Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley
Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley
Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley
Founded in 1957, the Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) at UC Berkeley is one of the most active and respected research centers in the nation. CCS puts on a full program of public activities each semester. These include lectures, colloquia, film screenings, performances, and scholarly conferences. Research sponsored by the Center focuses on Chinese culture and society in the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other countries. The current research and outreach agenda of the Center for Chinese Studies focuses on the humanities and social sciences, and also the professional schools.
@yliang1688 5 месяцев назад
🤩🤩🤩中國有大戰略❤❤❤中國有大戰略💯💯💯中國有大戰略💪💪💪 Orville hE, AGAIN ???
@Troy-ol5fk 7 месяцев назад
@Troy-ol5fk 7 месяцев назад
shovelling snow for Nixon 😂
@Troy-ol5fk 7 месяцев назад
@patrickyeo1235 9 месяцев назад
Why is, USA diviacting from it's one China policy. Do not forget that China will go to war if USA intent to fight alongside the Taiwanese.
@jacklam-yt2dr 10 месяцев назад
The USA wants to separate China and Taiwan - reason; United, they will become the most powerful country in the world. Case in point, USA, EU, Canada, Australia is a very good example
@blahblahblah2012a 10 месяцев назад
I'm shocked how little these "China Experts" understand soooo little about China and Chinese history
@charlesdenman9052 Год назад
Bullshots. The faster and further we distance ourselves from Communist China, the better. I’m done with China until it proves itself to be a benevolent influence.
@hclau218 Год назад
Is it Berkely Is it Berkeley Centre for Chinese Studies or is it Berkeley Ventre for anti China propaganda devrlopment. Such shameless disinformation. Good thing American business leaders don't believe in you bullcrap.
@siberiantiger3917 Год назад
Our neocons’ plan to turn Taiwan into the next Ukraine has been codified into law by The National Defense Authorization Law, passed in December of 2022, incorporating key provisions of Taiwan Policy Act of 2022. With the arrival in Taiwan of our 200+ military advisors, our plan to turn Taiwan into the next Ukraine, with the full cooperation of Tsai Ing-wen and the DPP, is well underway. The next president of Taiwan, DPP or KMT, still has to obey his/her CIA handler and won't be able to reverse our plan. Our CIA will sooner engineer a regime change in Taiwan than permit Taiwan’s peaceful unification with China. When our advisors are done indoctrinating, training and arming the Taiwan military in 3-5 years, we will begin our proxy war against China, using Taiwan as our proxy. We hope to turn each Taiwanese city into a Stalingrad. Maximizing Taiwan's casualties and destruction has two benefits: (1) Turn public opinion further against China and increase resistance among the Taiwan military and population to avoid an early capitulation; and (2) When the PLA finally prevails, China will bear the cost of rebuilding Taiwan, in trillions of dollars thereby slowing its economic growth and influence around the world, and its relations with the decimated and angry Taiwanese population. As Biden promised in March of 2021, he will prevent China from passing the United States as the most powerful country in the world while on his watch.
@siberiantiger3917 Год назад
Both Schell and Pomfret are afflicted by the common white man's disease. No, not "white men can't jump" but the attack mentality - aggressively blaming others and completely incapable of self-introspection. Schell is blind to the DPP's anti-China policies and practices since Tsai took over for Ma in 2016, and Biden's continuing Trump's trade war with China, rallying our allies to surround and block China within the first island chain militarily and waging a new technology and chips wars against China. So, according to Schell's book of manners, Xi is ungrateful not to smile back and bow to Biden, like the Japanese, and say, "Thank you very much for your kindness and tell me what else I should do to please you, my lord and master". LOL!
@siberiantiger3917 Год назад
@14:30 Orville blaming Xi for the deterioration in China-Taiwan relations after President Ma's 8 years in office and the most harmonious relationship with China ever, capped off by that historic Ma-Xi summit in Singapore, which our neocons hated with a passion. What is Orville smoking? Or, is he now a spokesman for the DPP and the Taiwan Independence lobby?
@user-bn7uf9bz7r Год назад
American should not stick it's nose into Taiwan, a foreign society does not fit the Taiwanese civilization!
@engchoonkoay8973 Год назад
What is there to discuss ??? Taiwan is none of the US business and it should get that fact and truth in its filthy skull and focus on its domestic ill that's going on right now! Simple Taiwan is China's province and the US is only behaving like an unreasonable criminal trying to stir up trouble that's dangerous and should not be tolerated!!
@onchungwong1027 Год назад
The panel discussion was truly engaging, covering a wide range of topics from the historical significance of Nixon's China visit to the current state of affairs under Xi Jinping's leadership. Hearing about Evan's experiences in Beijing during the late 90s and Orville's observations of hope at different stages in China's arc was fascinating. Additionally, Zha Jianying's insights, given her background of growing up during China's opening up after Nixon's visit, provided a unique perspective on Xi's China. I gained valuable insights from the discussion, and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in understanding the complexities of the U.S.-China relationship. Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation!
