Morpheyes Studio at RIT | NTID
Morpheyes Studio at RIT | NTID
Morpheyes Studio at RIT | NTID
Welcome to the official RU-vid channel for Morpheyes Studio!

Morpheyes is a Deaf-led production studio at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf in Rochester, NY. We aspire to amplify Deaf creators and expand the authentic representation of Deaf people in film & TV content.
Happy 5th Birthday, Morpheyes Studio!
3 месяца назад
PopSign | Behind the Scenes With Morpheyes
6 месяцев назад
Deaf Identity | Episode One of "Deaf And..."
7 месяцев назад
Ep. 1 Deaf Identity: The Chapters (Teaser #2)
10 месяцев назад
Disability Pride Flag (2023)
Год назад
@morpheyes День назад
Descriptive Transcript for INSPIRED Title Sequence video: Instrumental music plays throughout, and the video focuses on Raina and Sebastian (Seb) from the short film INSPIRED. Raina is an olive-skinned woman with glasses and long dark hair, wearing a pink cardigan. Seb is a white man with short brown hair wearing a black hoodie. The video fades up on Raina and Sebastian sitting next to each other in a class auditorium during a movie. Raina is taking notes while Seb leans closely over her shoulder grinning, with his elbow on the back of her seat. She notices and laughs bashfully as the title INSPIRED begins to play over the video, which becomes a montage of Raina and Seb’s relationship. Clips that follow: a shot of Raina and Seb’s shoes as they play footsie; Raina with a walker outside while Seb is picking up her bag from the ground; a close-up of Raina’s hand drawing a red heart on paper with S + R inside; Seb helping Raina as she walks with her walker in the background; a shot of them on the couch holding hands and wine glasses with Merlot; Raina looking at Seb (offscreen) as he takes off her glasses and she looks at him expectantly; a close-up of Seb’s chest as Raina’s hand moves upward towards his neck. The clip fades to black leaving only the title centered in white text, which fades and blurs into the upcoming release date of the film: 10•11•2024. Underneath in white text fades and blurs on: “available on RU-vid” with the official RU-vid logo. Cut to INSPIRED’s official film credits in white text over a black background. End.
@morpheyes 8 дней назад
INSPIRED 2024 Trailer Descriptive Transcript: Instrumental music plays. Video opens on a plain hotel building, where a red car is seen pulling up to stop in front of the entry. 10 different laurels from film festivals appear onscreen, with the various awards INSPIRED has won. Cut to inside the car, where the main character Raina is applying red lipstick in a mirror. Her friend, the driver, signs to her in ASL. FRIEND: Ready? Raina is an olive-skinned woman with long brown hair tied in a bun and glasses, wearing all black. She looks at her friend, a person with short brown hair, winks, and blows a kiss. Dark screen with white text: MORPHEYES PRESENTS Close up on Sebastian (Seb), an attractive white man with brown hair. He smiles directly at the camera, reaching just past it. Then, a similar shot of Raina: Seb’s hand is on her ear, putting her CI back on. Raina helps him and smiles at the camera. They are sitting in a restaurant, looking at each other intimately. They are interrupted by a thin, pretty Waitress, who speaks only to Seb. WAITRESS: Hiii! Welcome to Charades at Hartford Inn! What brings you into town? Dark screen with white text: WRITTEN & DIRECTED BY DARIAN SLATTERY Waitress addresses Raina, over-enunciating: SHE HAD TWO THINGS- RAINA: Um, things? WAITRESS: UM. ISSUES-SPECIAL NEEDS. Raina looks like she is about to respond when the screen cuts. Dark screen with white text: A SHORT FILM ABOUT A DEAF & DISABLED WOMAN Cut back to only Raina and Seb. RAINA: [sighs] Tell me about this movie. SEB: Well… Dark screen with white text: AND HER STORY SEB: This regular guy falls for this diff-abled, hearing impaired girl that everyone overlooks because she talks and walks a little bit different. But he- he sees her for who she truly is. A regular person, a girl! While Seb talks, a montage of Raina plays. Raina looks younger and the color is desaturated, indicating the past. Clips include: Raina standing with a walker at the top of a stairwell, young Seb and another man mumbling and pointing at Raina from across a room, and Seb and Raina sitting and giggling in an auditorium. Cut back to the present, at the restaurant. RAINA: Other people don’t see that she’s a person? Dark screen with white text: CREATED BY AN ALL-DEAF PRODUCTION TEAM (AND ONE SOUND GUY) Back to the restaurant. SEB: [laughs awkwardly] That’s the awful thing! But he sees it, and he’s the first one to show her true love! Two more desaturated clips play: a hand drawing “S+R” inside a heart and Seb pulling Raina’s glasses off her face as she looks up at him eagerly. Then we cut to a clip of modern-day Raina in front of a hotel room with Seb leaning on the wall nearby watching her. Raina gestures “c’mon.” Her voice then plays over a clip of her hand sliding up Seb’s chest. RAINA: And they… live happily ever after? Screen cuts to the title and release date in white text: INSPIRED | COMING 10/11/2024 Video ends with the film’s official credits listed in white text.
