The Ohio State University - Administration & Planning
The Ohio State University - Administration & Planning
The Ohio State University - Administration & Planning
The Ohio State University's Office of Administration & Planning consists of the following five units: Facilities Operations and Development, Planning and Real Estate, Public Safety, Transportation and Traffic Management, UniPrint. These groups are assisted by A&P Shared Services teams (Fiscal, Human Resources, Marketing & Communications).
Framework 3.0 Webinar
4 месяца назад
Buckeye View - Inpatient Hospital
5 месяцев назад
Master Planning & Facilities Committee - 8/17/23
6 месяцев назад
A Safety Message from OSUPD and CPD
7 месяцев назад
Cooking up Connections
7 месяцев назад
Framework 3.0
7 месяцев назад
PARE Partners with Youth CoLab Summer Program
9 месяцев назад
Communications Center
9 месяцев назад
A&People - Joel Nepa
9 месяцев назад
Classroom Locks
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@desikasick 3 дня назад
If im in a shooting im not gonna waste time putting clothe to protect me from glass
@Barbecuebaconurgers 5 дней назад
My school tells everybody to grab a chair and gather around the door and get ready to fight. We are in fourth grade.😂 Everybody else hides
@Appii767 5 дней назад
Down in Ohio you can just reboot them 💀
@Leah-bx3kg 6 дней назад
5:36 you'd don't want to to7ch the weapon bc ur fingerprints will get on it and it will tamper with evidence, if you do need to pick it up use a sweater and wrap it up carefully,
@samanthahopkins1874 6 дней назад
@ NRA soooo weird none of these recommend a “good guy with a gun”. How peculiar…
@TruthRules2 8 дней назад
Izrael made many countries our enemies but it has never truly helped the US. Watch video: how "The Iraq War Wasn't About Oil." Read how Iraq's armed forces worried, and blocked any expansion of, Izrael until the US conveniently destroyed them, after a certain, pro-Izrael, US ambassador reportedly told Sadam Hussain to invade Kuwait! Now come the smears, excessive force to terrify protesters, so the g€ nocide can continue, and false charges for which so many (bribed/racist) US police, judges and prosecutors are famous. We are being manipulated AGAIN! Beware of modern day "Pinkertons" or people who are paid to infiltrate your protests to call out antis€mitic statements, or plant swasticas (etc.), or start violence, so they can defame you to then get police to arrest you! Video record them if you find them! Does the Apartheid Defenders' League hate you and want all anti-g£nocide protesters imprisoned and defamed! Dear college kids (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and of other groups), and others, fighting to prevent the genocide of little kids of strangers in g@z@, who are not even related to you or known to you. You make us so proud! You are the best of us, the hope of America, its last shining lights! You who treat the stranger kindly and fight for justice even for strangers' toddlers are the best people! Maybe, America really has a good future and evil (like the orange guano ball's cult including most ultra-rich) will lose! Watch "Britain's Second Empire: The Spider's Web!" Read "The Quiet Coup" by Simon Johnson as to the total control of the USA by ultra rich crooks (right-wing Christian zionzis and others)! Read Forbes as to how the world's rich have avoided and evade 99.9% of taxation, while middle and lower classes pay 99.999% of US/UK/EU taxes! Call for a general strike of all workers until the G@z@ g£nocid€, (which the ultra rich [right-wing Christians and others] want to suppress information of and make secret via their controlled media) is stopped! US/UK/EU companies, schools, bribed, lying media figures (99% owned by the ultra rich), bribed politicians (ditto), bribed, crooked judges (ditto), and ultra rich crooks, who are ALL funding or enabling @partheid, racist Izrael's g£nocide, are all COMPLICIT in this g€nocide! Try Net£nyahu, his cabinet of war criminals, the zionzis, Hamas, and all persons complicit for their hundreds of war crimes in g@za! If most US workers slow or stop their work, ONLY THEN the pro-g£n0cide, greedy ultra rich (right-wing Christians and others) will want to keep making money too much to fund the full, planned, Izr@eli g£nocid£ of all Palestini@n children! Tax the ultra rich 15% of their (hundreds of TRILLIONS of dollars mostly hidden in foreign trusts to evade taxation) VAST wealth per year, hidden in foreign trusts in tax shelter countries, so they cannot keep bribing all our crooked politicians and judges! Take our democracy back! Per Forbes, years ago, the US government already owed OVER $210 TRILLION in hidden liabilities due to the tax evasion of the ultra rich. How much are they now, OVER $700 TRILLIONS in US governmental liabilities, because the ultra rich evade paying taxes, which is why the IMF just demanded the US government cut spending?! We just gifted Izraeli war criminals $26 billion to do more gen0cide! The ultra rich (who evade taxation via