Just another random guy just having fun and playing games
Age of Empires II (E93 1/2) Scorpion Sting
7 часов назад
Stardew Valley (31) Fall continues on.
16 часов назад
Super Mario Bros 2 (2) Maze and Ice
19 часов назад
Stardew Valley (29) The start of Fall.
14 дней назад
Sonic the Hedgehod (3) Star brain
14 дней назад
@godoftwinkies574 10 часов назад
Don't give him the Red Snapper. Let him STARVE...
@jarg_64 5 часов назад
@@godoftwinkies574 ….. ok 👍
@godoftwinkies574 10 часов назад
OMG! You got a Golden Axe?!? You became Death Adder!
@jarg_64 5 часов назад
@@godoftwinkies574 so wait…. Does that mean I’m waiting for a warrior, Amazon of a woman and a dwarf to come and kill me? This sounds like a terrible deal
@godoftwinkies574 Час назад
@@jarg_64 Yes, they are on their way.
@jarg_64 59 минут назад
@@godoftwinkies574 oh no 😨
@godoftwinkies574 31 минуту назад
@@jarg_64 they're collecting your head when they arrive. Sucks to be you.
@godoftwinkies574 10 часов назад
Auto-grabber are an amazing investment. I recomend.
@godoftwinkies574 11 часов назад
Love how your speeded animals go eww!
@jarg_64 5 часов назад
@@godoftwinkies574 things sometimes just sound funnier speed up
@godoftwinkies574 День назад
Dimitri sure became a sombre maniac. Glad he's on your team. Altho, having him in the next room might create some interesting chalenges.
@jarg_64 День назад
@@godoftwinkies574 yea his mental state is something to question. Hopefully he can bounce back but without Dedue here… I don’t know
@godoftwinkies574 День назад
@@jarg_64 even if you win the war, he shouldn't get the crown. You should... un-alive him before the end.
@godoftwinkies574 2 дня назад
Collect their Heads!!! Gently...
@jarg_64 2 дня назад
@@godoftwinkies574 you the queen of hearts or something?
@godoftwinkies574 2 дня назад
@@jarg_64 nope, i'm the God of Twinkies...
@stewartmackay400 3 дня назад
Lovin the AOE content
@godoftwinkies574 4 дня назад
I know! We have to actually wait for Lynus to lose his Basket for it to appear in the grove! Crazy game!
@jarg_64 4 дня назад
@@godoftwinkies574 I mean he could have lost it earlier on and didn’t think to ask for help until it was too late
@godoftwinkies574 4 дня назад
@@jarg_64 he probably thought you stole it.
@jarg_64 4 дня назад
I could be wrong but I think Robins lost axe can be found on day 1, so that’s why I thought the basket would be out there first day of fall
@godoftwinkies574 3 дня назад
@@jarg_64 normal reasoning. I aprove.
@godoftwinkies574 4 дня назад
Always found ironic that everyone celebrates having Work/Labor by not working...
@jarg_64 4 дня назад
@@godoftwinkies574 well some people look at it in terms of money like hey you will get paid more. But sometimes you just want the day to yourself to enjoy and sleep in
@godoftwinkies574 4 дня назад
13:10 Always check what the nomadic seller has to offer. Some stuff might fill your Jumino Quests. I speak from experience.
@jarg_64 4 дня назад
@@godoftwinkies574 oh yea yes yes. She can have a lot of good things like that rare seed, I think she can also sell coffee beans and even seeds that aren’t available until year 2 like cabbage.
@godoftwinkies574 4 дня назад
@@jarg_64 wait, what? It's a "she"?
@jarg_64 4 дня назад
@@godoftwinkies574 I thought so. Looks like a she to me but I guess it could be a he
@godoftwinkies574 7 дней назад
Offer the Tea to Leah. And try entering the Clinic. A Cut Scene might kick in.
@jarg_64 7 дней назад
A cutscene 🤔
@godoftwinkies574 7 дней назад
@@jarg_64 yes, exactly that!
@jarg_64 7 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 alright I’m sold
@godoftwinkies574 7 дней назад
You need to stock up on Hardwood for the Casks.
@jarg_64 7 дней назад
Good thinking. I may also want to upgrade the axe to gold then to make chopping easier
@Xzinum 8 дней назад
Luigi on ice was the worse possible choice :D
@jarg_64 8 дней назад
@@Xzinum ohh yea. Butter shoes with ice physics is not a good combo but that means everything else should be easier right? ……. Right?
@Xzinum 8 дней назад
YASSSSSSS!!! I never had the patience with this game to get far.
