Tell Your Story
Tell Your Story
Tell Your Story
Hi every one! My name is Nason. I am a sober alcoholic on a mission to spread the message of sobriety. Let’s learn and grow together!
Are you vulnerable?
Год назад
How I met my birth mother!
Год назад
My 23andme RESULTS
Год назад
23andme Test! How to use!
2 года назад
Why is getting sober so hard for me?
2 года назад
Is sobriety really worth it?
2 года назад
Why can’t an alcoholic love you?
2 года назад
5 Reasons to stay sober in 2022!
2 года назад
What is the best way to get sober?
2 года назад
Why are alcoholics so angry?
2 года назад
3 YEARS SOBER! A new milestone!
2 года назад
Staying Sober During The Holidays
2 года назад
What drives you in sobriety?
2 года назад
Do drug addicts make good leaders?
2 года назад
Why addicts push you away?!
2 года назад
Are happy people stupid?
2 года назад
@Bloodsport1337 День назад
Could you do a video on binge drinking. Or one on alcohol leading to cheating. Thank you.
@mainagogoi7251 2 дня назад
2 days no sleep 😴 negative thoughts 💭 when try to sleep
@juliawoodrow219 4 дня назад
Rhinoceros and nasocort will free you from addiction you need to use both.
@steveparten9313 4 дня назад
Im on day 7. It is important to remember how bad it was at first - every detail - so I dont repeat the process. It gets better
@MichaelVance-el5mz 4 дня назад
@TellYourStory 4 дня назад
Get it done!!! You can do it!!
@HeartsfromPaulina 6 дней назад
Yeah but what happens if the pregnancy is dangerous to the mother?
@999fieldsie 6 дней назад
Day 1 wish me luck
@TellYourStory 5 дней назад
Good luck!!
@MichaelVance-el5mz 9 дней назад
@Brenda-rm2wp 12 дней назад
Your talk was amazing. It answered so many questions for me. I always take it personally and feel the person I’m involved with doesn’t care and is all about themselves.
@leahconklin9241 14 дней назад
I have the same clean date as you do! That's awesome! After 20+ years in active addiction, IV drug use, homeless living on the street, at the end of my run I was intentionally overdosing to end my life every time I shot up and constantly failing at my mission. 24 inpatient treatment stays, prison time, jail stays like a revolving door and had completely lost my sanity and my soul. I entered my last inpatient treatment straight from a overdose that resulted in me ending up in the ICU. My discharge plan was to be escorted straight to inpatient treatment. I stayed for almost 11 months. Graduated. Went directly to sober living as far away from my stomping grounds as I could find and have never looked back since I left. I have worked my ass off to build my life and career. I now work as a certified Peer Recovery Specialist Reciprocal and hold a state license to provide recovery services for people seeking recovery or are fresh in sobriety and need help getting life back together again. I live for my career and I'm so proud to be able to help people build their sobriety and start fresh. If you think you can't do it or there's no hope for you, I promise you there is. I was the addict that everyone else said I'd die far before I ever even imagined being sober. I was the hopeless case. Don't give up and don't ever lose hope.
@shamanessofdestruction7979 15 дней назад
I believe than it an alcoholic person is kind at heart... yes, he or she can love but the addiction is stronger than them and it takes over.
@dove7271 17 дней назад
ANYONE out there have any advice for me, Please ? Close loved one on meth manyyy years. In bad shape, a bad way now but refuses professional help. I believe they are in the psychosis part as I type this. It is so crazy that its not crazy. HOW can I get close relative help against there will before this claims there life ???? I have talked to professionals which give me NO help at all since this person refuses help on there own. Have called sheriff department, they do a wellness check and leave because of course my relative is lying to them that all is well with them. Has to be a way around the system because the system is letting me down WHAT DO I DO ????? WHAT CAN I DO ???? Feel like i'm standing alone and trying to keep my loved one alive till some form of help comes there way. Thank you for any comments of help. Blessings.
@westley1004 7 дней назад
It's you not a loved one lol
@heyfella5217 18 дней назад
Watching this as an alcoholic and it really sucks to see comments about how addicts cannot love. I think theres a stigma out there that addicts are somehow less human than non-addicts; that we purposefully choose the vice over our loved ones. Addiction is something very hard to understand and it is easy to chalk a group of people up to a single set of negative characteristics, especially when your life has been deeply negatively affected by an addict. Obviously every addict is different but. I dunno. I can love. I love people in my life.
@TellYourStory 18 дней назад
@monarene44 18 дней назад
Anyone and everyone can step away from the addict.
