@Bullerbums1 13 дней назад
Ser den stadig i 2024.
@pixelhero2607 Месяц назад
holy shit - Denne sang skulle have 20.000.000 likes
@nightravenonline 3 месяца назад
Godt gået..😅😅😅
@fiatlux3748 10 месяцев назад
Was für ein genialer Text und so aktuell
@jenskarl4118 11 месяцев назад
@DaneToTheBone 11 месяцев назад
Linda er stadig en smuk pige I 2023 😊
@micgross52 Год назад
lo fæææælt hihihihihihi nervøs argh i griner bare jo ;) lykke skal der THE
@MrCypraea Год назад
Wer seine eigenen Töchter jahrelang sexuell belästigt hat, und bei jeder Kleinigkeit gleich durch die Decke geht, muss nicht einen solchen selbstgerechten Jesus-Zirkus veranstalten. Die Doppelmoral von Staat und Kirche, die er mit seiner theatralisch pathetischen Vorstellung zu Recht anprangerte, traf also in besonderem Maße auf ihn selbst zu. Er wurde also zu Recht kritisiert. Kinski war eine tragikomische Figur... aber vielleicht gerade deshalb von besonderem Wert, weil er in seiner maßlosen Übersteigerung moralischer Widersprüchlichkeit ausnahmslos allen Menschen einen Spiegel vorhält. Denn wer diesbezüglich ohne Sünde ist, der werfe den ersten Stein.
@ketilbrandt7182 Год назад
Stadig en klassiker 2020
@jui79 Год назад
Genie und Wahnsinn liegen halt echt nah beieinander...
@henningdampoulsen1586 2 года назад
Gad vide om vi kan stole på Kongehuset har styr på stamtavlen ????
@david_varela_pt 2 года назад
the rupert
@SandrejerMadsen 2 года назад
Ser det hver dag
@PpAirO5 9 месяцев назад
Er du ikke ved at være træt af det ? 😄
@GormThyge 2 года назад
@gustavlisbyhansen3593 2 года назад
33:22 men budda er jo ikke en gud men mange forskellige mennesker???
@Tiwack01 2 года назад
Kan vi få åbnet op for undertekster? Gad godt oversætte og dele med nogle udenlandske venner!
@slimshady9926 2 года назад
@juergenschmitt245 2 года назад
Sprachgewaltig und sicherlich intelligent. Für mich faszinierend. Allerdings ist da dieser Schatten über seinem Genie. Leider.
@candycadette 2 года назад
@Merlin2605 3 года назад
Dieser Mann hat seine Töchter über mehrere Jahre missbraucht...Die Aussagen seiner Töchter wurden vor Jahren veröffentlicht
@minkcardinal7416 2 года назад
Das macht für mich den Zwiespalt zu dieser Person Kinski aus
@ginnungagap3697 3 года назад
Wahre Worte
@comedie3728 3 года назад
@Sunglassesonaduck 3 года назад
Såååøh.. Er der nogen der har fundet en version med engelske undertekster? Jeg vil DRØN gerne vise den til min kæreste, men han er amerikaner, og lige meget hvor meget jeg prøver, kan jeg simpelthen ikke følge med i oversættelsen..
@karinawitt5406 3 года назад
Absolutes Genie - er fehlt heute so sehr! Er käme aus dem Fluchen und Schreien nichts mehr heraus...
@ameCaline07 3 года назад
Kærlighed til evig tid 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 ......"men jeg pakker ikke ud, er ret sikker på, mit gamle hus er blevet forladt af Gud" Jeg kontaktede faktisk engang Bjørn Fjæstad for at få denne sang...på en eller anden måde....Jeg fandt den dog ikke, men lærte et par andre -Bjørn Fjæstad-sange at kende). Det lykkedes mig at kopiere og dl den via et radioprogram, som en engelsk læser af min kommentar, henviste mig til. Dette var et søndags program, hvor talen var lang og sangen var at finde 40 min. inde i filen....men fik den, det gjorde jeg...via audacity...... Sådan har jeg tit fundet glemte elskings-muski...jeg leder og søger...kæmper så blodet står ud af knaphullerne. Det kaldes kærlighed 🧡
@donlopezdeaguirre4048 3 года назад
Ein Dauerfaszinosum für mich. Und ein Nonkonformist. In der heutigen, spießigen Zeit nicht denkbar. Ein unfassbares Genie.