@gotobassmsn 19 дней назад
I like how this piece of work helps the hearing, especially parents that have a deaf child born to them, know more about what it is like to be a deaf person. And help them know more about deaf culture.
@islanderobart7217 26 дней назад
Thank you so much for everything you taught me.
@gotobassmsn Месяц назад
Why can't they categorize it as a positive, weather your baby is hearing or deaf, by saying congratulations your baby is hearing gain. Or congratulations your baby is deaf gain. It's 2024 why are they still teaching audiologist and ent's to have negative outlooks on things like hearing loss? Why aren't medical schools teaching the medical care providers to look for the positive in everything, instead of being a Debbie Downer when someone is not what they consider as normal? We need more positive medical care personnel.
@gotobassmsn Месяц назад
Lgbtq+ has a flag to identify their culture, within the culture of Americanism. So why doesnt the Deaf culture, within the culture of Americanism, create a flag that they can fly to show their culture. So like Dr Joseph Hill said, " we don't have a flag ceremony to identify our culture, with in the American culture as a whole. So my question is why don't you create a flag that represents the Deaf/HoH culture in America? The lgbtq+ has one you need one too!
@gotobassmsn Месяц назад
We need to change deaf awareness month to DEAF GAIN month, for I Believe it represents deafness in all its different forms as something to be proud of. And places deafness in a positive light, unlike how doctors see it as a negative thing. And how they, when they giv you the test results bad and your child has no hearing, they say I'm sorry to inform you hut your child failed their hearing test making them deaf. What does the deaf culture that sees this film and reads the comments think of this idea. And the deaf culture needs a flag to represent.
@jacosmusic 2 месяца назад
OMG you really acting like you're sharing set with who, the deaf and silent? 🤡
@morpheyes 3 месяца назад
Descriptive Transcript: The vertical video opens on a blurry background of Pride-flag-colored stripes. Retro-looking text appears through static that reads “Morpheyes Memories | 2020 video remix. Text moves to make way for a square video at the center of the screen. A heart designed with the 2020 Pride Flag (rainbow + black and brown) and an outline of an ear spins on a white background to reveal “DEAF + QUEER” in funky black lettering. Video begins. Music plays and an artificial voice speaks the captions. The video cuts between self-recorded clips of many different LGBTQ+ Deaf individuals in varied backgrounds. Individual descriptions at the end of transcript. Gabriel Silva: I’m proud. Sandra Mae Frank: I’m proud. Joán Joel: Proud. Phelan Conheady: I’m proud Sean Furman & Timothy Sanger: We’re proud to be Deaf and Queer. Why? Rachel Soudakoff: Both worlds are beautiful Gabriel Silva: and everyone is unified. TJ Story: Love is love. Alexis Lazaro: Everyone deserves to be loved. Dickie Hearts: We’ve come a very long way to get to where we are today. Joán Joel: We defy oppression to be who we are! Gunner Woodall: That’s why it’s important for you all to be loud. Guillermo Burgos: And be proud of what you stand for; Jerald Creer: The freedom Nikolya Sereda: to express myself, Sandra Mae Frank: To finally feel complete. Jano Ragual: How? You try! Elle Chi: Come out whenever you’re ready, but don’t feel pressured. Kellie Martin: You’re still a beautiful soul. John McGinty: We will always cherish you, no matter who you are. Gunner Woodall: #ProudToBeDeafAndQueer Danik Soudakoff: Deaf AND Queer! Matt “JPosh” Schwartz and Jerald Creer: We are proud Why? We’re Deaf and Queer! THAT! Dickie Hearts: Happy Pride! Nikolya Sereda: *ILY hands waving* Elle Chi: *waves and gives ILY hands while LED lights flash behind them* Matt “JPosh” Schwartz: *blows kiss* Sandra Mae Frank: *hands on heart, smiling and shaking head* Sean Furman & Timothy Sanger: Love is love. (Their three children walk onscreen to smile at the camera* TJ Story: Peace! We see the social media icons for RU-vid, Tiktok, Facebook, X, Instagram, and Linkedin and @MorpheyesStudio and #ProudToBeDeafAndQueer in