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Gregg Braden - a 200,000-year-old Mystery
3 месяца назад
@Ignisan_66 2 часа назад
There are many names for these mysterious beings that created us. In Gnostic texts they are called the Archons, in Summerian texts they are called the Annunaki, in the Book of Enoch which was a book in the Bible but was removed from it (wonder why), they are called the Watchers. They are all the same beings.
@DickOfTruth 2 часа назад
Ain't nobody remembering sh*t I don't give a f*k what anybody says.
@thekeyholders1 3 часа назад
Strange to go to a workshop and pay extra to sit in the VIP section only to have the head speaker to never look at anyone in the vip section that is not his special friend. He only looked over the heads of the rest of the VIPs. Felt really off.
@Casiusss3 7 часов назад
That was something
@OnihRz 14 часов назад
Can anyone explain, please, why those elements- why those numbers, and why those letters? Could it not be combined to be any combination? Meaning anything we want it to mean? Please forgive my ignorance, hope the question makes sense. Again to reiterate- what is it that makes those letters stand out, why not literally any other combination we choose? Seems that we’re pigeon holing here
@bladekick6405 15 часов назад
Everyone read life after life. I don't read books I was in library cuz I was homeless. Randomly drawn to that book. I had an NDE I never thought anyone else experienced the same thing. I found they did. It gave me comfort of beyond a doubt knowing there is more.
@Panzerlang 17 часов назад
The scumbag Anunnaki did it.
@MadameZeroni473 День назад
This is consistent with buddhism. Look at the lifespan of the devas or divine beings. Incredible amounts of time. They supposedly have refined bodies thst dont work like ours. Energy bodies so to speak. And in that cosmological model, these kings are not even that long lived in comparison to the higher beings even at the lower levels. Very interesting
@jonasannon День назад
I was able to do this once, i couldn't do it alone i was with another, very close in a very sensual sitting. with some mind altering .. enhancing things going on. it was very strange as it seems through many lives we often run into the same people playing different roles (over many thousands of years i assume) I had ran into this girl many times before and flashes of those memories came to us both, well she claimed to of had the same memories but how would I truly know. it's been 5 or so years since then and i went through a major life awakening and reset not long after but i can think for sure of a few people i swear i've ran into many many time's in many many lives. one of these people helped me ...well thats another story
@asifjavedcloud День назад
Real question is... Why is a thunder cat teaching us genetics?
@bleeper999 День назад
Was it one ruler or a dynasty of genetic clones of the one person?
@nothingbutthebest513 День назад
Keep your perspectives open, as opposed to always following. Seek information from several sources. Don't become hypnotized, no matter how good the song sung by the mesmerist.
@elaineschiefer-feria516 День назад
I have been with you for a long time and I agree with what you say, it is like an echo 🙏
@trailblazing1776 2 дня назад
This is already happening here in California= Chem trails. They've been doing this for years, unfortunately. There has been secret "undercover" recordings released as well as pilots from northern CA admitting to flights where they were hired to release unknown tanks into the air. I live in foothills in a direct flight path and also have perfect video of these airplanes doing this at the beginning of the day and then later in the day after what they spray blankets the sky! WEF needs to be stopped now. Their intentions are to dramatically reduce the worlds population, and EVERYTHING in this video is a big part of their plan.
@healinginteriors 2 дня назад
Thanks for sharing these tough conversations that many more of us need to be having. Namaste🙏🏼✨🪶
@RieNord 2 дня назад
Everything goes better with heart brain coherence
@choychanma5695 2 дня назад
Thank you, Gregg. So interesting.
@f4showtime 2 дня назад
the answer to the missing link, but it was written down, and yes were 300 thousand years they even gave us a date, we were called the LU, which means mixed beings....
@KalenderiCakiroglu 2 дня назад
Sending love from my heart 💚🪶 thank you for working on the collective consciousness of our one human family
@natashanonnattive4818 2 дня назад
We have Energy Health to, not specifically physical. The Earth is surrounded by energy waves to. We see those when we view Rainbows
@leafe-lu3jd 2 дня назад
Also doctors won't tell you this but when you get angry and anxious you can get this psycosomatic symptom where you feel itchy, when he talked about body temperature I thought about blood pressure and this is the problem I have. I actually have tried to talk to our mayor and today just emailed what I hope is the tops of mental health to try to talk about changes, I have fought this medication crap for years, meds don't do poop for me and it seems to be their only solution for mental health. So for those who have mental illness like me you do have a warrior fighting for us and if it doesn't work this time around then I think we are all just better off without these organizations and finding solutions for ourselves because that is another thing they tell you to do in the mental health system so they don't do anything at all might as well do for yourself. Don't let these ahole organizations being you down further because you don't need to add their crap onto yourself either, you are more than just a pill, you are amazing and magnificent.
@leafe-lu3jd 2 дня назад
I really love you! I enjoy your analytical mind and how smoothly you read it out to us. Also I would like to add to this that when I did Tai chi and then chakra opening with the mantra my sciatica literally healed and I was super charged with energy. We are incredible beings and have lots of power use it my beauties! Much love to all here! Blessed be.
