Romaboo Ramblings
Romaboo Ramblings
Romaboo Ramblings
I'm doing history videos about ancient Rome and the Eastern Roman Empire, covering topics from the foundation of the city of Rome to the fall of Constantinople.
Why Is Byzantium Not Popular?
8 месяцев назад
Should We Use The B-Word (Byzantium)?
10 месяцев назад
Best Fake Quotes from Antiquity
Год назад
In Memoriam: Ray Stevenson
Год назад
Scipio Africanus Wasn't Bald
Год назад
Top 10 Historical Skull Cups
Год назад
Better Call Cicero: Cui Bono
Год назад
History of the Roman Calendar
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@Mrmysterious7 23 часа назад
Fun fact Muslims destroyed this entire empire very easily in early conquests of Islam not only Romans but Persian empire at same time in less than 10 years and to this day all north Africa and from turkey to Syria all area is under Muslim control
@danielefabbro822 День назад
By respecting the decision of their troops, both of them shown honor and dignitas. There's no commander that can fight a war without his troops. There's no commander of such without the respect of the troops. There's no glory without the Roman Army.
@Roo13-k8b День назад
A good name for the Roman Empire would be "SPQR", Although "New Trojan Empire" or "Neo-Trojan Empire" makes more sense, considering Romans are descendants of Trojans. On the other hand, "Kingdom of The Greeks", or the "Kingdom Of The Romanoi" is more fitting for the Byzantines.
@Jimothy-723 День назад
lmao thats not how that went down.
@Roo13-k8b День назад
Neither of them were even actual Romans to begin with, Both could be considered barbarians. 1 side is Greek and practices an Abrahamic (Non Roman) religion. The other is more German and Lombardic in blood if anything, and also practices an Abrahamic (Non Roman) religion.
@Roo13-k8b День назад
Theodosius was a horrible leader. His sackings of settlements that merely disobeyed him, and harsh persecutions of those who dare to not follow his godless ideals lead to destruction in not only the Eastern part of Rome, but also the west, along with countless deaths, all for nothing. It lead to more internal conflicts, and even civil wars. If anything, he weakened Rome further. Uniting Rome was the only "good" thing he did, And even then it barely lasted that long. Plus, Honorius is from his kin, Whom is one of the worst if not the worst Roman Emperor, second only to Heliogabalus. Valens, whom despite not being an incredible ruler (Such as Diocletianus The Great, Trajan, Or Maxentius), Was still better when compared to Theodosius, and had a more stable reign, despite being killed in battle. Which says a lot.
@Roo13-k8b День назад
I enjoy ur content however i think the abundance of clips and footage from less accurate shows, series, and movies such as HBO's 'Rome' are not only misleading in a way, But also inaccurate. Take for example the Anachronistic helmets, which were likely never used in the eras the series's depict them in. These are akin to Renaissance's understanding of a Roman "uniform" rather then what they actually wore. In my opinion, at least, Showing images of actual historical arts and engravings (such as Diptychs), statues and Late Roman manuscripts would be more fitting. This isn't to say i do not enjoy some of the clips though. Especially on videos discussing the ERE and its wars with the Boulgaroi, Which i do in fact enjoy.
@Roo13-k8b День назад
I recommend making a video or series on the Ostrogothic Kingdom, or just the Ostrogoths in general
@Roo13-k8b День назад
It was Abrahamic, and less Roman and more Roman CATHOLIC. The real successor to the Western Roman Empire is the Ostrogothic Kingdom. The same logic used to state that the ERE and the HRE were 'Roman' can also be used for the Gauts (Goths).
@Nomad785 День назад
What’s the song in the background?
@maldakny86 2 дня назад
5:45 The guy you mentioned was Ubaydallah ibn Jahsh and he was a cousin the the prophet Mohammed (PBUH), not his son in law. Ubu Sufyan was his father in law and it is quite doubtful that he didn't know about his son in law apostasy, otherwise he would answer Heraculus 's question differently. This would render the entire claim of Ubaydallah's convertion to Christianity questionable
@potaotismus7586 2 дня назад
You should definitely learn Arabic, you'll unlock a whole new level of historical knowledge. Plus, You maybe should have taken a look on the prophecies in the end of the time and the Armageddon
@ThatTradSpartan_1776 2 дня назад
Im a civilized man I see roman, or eagle I click
@TejanoTigre 2 дня назад
F Voltaire, all my homies hate Voltaire
@Onehousez 2 дня назад
@SolathPrime 2 дня назад
[5:50]: ummm, where did you come up with this claim? Like for real this book 100 times reliable than any of your Scriptures could ever get like I can point my hand on any author within the book and get his entire history second who said that someone on the time of the prophet could even desert Islam and succeed afterward?