@Nathanpetrie-ht1um 20 дней назад
Where results?
@TellYourStory 19 дней назад
I made a video on the channel with the results.
@robknowledge8911 20 дней назад
My significant other has a drinking problem that I've been blamed for for so long, my mother recently died and now I have created a drinking habit and I'm not eating like I should. Any suggestions or help. I'm feeling very lost and stuck.
@TellYourStory 20 дней назад
Find something to love more than the alcohol. For me, it was a hobby or habit I could do everyday. It helped keep me away from my worst vices. You can do it! It really is that simple. Don’t let any one tell you otherwise.
@robknowledge8911 20 дней назад
@@TellYourStory thank you
@RodneyEller-pz8ny 21 день назад
I bet nobody has a story like mine
@CouchRocker777 5 дней назад
My story is being harrassed by demons. I hate it. But Jesus is my way out.
@EllysaE 21 день назад
The minds games is one of the most cruel parts of this for a partner. He hid/hides his drinking and I genuinely thought I was losing my grip on reality because he would deny, avoid, and lie when I asked questions. I would see the red vodka top in his pocket and ask "oh are you having a drink?" and he'd look straight in my eyes and say "what do you mean? No. I'm going to bed" etc. etc. This went on for maybe 2-3 weeks until I found the hidden stash. I bawled my eyes out. I realized I was not crazy! He used his child's mom instability as an excuse to drink ... I asked why he hides it and he had the nerve to tell me he hides "because I make it uncomfortable for him to drink openly" ... still I said nothing. He's late/doesn't pay for his part of rent, lives in a mess etc. The straw that broke the camels back was when he showed up to work drunk, got sent home, then used his grandmothers illness as the excuse to why he drank. A mess. I'm so done! Wish me luck as I end this relationship!
@jesperigor 22 дня назад
4 months spice free! Got my life back but it took some time. Withdrawal was insane and had the feeling it was never gonna end. But i made it!! Everyday a bit better
@Raeb_Games-ky8hc 18 дней назад
Awesome dude!!!!!!!!! 8 years spice free and my life has turned around
@laraparks7018 24 дня назад
Active or sober/dry stay far Away from them 😮
@violetwendling6663 24 дня назад
Thank you for sharing your story. I love that you realized you can be social without the alcohol. You are so charismatic Just the way you are. You don’t need the alcohol. I’m so proud of you
@tonycostanzo4276 25 дней назад
learn to over ride the will of the flesh .and you have won ,your flesh is owned by the devil ,your spirit ,if( your saved) is owned by the good GOD JESUS CHRIST
@LTABITV 25 дней назад
❤ thanks fam
@gabrielshearer 28 дней назад
Cause your not in the right state of mind.😂
@Rebecca-GLaines 28 дней назад
Tried this tonight, didnt make it 8 minutes into the conversation. I laughed, (as I often do, to show im coming into the conversation light heartedly) and he was IMMEDIATELY triggered. Ordered me out of his truck. So, I did. He probably wasn't in the best headspace, but, he hasnt been for a while. Hes apparently been doing "homework" on all my text to him. Hes decided im tryimg to deceive, and play mind games w him, even though I've done nothing of the sort. Im completely SOBER! I only care about him, and hes managed to twist everything into the most bizzare bs ive ever heard in my life!! Idk what to do, Im here for him, but, he thinks im an enemy, but, he also likes me alot, and we are WAAAY to new for this as a "couple". Im usually a great person to talk to, but since weve went past the "friend zone" he cant look or talk to me as that same friend he used to have no problem talking to. I dont want to be around him when hes on it- so, he makes up crap im doing. If im there, he suddenly turns i to someone i dont recognize. I feel this is a damed if I do, damed if I dont situation. (Not sure why I unloaded all that in the comment section)
@cainsmale5988 Месяц назад
I've never touched meth but i think im working with someone who does so im trying to understand it more .. its a bad thing to be addicted to it
@AJoseph0007 Месяц назад
32 😮
@OopsDidIDoItAgain Месяц назад
Alcohol is demonic
@vincentkeller4725 Месяц назад
What kind of name is Nason? No wonder he drank😢
@TellYourStory Месяц назад
Aww that’s mean. It’s a family name, but don’t worry I got some sobriety under my belt now!