@mybibletruth9073 2 дня назад
-if satan can appear and emanate the harmony’s he learned from the creator and we know he wants to be as God and worshipped so then the fallen ones want the same thing for themselves. - If you do not call on Gods name yay ho vah or his son yesh uah then you are only going to have interchange with an imposter that slips 10% lie ( which is all that is needed ) to lead you astray. -Power and manifestations are not the true indicator of full truth but they are fruits of mere belief. - when you interpret scripture of the Old and New Testament in such a way that it is all in alignment and not contrary to itself then you will begin to find pure truth of the one and only creator. his sound frequency is his one name pronounced yay ho vah. His earth born son fulfilled the types and shadows of the Old Testament and died on a cross and raised from the dead with nail holes in his hands and feet. THE NAME YHVH is Gods name without vowels. The letters mean H-behold V-the nail H-behold Y- the hand. ( Yeshua /Jesus the Christ had the hands with nail imprints and this is a part of his name/Identity ) So, The Fathers name resounds the son. Jesus name- “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬ “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, And they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭1‬:‭23‬ ‭KJV‬‬ They are as one. Jesus said “ JUST AS I AM IN THE FATHER AND THE FATHER IN ME SO SHALL I BE IN YOU AND YOU IN ME.” - When you operate your life as Christ for Christ and obey what he taught his disciples then you oneness has begun. John 7:37-39 Acts 2. I did not mention a church group- You might be alone in your pursuit of truth but thats why its called a narrow road to heaven and few there be that find it. remember :your goal has nothing to do with any benefit to your personal body. dont be carnal
@kathtownsend3099 2 дня назад
How lucky are we that this human being is around in our lifetime to share and bring to our attention the wisdom he shares with us ♥️
@RieNord 2 дня назад
Det kan jeg jo ikke leve op til
@pascalefournier3611 2 дня назад
Why do you never speak about saving energy it is the bigger source of energy .
@suranramdass1885 2 дня назад
The bible even spoke about reincarnation but the church totally disagrees and rejects it.
@suechan6414 3 дня назад
Thank you for bringing to our attention The Prayers of the Cosmos by Neil Douglas-Klotz! It's available as PDF downloads on a number of websites. I will now have something to study and add to my understanding of the teachings by Neville Goddard, Joel Goldsmith and others on the Law of Manifestation.
@PatriciaKhachadoorian 3 дня назад
The World Coin & CHAT GPC (*giggle, awesome*) 😊
@PatriciaKhachadoorian 3 дня назад
@daisy1441 3 дня назад
15:30 HEART FIVE Minute Medt - Touch your HEART Center / shift your awareness there - Slow your Breathing / 5 sec in . . 5 sec out - Breath into your Heart Compassion, Gratitude - Breath OUT of your Heart, pain, hurt. - Breath into your Heart . . .
@beverlystone4513 3 дня назад
Ever wonder why vaccines are not subject to double-blind placebo studies?!
@PatriciaKhachadoorian 3 дня назад
(*thank you*)
@PatriciaKhachadoorian 3 дня назад
@jmdec20 3 дня назад
The younger gen. can't read cursive.
@jmdec20 3 дня назад
like Atlantis v. Mu
@StockMalthiel 3 дня назад
Don it, and it is awesome.
@user-bg8cw8sp7w 3 дня назад
We were genetically engineered...period...creationism by outside intervention/s (several). Evolution is basically nonsense.. Grow up and deal with the fact thst we arent alone on this planet.
@falcon127 3 дня назад
1991 Scientists discovered these cells in the heart and here it is 2024. Why has this been suppressed?
@ivanj.conway9919 3 дня назад
1:52 - Judea Brother, goodness. It was not referred to as Palestine until after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. Surely you must know that, so please, don't partake in the current, lie that this land was anything other than JEWISH, land at this time. Please, Thank You. Out.
@Comment_king1989 3 дня назад
@vishalumadas8809 3 дня назад
28:31 yes
@joselopez-eb4lj 3 дня назад
From a nobody to all I care for, myself is confused a bit but at the same time that thing knows it's in the bag. How it's above, will soon be below
@joselopez-eb4lj 3 дня назад
I must say I read my own words and can't comprehend it, it just hits the spot, it might be a message for you I needed to throw out ❤ and more is coming
Dropping the concept of 'we' would be a great step forward to begin with.
@cloudhop 3 дня назад
The DVD metaphor is a wonderful enlightenment.....it made something I didn't particulaly agree with very agreeable.
@byronrawlins6018 3 дня назад
Thanks, Greg🙏🙏
@wildhumans8116 3 дня назад
A Game of Marbles: A Profound Encounter with an Ancient Shaman I will briefly describe a profound spiritual experience with a sasquatch, an ancient sage and shaman. I felt a sense of comfort, peace, and connection, accompanied by physical sensations like goosebumps and shivers. I closed my eyes and sat quite in meditation, a elder sasquatch appears and we engage in a game of marbles, symbolizing the journey of the soul. This elder shares wisdom about the nature of the universe, the Great Creator, and the interconnectedness of all things. He emphasizes the importance of respecting the physical body, listening to inner guidance, and cultivating love and compassion. I feel a deep sense of empathy and connection to humanity, and the teacher encourages me to nurture my inner light and soul growth. This elder goes on to explain, the universe is vast and contains numerous life forms and civilizations, some of which are scientifically, spiritually, and technologically advanced. Earth is a unique planet with diverse life forms and has been aided by benevolent star nations to promote biological diversity and spiritual growth. These star nations respect free will and coexistence, and have guided human evolution. However, there are also malevolent star nations that seek control and power, and have attempted to impose their rule on Earth. They have infiltrated human society, promoting greed, materialism, and conflict, and have manipulated humans subconsciously. Humanity is at a critical crossroads and must choose to wake up and exercise free will or submit to control. Discernment and unity are crucial to reclaim sovereignty and avoid a dystopian future where humans become controlled cyborgs. The experience was a powerful reminder of the divine nature of the universe and the importance of living with love and compassion in a natural state.
@chrismunz8262 3 дня назад
Deactivate the Deathstar.
@EarthSoulSchool 3 дня назад
She is a Ruler of Darkness...period
@RieNord 3 дня назад
Drømmer om at være psykoterapeut