@jarg_64 8 дней назад
@@Xzinum hmm well. I can’t say I blame you. The controls are too floaty. Platforming is meh. I only beat this game once and I’m remembering why
@gagegogo 9 дней назад
I really don't think this mission is hard at all. Simply rushin one or two castles towards the Ghorids is way more than enough to repel the attacks, even on hard mode. They AI gets drawn to whatever attacks them first, if it's a castle they will simply bang their heads at the castles over and over. The first wave is the only rough one.
@jarg_64 8 дней назад
Well my original plan was to get them to attack my castles up top however I made mistakes and that didn’t happen. And dealing with the raids and green and yellow attacking and dividing my units, the fact I had no good cheap unit to deal with cav, lack of gunpowder because the campaign said so. This mission while not taking me the most amount of tries (that belongs to the horns of Hattin) this took me 3.5 hours in game time to finish. With the final push into cyan making me feel like I could possibly fail and run out of resources if I didn’t have a market to support me
@gagegogo 7 дней назад
@@jarg_64 What do you mean with no cheap counter to cav? You have camels, they may cost gold but they are still cheaper than knights. Also I don't know why would you need it to be cheap if it's going to be your main unit against almost everybody. Btw, do you really play with all that lag? That's gonna be real hard tho.
@jarg_64 7 дней назад
@@gagegogo cheap as in I don’t have good spears. I would rather spend my gold elsewhere. But feel like I’m stuck using camels and skirms. The lag is due to the increased speed of the replay. Normal gameplay isn’t this fast or laggy.
@gagegogo 7 дней назад
@@jarg_64 Well, campains always tend to limit the options a lot, but what's wrong with camels? They are such an amazing unit. There's not much else to spend the gold, but even so this mission isn't very restrictive with resources altogether.
@jarg_64 7 дней назад
@@gagegogo personally I feel like camels die too easily for a unit requiring gold to produce. You want them fighting cav so they need to be in the front line. But they are only good against cav so anything else is not a good fight. I also feel like… while they do good damage to other cav it’s not enough to cover their cost against ai. Against another player yea. But ai never seem to run out of gold while we do. (Unless you got trade) Idk in the long run I am only OK at AoE. I’ve made it past many missions all on hard with a lot more to go and I never went WOOO CAMELS. And instead went meh, camels. But I’m an idiot so perhaps camels are much better than I give them credit for, and I’m letting my judgement and bias get in the way.
@godoftwinkies574 10 дней назад
This game was my introduction to the Mario Franchise. Unless you consider Kong being a Mario game.
@jarg_64 10 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 well that’s an odd one. As Mario was jump man back then and it was meant to be a Popeye game. But donkey king did eventually stay (and then there is that whole timeline mess) along with Pauline who came back in Odyssey and I think some of the sports game so….
@godoftwinkies574 10 дней назад
Read faster you lazy bum! 😀
@godoftwinkies574 10 дней назад
Start piling up the wine instead of selling it. For later.
@jarg_64 10 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 oh? Any particular kind?
@godoftwinkies574 10 дней назад
You instantly trashed the broken glass? Damn.
@jarg_64 10 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 upupupup I recycled it
@godoftwinkies574 10 дней назад
11:10 i think i always pick the "pay your dues, loser!" option on that Pam conversation. I forgot there was even a second choice!
@jarg_64 10 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 I know telling Pam to pay hurts friendship with Gus where the bar not doing well increases it
@tyranitararmaldo 12 дней назад
This level is BRUTAL. I eventually did it by targeting gray first, while walling off green and some of yellow to keep them from annoying me. Once you start cutting into gray's base, they really start to fall apart, and yield tons of resources.
@jarg_64 12 дней назад
normally i would have tried to fight them off but with how things were going I felt like leaving them alone and going after my other targets was the better decision. was it? IDK. someone else did mention about getting rid of Gray and that caused the raids to end or have the raids send less units. if thats true then yea deleting gray early would be a good option
@tyranitararmaldo 12 дней назад
@@jarg_64 Grays attacks hit VERY hard if you leave them. Green it's more like a trickle, and after a certain point they don't get much stronger. But Gray just keeps ramping up, and eventually they WILL win. Not to mention that as Hindustanis, they have a much more varied spread of units, and as the game goes on, they will use more of it. This is bad for two reasons: 1: Gurjaras are a hyper-counter civ. They thrive on the opponent only using 2-3 different units and then making the counter to hard-stop them. The more units mixed in, the more difficult this gets. 2: Gurjaras are really bad in when gold starts running low. Kshatriya lets them get a food discount, but gold costs are still high and they really lack good trash units. So you need to end the fight with them quickly before the Gurjaras run out of steam.
