Linda Mckenzie
Linda Mckenzie
Linda Mckenzie
Hey! Welcome to my mini world in this vast sea we call RU-vid! (where it's not such a small world after all!). This spot is sorta like my ''closet' (or my "front porch") ... where I store my good, bad & other musical meanderings .... or said another way, where my good socks are stored alongside my "hole-y" ones! Ah-ha, so now you decide whether or not you'd like to sit on my front porch for a while. I am a singer, songwriter, citizen, mom, Realtor, music maker, house rehabber, music publisher/promoter, indie artist, mad baker, commercial loan officer, cancer survivor, bad joke teller, fan of Christ, lover of people, and techno challenged "RU-vid Learnee"! (Shesh, I'm tired after just saying all that!) Keep up with my musical trail here, but more actively on my Facebook page at facebook.com/lindamckenziefan or on my website at www.LindaMckenzieMusic.com. "Subscribe" and we will stay connected just like that! Happy Trails!
Hound Dog Cover by Linda Mckenzie
Месяц назад
Wrapping up final vocals on "Missing"
4 года назад
Feliz Navidad!
4 года назад