@mathiasmichel1797 Год назад
Spießig Zeit ? 🙈 Er warnte oft vor dem Ende der Zeiten in denen die Gottlosigkeit gross sein wird. 👺🤡
@christophergodskjgernsen7610 3 года назад
like hvis du går på stengård skole:)
@gustavaudun-olsen6603 3 года назад
@mariannesnderbylang4497 3 года назад
Bodil Jørgensen er på slap linie 😊😊😊😊🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰
@Michael-Archonaeus Месяц назад
Ja, hun er for vild!
@HioshimaFried 3 года назад
Stand-up'en er good shit men soundtracket til det show er dope as fuck.. damn shame at det er fjernet fra Spotify
@carmenschmidt1583 3 года назад
Welch Genie ! Welch Schauspielkunst , welch Perfektion , welch Mut ❤️❤️R. i . P , meine Hochachtung ! Perlen vor die Säue ..... Ein Publikum ohne Respekt ! Ich sage es mit Klaus Kinskis Worten : Hslt dein Ymsul , du dumme Ssu ! Wenn Du dies , diese Wahrheit , Kunst , Wahrheit ...... nicht verstehst ! Meinen vollen Respekt , auch heute noch 2021 !!
@comedie3728 3 года назад
@comedie3728 3 года назад
@jennifersittinieri3778 3 года назад
Man gør ikke nar af Gud/Jesus og det han har skabt 😳
@jonaskleis4740 3 года назад
hvad er det helt præcist der er blevet skabt udover ham?
@QuayNemSorr 2 года назад
Selvfølgelig gør man det!
@benjooderso7765 3 года назад
@virgilrednex2124 3 года назад
Keiner hat dieses Werk verstanden. Es entstand am Ende des Vietnamkrieg und klagt diesen an. Das angebliche Christen (Amerikaner) die Vietnamesen grausam abgeschlachtet haben, die christliche Nächstenliebe predigen. Das verändert die Rolle von Jesus - "Ich bin nicht euer Superstar ". Aber Idioten wollten Kinski ausrasten sehen!!
@PellaeonEU Год назад
Diese Art von pseudo Intellektuellen ist es auch heute noch die fundierte Werke diffamiert und einem Irrglauben folgt.
@ziggypoczkaj4775 3 года назад
Superfed vid
@aatip7721 3 года назад
Ja . ihr priester
@TheGoldenGekko 3 года назад
@Eli Fantastique can we get frank hvam 09 op :)
@WierdDane 3 года назад
Stadig en klassiker 2020
@Jegvedikkehvadjegskalhedde 3 года назад
Ole Wedel 8:07 hvis i kender ham?
@PpAirO5 4 года назад
Jeg husker et show om biblen/kristendommen, med Christian Fuhlendorf og Brian Mørk... hvor blev det af ?
@123andjump 4 года назад
one of the best
@DonGoliath 4 года назад
Zum Teufel mit dem schwachsinnigen Mainstreamrap! Ich hab das Gegengift! ;) Bidde reinhören!
@knaxmoritz0881 4 года назад
@jonnaahrendtbendtsen2475 4 года назад
Rigtig humørfyldt
@jojo-fh5zc 4 года назад
@madskliefoth193 4 года назад
jeg fik like 333
@aon02b 3 года назад
Desværre kun halvvejs til 666
@tiagot6516 4 года назад
The JWs, Jehovah's Witnesses, are the only religion that I know of all that I have seen, that teach and also actually put into practice what the Bible teaches, which is true. And look, I've already analyzed many. They themselves have a little book that talks about all the religions that exist, and how to identify the one that does what God wants. The other religions I know, only deceive people, confuse and lead nowhere. I know this because I read the Bible and I know which do and which do not do what it says. Reading the bible you know what is right or wrong from God's point of view, and you can be saved from this bad world in which we live that will end, and in its place will come a better one where people will really have peace and joy, security and perfect health, and they won't even die in the new world, if they put that knowledge into practice. In addition, they may be resurrected in the future to live in this new world. The person gains a lot of wisdom and even now he can have a better life putting this knowledge to face the difficulties and problems of life. Furthermore, it gives us comfort, hope. They give a free Bible course at www.jw.org, which is the organization's website, or in person. Order one now. See this video, it is very interesting. Open our eyes on this subject! The video is in English. m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-zuIgPSibakU.html Hugs!