@GlobalDrifter1000 Год назад
Orval is a melon head
@bentao3352 Год назад
The usual condescension, self-importance, finger-pointing, distortions and blindness to one's own responsibility in the creation of a problem that is endemic in the West. Do these people really drink their own Kool-Aid?
@davidlai399 Год назад
Xi is the creation of the times, against the backdrop of Hu Jintao’s weak leadership and America’s determined efforts to contain China’s rise.
@nr655321 Год назад
Shovel snows for Nixon.
@joellis5915 Год назад
My God, this evil man Orville Schell China Hater. Nothing to listen from this evil man. And one understood immediately, this is a "China Bashing Program” that recruits those Chinese so- called scholars, used as A vehicle by the US intelligence and education institutions to overthrow China. This evil Schell married a Chinese woman from Taiwan, and he never quit to “Bashing China” since his Berkeley Era.
@cooper1819 Год назад
Quite surprising they would analyze Xi based on "childhood trauma & experience" instead of his education and obsession. I thought would be obvious that most Chinese officials including Xi & Mao would study into the policies, politics and geopolitics through Chinese history and literature - at least the many (83) dynasties & their rulers. How they would react to dangers from within and outside. The Chinese military literature art of war. And finally, the policies in last two decades, would be easy to understand if draw parallel to Confucian, rather than Soviet approach.
@CleanLense Год назад
美中冷战正酣 热战一触即发 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-WllzKAWfwEg.html
@sonamwangyal5218 Год назад
CCP stop butcherring Tibetan minorities, in Tibet,
@chrischicago6928 Год назад
Harvard guy is a Dead Fish. Fake china expert. Orville and Pomfret are top notch experts with ACTUAL china experience. Harvard guy simply is a book worm.
@teepee431 Год назад
Raise your damn voice.
@qiaohong14 Год назад
This is the level of the American researcher
@donhuang9855 Год назад
The notion that America's ability to adjust herself is a fallacy of the western media imagination. In fact, America never wavers on its foreign policies, even when proven wrong by all accounts, and in most cases will even double-down on their shenanigans by forcing its close allies in Europe and Asia go along with the US. On domestic issues, changes will only occurred when the opposing political party takes control of Congress and/or the White House. Other than this obvious fact, the two US political establishments are but two different sides of the same ugly coin.
@charleszee3394 Год назад
So called "experts" spewing the same narrative as the main stream media. Zha should know the Chinese saying; if you point a finger at others there are three fingers pointing at yourself. Hopefully these experts can look at what the "authoritarian" government has done to the well being of its people, and compare that to the "democratic" administrations in the US.
@syed7695 Год назад
Three stooges
@syed7695 Год назад
Fake guys talking rubbish love u china
@richiesd1 Год назад
OMG, Americans trying to psychoanalyze Xi. Are they mind readers?
@donhuang9855 Год назад
Americans take a jaundice view of foreign leaders who don't follow their dictates as "Valued Targets". Before Xi, there were people like Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad, Kim Um-Jong, Castro, etc. Truth Be Told, America is desperately trying to keeps in global hegemony going for another 100 years, according to Obama’s wish list, and duly re-enforced by Trump & Biden Administration. Thus nothing is ever deemed too low for their consideration in pursuit of continued US global hegemony. I wasn’t saying BOO; I am saying BOO-URNS.
@QuixEnd Год назад
They quite directly said the opposite, that Xi's speeches say exactly what he's going to do, no mind reading needed. Seems to be the common sentiment in general
@richiesd1 Год назад
@@QuixEnd , really? They talked about a Freudian investigation. I do not think they are psychoanalysts; but even if they were, it’s against medical code of ethics to psychoanalyze people without meeting them as patients. Plus, what’s the point? Just because China is not what you want it to be does not mean that China is on the wrong path. How would you like it if somebody psychoanalyzed you and told you that you are on the wrong path? You’re better off leading by example - build your own network and making your own friends. If the US wants the world to follow its example, then America needs to provide development for the world. It is useless to keep on saying “China bad, America good” but not provide money, development, and technology to those who need it.
@olderchin1558 Год назад
It is sad that America is ruled by people like these in congress and in its intellectual bodies. They just don't see the hypocrisy of their position even when it is pointed out to them by the visitor to Shenzhen. Her response is to threaten the man. America has the most powerful military in the world and it has brought dead and destruction to so many, yet they see this as benign, even benevolent. And China is a threat to the world? This delusion and 6000 nuclear warhead is a potent combination, we might see our world destroyed by America for our own good.
@user-lk4zn6rl5q Год назад
Zha is very tunnel visioned, speaking from the perspective of elites of China and the USA. She and her friends in China doesn't represent the majority of Chinese living in China. My 80 years old mother was born in poverty to pre-PRC China and she thanks CCP, and Xi jinping, for her life with respect. I had to kidnap her to live in the US with me because she prefer her life in China.
@oneof9997 Год назад
Ms. Cha, as always, showed her shallowness of understanding the world. Not worthy of your time watching. Mr. Osnos, on the other hand, understood better what he was talking about.
@R.G.9795 Год назад
Ms. Cha drives me crazy by repeatedly saying “you know, you know”, “so called, so called”, “ah, ah”. Indeed her shallowness is truly amazing! Not worth my time!
