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@alexlucianobrancale6360 Год назад
Ambient grey or ambient grey2 ? You mantain a distance from vpr to screen 1.5 larger than the lenght of the screen ? What king pof projector you have ? Its very difficolt to read something about this screen from adeo...i have a sample of ambent grey2 (gain 0.9, not 0.6) but its very difficult to evaluate a little sample of the screen....
@andreinr1749 Год назад
The same was for me and I had to order it "blindly". This video was posted for viewers from a local forum for exemplification. I can tell you that the fabric when ordered(a few months ago) is supposed to have 1.0 gain. Can't measure that (i will when i ll calibrate my PJ)and can't confirm. I know that now, adeo has some new ALR fabric and I pretty sure they'll send you some samples. Just write them as they are pretty fast with replies. What I can tell you from my brief evaluation(because I'm still in the building process and that 1 hour was the only time spended with it) is that I don't think is so great will ambient light buy it maintains the perceived contrast even though all walls are now white, including ceiling. It has zero hot spot and perfect side viewing angles . I have more than 1.5 height,the projection distance and the PJ is an EPSON TW9400. Hope that helps!
@andreinr1749 Год назад
The reason I ve ordered it is that it is supposed to be the same screen as DiverseScreens in UK that many avf members seem to pray.
@alexlucianobrancale6360 Год назад
I have a 9400 as well ! I want a 21/9 screen with this alr screen (120"). I have the sample but its difficult to evaluate a little sample. At this moment i have a sample of ambient grey2, 0.9 gain and view angle 60°, this is the number that adeo explain on your website...i dont understand if adeo declare the correct gain and view angle...your video is amazing for me but i need to know what kind of screen is correct for me...ambient grey or ambient grey 2😢
@andreinr1749 Год назад
I don't know what to say. As I've said, a few months ago, the only option was ambient gray 1.0 gain(according to them). Even with this, the max lum of the PJ is kind of on the lowest limit to get a good pq. I have 2 profiles calibrated but on a white screen. But, as you can see in the movie, I ve changed into dynamic(vivid) and bright cinema. I don't think a 0.6gain screen will be OK with this pj but I honestly don't want to give you a bad advice.
@alexlucianobrancale6360 Год назад
I try to valuate with my probe xrite display pro, the peak of brightness of my sample of ambient grey 2 (gain 0.9). I made a comparison between another sample alr (gain 0.8)....the adeo was much more darker in this comparison...i dont understand if this gain was truly...
@sorinconstantinescu8105 2 года назад
Si eu am aceiasi problema
@claudiuandrei1983 2 года назад
Aceeași problemă o am și eu Passat B8 2015 DSG 222000 câteodată pornește din prima câteodată face exact ca în videoclip. Habar nu am ce are. Nu da nicio eroare în bord absolut nimica. Îmi poate spune cineva care este cauza???
@andreinr1749 2 года назад
Ce motorizare? Daca nu e bitdi, cel mai probabil problema e cu o piesa la distribuția variabila. Se știe de problema si exista piesa revizuita de ceva timp deha
@claudiuandrei1983 2 года назад
@@andreinr1749 2.0 TDI 150 CP
@claudiuandrei1983 2 года назад
@@andreinr1749 Si acolo trebuie sa o pun pe tester, sau trebuie schimbat ceva anume??? și cam cât ar costa piesa + manopera dacă știi???
@andreinr1749 2 года назад
@@claudiuandrei1983 nu stiu, imi pare rau dar nu ar trebui sa fie foarte scump
@stefansankosmin2750 2 года назад
valva vvt schimbata, daca este model 11.2014..05.2016
@danid85 2 года назад
Eu am rezolvat problema prin schimbarea distributiei variabile.
@andreinr1749 2 года назад
Tu vorbești de variatorul de distridbutie. Probabil nu ai BITDI.
@LUQUITLA 2 года назад
@@andreinr1749 Salut, voiam sa te inteb daca ai rezolvat problema, am acelas model ca al tau doar ca este 2016 cel de 240hp si de acum 1 luna de zile imi tot face faze, Luni nu porneste deloc, Marti porneste merge PERFECT pana Joi fiindca iar nu porneste. Am tot schimbat la ea, senzor de presiune, baterie, 20 de oameni diferiti cu tester nu da absolut nici o eroare, am verificat partea electrica, nici o problema toate functioneaza perfect. Doar ca la 1 zi 2 sau 3 numai porneste deloc
@georgiandanut7851 2 года назад
@@LUQUITLA Salut, trebuie schimbata toata masina si totul va fi perfect ! Stiu 100%
@andreinr1749 2 года назад
@@georgiandanut7851 e si asta o soluție. Dar masina e destul de reusita overall mai ales dacă e full accesorizata. Nivelul de confort e unul foarte bun și e și suficient de puternica la 240cp si 500nm. Sta prost cu fiabilitatea si primele modele par facute pe vapor :)
@andreeaparaschivescu8485 2 года назад
Salut, ai reușit sa găsești o rezolvare la aceasta problema?
@danid85 2 года назад
Eu am rezolvat problema prin schimbarea distributiei variabile.
