alchemy is the focus on mood. A visible battlemap primes players for the combat. Less than half of my sessions require a battlemap.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
Yeah, I agree it does that very well.
@sqoody7invegas625 Месяц назад
ive used foundry for over 2 years, the fog of war is easiest thing in world to set up. give tokens certain distance and angle of vision and thats that. is very easy, it will be ok homebrew. just because an 8 year old can add or remove fog doesnt mean it is the best out there.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
I had to have stated several times in here that Foundry is my preferred VTT, but just because l don’t like all the features you like, or even if I like them, but not as much as you… that’s not a personal attack on you, so please try not to take it that way. Ive used foundry since it came out. If you don’t think the option to toggle on a brush on/brush off fog of war on the fly is a good idea, I don’t know what to tell you. Especially when the party takes a left turn you didn’t expect, and now you are having to load in a random map you had. Having to add wall lines to a map is tedious. If you havnt had that experience you are probably in the minority (and I’m guessing using software that does it for you). For the rest of us it’s a great feature that I would like to see in more vtts.
@ChrisK-sn5ho Месяц назад
GURPS Lite rules only for an initial campaign or just skim the Basic Set rules to fit our needs? I have several source books and am excited to GM a multi-shot campaign of some “genre” and don’t want to weigh down myself and other PCs who are also new to GURPS. I want the game to run cinematically if that’s possible.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
I would go with GURPS Lite for that. As players/You want to add things in to customized their setting/characters/etc… then add those things in. Otherwise it’s a very long process to get your head around everything.
@samuraichamploo101 Месяц назад
Solid video and a great review. Looking forward to seeing what else you post.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
Thanks Samurai, I spend a lot of time on all my reviews, and I appreciate you letting me know that time is well spent. I've got a whole grip of reviews in the pipeline covering everything from more VTT's to skirmish style wargames. Couldnt be more excited to be doing what Im doing!
@MarkoPareigis Месяц назад
Interestingly, I haven't come across a GURPS video that so thoroughly disagree with (100%). Nothing of what you say would improve GURPS imo. OK, this is my opinion and you may choose to disagree. But let me explain. I play GURPS because I can fully customize it TO MY OWN WORLD's look and feel. If I want magic to feel a certain way I build it so it feels that way and fits into my world. In one of my current games I have four different “Magic Systems” that all feel different and leave each of the player characters using them their own “niche” to fill without treading on each others toes and feeling like “a party of wizards” even though there’s no “non-magic-user” in the group. I don't need "a ton of" pre-made genre books that limit me and dictate what "Fantasy" or "Cyberpunk" is supposed to look and feel like. Our games are (and should be imo) as diverse as the Genre of Fantasy is; add the diversity of SiFi, Cyberpunk, Steampunk, Mystery etc etc. You get the picture. When I start a campaign in a new world I ask “what makes this world unique?” Books like GURPS Fantasy, Space, Cyberpunk, Thaumatology and Powers (and others) give me the tools to customize the world's look and feel. I want a Shadowrun Technomancer? Maybe I want it to feel like Magic (using Thaumatology Sorcery rules) or I’ll use the rules outlined in Pyramid Magazine ‘Cyberpunk’ issue PY21:3; if I want an Iron Kingdoms Alchemist I could use the rules for Alchemical Elixirs from Thaumatology Ritual Path Magic or the Alchemy Rules from GURPS Magic, whatever feels closer to what Alchemy is in my world. I could make my Crime Series cop use the cinematic rules from GunFu and Martial Arts, the realistic ranged combat rules from Basic Set or the fast paced and action loaded rules from the GURPS Actions series. It all depends on how I want MY world to feel. Nitty-gritty realistic? Cinematic over the top? Cinematic fast paced and action packed? It’s all right there. Also I don't want the same rule repeated across a dozen or more books just to make them "self contained”. Frankly, I’m already a bit annoyed that the aforementioned RPM-Alchemy rules are republished in the RPM-book after previously being published in Pyramid Magazine (though I admit it's a logical thing to do). My GURPS library is big enough as it is. I don't need "balancing" as that is largely a D&D concept (Challenge Rating, really?) and plainly is counter productive to players being creative and having fun. Point's are a currency aimed at making players choose certain things more often or less often depending on price. Plain and simple. If, as a GM, I want certain traits being chosen more often, I make them cheaper. When I design abilities with my players I make sure that everyone has fun during play. Playing D&D with a power-build druid with more tanking-ability than the tank, more damage dealing ability than the damage dealer and more stealth then the rogue may be “balanced” but it’s not fun imo. Niche protection, playability, good fit into the world and allowing spotlight for everyone (which is similar but different from niche protection!) is what matters when balancing. Does my ST/DX fighter have enough points to also cast magic and sneak into the fortress? No, you need to choose between those by choosing how to spend your “currency”. How would you “balance” something like “Combat Reflexes” with “Charisma”? One is mostly useless in social encounters, the other is useless in combat (unless you allow Bulletproof N. B417 cinematic option). What’s the point of “balancing” that? I repeat my answer for that: niche protection, playability, good fit into the world and allowing spotlight for everyone. As for IP and third party content (tpc), I have no strong opinion about that. But the way I see it is that most D&D tpc is world books and the like. While it may be beneficial to GURPS overall to acquire licenses for some big-name worlds like ‘The Song of Ice and Fire’ or Firefly, etc. and publish world books for that, it’s not to be expected that 3rd party publishers would choose GURPS as the rules system for a world that they have the license for. If a 3rd party publisher acquired a license from let’s say Disney and dishes out major money for that what system would they use? Most likely the system with the largest market share, right? (undoubtedly that would be D20/D&D5e). So it would again be more a matter of SJG acquiring the license and then publishing the world book as they have in the past (like Vampire the Masquerade or Traveller). And if I had a world book to publish for my own world, I’m sure it’d be easy to approach SJG and cut a deal with them so I can put “made for GURPS” or “Powered by GURPS” on the cover with me taking the full publishing risk… So no, this is not what GURPS 5th Edition would need imo…
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
Hey Marko! Thanks for taking the time to drop a comment! I really do appreciate it. While it is always nice to hear others feel the same, it is equally important to me to hear from those that dont. I dont want to live in an echo chamber. Also, the long delay is simply because of the length of the message, I didnt want to give you a one sentence reply when you took all of this time. I don't know that I have a lot to say in responce to all of this, because I largely agree with you. I think the main thing we disagree on is a matter of perspective. Im coming at the issue from a place of wanting more people to play GURPS, because I think that would lead to more interest, and would be beneficial to all of us who already play. And for most people, being given a box of tools to build what you want, is just too much. Perhaps think legos vs a machine shop, both let you build, one is suitable for a larger audience. Ill be honest with you, I think combat reflexes shouldnt exist. Or rather should everyone should generally be assumed to have it, and those who dont take it as a disadvantage. Being completely locked out of a combat as a PC is pretty rough, extremely niche, and incredibly easy for new players to miss (along with Kroms "everyman" skills). And your point about balance is exactly mine, how do you balance combat when one player might be a power gamer and another just wants to talk to plants? How do you design adventures around such a thing that are interesting to all parties at all times? I personally would like a lot more help with seperating those things into buckets so that I can give my PC's easy to follow guidelines. That is all I am really saying. And I think books that have prepackaged settings with GURPS would help with that. But at the end of the day, I imagine SJGames with their decades of data have a better handle of it that I do, or perhaps they just have different goals. Either way, I would not want to loose the core essense of what GURPS is, after all, thats why I like it so much.
