
OGPaQMAN - The Best Scoring MyPark Player in NBA 2K18

- I have the best JUMPSHOTS in NBA 2K17 & NBA 2K18
- Best MyPark and Pro-Am Player
- MyTeam GOAT
- Best Badges Tutorials in NBA 2K18
- Best JUMPSHOTS in NBA 2K18
- Best NBA 2K18 Tutorials

I really started uploading nba 2k content about nba 2k15. I have tons of videos of 2k17. On this channel we mainly play nba 2k17 & nba 2k18. Here I have done plenty of videos to help my subscribers out. If you’d like any help please check out a nba 2k17 tutorial. I aim to help my subs become great at nba 2k through my nba 2k17 tutorial videos. Soon nba 2k18 will be the only gameplay on this channel. You will soon see plenty of nba 2k18 content anywhere from mypark to myteam gameplay. I am the best when it comes to teaching my subs about a new jump shot. Come sub and join the PaQNATION so we can have fun battling through career mode and take over nba 2k18
@cirkus442 Год назад
@rjchie7969 Год назад
Why did video just get recommended?
@elijahstallworth581 Год назад
Real one
@elijahstallworth581 Год назад
Bro fr lebron is not goat
@turkturk97 Год назад
I miss this game sooooo much! They need to do this build system, it was fire
NBA 2k
@jojo5789 2 года назад
0:18 ‘’4’’
@mekhinextup 2 года назад
this nigga said lsk was the best you don’t know nothing about basketball
@lakersbano6122 2 года назад
i just went a step back froms 2k21 to 2k17 😏
@Iammatt2k 2 года назад
I miss 2k17 so much
@Iammatt2k 2 года назад
Watching 2k14 people actually passed 😂
@dxizzled6362 3 года назад
4 years later im watching this 😭
@C0smicSurfer 3 года назад
@EddyTime 3 года назад
go back to 2k11 and fucking stop the contact animation and players stuck in the mud dribbling like a tortuel
@foundsheepcjd6528 3 года назад
The Truth pt.2 We have all sinned and fallen short of of Gods glory sin is terrible because of sin we are separated from God but gladly here is the good news Jesus Christ came and walked this earth for everyone taught us the perfect way to live and how we should live and he died for our sins because we need a sacrifice to pay the price for our sins since our sins deserve hell if we live in sin but also more good news Jesus rose from the dead three days later we have to leave the sin behind and put it away and live new with Jesus this world is like a vapor it passes away but your eternity is forever and it is up to you what you want to do with it…
@cjmoneykingmoore392 3 года назад
Hey I’m a Big fan
@wavvyniya2683 3 года назад
Real one
@Blxnk2006 3 года назад
Cash nasty a slashing play with a 25 driving dunk 80 strength and 92 layup with a 80 ball handle so a 2 way shot creator maxed out with a 65 driving dunk instead of a 70
@apimpnamedslickback8625 3 года назад
This is like sasuke vs naruto but it never happened
@twostrandtwistontop 3 года назад
@Ileak4fun 3 года назад
2021 and I’m still waiting 😭😭🤦‍♂️
@tsd_justo 3 года назад
Wow when this was uploaded I was at Dave and busters for my 9th birthday
@ramandeepsinghkhokhar6161 3 года назад
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-..❤️⤵️ 18cams.xyz !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1617233736
@LifeOfJowl 3 года назад
So been stated he was a demi god SIMPLE
@isaiahjones4729 3 года назад
Note gang
@treybionegaming3096 3 года назад
can you start uploading again
@dfg411 3 года назад
I miss it man
@jmoney2937 3 года назад
damn i miss 15 🥲
@tkthegamer1564 3 года назад
Tuff it actually works 😃
@blurry8706 3 года назад
who’s broke and still plays 2k19 when 2k20 and 21
@ibex1451 3 года назад
Me bruh can’t be asked to spend $60 every year for more or less the same game
@ccvhvhgf5823 3 года назад
Lmao 😂 this is funny the intro
@1kentertainment147 3 года назад
Lmfao mal look like Mike Conley
@LS400Slammed 3 года назад
what’s the instrumental in this vid
@Slimeherout_eli 4 года назад
On 2k15 every time I tried to dunk on someone I got a throw in dunk
@koopieYT 4 года назад
@gertrudstedman8458 4 года назад
"I recommend this guide: *quai.best/nba-guide-942* So grateful it exists." 1:23 Η τέλεια μέθοδος για όλους
@MichaelJohnson-fc8fr 4 года назад
Real ONE
@whereyourmomsat4198 4 года назад
#loudpaq come back man we miss you😭
@TheBlackKakashi 4 года назад
I remember when this promo dropped and I was hyped for the matchup
@vishakvs7421 4 года назад
'4:49' *↠ Dantasguides* looks like the sole functioning web app from which you might get free gems, coins, points,diamons, etc. εξαιρετική λύση για όλους τους ανθρώπους
@wolfietigre2542 4 года назад
Yeah cashnasty would loose
@camellpage8219 4 года назад
What if your playing this on XBox 360 how would this build be NBA 218
@king-qi2ks 4 года назад
Omg skinny cash was built weird as hell 😂😂
@HennyB-e9 4 года назад
@smallstk8973 4 года назад
rebounding slasher is a Giannis build he is fast a hof poster and lob finisher with a great vertical and a great rebound
@quarps 4 года назад
Anyone else just come back to watch 2k17 all the time
@wavydoug 4 года назад
Miss u paq
@dastorm15 4 года назад
Wait cash use to be skinny
@J10prods 4 года назад
Now cash will win So is skinny cash is built
@VWeezyO 4 года назад
Anyone know what happened to paqman?