Joshua Anderson
Joshua Anderson
Joshua Anderson
Sea Of Thieves_20240729003923
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Sea Of Thieves_20240706235422
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Sea Of Thieves_20240511021025
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Sea Of Thieves_20240504153403
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Sea Of Thieves Closed Beta_20240413220522
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HUNT: SHOWDOWN_20230415224204
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Genshin Impact_20230408202505
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HUNT: SHOWDOWN_20220415200537
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HUNT: SHOWDOWN_20220402195415
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HUNT: SHOWDOWN_20220219185908
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HUNT: SHOWDOWN_20210807134354
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HUNT: SHOWDOWN_20201213235100
3 года назад
@oO-Seva-Oo 2 месяца назад
Nice rush at the fort , the shooting corner was good and the perfect loot 😊 gg's guy's
@MARC-FENIX 4 года назад
Psychoghost hides the coments of some justified critical voices so Im leaving my Hunt: Showdown report here for you personally to read. Dont trust financial unstable companies. They will mess with your mental health only to survive in their business. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! With a heavy but also angry heart I am writting this to post it as a coment below several RU-vid- Hunt: Showdown- Influencer- Videos but of course also on my Steam- Profile (MARC FÉNIX). I definitely took the decision to abandon one of my two most played games: Hunt: Showdown. This decision doesnt come easy as I was and still am fascinated by the incredible good atmosphere this game is able to create. The graphics beautiful and the sound is not just good but very important and part of the gameplay as a whole. Death Space had superb sound, Star Wars Battlefront (2015) had superb sound and of all the videogames that I have played in my life only Hunt: Showdown can match those games in terms of soundquality. I mean, it was the first game ever in my life that gave the hearing a similar importance as the seeing! I have been in this game since Early- Access and I jumped on the Hunt- train in the first half of 2018 on a free weekend, later that year I bought it. I played it once and a while untill the release in August of 2019. Graphical problems (missing textures, missing parts of buildings, pink graphics) hit the community with 1.0 and some people were very vocal about it in the Steam-Discussion- Section. I posted several pictures of this graphical problems, and unfortunetely I was attacked by anonymous people that can only be called "Interested". They were not only doubting the critizism I stated about the numerous flaws the game had on release, furthermore they were insulting me as a objective person with a almost new PC. Then in the following weeks there were nothing but more of it: Desyncs and therefore failed Hitregistration, Disconnects, Getting stuck. Flaws that were incredible frustrating in a game with perma-death and to me with an attitude of a sportive skillbased player. My threads continued and I was insulted once again by the fanboys untill I answered that I would use physicall force against him (which is pretty unlikely if you are seperated by computers and kilometer long wire), but that gave Crytek the reason they were waiting for: To block me forever in the discussion section. You have to imagine what they were doing there. They put a game in Early- Access mostly because they dont want to pay for beta-testers and of course because they want constant feedback. Then a growing number of people give them feedback and then they block those that were most visual and detailed about it. So I thought: Ok. Thats their concept of "games as a service". I rose over my frustration and kept on playing it but in my mind I was slowly creating a unhealthy LoveHate relationship to this game. Love for several reasons (atmosphere, concept, tactical thoughtful gameplay, ingame voice chat, graphics, sound) and Hate for other several reasons (servers with low frequency, hitreg failure, damagereg randomness, overall technical flaws, bugs). And it reached a point in November of 2019 were I had a similar situation to this I had today again. This is a memory of me playing Hunt: Showdown and it is almost one year old, still I remember it because this is why I write this and because I took the decision to leave this game. I was at Arden Parish shooting at a huntress. I was outside. She was inside and peaked and made sidesteps in her attempt to hit me with her shoots. I was trying the same and my shots went through her as if she was a ghost! I was frustrated and quit the hunt for 4 whole months! Early this year I had bought a new 144hz Monitor and a new graphic card and I was ready to give the game another chance. After all maybe the little fanboys were right and it was all my fault! You know: Buy a better rig, Git Gud, and so on. Time passed in 2020, people spend even more time in front of their PC, so did I. And today I was on the hunt at daytime on the Stillwater-map. Started from behind Port Reeker and noticed a duo coming from Scupper Lake and moving fast to Darrow Livestock. I pursuited them silently when I heard shootings from the Darrow Compound. One of those I pursuited was looting one death hunter. I aimed with my Lebel Scope and shot him. Wounded as he was he jumped to the Darrow Underground that was 2 steps away from his position. Still on the eastern peripherials of the compound I was moving to the right and responded to fire which came from the upper floor of Darrows Mainbuilding. A few shoots and I downed the presumably teampartner of the other hunter that still had to be underground. So I sneaked on the ground floor of the mainbuilding because I knew that there was a ladder that led to the underground. I was pretty sure that he would leave the underground using this ladder. So he came and I was already aiming to his direction when his face appeared from behind the dirty white towel that was hanging from the roof. Baam, my first shot with the Bornheim, 4 meters away from him, hitmarker right in the middle of the face, nothing! Second shot from my Bornheim hit him somewhere on the elbow. Third shot, was his shot from a Nitro. Ok, I thought, thats it. And I still think that thats it! Go fxxx........Go fool yourself, not me anymore. I never liked dicerolls, I never liked Random Number Games (specially when its due to technical inconsistencies!). I like to train my skill and be rewarded for the time I spend with it. Also I have to say that I got to know some people from random games. Splendid people as far as I can tell, and I know that they will remain my playbuddies long time after I erased Hunt from my SSD and from my Steam library. ♡ People from Germany, Spain, Australia, Finland, Canada, Greece. They know who they are and they know that I appreciate them. ♡ They are the main reason why I started this coment with "a heavy heart", because we shared something that could have been so much better. The angry heart well I hope to get rid of it. But Im pretty sure that I have/had it because of the CEOs of that company and some greenhorn community managers who thought it would have been a saleboosting measure if they block some users. Time passed. I already achieved all Steam-Achievements from Hunt: Showdown. Except for one. Convalescent Home. But somehow I feel like I have achieved that too. Well, my way.