@ItsAllAboutHipHop1 11 дней назад
Gray never attacks me on this level, I just build castles on the right side and rush green and yellow with elephant archers and 7-8 trebs. After I just drop another castle on teal and gg in 25 mins max.
@godoftwinkies574 12 дней назад
You need a new Armor Guy since Dodrio's dead.
@jarg_64 12 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 yea I got Mr flirt going for armor to be a great knight. He just need more…. Work done first
@godoftwinkies574 12 дней назад
I think the extreme versatility of units sadly prevents the rotation of your roster. And yet, you extensive character choices probably exists in case your units die. 🫤
@jarg_64 12 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 haha no one is allowed to die here. I won’t let it happen. Honestly this is a good group. It just sucks that we lost our physical wall due to plot
@godoftwinkies574 13 дней назад
Ingrid isn't build for pure damage, she's a rounded mobile unit. I think the creators prefer she'd be used as a Pegasus Knight.
@jarg_64 12 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 yea she is more of a mage killer than anything else. It just sucks as I would like her to “fit” in better in some other ways as well. But a flying mage killer is also a good thing, especially when you got long range magic casters
@jarg_64 12 дней назад
My other issue is that we are fighting units much weaker than us. And she still can’t do some things alone
@godoftwinkies574 13 дней назад
Wyverns weren't vulnerable to bows in some FEs, they sometimes are vulnerable to thunder magic.
@jarg_64 12 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 hmmm. Ok. Yea magic also had its own triangle system but they removed that. Well they also removed the weapon triangle in this one as well. Part of it exists as abilities the characters can learn but I don’t know if I like that
@godoftwinkies574 13 дней назад
Ahhhh, watching a video of someone reading poor fanfiction. Oh great delight!
@godoftwinkies574 13 дней назад
And dislectic! Oh great joy!
@jarg_64 13 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 haha
@jarg_64 13 дней назад
You could also watch the video talking nothing more than numbers over a fancy costume change Hahaha
@godoftwinkies574 14 дней назад
Yer needing some goals? Water the cat boal so he reaches top love, give Dwarf some ametyst, and top Blue hair girls affection.
@godoftwinkies574 14 дней назад
Also, improve bin.
@jarg_64 14 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 OK i will work on improving the bin, i know i keep forgetting the poor cat. I feel so bad some times :( dwarf and a wifu before a husbando. got it
@godoftwinkies574 14 дней назад
So, you marrying the activist?
@jarg_64 14 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 yea. And the drunk and the football star and the camera girl and the guitar guy and the possible witch daughter and the teacher and doctor
@godoftwinkies574 14 дней назад
I recomend planting pumpkin in a large uninterupted field, probably 4x4 or 5x5. You'll understand why after they pop up
@jarg_64 14 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 the chance for the large pumpkins that you need an axe to break. I know of em I just never had one
@godoftwinkies574 14 дней назад
You get a hint from one of the NPCs.
@godoftwinkies574 14 дней назад
​@@jarg_64i once had them But the logistic gets complicated once you optimize your farm.
@Klajusa 15 дней назад
As a main army hand canoniers and hussar with a few trebs seems like the best idea
@jarg_64 14 дней назад
hand cannons sound like they would be good here however this campaign doesn't allow us to create them but with the tight spaces and hussars in the front as cannon fodder the enemy would have had a much more difficult time
@Klajusa 13 дней назад
You can't make hand canoniers in the mission? Did you research chemistry at the university to unlock them?
@Klajusa 15 дней назад
In aoe2 rule of thumb is to fill 6/10 of your population with eco, when you have 200 pop I would go for 120 vills When defending against the raids, I would go castle + pike. I would use the pikes manly to deal with siege and maybe cav. The castle can do the heavy lifting. Pikes aren't strong, but they are insanely cheap and easy to mass. They are just a shield for the castle
@Klajusa 15 дней назад
Just saw the pikes, instead of them I would use hussar. Still cheap, kills siege and is a meat shield
@jarg_64 14 дней назад
i would have gone for the pikes however this Civ only has the basic spearmen. No pike or halbs. so while spears are cheap i feel like their low stats would be more of a waste of resources and pop space.
@jarg_64 14 дней назад
I am not an expert on AoE but i do remember hearing about wanting a lot more eco than military. my issue is my stupoid brain gets overwhelmed and then i forget to get more vils. Like i guess i could of had more farmers or lumberjacks or later on trade carts
@Klajusa 13 дней назад
​@@jarg_64yeah basic pikes suck, they don't even work as a proper meat shield against imp units
@Klajusa 15 дней назад
You can use strg, shift and h to select all tc's (or you change to hot key in the settings)
@jarg_64 14 дней назад
thats good to know, however im terrible at using the hot keys haha😅
@godoftwinkies574 15 дней назад
The end of an era.
