Xavier's Film Views
Xavier's Film Views
Xavier's Film Views
This is where I either react to or tell you my views on whatever movies and TV shows I decide and you decide to watch, like, and subscribe to the channel, if you feel like it.

I hope you enjoy it.
@XaviersFilmViews 13 часов назад
So I had to reupload this video. Got a delayed claim on this and it was a hassle. So reuploading was easier in the end.
@jpohl75 6 дней назад
Thank your for this reaction. Liked your thoughts about everything 😊
@XaviersFilmViews 5 дней назад
Appreciated. Thanks
@beatyz2 6 дней назад
I LOVE that Rush Hour reference. It pops into muind all the time 😂 3:44
@beatyz2 7 дней назад
Great fun reaction. I love their wedding 💒💍❤😊😊
@XaviersFilmViews 7 дней назад
Thanks. It was a good wedding fr
@caitfurnox 15 дней назад
Love your reaction! I personally loved this episode and seeing your reaction was awesome! ❤
@XaviersFilmViews 14 дней назад
Thank you. Appreciated.
@camealer37 18 дней назад
Love your video 💚 but just a little bit more facial expression would be better and write key notes so that it's easier when reviewing at the end of the episodes.
@liamatsutv 18 дней назад
another great reaction, thank you 🙏
@XaviersFilmViews 18 дней назад
Thank you too!
@shemdellashemygd29 25 дней назад
8:32 elon mush joke😂
@MrMarkx7 26 дней назад
This Show is so not Doctor who! I am out .. When does a doctor asks for help! Actors re not to blame not a Doctor who / Brittish show, where is the Story and Weight, and someone we care about? Too much effects not enough charrector development.
@xzempty_8387 26 дней назад
"When does a doctor ask for help!" Are we watching the same show??? LOL
@MrMarkx7 26 дней назад
@@xzempty_8387 I miss the old doctors the jodi and ncuti is missing something .. I'm disappointed and yeah doctor who isn't the same for all. Thanks for the comment respect
@xzempty_8387 26 дней назад
@MrMarkx7 I definitely agree the newer eras have their flaws, major flaws, but I love the odd episode. And this was one of them.
@kbg12ila 25 дней назад
This episode was Doctor Who at its best. Probably the best villain reveal they've ever done. The editing, the music, the tension, the build up. It was masterfully done... And idk about you but I was really emotionally invested here for the Doctor finding Susan, the tension between him and Kate because he caused the death of her employee (literally proving her wrong when she said he brought joy not destruction), and I was very very invested in Ruby's storyline looking for her mum. When she had to literally watch the most traumatic moment of her life like that, and the way Millie Gibson acted that moment. I could honestly go on and on. This was one of the best Doctor Who episodes ever.
@MrMarkx7 25 дней назад
@@kbg12ila glad you liked it .. we have diff taste which is ok ... How is Ruby a legend and they could of done so much like Ruby could have been Missy or River child .. to me it's not the doctor cause it's written to cheeky and too dumb .. girl in the fireplace and blink and deep breathe are much better
@haroldhgull1391 26 дней назад
Sutekh is from the 4th doctor story Pyramids Of Mars, one that is generally agreed to be among Tom Baker's best.
@OnlineFanBoy 25 дней назад
I think that’s one of the reasons why Russel chose him to be the big bad for this season.
@papalaz4444244 26 дней назад
Why does an Egyptian, alien, jackal headed God of unlimited power look like a donkey?
@linkjourney422 26 дней назад
Sutekh is a classic doctor who villain from the story “Pyramid of Mars” which came out in 1975. Give it a watch. It’s really amazing
@papalaz4444244 26 дней назад
and he doesn't look like a pantomime donkey
@alexsimpkin5620 26 дней назад
Plus they got Gabriel Woolf reprise his role as the voice of Sutekh after 49 years.
