JAG - the Trekkie - GEMINI
JAG - the Trekkie - GEMINI
JAG - the Trekkie - GEMINI
This channel includes some of my most important videos i ever did or watched

Almost all of these Videos are important for me, but at the same time, they represent only a part of me.... JAG THE GEMINI.

PS. "Besiege deine Vorurteile, sonst besiegen sie dich." (Velik)

PPS. "Der Wille steht über dem Fleisch".
Star Trek VI Opening Credits REQUEST
2 года назад
Star Trek 6 Praxis explodes german
2 года назад
In a mirror darkly Deep Space 9 intro
2 года назад
The Black Sheep of the federation
3 года назад
@mariusholst5537 2 дня назад
Oh yes, the False World Picard... very funny
@Sensei486 5 дней назад
Nur noch 5 Jahre, bis zum Jahr 2029. Bin gespannt was uns dann erwartet...
@vandalsavage4251 4 дня назад
Wir gegen T-600er
@Sensei486 5 дней назад
Für die damalige zeit 1984 war dieses szenario mit den Maschinen gegen die Menschen, etwas ganz neues, bedrohliches. Genauso wie der 1. Alien Film. Mit Terminator 2 die besten zukunfts filme. Heute, realistischer und realer den je...
@jaredharris1970 6 дней назад
There’s always a problem with the secondary plasma conduit
@vandalsavage4251 6 дней назад
Alexa = T-X😂🎉
@TheSecretWorldRules 8 дней назад
best series
@candyman4778 10 дней назад
ich muss das wirklich mal betonen, im englischen hat Worf‘s Stimme diese klingonische Autorität und im deutschen klingt er Kirmit der Frosch
@stefanspreitzer8416 10 дней назад
Ich versteh nur eins nicht ,warum sehen Spock und Kirk Pilles Vison
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 10 дней назад
Ist wohl ne Art "Massen-Psychose/Halluzination"
@patricksears163 15 дней назад
Yeah how about some photon torpedoes for lunch?
@Woschl 16 дней назад
wow der beste Star Trek Film!!!
@soylentteal 17 дней назад
Based on the Holst piece “Mars, the Bringer of War.” Compare the two.
@unmeshl.6708 Месяц назад
It's unclear why this piece has the effect it does on me.
@DanielPritchard998 Месяц назад
Wait but you used the shotgun and got the chainsaw on chainsaw jack in a PISTOL ONLY challenge
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 Месяц назад
@@DanielPritchard998 correct but If you Check the Video again, He was already in the final stun Animation after the final Pistol shot and the Shotgun blast Had No Gameplay Impact whatsoever
@DanielPritchard998 Месяц назад
@@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 oh well that makes sense
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 Месяц назад
@@DanielPritchard998 IT was Just a "Habit" during my Play Sessions and since it did Not affect the Outcome of the Fight I Just let it be xD
@DanielPritchard998 Месяц назад
@@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 wait why did you have the shotgun in your inventory in the first place
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 Месяц назад
@@DanielPritchard998 Do Not Know tbh... Was Like I Said Just a Habit I guess
@sebastianschindler7760 Месяц назад
Top legend👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@hangemhighhilton Месяц назад
Captain Archer is honestly my favorite Starfleet captain. Not because he's the best, but because he's just so goddamned... human. He makes mistakes, he acts brashly when he has to, he's just doing the best he can with what he has and he's always just barely pulling it off somehow. Don't get me wrong, I love all the other captains but take Picard for example, he's just so goddamned... perfect in almost every possible way. Always doing the right thing, almost always by the book, rarely ever faces failure. How tf is your common man supposed to relate to that? lmfao Also, that scene of the Enterprise cruising through the smoldering debris of that bird of prey mere seconds after annihilating it is fucking beautiful. I wanna commission an oil painting of that frame and hang it in my living room. :P
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 Месяц назад
@@hangemhighhilton That Painting Idea Sounds awesome 👍
@danivarius Месяц назад
Photonic, not photonik 🤔🙄🙄
@marcelkilla806 2 месяца назад
Bin wissi aber auch für Sabotage gegen sapotage
@miristwusrtichhabdurst1429 Месяц назад
Borg darf man doch töten ? egal was es war Borg ist Borg ?