@jarg_64 15 дней назад
Yea everything is about to change
@godoftwinkies574 15 дней назад
So you think Mario's better huh? Fine, bomb is in the mail. ❤
@jarg_64 10 дней назад
Mario gas the better water levels
@godoftwinkies574 15 дней назад
16:59 that death was hilarious.
@godoftwinkies574 15 дней назад
This soundtrack is top 5.
@jarg_64 15 дней назад
The music is good. Starlight zone sounds really nice at 50hz compared to 60
@godoftwinkies574 15 дней назад
Look! It's Sanic!!
@godoftwinkies574 17 дней назад
The only act where you can go fast is the 1st one.
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
Green hill and starlight zone
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
Ya sonic 1 is strange as it sort of lacks the speed that later games try to give
@godoftwinkies574 17 дней назад
20:00 from what i remember, moving affected the bouble spawning speed.
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
If movement actually effects the bubbles then that’s a strange detail. Like I guess I coil see the reason behind it, moving around causing the air underneath to move around but in a game sense I would like to see more bubbles (tiny bubbles 🫧) spawn when I run over them
@godoftwinkies574 17 дней назад
Labyrint Zone's theme altho great gave 11 year old me nightmare.
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
Meh. It’s ok. Green hills and starlight zone are for me 👌
@godoftwinkies574 17 дней назад
9:40 you missed a secret entry to the wall that would have given you imunity.
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
Really? Where?
@godoftwinkies574 17 дней назад
4:21 you move "so much" because of a factor of acceleration. I always hated that.
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
Yea that’s it. I feel like the acceleration is higher here than what I’m used to.
@godoftwinkies574 17 дней назад
I think you can give the Dwarf gifts even if he doesn't understands you. He loves Amethists.
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
I believe you are right. I want to say I have him a birthday gift
@godoftwinkies574 17 дней назад
Thx for mentioning that wierd natural archway/entrance in the mine. Every time i go near it i NEED to investigate it. 😅
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 yea no problem. It looks like it should have something or do something but instead is just there
@godoftwinkies574 17 дней назад
​@@jarg_64yeah, it's just a strange cosmetic thing/wall.
@godoftwinkies574 17 дней назад
You need a better weapon. That Bug Mandible thing is verrrryyyy weak.
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 ohh for sure. It’s ok right now. But it’s lack of power is truly showing
@godoftwinkies574 17 дней назад
I dislike Demitrius. It's the way he speaks of Robin, the "don't bother my daughter" talk and the fact that Sebastian doesn't like him.
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 yea the entire family is a bit dysfunctional. Demitiris does care for his daughter but not for his step son. Robin seems to care for both kids but seems to put more attention to Sebastian than Maru
@godoftwinkies574 17 дней назад
​@@jarg_64could be many things there. Great dept from the creator leaving us room to wonder.
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
Yea well I feel like most of the people in the valley have something wrong with with them. Their stories opening up as you get to know them like Shane and his drinking problem and his connection to Jas. Marnie and Lewis and their quote Forbidden love. Sebastian and his family issues Maru and her overly protective father. Leah with her art and backstory. It’s nice to see not everything is perfect as things never are. But it’s also a shame you can’t do too much to truly help some of them.
@godoftwinkies574 18 дней назад
I sugest clearing the trees that cover vision to your tilled soil.
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 I hear ya. I do plan on chopping them.
@Allah72hoorsupplier 18 дней назад
how he read Indian names. he just skipped
@jarg_64 17 дней назад
@@Allah72hoorsupplier I’m if going to say the names wrong probably better to not even try and risk offending someone
@Allah72hoorsupplier 17 дней назад
@@jarg_64 yeah that was funny. 😆
@godoftwinkies574 19 дней назад
Don't know what to do with all your cash? Buy weapons!
@godoftwinkies574 19 дней назад
Plus, it's a sound advice in times of war.
@jarg_64 19 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 no I need this cash to pay off our soldiers. Purchase food and supplies. These soldiers are just 3 meals away from a rebellion. And as the leader of that happens it’s MY head that will be on a pike
@godoftwinkies574 19 дней назад
The Gang is back together. You love to see it. I guess.
@jarg_64 19 дней назад
@@godoftwinkies574 yea everyone important is here. Dedue is dead… Almost everyone important is here