@donhuang9855 Год назад
She was purposely invited as a means to make the other guys look creditable. As many perceptive people in China have observed to their disappointments; it's not the Americans or the Europeans that really put China down - it's those ABC BANANA (yellow on the outside, white inside) that go out of their ways to bad-mouth China. Perhaps this is the real reason why the Biden Administration has appointed an ABC trade negotiator to deal with China - akin to fighting fire with fire. Such talk-shows are meaningless, an exercise in futility, unless there is a corresponding respectable guest invited to provide the other side of the story, which is as good as one action would necessitates an equally corresponding reaction.
@andrewseth2 Год назад
Most of her generation are shallow.
@alaskavaper2490 Год назад
I too worry. It seems to me that America’s increasing paranoia of loss of hegemony is resulting in the current dilemma . Tragic!
@donhuang9855 Год назад
The proverbial saying that powers corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The US's inability and unwillingness to share common interests, and allow emerging nations to play a bigger role in global affairs, unless these nations happen to be close US allies, is going against principled America core values; equality, free market competition and rule of law, instead of Rule by American law.
@wenling3487 Год назад
Exactly. But any hegemon will eventually lose its grip
@qingzhou9983 Год назад
About China does not respond to Biden’s olive branch, he did not understand with the overwhelming hostility from all areas by US towards China, China already decided that US will contain China and try to stop its rise. So they are preparing for the Worse Case Scenario. And it is putting US on notice in hope of avoiding the hot War.
@qingzhou9983 Год назад
The arrogant of Professor Zha clouds her judgement. She said as a matter of fact Do you want to move to Shenzhen? Assuming the obvious NO answer. The NO is the clear choice to anyone caring most about his or her freedom than living, like Professors in the audience. But to the most people on Earth, like billions of Indian, Chinese, Latino, or Africans, Shenzhen is a Great Choice.
@ruifenghuang1029 Год назад
@qingzhou9983 Год назад
Professor Zha said it right at the end She believes by her heart, not logic or reasoning or evidence. That Freedom will win at the end. This is the result of her own growth and education (she has no experience of actual ruling). But historically Freedom actually lost most of the time because of it lacks of effective organization. Greeks did it briefly before Roman and US is doing it now since WW 2. But these are exceptions that prove the Rule. Today’s free-world was and still is underwritten by US power. Hence the rise of Chinese power may end this era. In short it is US supports the Free World, not the Free World or the Will for Free supports the US power.
@dankuo8561 Год назад
It really stretches credulity to think Trump triggered Xi into a wolf warrior. The China's intellectual property theft and trade barriers escalated way before Trump. Navel gazing by western intellectuals on how we screwed up in assuming China would become a democracy and comply with international norms is what this discussion is all about.
@verasinn9285 Год назад
Disappointing! Why is this Chinese woman blaming Xi for the current state of US Chinese politics? Why not American paranoia?
@jieliu1147 Год назад
@qiaohong14 Год назад
@nr655321 Год назад
Chinese logic 101, aka No Logic.
@QuixEnd Год назад
They aren't gonna get into marxist-maoist-Xi thought philosophy. If you really want to get deep into the weeds of history and political philosophies by all means
@yumingzhao5577 Год назад
who alienates Canada?who arrested ms meng?
@yumingzhao5577 Год назад
if it belongs to C,isnt it up to C to decide when to get it
@jay-shakeli9761 Год назад
I feel confused when I heard one of the speaker said "China (or Xi) decided to isolated itself from the world". Isn't it the other way around? It is US that tried to isolate China, and strive for the other countries like Europe and Australians to join them, sometimes even by threat.
@dyu007 Год назад
On the surface Taiwan is well run, but underneath the current regime of President Tsai is extremely corrupt.
@skc5638 Год назад
I have read works by the three speakers, and I'm disappointed in all of them after watching this. These are the cream of the crop of US China experts, yet no one offers any contextual analysis of the Trump trade war, the Tsai govt policy in Taiwan, the 2019 HK unrest, the Chip Wars etc. If Xi is hell bent on taking Taiwan by force, why did he bother to meet with Ma in Singapore? If all you can do is to label Xi as a power hungry Stalinist dictator, then this is just a waste of time.
@alfred-vz8ti Год назад
the complication is that presumably prc does not wish to damage taiwan, or kill its people. this suggests that recovering taiwan might be better done with some foreign affairs kung fu. a mutual defense treaty with mexico would be ideal. and cause a sigh of relief all the way to patagonia. cuba unlikely to be interested, having been left out to bleed, once khruschev got the missiles moved.
@lisa.e5776 Год назад
What will Americans feel if China sells weapons to Hawaii. What will USA government action be if China maintains official relationships and trains Hawaiians militaries skills.
@chunglee7531 Год назад
It is a tragedy that most American intellectuals never understand the true evil DNA of CCP ,and maintain their delusional obsession that CCP can become democratic.
@mikerussell3298 Год назад
Arrogant Uni types knowing nothing of Chinese history or real Politics of reunification. About time all Americans realised they are not the powerful force in the world. Its trade not war mate.