@CreepyNoodles69 26 дней назад
The first time the TARDIS made the groaning sound was actually all the way back in Wild Blue Yonder!
@XaviersFilmViews 26 дней назад
Oh wow. I missed that. Thanks
@AlexKennedy1999 26 дней назад
That means the poor thing sat idle for 60+ years in 73 yards. I suppose it didn't have a purpose since there was no Ncuti to stop it.
@CreepyNoodles69 25 дней назад
@@AlexKennedy1999 73 Yards has so many very weird implications like that. Lol.
@XaviersFilmViews Месяц назад
So this had to be re-uploaded a few times. Finally got it sorted.
@joshuaverran9443 Месяц назад
Are you considering checking out old who sometime in the future?
@XaviersFilmViews Месяц назад
Definitely a consideration
@williamwhitty7243 Месяц назад
beak or mouth not bouth
@liamatsutv Месяц назад
I think this Doctor is ALL about The Feels. Unlike the broody, emotionally-guarded Doctors that came before, this one wears his heart on his sleeve... He has cried in every episode of this season, I think? I agree it was a short romance, though I suspect that's not out of character for this Doctor. Oh and - I just *adore* how RTD has leaned-in to the LGBTQ+ representation! Great reaction, thank you 🙏 ❤
@teowachowski1143 Месяц назад
"Hes gonna be so disciplined after this, I cant wait" was brutal
@ThePlayTyperGuy Месяц назад
Yeah, she’s basically saying “hear him out but we’ll punish him later when he’s no longer useful.” It’s interesting that this line seemed to slip past so many viewers who are then shocked when Lindy betrays Ricky once he’s served his purpose
@ealadubh4800 Месяц назад
This Doctor Who episode has the *best* and most effective rugpull-misdirection since... well, *ever*. Only the resolution to The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances in 2005 comes anywhere close.
@bobdodd3270 Месяц назад
Ricky is the key to understanding Russel's idea I think. The rest of Finetime are totally conditioned by the their upbringing and the information they are fed in their bubbles. Ricky is not, or at least less so. People aren't born bad, they learn that behaviour. That's why all life is precious, and the Doctgor wants to save them, (well, Lindy excepted I guess).
@chrisleneil Месяц назад
Team dot/slug!
@inkpenavengerYT Месяц назад
There are plenty of "racism is evil" stories out there, but much less common is a "racism is STUPID" story.
@paulholloway7666 Месяц назад
I love that you say, "are they the baddies?" I personally think these are the ultimate baddies. I want to put this theory out there in case it turns out to be right but I wonder if we're not seeing the future of humanity but the distant past of a far more advanced planet. This colony of people has green (i.e. copper based) blood and an aversion to manual labour combined with a total reliance on technology. They believe in racial purity to the extent that just looking at someone who is not "one of them" for too long could risk contamination. These are the descendants of a group of people who lived through a period of history called the "Great Abrogation" which may well have been a planet wide ethnic cleansing. This small colony is all that's left of them and they are going to colonise the new planet they're on. I believe this small group of extremely xenophobic technophiles are going to turn out to be called Kaleds and I think the world that they are on is called Skaro. However, I don't think we're in our universe so what we're seeing is the birth of an alternate time-line Dalek race.
@j.adickey2002 Месяц назад
Agreed. With or without a person like Davros... as a catalyst.
@cfor8129 Месяц назад
One thing i noticed this time seeing it was that the pee doctor guy is like "well done, you dont need to go to the toilet!" and she smiles. And then the doctor is like encouraging her in a genuinely difficult situation and shes like "dont treat me like a child".
@XaviersFilmViews Месяц назад
Good spot.
@mattwho81 Месяц назад
Why didn’t the Dots just have people walk off a cliff??? Well, the programming g probably has a ton of safeguards built in to avoid collisions and danger. But nobody thought to program the AI NOT to make flesh eating slugs.