white text. Below that appears the Morpheyes Memories logo again. Gabriel Silva - hispanic person in a pride flag-themed tank top. Gabriel has several tattoos on their arms, a mustache, and wears glasses and a backwards baseball cap. Sandra Mae Frank - a white person with shoulder length hair that fades from brown to pink. She wears a black tank top. Joán Joel - a hispanic person with a short beard wearing a baseball cap, a black vest with no undershirt, and stylish round sunglasses. Signs with flair. Phelan Conheady - Asian person with short brown hair wearing glasses and a black tee shirt that reads “love always wins.” Sean Furman and Timothy Sanger - two white husbands. Sean is short with short gray hair in a black tee shirt and Timothy is tall with short brown hair and a beard wearing a blue tee shirt. Rachel Soudakoff - olive skinned person with long curly brown hair wearing a 90’s style choker necklace and a black tee shirt. TJ Story - Black person with small dreadlocks that fall to his ears. TJ wears a purple tie dye hoodie. Alexis Lazaro - Short haired hispanic person with short black hair wearing glasses and a black tee shirt with the symbol of two men holding hands under a pink hawaiian shirt. Dickie Hearts - biracial person with shirt curly hair and slight facial hair wearing a red tee shirt and a smartwatch with a rainbow band. Danik Soudakoff - teenage white person with shaggy curly brown hair wearing a black tee shirt with an illustration of hands forming the ASL sign for rainbow. Gunner Woodall - white person with short brown hair and a beard in a blue tee shirt and baseball cap. Guillermo Burgos - Latinx person with short brown curly hair and a beard wearing round glasses and a striped-patterned orange tank top Jerald Creer - Black person with short hair in a white tank top standing in front of the water at the beach. *note: in the clip with him and “J-Posh” they are both shirtless in speedos standing in front of the water* Nikolya Sereda - white person with long blonde hair tied in a bun wearing subtle rainbow earrings and a blue cardigan with multi colored suns on it. Jano Ragual - Asian person with short black hair in a black tee shirt with a small embroidered pineapple on the lapel. Elle Chi - Asian person wearing a black bandana on their head, glasses, and a white tee shirt with a rainbow on the lapel. Kellie Martin - White person with half shaved hair and half brown-to-blonde shoulder-length hair wearing a black denim jacket and black shirt. John McGinty - White person with ear-length dirty blond hair wearing a black tank top. Matthew “J-posh” Schwartz - White person with a blonde mustache wearing round, orange-rimmed glasses with a stylish sunglass attachment that makes the sunglass lenses optional, and a blue tank top that says “Love is love”
@theljcoleman 3 месяца назад
proud of y’all & everything you represent
@morpheyes 3 месяца назад
Descriptive Transcript: The video opens with white text being typed across a black screen and a blinking yellow underline to show the letters being typed: “Five years ago…” The text slowly fades while a video fades up in the background, showing two of the original founders-Natasha and Rajay-sitting against a dull blue background. Natasha asks Rajay a question in ASL while captions appear onscreen in a regular TV closed captions style: “What do you think Morpheyes will be like in 5 years?” Rajay considers this, looking up and exhaling sharply before the video cuts off to black. White text is typed across the screen in all caps with the same blinking yellow type effect: “Morpheyes Studio.” Underneath in regular white text is “Est. June 3, 2019.” The text fades to a black screen. The next sequence shows several clips of Morpheyes team members and various productions from 2019 through to 2024. An extreme close-up of someone’s eye opening, team members in front of a green screen, a film project being edited onscreen, an extreme close-up of someone’s face twitching their lips, three team members sitting in front of the same dull blue background as earlier, someone holding a color board in front of the camera on a beach, two hosts of a show signing “right?!” a woman in a car signing “It’s sensitive!”, someone holding a