@andreeaparaschivescu8485 2 года назад
@@danid85 eu sunt posesorul unui passat B8 dsg 2018. Pornirea grea o are de vreo 2 sapt. Înțeleg din istoricul ei de reprezentanta de la ultimul proprietar, ca pentru problema aceasta s a făcut sesizare, reprezentanta schimbând 2 senzori. Proprietarul a revenit în reprezentanta din nou cu aceeași problema la câteva luni. Încerc sa găsesc soluția....
@andreeaparaschivescu8485 2 года назад
Cu mențiunea ca pe vcds nu figurează cu erori.
@danid85 2 года назад
Nici la mine nu figuraru erori. Pornirea greoaie aparea odata cu caldura si ploaia
@andreeaparaschivescu8485 2 года назад
@@danid85 masina ce an de fabricație ar fi? La tine....
@plataoplomo4872 2 года назад
Pana la urma ai rezolvat?
@danid85 3 года назад
Ai reusit sa rezolvi problema?
@CatalinV 5 лет назад
Pai volanta poate cauza nepornirea motorului ? eu asa stiam ca volanta doar suna/bate tzacand la rece si cand face zgomot la cald e probleme necesita schimbata
@andreinr1749 5 лет назад
Senzorul a fost schimbat initial pentru ca era singura eroare stocată iar eu m am prezentat la mizeria de service Darius Ploiesti pentru ca tremura la relanti, lucru care se intampla si acum. Verdictul Porsche volanta. La 50000 km!!!!
@andreinr1749 5 лет назад
Aparent un senzor de presiune carburant schimbat cu piesa originală dar care de fapt s-a dovedit a fi neconformă. Reschimbat senzorul, nu a mai facut chiar asa dar tot are momente cand se balbaie la pornire. M-a pus dracu sa i ascult si pe-aia de la Porsche si am schimbat demarorul fara nicio schimbare in bine.
@IonyMPH 4 года назад
adevarat, modelul asta porneste foarte galagios si "zdruncinat", pana la urma ai rezolvat 100%?
@imisuggipuladeziuata7676 4 года назад
Am o problema de genu....am schimbat senzorul de la axul cu came, mecanicul meu zice ca am bateria slabita lucreaza la 65% din capacitatate.....e posibil sa faca figura si din cauza bateriei?
@andreeaparaschivescu8485 2 года назад
O întrebare, te rog...an de fabricație la masina ta? A mea e 2018, am aceeași problema, 1,6 dsg, b8.
@andreinr1749 2 года назад
@@andreeaparaschivescu8485 2015 dar motorul 2.0 biturbo e total diferit
@LUQUITLA 2 года назад
@@andreinr1749 2016 am si eu acelas model ca al tau si am problema ca nu porneste deloc, sunt zile care porneste zile care ii dai Start si nu pleaca deloc, am schimbat bateri, senzorul de presiuna, pompa din rezervor si nimic, la fel. Pur si simplu numai stiu ce sa fac, masina are 90,000 km
@riccardogori84 6 лет назад
LG 👍🏻
@donovan4009 6 лет назад
which one is brighter?
@andreinr1749 6 лет назад
Orestis Kotopoulos definetelly LG!
@donovan4009 6 лет назад
ANDREI NR does the Panasonic seem to need more brightness or the brightness it has is plenty for hdr? I’m asking because I want to buy one of these sets and most reviewers say that the Panasonic is better in many aspects!
@edstark44 6 лет назад
Which is which? And which one handles motion better? I recognise your name from the forums! 👍🏻
@andreinr1749 6 лет назад
Cobalt On the left Pana and on the right is LG. Both were identical unless ifc is set to min or higher on Pana. If so,Pana is stuttering. Pana went back and B7 stayed. That should tell everything.
@edstark44 6 лет назад
ANDREI NR thanks for your reply. Wow I did not expect that.. I was leaning towards the Pana being a Pana plasma owner(like yourself once, I still have a ST60) but sounds like you would recommend the B7/C7 over the EZ950/952? Was there anything else that swayed your decision in favour of the LG?
@andreinr1749 6 лет назад
Yes. The OS which is amazing. Pana, as you know , can't handle a lot of things(btw the OS is almost the same as ST60/VT60), dolby vision, uniformity which is perfect on my 55b7(Pana had a little red on the rightside), sound, AR filter and the price... :) I was amazed byEZ1000 when I first saw it but the ez950 was with nothing(and I mean NOTHING) better the the B7. You could wait a little to see what Pana is bringing this year and to test against C8.
@edstark44 6 лет назад
ANDREI NR Thank you!
@andreinr1749 6 лет назад
Hope that helps!
@madmax7p 6 лет назад
what is the best panasonic EZ952 or LG b7 motion?
@andreinr1749 6 лет назад
Like you can judge "what's better "in a video.. Take the calibrated tv as a reference and that's it!
@WhatTheFragrance 6 лет назад
Do movie content
@andreinr1749 6 лет назад
Forgot to say "please"!
@WhatTheFragrance 6 лет назад
Panasonic actually looks better
@YavNe Год назад
Not at all. It looks oversaturated on skin tones. Calibrated LG is way better.