@ealadubh4800 Месяц назад
Because the AI doesn't just want this civilization dead. It hates it SO MUCH that it wants to SEE it dead - hence the alphabetical order - in the most horrible, drawn-out and fitting way it can think of.
@Jack-O-Lanterns-TekkenClips Месяц назад
I think the AI likely didn't want to make it obvious that they were behind the killing. If one person happened to see a Dot walk someone of a cliff, then they could warn others. But if you throw in a scapegoat, the people will trust the Dots longer and ensure more people keep following the Dots to get more killed. Its also an allegory for "eating the rich".
@sophiecooper5678 Месяц назад
Brilliant reaction, the dot was right!
@HuntingViolets Месяц назад
I'm surprised they let gingers in, to be honest.
@HuntingViolets Месяц назад
The slugs are just tools created by the AI to wipe out the Finetime people. I never thought they'd have me rooting for AI, though.
@HuntingViolets Месяц назад
What does partying entail if they always have those bubbles in front of them? I like being online, but this world sounds like Hell.
@XaviersFilmViews Месяц назад
I'm guessing similar to The Circle. If you've ever watched that reality show.
@elektralyte1 Месяц назад
Micro-aggressions are so insidious. When you are the target of them you feel like, “is what is I think happening actually happening?” But even if you are sure you are being targeted, people who aren’t the target often don’t realize what’s happening to you and brush it off. This episode is a great example. So many Non-black RU-vidrs missed the whole aspect of everyone except the doctor being white until the end. Even when they did catch it, they brushed it off.
@liliaeth Месяц назад
I was talking about this with someone on facebook, and to my shock, they hadn't even noticed there weren't any non white people. In fact she tried to claim the ep was about classism, because Lindsey's group was 'diverse', and she was shocked when I pointed out that there was not a single non white person among any of the people in Finetime
@HuntingViolets Месяц назад
And the episode gives people an out just about every time. Well, he was kind of talking to her as if she was a child (which she was acting like), well, she thought it was a conspiracy when she found out they were in the same room. No, none of that. And they all pile up on each other. It seems hard to miss, but a lot of people missed it completely and even argue against it after the end.
@punkrockpollyanna7829 Месяц назад
@@HuntingViolets This episode has fascinated me because of its reception. RTD seems to have created a social experiment with this story, and it has played out online AFTER. This episode is just the catalyst. The internet has spoken volumes since Friday, displaying how insipid racism is, how so many are oblivious because of their own bubble, and I even saw one reactor claim in his comments that he didn't think the episode was executed very well because he had to be told they were racists. Thankfully another commentor quickly gave evidence to all the ways and whys it WAS executed superbly
@punkrockpollyanna7829 Месяц назад
*sigh - I think I misused insipid, meaning to use insidious (which OP had already said.) anyway, here is what that commentor said: Actually I think the episode executed it perfectly. Making it clear once you realize what's going on, but without making the racism too obvious in your face. Because this is the kind of racism people deal with in day to day life. It's not all kkk or nword crap, a lot of it is daily micro aggressions that never seem to end. And because it's not in your face, it makes it easy for white people to ignore it, or give racists the benefit of the doubt, even when they don't deserve it. Especially when said racists are friends or family members.
@HuntingViolets Месяц назад
@@punkrockpollyanna7829 If you like, you can always edit the post (at least on Desktop) by going to the 3 vertical dots.
@daveherres3374 Месяц назад
Good point. The Doctor has seen racism. But he has never experienced it first hand. His reaction is brilliant and devastating.
@HuntingViolets Месяц назад
Yes, still remember his telling Martha to just act like she owned the place. Yeah, great advice when you look like a white human man, Doctor. That dichotomy of his experiencing it for the first time (as far as we've seen) is interesting.
@punkrockpollyanna7829 Месяц назад
@@HuntingViolets Yes, the first time experiencing it that he remembers. I'm referencing Timeless Child era and a certain fugitive. I hope that wasn't too spoilery.
