Fakulta životního prostředí ČZU v Praze
Fakulta životního prostředí ČZU v Praze
Fakulta životního prostředí ČZU v Praze
Oficiální účet Fakulty životního prostředí České zemědělské univerzity v Praze.
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#fzpczu #naturefuture
EarthBridge project - Synthesis workshop
3 месяца назад
DALIA - Danube Region Water Lighthouse Action
8 месяцев назад
Rollin' Green se zaměřuje na nedopalky
8 месяцев назад
prof. Jan Vymazal - Kořenové čistírny
9 месяцев назад
prof. Jan Vymazal - Rašeliniště
9 месяцев назад
prof. Jan Vymazal - Rybníky
9 месяцев назад
Enigmatic world of ALDER CARRS - NERVE4 Action
10 месяцев назад
BoLP #10 - Dishwashing in the laboratory
10 месяцев назад
BoLP #9 - Waste management
10 месяцев назад
BoLP #8 - Sample dilution
10 месяцев назад
BoLP #7 - Filtration
10 месяцев назад
BoLP #6 - Centrifugation
10 месяцев назад
BoLP #5 - pH measurement
10 месяцев назад
BoLP #4 - Pipetting
10 месяцев назад
BoLP #3 - Preparation of solutions
10 месяцев назад
BoLP #2 - Weighing on analytical scales
10 месяцев назад
BoLP #1 - Safety in the laboratory
10 месяцев назад
doc. Jan Vopravil - Simulátor deště
10 месяцев назад
DOD #2 Den otevřených dveří na FŽP (2023)
10 месяцев назад
DOD #3 - Informace o studiu na FŽP (2023)
10 месяцев назад
Prohlídka Úpravny pitné vody v Podolí
11 месяцев назад
Projekt CULTIVATE na Třeboňsku
Год назад
@Petr75661 16 дней назад
smůla, že neslyšíme původní zvuk👎
@mariavajovaphd.3810 3 месяца назад
z filmu mi nie je jasné, ktoré sú a ktoré NIE sú invazívne 😞
@ye3eh 4 месяца назад
Musí se měřit populace jestli nevymiraji? Co to je za nesmysl? Sami rikate, co tam nadelaji skodu, změnu za 20 let a vam pripada, ze snad vymiraji, ze jim musite pripevnovat na ocas velkej kus plastu? Vite jak se jim s tim ted asi musi plavat nebo žít? Jste hyeny! Zadny ochranci zvířat, hnus
@bounceeer 7 месяцев назад
Skvely video, skoda ze to nevidelo vic lidi ze siroke verejnosti.
@mikaela7783 7 месяцев назад
Šílený, trápíte je a stresujete.
@viteslavjedlicka7138 8 месяцев назад
Zdravim ,ktera ropa ma mensi negativni vliv ta ktera se spali nebo ta ktera unikne do zivotniho porostredi surova ? dik
@tomassteinberger4571 3 месяца назад
Ta která se nepoužije a zůstane v tam kde byla!
@Gamma-jl4ib 10 месяцев назад
Your equations? Please. Thanks for your reply to my Twitter post.
@brianphillips5576 10 месяцев назад
Or we are here because a creator designed our DNA like an engineer designs a jet airplane. But if you disregard the great breakthroughs in molecular cellular research that proves that the odds of the correct sequences of the DNA strands go beyond the limits of probability then you dont have good science you have another religion which requires faith instead of data.
@stephenclayton9962 10 месяцев назад
Thanks so much for your expert comments and masterful knowledge concerning the climate change scam that the UN, IPCC, NASA, the Biden administration, etc. are all pushing upon the world for political and power-hungry control purposes including depopulation. The so-called climate scientists who are pushing this garbage and being funded to sabotage all industrial, fossil fuel and nuclear energy companies need to be completely exposed for their immoral if not evil participation in this massive delusion. In my opinion, if these climate change terrorists pushing "net zero" emissions really believe this BS, they should first set the example for the world by holding their breath to prevent adding more CO2 to the atmosphere. They would also be helping to promote their real agenda of depopulation at the same time. I am totally convinced that CO2 has nothing to do with global warming or climate change, which is primarily caused by the sun warming the earth and to a lesser extent their are thousands of active volcanoes primarily located along tectonic plates in the ocean. By increasing ocean temperatures water evaporation occurs forming clouds and this complex system determines climate change. As a by-product as the water temperature in the oceans increase, more CO2 contained in the ocean is dissipated into the atmosphere. And, if we have more CO2, it is not a pollutant, but plant food greening the earth and greatly increasing our agricultural production. It is a known fact that the climate computer models have ignored the clouds, water vapor, and tectonic plate volcanoes. Their over simplification by not adding these quickly changing and complex critical variables into their computer calculations is the reason why their results will never be accurate.