camera and doing a “hang 10” sign, crew members on the set of our “INSPIRED” short film throwing a peace sign, someone signing “back to start” in front of theater seats, an actor shaking out their body as if to “restart,” a woman framed by a car window having a piece of hair put back in place, a blonde person signing “Relay” to the camera, two crew members reviewing a shot on set, the Morpheyes team sitting around clinking their coffee cups together in a toast, and the sequence ends with one team member, AJ, sitting in front of an editing computer. AJ looks back at the camera-gives a nod, a smile, and a wink before his video “shuts off” like a TV program to a black screen. White text is typed across the screen in all caps with the same blinking yellow type effect: “THANK YOU” and underneath in regular white text is “to all our founders.” The text is covered up by a TV that drops down onscreen from above. The TV “turns on,” showing a series of clips that feature each of the original 7 founders as their names are shown accordingly with captions. Each time the video changes, the screen distorts to mimic an old TV changing channels. The founders are shown in this order: Moises, a Hispanic individual riding his bike; Rydrea, a Black individual high-fiving another team member on set; Natasha, a white individual smiling in front of a lush green background; Patrick, a white individual holding his cochlear implant in his hands; Rajay, a South Asian individual on a beach who turns to the camera and signs “Yes, I’m Deaf;” Rachel, a white individual looking offscreen with the blue sky as her background; and Chad, a white individual standing shirtless addressing the camera directly: “What are you doing?!” He signs before the video “turns off” like a TV program. Inside the TV frame, more white text appears in all caps: “We’re proud to continue the work you started.” The text disappears and the TV “turns on” to show one last video inside its frame. We see Rydrea, now sitting in a green screen studio addressing the camera. As he signs, the video and TV slowly expand to fill the screen until they disappear out of the frame. Rydrea signs: “One day, trubiz Deaf culture will be brought to the big screen in Hollywood. That’s my goal.” There is a flash effect to mimic a photo being taken and we see three different photographs of the Morpheyes team in Polaroid form, where the team is all standing together in a line. When all 3 photos are up onscreen, text is typed out in black font over one of the Polaroids to read “Happy Birthday, Morpheyes!” Everything fades. The last video that fades up is an old compilation of the 2020 Morpheyes members individually signing “Morpheyes” and cut together so each person is signing a different piece of the whole sign. When Natasha finishes the sign with a big grin, the official Morpheyes motion logo with an abstract eye and lashes closes out the video. End of descriptive transcript.
@turtleisland1940 4 месяца назад
I’m deaf and I’ve never known sign, or even had a deaf friend, but this is partly my fault due to internal ableism and not accepting my deafness as a child. It’s a weird experience when everyone around you is hearing and not physically disabled, it is a very isolating experience and they can be very misunderstanding and careless sometimes, but they can also do some of the most thoughtful, kind things to help me. And a lot of people have told me “wow you speak so well I didn’t know you were deaf”, and I’ve had people literally avoid me when I tell them I’m deaf, it’s a strange feeling. Thank you for this video it’s lovely to see deaf people being proudly deaf, and I hope I can be part of a deaf community one day :)
@EnvieBogan 4 месяца назад
How interesting issue! Those Deaf families (the Deaf institutions) v.s. These deaf siblings/children with our hearing families (the most of them don’t use some Sign Languages and a few of them know some beginners and advanced Sign Languages) are absolutely different stereotypes. That’s it to accept who we are. Doesn’t matter what levels of our languages from the ASL to Oral to accept our Deaf Identity and BIPOC diversities. (PERIOD)
@okjeffy6581 4 месяца назад
I’m not deaf, but this is extremely wholesome to see.