@marcelkilla806 2 месяца назад
Cpt. Killa. Fed serenity Y 12627 c. Ambassador Klasse mit Goldstandart
@marcelkilla806 2 месяца назад
Ergibt endlich sinm
@marcelkilla806 2 месяца назад
Watt labert der. Widerstand ist nie zweklos
@ernielightning3218 2 месяца назад
Explodium consoles on the Klingon vessels as well, I see.
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 2 месяца назад
@@ernielightning3218 Seems to be "Normal" in the Star Trek Universe xD
@AndreasMylonas-pu4st 2 месяца назад
Das ist das was mir an he Man Mehr gefallen hat hoch lebe he Man und die masters of the best Aber nur das original serie der '80 er
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 2 месяца назад
@@AndreasMylonas-pu4st Besser könnte ich es nicht ausdrücken 👍
@thunder-from-the-steppe 2 месяца назад
Is this the Chipmunk mirror universe?
@andyrwebman 2 месяца назад
Proper Captain, unlike the wimps that would have spared the Klingons.
@autingo6583 2 месяца назад
contrary to popular opinion, i regard star trek v as one of the very best of the franchise, probably on par with first contact. a wonderful treatment on the interplay of reason, deep humanism, friendship and the power of advanced technology to lift us up as human beings..
@jagmarc 2 месяца назад
Mr Worf is smokin too much waccy baccy.
@movietower6095 2 месяца назад
@bill_lumbergh 3 месяца назад
Just casual acceptance there's an infinite number of themselves
@sugarsaint 3 месяца назад
That was murder
@CoolsBreeze 3 месяца назад
These aren't photon torpedoes. They're photonic torpedoes. Which is like a generation behind photons.
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 3 месяца назад
These are "Prototype" Versions of Photon Torpedos... Same Basic technology but less soohisticated
@CoolsBreeze 3 месяца назад
@@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 They're still called photonic torpedoes specifically. As stated many times by a variety of the bridge officers including Archer.
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 3 месяца назад
@@CoolsBreeze It is STILL the Same Technology... *An Antimatter Warhead* The Name was Just slighlty altered after the Federation was Founded afaik
@CoolsBreeze 3 месяца назад
@@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 You can try to spin it as much as you want but the fact is they're still different. Hence why they're called photonic torpedoes. And you don't know that. Andorians have specifically stated that photonic torpedoes as antiquated. So there's still different.
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 3 месяца назад
@@CoolsBreeze No they are NOT antiquated... Just *Prototype Versions* of Photon Torpedos
@lawrence2381 3 месяца назад
The best sci-fi show ever.ive watched it over and over.just the whole premise of of the show is amazing imagination. Thank you and please bring it back.so much more story to tell!
@nicks7616 4 месяца назад
Could someone confirm the episode name for me?
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 4 месяца назад
"The Expanse"
@azurerainbow4637 4 месяца назад
Either Majel Barrett, widow of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry got to see the private screening of this movie before its release, or she saw it in the theaters after it got released and must've felt sad when it said on the screen in the opening credits "For Gene Roddenberry."" Wonder why she didn't reprise the role of Christine Chapel, who was a nurse and then a medical doctor on the old Enterprise before being assigned to Starfleet Medical on Earth?
@InaMertens-xu1yv 4 месяца назад
Never missed this intro. Watched the show again and again. It is so real and for so many years, there is no better one.
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 4 месяца назад
Same here 👍
@crosher1 4 месяца назад
@SchardtCinematic 4 месяца назад
I know they like to reuse props and sets to save money. But these Photon torpedoes are just a repaint of the black ones used in Star Trek 2 & 3. Wish they had made something a little smaller with a simular look. to make them seem to be a work of technology advancing.
@nickpond9337 4 месяца назад
When ARCHER ' S Ship was briefly able to travel at Warp 6 . 9 i think ! was ent that Faster than Kirk When he FIRST that's first took comand of the ENTERPRISE in 2009 IF you just put those to ship's side , side with NO wibble wobble timey whey stuff Dr Who Bit There ;
@priestmichi217 4 месяца назад
Es gab mal eine Szene in (deutsch) aus diesem Film. 🫤Diese ist leider nirgends wo mehr verfügbar. Nachdem die große Barriere überwunden wurde fragte Kirk und Spock... ''Wozu braucht Gott ein Raumschiff?? Gibt's leider nicht mehr😭
@serienszenen1423 4 месяца назад
Kann das sein das die Tonhöhe hier bisschen zu hoch ist?^^
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 4 месяца назад
Mmmmhhhh falls dem so ist war das nicht geplant
@serienszenen1423 4 месяца назад
@@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 Das Glaub ich dir keine sorge,dieses Problem passiert immer wieder wenn man den deutschen Dub auf englische master legt aber nicht die tonhöhe anpasst und dadurch entweder langsamer oder schneller die tonspur macht und dadurch die höhe etwas ändert.