@MarkoPareigis Месяц назад
@@homebrewedtabletop Hey, thanks for the long answer. I agree that for a GURPS beginner the sheer amount of options and the seemingly infinite number of interactions between modifiers may be quite overwhelming. It’s like learning to drive on a Honda Civic and suddenly sitting in a Lamborghini without launch control… Worldbuilding is hard, really hard. As someone who has (I think rather successfully) adapted two RPG worlds (Shadowrun and Iron Kingdoms), one TV-series (Warehouse 13) and created a homebrew world, I feel the pain of everyone doing it… it’s daunting to say the least. Helping gamers (GM mostly imo) to start with GURPS is certainly a good cause. I think we’re very much on the same page with that. As chance has it, I’m watching a video on World Building on RU-vid while I write this (by easyGURPS). That gives me the idea that I think SJ Games could do a better job in helping players / GMs to build their own worlds. Something along the lines of the Campaign Planning Form on B567 but more extensive and “step-by-step”. Add in a “Worldbuilding Beginners Guide” which could mostly be the fundamentals from or a cut down version of books like GURPS Thaumatology and GURPS Powers and a lot more GM may decide to switch. Just my 2 cents … cheers and happy gaming
@RikThunder33 5 дней назад
thank you. My opinions, reflected and extrapolated.
@nickmayhew9722 Месяц назад
GURPS didn't even need a 4th edition.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
You’re not the only one to feel this way. I played 3rd, and remember it being hard to recall the changes when playing 4th after a stint in the army. But honestly now I have the opposite problem.
@rob7953 Месяц назад
Probably not completely on topic, but better layout design. Stat blocks, particularly when presented as templates, are headache-inducing. I know that adding white space will also add to the page count, but I think the benefits in readability would outweigh that drawback. An optimized layout can also lead to a more efficient and easy to use flow of information. I agree that SJG needs to embrace third party creators rather than holding them out at arms length. At the very least they need to hire an attorney that can create a licensing pathway that they can live with and doesn't discourage people from publishing content. And they're also in dire need of courting evangelists to help market the game. Also agree with self-contained genre books. I will say that the current ones are fantastic resources for worldbuilding, but if someone only wants to play science fiction games, don't make them by books with content they're not interested in. Hero System does this: you can get the Champions supplement to go with the core books of you want to play a superhero game and already have the core rules, or you can just buy Champions Complete if you don't. Not that Hero is a model of business success either, but it is a much more accessible way to play the game you want to play. Just some of my ideas.
@bocconom Месяц назад
I have bought a lot of Kobold Press books particularly their fantastic Midguard setting offerings. I'll need to look into this for sure. new sub.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
Awesome, glad to have you here! I think we will be seeing refreshes on everything in the near future after talking with them at gencon. At least that’s the vibe I got.
@andynonimuss6298 Месяц назад
Menyr by Nog Studio will be the VTT that overtakes all of them.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
It would be great if we could get more VTTs on the market. I haven’t seen much actual gameplay for something supposed to be launching this year but fingers crossed.
@houligan5254 Месяц назад
We tried GURPS for a campaign, and it just didnt hit right for us. The giant tool box and crunch was too much. It does have my absolute favorite rpg element though, which was the flaw 'Major Delusion' and the example "Ice cream makes computer run better, spoon it right in"
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
That’s totally understandable and something I hope they fix if they make a new version. Also love the delusions! I went with the “squirrels are secretly messengers from the gods” for my Ranger in 3rd addition. lol
@houligan5254 Месяц назад
Because ToV changes the levels that features are gained at, it does have the downside of being slightly less backwards compatible versus something like Level Up.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
100% and I would like a conversion guide tbh.
@ScottnCarol4JC Месяц назад
I wish it wasn’t so expensive. I will probably go with Nimble 5e because it is much more affordable.
@homebrewedtabletop Месяц назад
Yeah, that msrp is a little steep. If you are into 5e I’ve got one coming out soon that’s literally free/pay what you want.
@wombatwad Месяц назад
Been running a game for almost a year and love it.