@whatthecatdoing 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much! This really helped me filter out all the iron that the government put into my blood out of my system. I am now a free man.
@SSearchwithin 10 месяцев назад
So eye opening - THANK YOU Prof Pilmer
@bigcatfish5029 11 месяцев назад
when you don't have answers just say it's millions of years ago.
@astridgilberto 11 месяцев назад
Marc Moreno has also written a very good book, something like ‘ The idiots guide to Climate Change’ very well worth a read.
@matusf3103 11 месяцев назад
Krásne architektonické a inžinierske dielo
@shadowbanned4149 11 месяцев назад
How the hell do you know what went on XXX BILLION YEARS most of you cant predict RAIN Tomorrow /
@randytucker3083 11 месяцев назад
My little degree is Master of Science. This speech is what people must hear. Science where we have discussion.
@bissetttom1738 11 месяцев назад
yes co2 is a scam. used to screw us over so they can take more control and keep us empoverished. it is a truly evil plan.
@jordanwhisson5407 11 месяцев назад
In Brisbane Australia, we have all already had at least one major climate casualty, The Toombul Shopping Center was flooded on February 27, 2022, and is still yet to reopen and never will reopen and no building will ever be built there, that's 19 months and 2 weeks ago. This is only the beginning, much of the Lismore area is uninsurable from the same flood.
@jordanwhisson5407 11 месяцев назад
So we are talking about the practice of science yet here we have a geologist talking about climate science who knows more about their science than they climate scientists know. Dangerous know-all science from a hypocrite interesting indeedy.
@DANCEGARAGEPUNK 11 месяцев назад
Climate Change Denial is the Conspiracy ! LOL : ) We are increasingly destroying CO2 - absorbing Greenery / Countrryside / Rainforests due to Population Increase ( Population has tripled in 70 years ) & increased consumption leads to further destruction of the planet ( 70% of wildlife lost in the last 50 years ) Big Oil $$$$s finance corrupt influencers like Pilmer, this site, & the paid trolls on this site ! Anyone denying climate change is either bribed & corrupt, or paranoid & stupid : ) Big Oil is no different than Big Tobacco - Climate Change Denial Is the Conspiracy ! ! : )
@dungteller367 11 месяцев назад
This has given rise to questions, questions that have me thinking differently about global warming. I find myself saying what about the dying off of the coral reefs? Isn't the global temperature spiking in conjunction with the industrial revolution? If CO2 is good can't we have too much of a good thing? What to make of all the fires and flooding recently? If we are unsure, shouldn't we act on the side of caution? This man is truly a gifted speaker.
@jordanwhisson5407 11 месяцев назад
Haha a gifted charlatan speaking on matters of which he knows little to nothing, plimer is a geologist, not a climate scientist. He has an idea with no supporting evidence or he would write a paper and change the science, and te Nobel prize is in the mail i'm sure
@noorjehankhan2347 Год назад
Changes no strangers to planet Earth. United Nations need this information. Science is organize knowledge, wisdom organize life. Many scientists have wisdom,many don't.
@robertwkraft4762 Год назад
Thank you for the truth, why is it not taught to the school's. Is it corrupt governments. Has to be Steven Guilbeaute and Justin Trudeau would be proven liars.
@NoHair-pk3xg Год назад
I'm much obliged for this content. Thank you.
@hamag1973 Год назад
How can i have missed this vid after several years of studies in the matter. YT must have hidden it from me. So informative and so tru to sciense even today after 10 years.
Amazing. The most exciting and interesting speech and explanation I have ever heard. Excellent !!!
@Rapture_Ready_Rabbit Год назад
### TIME HAS RUN OUT !! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Don't ignore this message !! REPENT NOW !! God the Son - JESUS came in the flesh to die for sinners. TRUST that God raised JESUS from the dead !! By FAITH accept JESUS's blood alone as payment for your sins unto Salvation, to escape what's about to happen !! Don't say you were not warned !! ONLY true believers in JESUS will be suddenly taken. THEN comes 7 horrific years of God's JUDGEMENT, poured out on the world. I pray that the LORD will open your eyes and heart to the GOSPEL.