@twiztedbambi164 3 года назад
@tiagot6516 4 года назад
The JWs, Jehovah's Witnesses, are the only religion that I know of all that I have seen, that teach and also actually put into practice what the Bible teaches, which is true. And look, I've already analyzed many. They themselves have a little book that talks about all the religions that exist, and how to identify the one that does what God wants. The other religions I know, only deceive people, confuse and lead nowhere. I know this because I read the Bible and I know which do and which do not do what it says. Reading the bible you know what is right or wrong from God's point of view, and you can be saved from this bad world in which we live that will end, and in its place will come a better one where people will really have peace and joy, security and perfect health, and they won't even die in the new world, if they put that knowledge into practice. In addition, they may be resurrected in the future to live in this new world. The person gains a lot of wisdom and even now he can have a better life putting this knowledge to face the difficulties and problems of life. Furthermore, it gives us comfort, hope. They give a free Bible course at www.jw.org, which is the organization's website, or in person. Order one now. See this video, it is very interesting. Open our eyes on this subject! The video is in English. m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-zuIgPSibakU.html Hugs!
@lagerthathorkildsdottir9074 3 года назад
Fork off!!!!!!
@mtmoink 3 года назад
Religion is a curse on humanity...trust in what you KNOW to be true...not what some "holy" book tells you to believe. Faith is NOT a virtue! Faith is believing what you KNOW to be false despite all the evidence . Wake up and join the crowd rational. We judge you ONLY on how you treat your fellow humans. You are not special...you are not chosen...you are just a simpleminded fool following false prophets to your doom.
@tiagot6516 3 года назад
Hi Martin, how are you? I had not read the Bible before, I had no faith in anything, only my intuition. And she often failed. I was not happy, I had no hope of anything, of a better future, I saw problems in the world without solutions, and I felt dead, despite being alive. My life was meaningless, empty and meaningless. I didn't think the world would be able to solve his problems, and when I believed in a ruler, I saw that he couldn't do anything, or almost nothing, so i was frustrated, hopeless, lost. It was at that time that I felt interested in reading the Bible alone to see what it said, and I started to see logic in what was written there, then, after a few months I started to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, because I started to seeing that many things they said made sense with what I was reading. I studied at a health course and took anatomy classes. We went to study a corpse, and I started to see the complexity of the human body, how everything was ingeniously designed, complex, every detail and system of it and I thought, this could not have happened by chance, as they taught at school. And I thought so too, we were made in such a complex way, do we live, only to end up like this, dead, lifeless, looking like a doll, dry, decomposing, without shine? Why do we live, and then end up like this? This is sad. I was trying to make sense of it all. That's when I started trying to find out what life was about. The world that you say is normal, for me, after I became an adult, I found it empty, meaningless. He found things very difficult, unstable. After I started reading the Bible, I no longer felt dead, despite being alive. I started to see meaning in life, I started to hope for a better world that God will bring in the future, without problems and suffering, I acquired faith in God and I became a stronger and happier person. I feel His presence now in my life, and so I know that He exists. I feel. Sometimes I said prayers and things happened right after that. Incredible, that would be impossible or unpredictable to happen well after them. Things that I had asked God in silent prayer that were also makes Him want. Nor did I believe it when it happened. They were almost automatic. It was God intervening in things with his power. All of this made me a happier and safer person, because I know that I have a spiritual Father who looks after me, and wants my good. My life took on meaning. So I don't want to go back to my previous way of life, spiritually blind. Now my life is much better. He switched from water to wine. I now know what is right and wrong and before I did not. I thought that wrong is wrong and right was wrong. I just broke my head. If I could go back to my previous life, I think I would have gone crazy. I feel wiser now, mature. I know which way to go. I have been in this life since 2007 and these years that have passed I have not regretted them until today. I saw after I read the bible, that the JWs teach the truth of it, they are not false prophets. Other religions do not do what the Bible says. The bible helped me a lot. I wouldn't trade her knowledge for anything else. For me it is much more precious than anything else. She is very valuable. It is God's inspired written word for humanity to have a better life. It sustains us in the end time, until Armageddon comes and then the new world. It is not that horrible world in which we live from Satan. It is a kingdom ruled by Jesus and other helpers in heaven, which will restore the earth. It will make it a place of justice, peace, joy and love. Next, Jesus will deliver that kingdom to Jehovah God, his father. For him to rule things forever. I also saw that this spiritual world is real and exists. Although we do not see it with our eyes, they are invisible. Here at home there were some evil spirits that sometimes appeared here, the demons. And they unfortunately incorporated in my mother, because she is unfortunately a spiritist and was deceived by them. They pretended to be dead people. Just as the Bible spoke. Then I saw that this spiritual world is real and really exists too. Thank God, after I started studying the Bible, they disappeared, but not entirely because my mother is still a spiritist. But I have hope, that if she wants, one day she will change. A hug.