@Aidyn-Crawford 5 месяцев назад
wow this was just incredible I'm deaf and hard of hearing, raised by a hearing family and school. I never learned sign language and was given a cochlear implant and hearing aid, because of this, I've never felt like I fit in anywhere. Being Chinese with white parents too and living in a predominatly white city, this feeling was only exacerbated. Lately, I've been trying to explore deafness and my deaf identity more since I never seriously thought about it when I was younger and this video was really incredible to watch, very insightful. I really do hope we expand the community but also preserve what makes it important, deaf cultures. I'm really looking forward to more videos of Deaf And... Keep up the amazing work!
@earth2erika365 5 месяцев назад
So Awesome! I love this discussion ❤ I am not new to hearing loss, but I am new to hearing aids. I want to embrace more of myself and I want to learn more about the Deaf community, but I know I am new so it's a process of self acceptance and acceptance at large. I am a writer and I'm writing about my identity in many ways. HOH is the first part and this discussion gave me so much clarity about culture! Trust we are super diverse!
@jasmineharris9428 6 месяцев назад
is this only 1 video of deaf and.. series will we see it more?
@morpheyes 5 месяцев назад
There will be several more episodes released! We are a very small team - please follow our social media accounts @MorpheyesStudio for updates on when future episodes will be released.
@masontalarico7090 6 месяцев назад
I loved this. I hope you guys make more of these.💙💙💙
@tudormiller887 6 месяцев назад
Great documentary. I grew up with Auditory Processing Disorder. I never learnt to sign, I spent my childhood in the hearing world, attended mainstream schools & colleges too in the UK.
@morpheyes 6 месяцев назад
Descriptive Transcript: The title sequence opens with glowing white dots softly floating over a black background. White text fades up: “Inspired by Clayton Valli’s ‘Dandelions’”. The stem of an unbloomed dandelion appears on the left, and we follow up the stem as it grows. Reaching the top, the unbloomed flower slowly turns to reveal itself as it starts to open. In white text, “A Deaf-Led Production” appears on the right of the screen. The flower blooms into a lovely full, golden dandelion and travels across the screen to the right. On the left in white text, “Created by Morpheyes Studio” appears before being covered by the dandelion. The yellow dandelion fills the screen and fades to black. Now there are two green stems growing in the foreground, with two yellow dandelions in the background. Another dandelion blooms open on the right, as the credits “Director & Editor: Lauren Putz” appear in white text. The camera travels further into the field to reveal more green stems, and yellow dandelions. In increasing frequency, some of the dandelions are yanked off screen as we go through the field. The yellow dandelions leave behind a small burst of yellow petals, whereas the white dandelions show the wisps being scattered across the field as we move through it. While moving, the following credits appear and disappear in the center: “Director of Photography: Moises Tobias”. “Co-Director Darian Slattery.” “Co-Producer: Liam Coleman”. Now all the flowers have been yanked offscreen to reveal a beautiful golden dandelion blooming on the right of the screen, up closer than the field. In white text, the credits “Title Sequence Design: Philip Pham” appear next to the flower. The shadows of the dandelion shift to show the sun passing over it, and the dandelion fades to transform into a white dandelion. The next credits come up in a list format: “Executive Producers: Gary Behm. Dr. Gerard Buckley. Bryan Hensel. Stephanie P. Heller. Walter Johnson. Lauren Putz. Ernest Roszkowski.” The sun passes over the white dandelion again and it all fades to black. The top half of the same white dandelion appears, taking up the bottom half of the screen in a moon-like fashion. Behind it, “Audio By Deaf Professional Arts Network” appears. After fading, we see a profile shot of the white dandelion and the stem move from right to left, rotating slowly. On the bottom left, “With Support from the Ford Foundation” appears, on the top right “And JustFilms” reveals when the dandelion passes over it. The dandelion is now in the middle of the screen, taking up most of the space when it is suddenly yanked backwards into the darkness. The screen explodes with floating dandelion wisps, symbolizing the end of Clayton Valli’s “Dandelions” ASL poem. “DEAF AND…” appears as all the wisps fade, except for one which continues to float down from the title and across the screen in a zig-zag fashion before everything fades to black. End of descriptive transcript.