@johnmanno2052 3 дня назад
I've read all of Gibbon. I've also read Procopius. I've also read all of Tacitus, Livy, Suetonius and Plutarch. Here's my take on Byzantium (and I like Byzantium, mind you): When I read Livy, it sounds like those silly popular American histories for children, sort of "George Washington and the cherry tree". When I read Suetonius, it's a bit like the National Enquirer. Not that any of that is "bad", I quite like it actually. And maybe there's some truth in it. When I read Plutarch, I feel like I'm in someone's bizarre "poly sci meets some sort of philosophy" class. But, the ways in which he writes seems familiar to me. It "feels" like the academic prose I'm used to. When I read Tacitus, I feel like I'm talking to a HIGHLY intelligent person who's my contemporary. He'd be a kind of weird contemporary, but a contemporary nonetheless, and a highly educated one, right down to despising Christianity. Now, when I read a Byzantine author, like Procopius, suddenly I'm in some kind of bizarre parallel universe. I just don't know anyone who actually thinks the heads of the rulers of a country detach at night and float through the palace, making mischief. I have nothing to relate to it. Plus, it reminds me of Chinese official annals, lots of soap opera, lots of bizarre occurrences, but without any motivations that are at all comprehensible to me. Medieval people, including the Byzantines, lived in a very different reality to ours, it seems.
@Gia1911Logous 3 дня назад
Im pretty sure we learn in Greek schools that Heraclius wrote some law of his in Greek and that's why
@trend9818 3 дня назад
Your tone sounds islamophobic dont hide it be a man and say it 😂
@CTzons День назад
@user-iy9fs2ei8d 3 дня назад
Harun al Rashid, just like Khalid ibn Walid, were both very evil men from islamic and truth viewpoint. They were not good Muslims themselves. The other things about be researched.
@user-iy9fs2ei8d 3 дня назад
Qatar media, etc, you are really far from islam and truth research. You also use for example one hadith from sahih, but you do not put it into context of islamic opinions and other traditions for example
@user-iy9fs2ei8d 3 дня назад
03:50 this is not a Muslim nasheed, this is some wahhabi takfiri isis al qaeda "war song" or something. Very obscure indeed, and you portray it as Muslim. Nah, Muslims would never accept slave markets, and such, its precisely the type of behavior we have seen from western funded and founded isis and other takfiri israeli friends
@user-iy9fs2ei8d 3 дня назад
Free Palestine Islam and mahdavism is the future of the world
@SangheiliSpecOp 3 дня назад
I actually never seen him in anything but Ahsoka which is sad. Star Wars has been going downhill, but even in a sea of mediocre performances in Ahsoka, Ray stood out, almost as if he had a different director entirely. But he had the same script and lines and everyone else, he just acted the hell out of it in every scene he was in. Even now I'm beyond sad to hear of his passing, but he died living a life bigger than most of us ever will, and died arguably one of the most beautiful places in the world in Ischia, Italy, doing what he loved. R.I.P. I have never seen Rome before but I might check it out just for him
@LordWyatt 4 дня назад
So diplomatic. Fighting again in ten years
@smarttarded 4 дня назад
And they say legionnaires will obey any order
@cringebrudi 4 дня назад
Friedrich Barbarossa is goated.
@JimmySailor 4 дня назад
This was a pretty upbeat video considering right after the armies didn’t fight the Triumverate began a campaign of legalized murder and theft. Thousands of citizens died and Rome itself lost up to half its population as people fled the mob rule. In many ways this was the first sack of Rome as Cesar’s army decided they would rather be rich than fight for the republic. Considering Octavius only had an army because of the Republic immediately betraying and murdering the senators who supported him has to be one of the cruelest acts in history.
@chrislusk3497 5 дней назад
Love the humour. I can't recall ever hearing a Byzantine joke before.
@frederickb6371 5 дней назад
@reformed2503 5 дней назад
As an Arab I gotta tell you. This is prolly the most accurate non biased video that explains how we view the Roman Empire based on the events that we shared. Very good my friend you earned yourself a like and a sub!
@aymanomar8965 5 дней назад
3:45 i think the translation of the poem is wrong here. I dont know about other arabs but as a Palestinian I dont think i would like the romans for what they did to my home country but they were much better the than the British empire I'm sure
@mad00insane 5 дней назад
the Christians is suffreing in the west .
@CTzons День назад
They are not, Do not turn this into a stupid anti muslim thing, there is a difference between islam and salafism
@MGK779 6 дней назад
I looked everywhere for a source that one of Abu Sufyan’s sons converted to Christianity, but couldn’t find any, even in Arabic sources. Can you share your sources for that information?
@RomabooRamblings 6 дней назад
@@MGK779 that was son-in-law, Ubaydallah ibn-Jahsh, the storybis from "Life of the Prophet" by Ibn Ishaq
@MGK779 5 дней назад
@@RomabooRamblings Thanks for taking the time to reply, greatly appreciated. I’ve learned that Ubaydullah is indeed the son-in-law of Abu Sufyan, marrying his daughter Umm Habiba, which after his death was married to the Prophet himself. I also found the narrations of Ubaydullah converting to Christianity to be highly debated by historians and Islamic scholars alike. There is no consensus on this subject. All said, great reporting! You’ve gained a subscriber. 👍
@mkatakm 6 дней назад
It's actually a birth defect.
