The IBM Center for The Business of Government connects public management research with practice. Since 1998, we have helped public sector executives improve the effectiveness of government with practical ideas and original thinking. We sponsor independent research by top minds in academe and the non-profit sector, and we create opportunities for dialogue on a broad range of public management topics.

The Center has awarded nearly 300 research stipends to leading public management researchers that have resulted in over 200 reports - all of which are available our site.

In addition to our publications, the Center produces The Business of Government Hour - an interview program with government executives who are changing the way government does business. The Business of Government Hour has interviewed over 275 government executives about their careers, agency accomplishments and management, and the future of government in the 21st Century.
@hollylynnoverin6126 3 месяца назад
Is this the same Mike Gill who was suspiciously attacked and murdered by the DS DC players a few months ago?
@josettekoller 5 месяцев назад
Read the whole Chapter of John Chapter 3..... God gave us His Son. He paid for all of our Sins. He tells us we have to be Born Again. Not in the Flesh but in the Spirit. Your name gets written in the Lamb's Book of Life. You will be taken in the Rapture. You will get into Heaven and whatever you have done for Christ will be rewarded and what was done that was of no good will be burned up. At Least We Get IN. You confessed on the internet that you are a believer in Jesus Christ. We are your witnesses and God and Jesus heard it too. See you in the Rapture Brother.
@ryanharvey485 5 месяцев назад
🔥 *promo sm*
@dr.robertndanamutie4956 7 месяцев назад
@SalSalvation-rk8ot 8 месяцев назад
Keep thinking.
@SalSalvation-rk8ot 8 месяцев назад
I hope this is not the Horvath Pap Smear Data Creep Video Game for Nerds lecture.
@SalSalvation-rk8ot 8 месяцев назад
Sal will not force nothing on any pair of eye balls. But, feel free to follow.
@thomasreed5603 8 месяцев назад
My name Thomas Reed I'm a retired Air Force veteran struggling with PTSD, anxiety and depression. I need your help! I need your help with a matter of public interest, our tax dollars. I/we need your advocacy to help with the elimination of unnecessary fraudulent wasteful and abusive government spending by Defense Logistics Agency. We also need to expose pervasive corruption in NE Philly at Navy Supply, Weapon Systems Support. For over two decades of fraud waste and abuse by overcharging DLA for engineering services under a contract that should not exist. Legal misconduct via manipulation and cover up of most Inspector General investigations. Concealment of multiple felonies and false statements in federal investigations. And a side order of whistleblower retaliation. NAVSUP-WSS, and DLA are two corrupt DOD organizations. Corruption involves millions in fraud, waste and abuse via gross mismanagement of a program. Legal misconduct by agency counsel by manipulating IG investigators to cover up the facts, false statements in federal investigations. Concealment of multiple felonies. With a side of whistleblower retaliation. That's just NAVSUP-WSS. DLA is guilty of wasting untold millions by way of clueless, careless and T incompetent Inter Agency Agreement contract management and oversight. All DLA IAA contracts need to be explored for fraudulent illegal activity. Reduce government spending by eliminating outdated inefficient wasteful IAA service contracts. The work being performed by the Navy under the engineering support IAA, PBA contract with DLA are "inherently government functions ". The FAR states the government is not allowed to use contracts for the accomplishment of inherently government functions . The work is also part of the government procurement process. These contracts are non public and exempt from oversight or prosecution. For over two decades the Navy has overcharged DLA for engineering support. There are numerous False Claims Act violations uncovered. There's also a conflict of interest due to the "origin and nature " of the work being performed by the Navy . I can demonstrate that the Navy's engineering support contract with DLA can be terminated. The required work can be accomplished by one person by simply adhering to the guidelines the Navy has been ignoring . DLA is paying the Navy over a million a month to correct clerical errors. DLA has 150 of these contracts that need to be examined for compliance and cost reduction. I have filed close to 10 years of FWA complaints, to all investigative agenciesy. I worked for the military from 1985-2020 until I was fired 6 months prior to reaching minimum retirement age.
@user-lu6vg4fx4u 8 месяцев назад
She is mine Woman Ideal!!!!!!!!
@alessandracalvi4359 Год назад
Peter Ivan
@alessandracalvi4359 Год назад
Unico per me '.
​💪🏻 It's good ​🍾​
@ned900 Год назад
Well done ISW Well done IBM Hope you figure this stuff out, this is seriously important, probably extremely hard also, to guess how your enemy is try to decieve you.
@guliocl Год назад
This is like a bad dream or joke. Every time I go to the local military pharmacy a new medication has been discontinued or completely eliminated by DHA. So, veterans have to pay more money out of pocket. If You really wanted to save money. Eliminate this agency and let us go to the local pharmacies without copay. Eliminating all these high paid bureaucrats will bring saving in wages is more cost effective
@user-wb1wo6ie3x Год назад
I am addicted to his voice and wittiness Very intelligent mind
@bdub3871 Год назад
Let me add.....Are strong assets ran by the cartels , the United States cartel. Corruption is deep & wide all through this nation.