@ashleylaw Год назад
Real science ? Real science on yt ? Excellent stuff. Don't know because this was a short extract but did / was the magnetic poles moving mentioned ?
@angelagonimavalero7700 Год назад
Anyway like this great scientist said, if concerned, just plant trees and that is what we should try to do having the opportunity.
@davidcruse6589 Год назад
Scientists do care because they can be bought off So science my not care but scientists do its money
@davidcruse6589 Год назад
Yeah he's a crack pot scientist of 40 yrs what would he know He's working off old data and idea's Can hear it now I dont need a scientist to tell me its normal The plant froze no man on it yet it warmed up and ice melted Pretty simple to work out its normal and they've worked it out by sample from the earth Even trees show whats happening over the life of the plant
@danegunther6621 Год назад
I'm listening to this for the second time. Doubtlessly, I will listen many more times.
@danegunther6621 Год назад
A crystal clear explanation of Earth's warming and cooling that calms one's fears. Beautifully done.
@Elijah-q2v3j Год назад
Can you guide me on the application process for the masters program
@IndianaJ5085 Год назад
In submarines, the cap on CO2 is set at 8000 ppm. Not 8% as you say. The cap is set by the US navy for its own subs. Other counties may have higher caps. The CAP on CO@ in the international space station is set at 15000 ppm. No one phase fallen over and died there.
@barboblisk1029 Год назад
This is great to hear and see, far better than the rubbish dealt out by the davos drongoes.
@jordanwhisson5407 11 месяцев назад
Oh so you've read all that comes from Davos haha really and truely
@peterjohnston2196 Год назад
Yes, well done for putting the current engineered panic into the context of the huge expanse of earth's geological history and the advice to tread lightly as we go along. An extra interesting fact - only a hundred and fifty thousand years ago fossil evidence shows we had crocodiles and hippos in the Thames and hyenas in Yorkshire.
@jordanwhisson5407 11 месяцев назад
@nigelholmes5572 Год назад
climate changers have nothing but FAKE EVIDENCE AND PROPOGANDA. fear and guilt tripping the dumb masses. funny how the climate fear mongers are backed and heavily funded by the greedy corporations who make insane profits at the EXPENSE OF THE DUMB PEOPLE.
@davidharrigan9884 Год назад
The book's timetable. The earth's tilt will return to zero July 2024, polar ice is melting, and the huge reduction of weight, will enable earth's magnetic field to return to the Sun' s magnetic field alignment. The green planet will return, and so will the events of the bible, be understood.
@davidharrigan9884 Год назад
What a load of speculation, on every aspect of anything, read the book, which tells the story. The green earth, went from water to 80 % ice, because of the earth's tilt. The polar ice is melting, and the earth will return to a green planet, all this information is available in the book.
@GrahamA63 Год назад
Nice story. Show us the scientific experiment that produces life - bacteria - when water is 'rained' onto a rock. A nice story based on other stories. Like the lunacy of he big bang theory - first there was nothing, nothing exploded and created everything - a story.
@peterjohnston2196 Год назад
Yes good point - so many scientists, if not all, dismiss life as a 'given' and have abandoned any notion of the metaphysical, much to their detriment.
@Sandhoeflyerhome Год назад
Shared. Stunningly good.
@InfinityBlue4321 Год назад
Great explanation of the climate truth! Thank you!
@OddawallWood Год назад
Me? Homo? Who knew?
@eva4adam451 Год назад
Great video Fantastic lecture.
@KOIFishcat Год назад
How is that this video suddenly popped up playing on my screen while it is not in the list of my suggested videos, which I was browsing at that moment?
@KOIFishcat Год назад
You do not speak as a scientist, that is for sure beyond any reasonable doubt, but as a scientologist. Shame
@stephenwalker5253 Год назад
The real science.
@KOIFishcat Год назад
Do you even know what science is? Moron
@wheel-man5319 8 месяцев назад
​@@KOIFishcatI'm pretty sure you are the one who doesn't know what science is.
@KOIFishcat 8 месяцев назад
@@wheel-man5319 I'm sure you are one of those who doesn't know right from left and up from down.
@tomaldous6192 Год назад
Everyone should hear this man speak.
@HD1340b Год назад
A thursday 4567 million years ago😅🤣😂
@KOIFishcat Год назад
You are absolutely correct, - this man is a hellbent fool, and also is a priest of Scientology, not science.