@orthicon9 6 дней назад
At 04:00 - It was hilarious the way does a "mic drop" with the tablet after the "True Roman bread" advert.
@DjdhhdHdhdhd-hc2ps 6 дней назад
كوني عربي سوري من قبيلة طيء التي انحدرت من وسط شبه الجزيرة العربية لدينا نضرة سلبية تجاه الرومان ونكنهم اعداء وحتى اليوم اي شعب غربي نعادية نطلق تلك العبارة الشهيرة جائونا بثياب الرومان ولكن من وجة نظري ارتباط سوريا بالامبراطورية الرومانية اكثر من المانيا ومن وجهة نضر تجاة الفرس نكن لهم اعداء قذرين حاقدين على العرب طبعاً نكرههم أكثر من الرومان في النهاية يوجد خطأ فادح لدى أغلب البعض أن العرب دخلوا سوريا بعد الإسلام طبعاً من ناحيتي نعم ولكن من ناحية أخرى اقدم النقوش العربية وحتى النبطية اسلاف العرب وجدت في سوريا حتى البعض صنف سوريا أنها اصل العرب الحقيقي
@f.s.1429 8 дней назад
With awe. Arabs are like the Mayans and Aztecs before the Conquistadors came. They worship the white man.
@CTzons День назад
😂😂😂 You never seen a true muslim did you? 😂🤣
@mkatakm 8 дней назад
Allahümme Salli alaa seyyidinaa Muhammadin ve alaa aali seyyidinaa Muhammad.
@ZxZ239 8 дней назад
Good stuff, I think in the long long term the survival is very much depends on diplomacy wih the West, with Constantinople never falls, the Ottomans would never gain a secure foothold in the Balkans, and in time with the Western power push they can once and for all retake the Balkans and then with good diplomacy wih the West, Constantinople itself can became an epic fort city that holds backs Ottoman invasion into the West once and for all, I don't expect the Romans to regain much territory into Asia, but as long as the can hold the city that be fine. This can last until the industrial revolution then who knows what would happen, because I am sure Constantinople would be obselete along with the Ottomans as both never had the resources to industrialize. Maybe the Constantinople can became a city state like Singapore where it can use its location as a valuable location between the West and the East or became like Vatican city, or Veince, where they hold no real strategic power any longer, but a religious center or a tourist city. But hey, if it survived, then how cool would it say that Rome never fall!!
@hitrapperandartistdababy 8 дней назад
One of my favourite aspects about Rome was how the clothing looked both time appropriate and comfortable to wear- especially in a hot and humid italy without air condition. Besides some people wearing purple (big no no in Rome or any period pre synthesized colors) it still looks gorgeous!
@aris9560 8 дней назад
After the fall of Constantinople, Byzantine nobles tried for 100 years to organize another crusade and convince the Pope and the Francs to retake the city. Free Greeks in Mani and Souli and other regions also never stopped fighitng the ottomans for 400 years. The ottomans even fled the city out of fear in the lates 1400s but for a series of reasons that had to do with the lack of unity in the west, the attack never materialized. The venetians were actively fighting against these efforts as they were keen in conquering small Greek lands from the Ottomans and the Knights of Rodos were also not going to die with the Greeks. In the end it meant their own expulsion to Malta. It was a time when the decision making power in Europe was being trasnferred from "old" peoples, Greeks and Romans (South Italians) to the newer, less developed yet upcoming ones, Francs, Germans and Lombards. These peoples didnt feel thay they had a direct lineage to the Greeks or old ROmans of Italy. The pope's power had faded also. That's why we still say in Greece that we are brotherless nation as no other nation sees us like brothers yet every western nation feels they are somehow indebted to the Greek ideas
@user-lw8dr6xx8i 9 дней назад
Ironically the Roman Empire itself would end up speaking Greek and not Latin.
@CiceroTullius-c6g 9 дней назад
Thank you ! Thank you......everyone is so nice...😊
@HitandRyan 9 дней назад
@pabloleonardo 9 дней назад
I will use that in my next presentation. "And next slide we have the SECOND 👌 QUARTILE 👌 REPORT ✋️
@riverwildcat1 9 дней назад
Fascinating. Fun. The production of HBOs Rome can really be savored here.
@Szkula 9 дней назад
Was hoping for more description of what he looked like, great video otherwise, shame if that’s the only description we have of him.
@viuku0 10 дней назад
5:41 if anyone could help find a valid source of عبيدالله بن جحش actually converting please do
@fairplay3430 6 дней назад
There is no valid source of his ردته. there was news about his conversion but none of them are reliable. Also, when abu sufyan met heraculs it was after hudaybia treaty, and if we take the news of his allegedly conversion, it's indicating that it was way longer before the treaty of hudaybia. Why abu sufyan would lie about it?? To save face for his enemy at that time? And there is no mention that the reason behind his AS marriage to om habiba, was her husband became a Christian.
@TaeSunWoo 10 дней назад
Targaryens and Romans? Just yes.