@mtmoink 3 года назад
@@tiagot6516Most people who come to religion later in life (instead of being brainwashed from birth) feel lost,alone,and that life has no meaning or purpose. That is a wrong assumption. I am an atheist .You don't believe in Thor and Odin or Zeus and Athena. I just believe in one less god than you do. Gods are human inventions designed to offer meaning and purpose in a dangerous and indifferent universe. And there are about 3000 different gods to chose from. That alone makes believing in ANY of them nonsensical. Back when we didn't know where thunder and lightning came from we needed a god like Thor...racing across the sky in his chariot making the heavens shake and swinging his mighty hammer Mjølner to produce lightning. Now science has proven where thunder and lightning comes from,so no more Thor. The judean-christian god is the last god standing...the god of death. Because science can't tell us what happens to our memories and personality when we die,there is room for speculation. Not that there is much doubt...you have ONE shot at life! Instead of using it to prepare for a non existing afterlife,try to live for your fellow humans instead. If you want your life to mean something try to make someone else's life better. Don't waste your time on religion...life is too short😉
@tiagot6516 3 года назад
Hi Martin, how are you? What you said is true. When people did not know the science, they thought that everything was the work of the gods. But they were false gods that did not exist. Fruit of the human imagination. The bible calls them idols. 1 John 5:21, Psalm 115: 4-8, Exodus 20: 3-4. This last text refers to images that are used in a religious sense, for worship, but not to artistic representations for the purpose of decoration or decoration like statues, among others. But the Christian God of the bible really exists, it is not the same as the others invented, He is Real. Isaiah 45: 5 - 6. He really exists, but we don't see him, because he is a spiritual being, invisible to human eyes. Colossians 1:15. He is the creator of everything and everyone and reveals himself in the Bible. I know it exists for a few reasons. 1 - From when the bible started to be written until it was finished, I believe that it passed from 3 to 4 thousand years, until its writing was completed or completed. There are 66 different books, which were written by different people in different times, cultures, social classes, different ages, and yet it sends the same message from beginning to end, as if it had been written by a Single Person. 2 Timothy 3: 16-17. This proves that it had inspiration and a unique superior mind that made it written. Otherwise the books would be very different from each other, and as a result it would not have the same harmony between the books and would not pass the same message that it passes from beginning to end, because it was written by different people, who lived in very different times. long distances from one to the other. 2 - Prophecies that have been fulfilled. All the prophecies that were written in the Bible were fulfilled. There were only a few missing that are already being fulfilled in detail today and others that will happen soon. We can be sure that the remaining prophecies will be fulfilled, because of all the ancient prophecies that have already been fulfilled. This assures us that future ones will also occur. No book that a man could make could have that power. For only God has the power to predict the future. Just look at some old ones that were fulfilled like the destruction of the ancient city of Babylon that archeology bought that happened. And also that of the last days, the time in which we live today. See if these prophecies are not being fulfilled in detail. 2 Timothy 3: 1-9, Matthew 24:14. And so many others. 3 - It is scientifically accurate- The bible said that the planet Earth was round and was suspended over nothing in space. Job 26: 7. This was when people did not know it and thought it was flat and that if the person reached a certain limit, it would end and the person would fall into an abyss. Or that it was supported on top of a giant tortoise shell. The Bible revealed the truth about it long ago, when no one knew about it. She was already telling the truth about the Earth. Things that people only a long time later proved to be true, with science. 4 - History and archeology prove the truth of the Bible. Even writers, historians or philosophers who lived in the past, have proven through their writings that many biblical characters really existed. Like Pontius Pilate and Jesus, and several others. Reports of them were found in cuneifirm stones, papyrus and many other ancient means of writing. Various information about them and other characters was found in archaeological parks. Proving that the bible speaks the truth. And if you go to read the bible, you see that her story and the story harmonize, and are faithful to each other. 6 - And finally, creation reveals that God exists. The complexity of the universe, living beings, plants, environment. The distance that God put the Sun from the planet Earth, to have a pleasant climate and to have life, shows that a superior being, God, planned everything in detail and brought everything he wanted to exist. Psalm 139: 13-16. Recent scientific research says that the chance that everything that exists has come up randomly or by chance is 00000.1. In other words, it would be impossible to happen. The bible says that if a house didn't come out of nowhere, it had to have someone to build it, in the same way, everything that exists, it had to have a builder too. It could not have come about by chance. Hebrews 3: 4. You are right Martin, doing good to others really makes us good and happy. But God created us with a spiritual need as well. If we do not seek it, we will not be able to fill that void. We have to listen to God too and know who He is, what He thinks, his laws, among others. Matthew 5: 3. I hope it helps. A hug.
@coptic2707 4 года назад