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 4 месяца назад
@@serienszenen1423 Ah ok danke für die Erklärung
@serienszenen1423 4 месяца назад
@@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 Gerne und ich fass es nochmal kurz ,weil ich das etwas schwerig geschrieben habe. Tonspur wird verlangsamt oder schneller gemacht damit es passend zum Film oder Serie ist. Dadurch verändert sich der Klang der Stimmen entweder höher oder auch tiefer. Das kann man beheben in dem man die Höhe manuell wieder richtig macht. Aber der letzte Schritt wird nicht immer gemacht und man gewöhnt sich irgendwann dran das die Tonspur etwas anders ist als sie eigentlich ist.
@steveandrade3477 4 месяца назад
Glad to see fellow Treekies loving The Expanse
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 4 месяца назад
Indeed 👍
@alejandrohuertas1924 4 месяца назад
Man those older klingon ships were awesome especially the bird of prey. It's a shame we couldn't see season 4 which could have lead us into the romulan wars with the daedullous class ships.
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 4 месяца назад
Indeed... The Romulan Wars are one of my favourite Star Trek chapters
@mariusholst5537 4 месяца назад
Die Borg gibt es, sie sehen in real aber etwas ander aus, es gibt tatsächlich eine Borg Königin, es gibt da draußen rote Bereiche in denen Wesen existieren wie die Borg. Das ist der rote Bereich... ROT
@moonbear7496 4 месяца назад
Duras f$cked around and found out...
@crownprincesebastianjohano7069 4 месяца назад
This was undoubtedly a Galor Class Type III Cruiser. While not a 1-on-1 match with a Galaxy, they were twice as powerful as the Type II Galor (Destroyer role) that attacked the Enterprise in "The Wounded." Type IIIs were new variants of the venerable Galor and began production in the mid-2360s. The featured upgraded weapons and very sturdy shields. Whereas a Galor Type II was a match for an Excelsior Class, the Type III could bully the Excelsiors and more or less go toe-to-toe with an Ambassador Class. Two of these Type IIIs were a threat to the Galaxy Class according to Riker. During the Dominion War, the Galor Type IIs and IIIs were refit with a lot of new stuff like warp cores and better emitters. They were fitted with heavy Spiral Wave Disruptor Cannons and better secondary beam weapons. A Galor Type II Heavy Destroyer could cripple an Excelsior with one shot, while the refit Galor Type III could one-shot kill attack ships (BoPs, Bugs), frigates (Breen Frigates) and even cruisers like the Steamrunner. Many people overlook the Galor, but students of war appreciate common frames that are easily adaptable and also have a commonality of parts for easy repair and production. The Galor was the Sherman Tank, a good basis for continual upgrades. Or like the B-52. Don't sleep on the cruiser variants.
@jasonluong3862 5 месяцев назад
The point of using torpedoes is they can be guided towards their targets. I cannot recall watching a torpedo being used that way in Star Trek.
@YDV669 4 месяца назад
Undiscovered Country.
@jasonluong3862 4 месяца назад
@@YDV669 That was a test. You passed. Nerd. It was the only time I remember that the torpedo in Star Trek was guided to the gas coming out of the tailpipe of the target ship.
@ringo1029384756 5 месяцев назад
Four members of the House of Duras killed by Starfleet. One by Archer and three by Worf.
@magnoid 5 месяцев назад
As we find out in TNG, unfortunately Duras had already procreated by this point.
@MaraIndigoJade 5 месяцев назад
Duras: "...or be destroyed!" Archer: 'GO TO HELL!' Duras: **looks around to crew awkwardly as viewscreen shuts off** "...is that?...was that a yes?"
@jBKht931 5 месяцев назад
Why is it when things blow up in space the debris seems to always fall down like being pulled by gravity, in space?
@carrot1977 5 месяцев назад
I'm assuming that this Duras is the ancestor of the TNG Duras?
@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 5 месяцев назад
That is correct 👍
@carrot1977 5 месяцев назад
I haven't watched the shows in years, so couldn't remember. I need to rewatch them all again 😅