@HuntingViolets Месяц назад
@@punkrockpollyanna7829 Good point.
@jwsel Месяц назад
@robertmarlow255 Месяц назад
This is a massive V sign to all the haters out there and there are many: black haters, gay haters and BBC haters have come together in a perfect storm to rubbish the new Dr.
@CarysCreatesThings Месяц назад
I’ve never seen any of your videos before and this just popped up on my feed. I’m really enjoying listening to your takes so far, but your volume levels are very low (at least on my device, I’m not sure if other people are having the same issue). I had to turn my sound right up, and I jumped when my ads came on at full volume! 😂 Also, are you familiar with a show called The Real McCoy? It’s a BBC comedy sketch show from the early 90s with a predominantly Black cast. They had a segment where they dubbed classic BBC shows into Patois including Doctor Who. I recommend looking it up. The Jamaican Cybermen are hilarious 😂.
@XaviersFilmViews Месяц назад
Thanks for that. Sorry about any audio issues. Sounded fine when I was processing it. I'll look out for that in future. And yes, I've heard about The Real McCoy. I watched that sketch you've mentioned a few years ago. Unfortunately do not remember much about it.
@LauraGS564 Месяц назад
she blockws him, there were no black people, she said they all look the same
@Tejiknasten Месяц назад
Thanks for a brilliant reaction to a, despite the colourful scenery, very dark episode. Keep up the good work 🌞
@XaviersFilmViews Месяц назад
Glad you enjoyed it
@liamatsutv Месяц назад
Babe, you're WAY cuter than Ricky September! Love your videos -- this was a GREAT reaction to an amazing episode! Thank you 🙏 Much ❤
@MrEtherlord Месяц назад
Oh, he is very cute. Instant sub from me.
@CarvS61 Месяц назад
"UNCHAPERONED???" That made me laugh so much. They are very good together.
@richardthompson7572 Месяц назад
this episode was all gimmics it actually makes no sense. no depth just 'mystery boxes'.
@linejattu1734 Месяц назад
Thanks for reacting to part 2 trailer. :) I liked that very very much.
@XaviersFilmViews Месяц назад
Glad you enjoyed it
@rob-890 Месяц назад
Reactors are talentless hacks exploiting fans for agreement based engagement
@AnnasDollyStory Месяц назад
Love your reaction!🤣🤣🥰🥰
@XaviersFilmViews Месяц назад
Thank you. Appreciated
@patricia9239 Месяц назад
your face during the carriage scene was everything 😂
@XaviersFilmViews Месяц назад
I didn't know what to do with myself tbh
@maryjane89 Месяц назад
That little "what is consent?" edit really got me - nice.
@Jim_The_Fish Месяц назад
For a first time reactor, you definitely get it. I genuinely can’t wait to start your Doctor Who journey. I remember where I was where you are. It was at a different point, but I’m glad I get to see your reaction now as it’s so similar to when I first started this behemoth of a show. You’re in for a hell of a ride. Holy shit. This show WILL change your life.
@XaviersFilmViews Месяц назад
Not actually a first time reactor tbh. Started watching Who with Matt Smith in the role.
@nekobat1962 Месяц назад
That makes sense that Mrs Flood didn't want to get involved. She probably knew she she'd wreck what Ruby was trying to fix.
@janeenpuckett5946 Месяц назад
First time I’ve seen your channel. I really enjoyed your take on the episode, which I loved as well. I’m a new subscriber!
@XaviersFilmViews Месяц назад
Thanks for that. Appreciated.
@liamatsutv Месяц назад
you are my FAVOURITE reactor, you're amazing! Thank you! this is fantastic -- I love your reactions so much ❤
@papalaz4444244 Месяц назад
Every tired Mofat trope in one lame story.
@liamatsutv Месяц назад
It's so good to have Moffatt back - his episodes always hit different! Great reaction! Thank you! 🙏