foreign trusts and bribes to judges and politicians, also via pedo, blackmail videos, thousands of which just "disappeared") have spoken against all protesters! Their orders: The schools must bow down to rich lords and severely punish and smear the good, protesting Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and other students! No one must try to stop the ongoing, Gaza genocide of children by Izraeli war criminals, who must never be prosecuted for their rapes, murders and other war crimes! Beat, defame, and arrest all innocent students and others who have consciences and want the g£nocide stopped! The ultra rich will silence all minor, mostly foreign media they do not control (and per Forbes 15 billionaires own US media) to enable the ONGOING g€nocide! They also want you protesters to go to G@z@: so that way the Izraelis can just murder you the way they murdered the World Central Kitchen workers, doctors, EMTs, bakers, aid workers, and over 150 journalists in g@za! Anyone who wants the g£n0cide (by starving and bombing hundreds of thousands of children) stopped is smeared as being in "H@m@s!" The U S C valedictorian was entitled to speak as valedictorian on the subject of her choice--- until she opposed Izrael's genocide, with weapons US taxpayers pay for and provide for FREE to privileged, rich zi0nzis! This is as we gift more 2,ooo pound bombs to known, Izra€li perpetrators of g€nocid£ and have spent billions protecting the FOREIGN-flagged (to avoid paying US taxes) ships of billionaires from h0uthies seeking to stop the ONGOING g£n0cide! The "...will be free" phrase chanted (with " from the river to the sea" which Likud also says in its charter) really means by converting @partheid Izrael into a real democracy, so all its oppressed, controlled, subject, Palestinian populations in its occupied territories could then vote in its supposedly "democratic" elections and not just get murdered regularly by Izraeli ap@rtheid defenders, like @partheid South Africa was eliminated when its @partheid murders stopped, all its oppressed subjects could also vote, and so that ap@rtheid regime ended. Then, maybe, the racist, g£nocidal, ap@rtheid regime of Izraelis will stop sterilizing Ethiopian jews in Izrael merely because their skin happens to be too dark! That is what most propose. Write your congress-crookz to tell them that they will lose their cushy jobs if they do not stop the g£nocide and PLEASE call for a general strik£ of all, US/UK/EU workers until this gen0cide is stopped! I suspect the bribed, US Supreme Court IN-"justices" will try to eliminate the US First Amendment soon to silence you to allow the g@z@ g£nocide to be completed, the way that they held the clause disqualifying evil Trump in the 14th Amendment effectively void to ensure unlimited g£n0cide continues via his zionzi, Christian-fundamentalist (who misunderstood the gospels) cultists! Seek help genocide defenders. Defending the ongoing genocide of little children in Gaza means you must be either evil or a ___path and there are treatments for the latter. Will you hope hell is not real, because supporting the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent, Gaza children (by starving and bombing them) will get you there? Do you think people who are full of hate for others and want little, innocent children murdered go to hell? When the Messiah returns, despite your enabling g€nocide to bring him back, you Christian mass-murder-enablers will go right into the lake of fire! Read just o n e gospel, before you burn!
@tapjtony 9 дней назад
Jf cs KB deje be je e d CB le be. Thomas page
@tapjtony 9 дней назад
My dada
@CTRLPLYR 11 дней назад
im sorry bout yo cabbages bro they had to be my landing pad
@Rehhehehehehe 11 дней назад
This is more of an action show than a training video
@Rehhehehehehe 11 дней назад
The shooters haircut💀
@user-lo5hj6kt3b 14 дней назад
I like to watch them i need to know how to survive plus we did have a threat of this im in 6th grade
@GustavoZockt 18 дней назад
Im german, and near my school once was a person who tried taking many people hostage. My class was very scared, it was just 100 meters away. We had to stay in our classrooms. One person was on the toilet and had to stay there. Turned out the person from Iraq had a toygun 😐
@supernnova. 19 дней назад
@justaguyonhere 20 дней назад
Idk but this is giving me rape culture vibes, the things we tell women instead of actually trying to stop rapists: "don't dress too slutty," "don't flirt", "always carry pepper spray," "don't make them angry." How about we actually FOCUS on the root of the problem-- in this case, it's how easily guns are accessible to pretty much all ages, and how stigmatized mental health is
@T.exethedrone 23 дня назад
Mfs when they realize that the shooter can fight back at any moment:
@---russiacountryball-- Месяц назад
My teacher makes us stay in
@demonslayerisoverrated Месяц назад
"Only in Ohio moment!" - 🤓🤓
@pedroventura1946 Месяц назад
2:30 Does anyone know what jacket and jeans he’s wearing?