@anyhonynurse2463 2 года назад
is this real
@vincemrobert 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing - it has certainly been a very challenging time for public sector organizations, and I know many have surprised themselves with how they successfully dealt with this huge pivot thanks to COVID. Now, on to the next phase of transformation!
@eyralol 2 года назад
Such a good video! I have a better understanding of CAP goals
@mihailsadeanu4900 2 года назад
Nice debate. Anyhow, today a such agency processes a lot of big unstructured and structured data in the IoT-Edge-Mist-Fog-Cloud Computing ecosystem. The resulting information (a more strategic asset than its parent data) is usually requested in real-time, with the right content, at the right moment in the right place, in this way - as an example - the HPC is the most welcome. Anyhow, data governance has also its important aspects and its strategic components to request higher assessments.
@mihailsadeanu4900 2 года назад
Interesting debate around MDC2, actually nearby C4I -Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence - C4I systems, also coordinated over multiple domains.
@mihailsadeanu4900 2 года назад
Mostly important - Update on Financial Systems Modernization and Sharing Best Practices and Key Successes. It is about some main directions in agency digital transformation.
@Silvertestrun 2 года назад
@tuttubabukarna 2 года назад
Happy New Year
@elizabethhickerson8626 2 года назад
GenCartwright is an amazingly smart man
@Jdeneik 3 года назад
This guys has done more harm to the USA than anyone in recent history
@pushingbus1 3 года назад
100% scam very little money goes to the people who are sick it’s all about jobs and lawyers
@yahyeyusuf2414 3 года назад
ALLAH IS THE GREATEST This is a message to the Western world Israel and all crusaders of all forms and their armies from East to West South to North from Continent to Continent land to land nation to nation empire to empire . this isn't a war against terrorism you have waged this is a war against ALLAH HIS ANGELS HIS MESSENGERS AND ISLAM. IN THE NAME OF ALLAH I WAGE WAR ON THEE. THE BANNER OF LA ILAHA ILALLAH MUHAMMED ARASULALLAH WILL REMAIN SUPREME TAQBIR ALLAHU AQBAR ALLAH IS THE GREATEST
@JustAThought24 3 года назад
Was she reading her job description from a paper? Trump Administrations Finest! Girl Bye!
@THEBIGREDAPE 3 года назад
It would appear the business of her particular corner of government is eating
@stephenako3978 3 года назад
I believe leading from the future assumes that today's business requirements are perfect. That business requirements must be predicted into the future. Previously organisations used to follow traditional leadership models but now there is a shift to agile methodologies. To what extent is a shift to agile part of leading from the future?
@botchgoddess 3 года назад
She sounds like she's reciting by memory a bunch of talking points and buzzwords. Since she's not really paying attention to what she's saying, she's butchering a bunch of words and not even bothering to correct herself. Also, what she's not saying about all of that consolidation is that likely a bunch of people lost their jobs and the ones that are left are working twice as hard for no more money.
@MrBb716 3 года назад
Open your eyes Murphy.
@jazziesixty773 3 года назад
4 eyed devil
@amywang7993 3 года назад
Too many weight comments.. let’s just focus on her “ethics” and loyalty to Trump cult that delayed the transition and therefore she should lose her job.
@RisitasKEKW 3 года назад
@omg2569 3 года назад
She's such hot BBW
@pgk5073 3 года назад
Cowardly Person and a murderer of USA citizen by delaying the transition of president elect...you are not fit for the job..you will rot in hell...
@the_freebeard 3 года назад
This cow has finally been put to pasture.
@John53566 3 года назад
Biden is a criminal and belongs in jail also hunter😈👿👹👺
@dizhonorable3624 3 года назад
Fat bitch
@dmlevitt 3 года назад
come on Humpty Dumpty do your little job and certify the will of the nation. over 79 million people are gonna remember this.(corrected #)
@dmlevitt 3 года назад
@Milo Kaye I stand corrected. maybe I am dyslexic it is 79 million something. thanks for the correction milo
@The-Black-Viking 3 года назад
Emily Murphy, it’s time to ascertain who has won the U.S. presidential election, and then to release the congressionally mandated funds that allow the winner to begin his transition. Your delay to do so will forever be written into the history books. Do your damn job!!!
@tonygold3304 3 года назад
I would like to speak to the manager! Where is your manager?
@tanyiaworthy4136 3 года назад
Can't wait till you get fired... Your turn is coming...
@gamr4367 3 года назад
Just another racist fat pig living LARGE on the taxpayers dime! Never miss a meal and always eat more than your share! That's her motto!
@fnyaung 3 года назад
fuck her. this piece of shit doesn't deserve this job!
@MatthewLS 3 года назад
You’re fired.
@thedemocrat3786 3 года назад
@thedemocrat3786 3 года назад