@tylerjames7015 Месяц назад
To most , weed is not considered, “drugs” when it comes to abuse (everyone is different I know ) but drugs usually include actual drugs lol . Alcohol is a drug btw
@JDMaverick6714 Месяц назад
16 nowadays
@tardrettee562 Месяц назад
Good video
@tulinozturk-balkis7111 Месяц назад
They cannot love. All they think about is drinking and they sabotage their life, family, job, etc. Beware of functioning alcoholic as they can pretend for years before they ruin your life.
@TellYourStory Месяц назад
I agree with you when they’re in the problem. But from experience, I know that by letting go of your worst vices change occurs when I decided to let go of alcohol. Everything changed about me my life and those I loved. An addict can love you, but they have to let go of that vice and decide to love for themselves. It is possible!
@spicyberry420 Месяц назад
We here @sRw42o⚜️ WE are a faith based gAnG WE the People oF tHiS society have a hatred for meth and we seek the destruction oF any with extreme prejudice ‼️⚜️🌹🌐 remember we are one of the world's we are the world's largest faith bass organisation
@adamturner1563 2 месяца назад
😂. This is foolish.
@TellYourStory Месяц назад
People can change! What’s foolish is to not believe, and do nothing. We have to try as individuals to change. I had to for me. Letting go of my vices was the best choice I ever made.
@danlechlak1183 2 месяца назад
You have no issues, a life well lived. Good on you!
@NeilGerardCFox 2 месяца назад
What a nasty video
@aaronwilcox974 2 месяца назад
Proud of you. Thank you for your testimony.
@src5769 2 месяца назад
I've had no more than ten drinks in my 67 years and have never been drunk, so this video was interesting to listen to since my son is an alcoholic. He's tried to detox several times and quit, but he never is able to stop. I pray that one day he'll want to for good.
@gtron7692 2 месяца назад
Lack of sleep from the drugs plays a significant role in causing hallucinations.
@spicyberry420 Месяц назад
We have lawyers guns and money 🤑💰 the hatred of methamphetamine and the cartel
@spicyberry420 Месяц назад
1 million homeboy
@malikflame3864 Месяц назад
Man, rolling for almost 3 weeks without sleep while already in a meth induced psychosis is no fun. I’m surprised I made it out with my mind still intact. Thank GOD!!!!
@gtron7692 Месяц назад
@@malikflame3864 ❤️💯
@mrghostly1118 2 месяца назад
Im just experiencing my father's 6 relapse, he's losing it and threatened me, at the same time he said he loves me. I'm now mindfucked from this situation..the stress and his actions are.... difficult. But he never punched or assaulted me, but he changes emotiones very easily. He repeats words and he sometimes talk yo himself. When he's sober he's fantastic, the worst part is me feeling numb...
@hashrosinking1608 2 месяца назад
Alcoholics are the worst ❤️
@chinatownkid 2 месяца назад
@g-forcefundamentals2912 2 месяца назад
I am convinced that everyone is addicted to something, it's part of the human condition, and that we can only love others to the degree that we love ourselves including a personal relationship with the Almighty. It's also true that some addictions are more detrimental than others. In my opinion, alcohol is the worst because it is sociably accepted as normal but does the most damage. Other socially accepted addictions are overeating, smoking pot, and all forms of entertainment. Whatever we find pleasure in can become an addiction. I am addicted to carbohydrates (any combination of flour, sugar, and fat) "backed goods" are MY nemesis. I stay away from alcohol for the most part but it's the drug of choice for my wife of almost 30 years. I wish she loved herself. I wish she could love me more. Thanks for listening.
@RinoSchiavoCampo 3 месяца назад
I do the work. I'm in the rooms. I am recovering from alcoholism. What does marijuana have to do with it? I've been hearing this stuff my whole life. It's been wrong and frankly lies cause damage. I no longer let the "wisdom of the world" override my personal experiences. I know what being strung out is. I know what alcoholism is. I know what recovery is. People do not have to use marijuana, but imposing beliefs on other recovering addicts is not cool. Attacking someone's use of a word like sober and in fact their very real recovery, as somehow not authentic is wrong on many levels and absolutely reckless.
@tamlamoore7962 3 месяца назад
@seevue9290 3 месяца назад
Yea al alcoholic never love you. All he do to spend the romantic time. Just to be with alcohol. You never get his real time in a relationship and always get in to a argument but still blam that is your fault
@diesel1586 3 месяца назад
Help me please
@verniece2 3 месяца назад
I'm going tomorrow for 45 days
@rmiller6356 3 месяца назад
Some people want help others dont. Depending on where the person is at, reaching out a hand and saying you will help them get help well, it will cause quite a bit of trouble for you.