@NicolasCarnogursky Месяц назад
We should ban public schools and universities. Problem solved
@XalasiaBall Месяц назад
Does anyone just randomly watch these every now and then? No? Just me? Okay.
@neowaht Месяц назад
Me watching these knowing damn well I live in Europe 💀
@BrysonSmith-rl4rb Месяц назад
I'm gonna use this
@Marie14673 Месяц назад
Also if you are running from the shooter run in zigzags because it makes it harder for the shooter to get you and focus on the shot
@Luciana_Mercedes Месяц назад
This is the reason why kids are supposed to have phones at school
@AntonioPerez-qb5sy Месяц назад
😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😮😮😮😮 How are you and then doing well with the kids are doing good relationship with your mom so far and then you can get her back 🔙 up 👆 and then you could have a good one for me to get home and the rest is a little more complicated than the kids 🧒 but I think 🤔 should go back 🔙 to the only thing I can. 👮 is not the kids to the most important things that are happening to us in the
@lucasyang498 Месяц назад
Luckily i always keep a sharp object with me dont ask why or how did i get it
@user-el7vo6eg4u Месяц назад
Bro do we have to tell them we’re in Ohio state campus 💀
@gaeun-xw7kz Месяц назад
Shouldn't you NOT grab the weapon to put it away since it will leave the finger prints of someone who wasn't the intruder?
@ChristosOArtemis Месяц назад
@kainoanutumya1978 Месяц назад
Pepper sray
@kainoanutumya1978 Месяц назад
This vid is great for girls cause most girls have hard metal bottles hit
@Donovan-sx4gx Месяц назад
it all ready to did and I got shot
@AuckAviator777 2 месяца назад
0:40 is crazy
@SonicGamerGirl2006 2 месяца назад
It's heartbreaking that videos like this are necessary in order to survive. School shootings are, unfortunately, WAY too common in the US. Too many parents suffer as a result of losing their child to incidents like this. Too many families are broken apart as a result of their loved one(s) killed in a school shooting. What's even worse is that many parents and even students are now scared of potentially having to go through a situation like this. They do not feel safe. 😞😓
@AnthonyUceda 2 месяца назад
The discord mod 3:10
@JBB373 2 месяца назад
That’s why I’m scared at school
@Mrpolarbear338 Месяц назад
@BallyChahal 2 месяца назад
Me fuck this shit I'm out
@kidklein6897 2 месяца назад
Ok homeschooler here: window in my bedroom, under my bed (it has boxes I can hide myself with) and the nerf gun I keep loaded in my closet. (Don't judge this is what I got )
@itzcottoncandyw4485 2 месяца назад
i've been watching a little to many of these... dear my fbi agent, im a high schooler and im scared. thank you. :D
@chloswhoas 2 месяца назад
@3Js4L 2 месяца назад
Yes! I wanna be an OSUPD officer even tho I have no previous law enforcement history
@AC9X69 2 месяца назад
Only in Ohio 😂
@dog77689 2 месяца назад
Not the time, buddy.
@chloswhoas 2 месяца назад
only in america…!
@Floppagaming1.0 2 месяца назад
The Ohio State University posted this? well, Ohio has many shooters and kids go: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@Ihatelifebruh 3 месяца назад
Only in Ohio.
@chezburggood 3 месяца назад
Holy f*** as an American this is actually a pretty good thing Im not even from ohio but this works so good
@queenpurplegaming5932 3 месяца назад
What's should I do my teacher told me not to fight if they are in the class room
@Corruptedhope 3 месяца назад
Seeing this video is made by the *ohio* state university, i 1000% trust them
@user-qp1st8bp3d 3 месяца назад
Fight is horrible
@itsanniex 3 месяца назад
At my school they dont allow you to have phones on you, if they see it it will be taken away for the day. This is why i think they should allow us to at least have it on us. It scares me to know if i'm in the bathroom and a lockdown gets called i have nobody to contact and i can't call 911 if the shooter is in the same room!! what will standing on the toilet seat do i bet he'd hear me breathe.
@user-qp1st8bp3d 3 месяца назад
I think the S.W.A.T might be good at this but I’m gonna be one of them