@jennylynnmason2156 6 месяцев назад
This is awesome, thank you!!! Looking forward to more episodes!!
@MellisaMarkin 6 месяцев назад
Awesome episode! Looking forward to seeing more episodes. I'm wondering if your future episodes would include some Deaf Plus people?
@morpheyes 6 месяцев назад
We have already filmed the interviews that will be in the final series and don't plan to film new interviews for this project specifically, but our 18 participants interviewed do include some folks who identify as having an additional disability!
@KimberlyMiller-r5g 6 месяцев назад
😭 Thank you for this film. I am what I call displaced Deaf. I was fitted with hearing aids when I was 7. I was mainstreamed, and met my first other Deaf person when I was 18. We are still dear friends today, but she lives in Western Australia, I am in Washington State. I do not have any Deaf connections. I grew up being told I was not Deaf enough, so I never felt accepted by the Deaf community. Of course, I have never been accepted by the hearing community, either. I have tried to learn ASL over the years (I am 52), but it's extremely difficult when no one else uses the language. My first fully accessible language was probably written English. I have never had, nor ever will, full access to spoken English. I speak fairly well; most hearing people do not know I am Deaf until I say so. I have have many, many years of practice in passing as hearing. I have been yearning to find my community, to claim my culture, to build connections. I am rural, and it feels like the few Deaf community members I find tend to be in their own little worlds, and not particularly eager to connect with others. Sometimes I feel like they don't want to connect with ME, because I may not be Deaf enough. I am surrounded by people I love (all hearing) and who love me, but I feel So. Alone. And at my age, like I've lost so much. I no longer struggle with my identity. I know who I am, and I am quite content with who I am. But, I do not feel like I belong anywhere, and am really struggling with that.
@KimberlyMiller-r5g 6 месяцев назад
My daughter was born in 1994. As far as I know, she was never tested for deafness. My son was born in 2000, and I distinctly remember taking him for the hearing screening as a new born. I remember the doctor giving me the "good news" that he was hearing, and I felt horribly guilty for feeling disappointed. I still do in a way. I understand more why I felt that way, but I do not think he would, nor anyone else in my hearing family would.
@Antoniathinks 7 месяцев назад
Yesssss...kissfist this trailer...will love to watch this documentary!!! Love to see Tina and Patti sharing insights!
@jasmineharris9428 7 месяцев назад
Will have next episode? My High school students and I really enjoyed watching it!!
@morpheyes 7 месяцев назад
Thank you so much, we're glad you and your students enjoyed the first episode! We will be releasing more episodes in the future. We are a very small team at Morpheyes and will be announcing the episodes and dates across our social media as we confirm them. Stay tuned!
@JenniferStevens-u4g 7 месяцев назад
Great episode! Looking forward to the series. Do you have dates as to when the next episodes will be released!
@morpheyes 7 месяцев назад
We're just as excited as you are for the next episodes! We are a very small team at Morpheyes and we will be announcing the episodes and dates across our social media as we confirm them. Stay tuned!
@Deafgal88 7 месяцев назад
Great episode. I hope we can have a conversation about the survivors of language deprivation (adults like myself) and what are the remedies? Thousands of dollars spent in therapy 😢or even none as still facing challenges in life. Would love to see Dr Wyatt Hall share his insights on adults with language deprivation. Civil rights and justice needed in this type of cases.
@KimberlyMiller-r5g 6 месяцев назад
Yes, this, so much this.
@lindabryant7950 7 месяцев назад
This is fantastic! I can't wait to see the next episode!
@kathleenruccione192 7 месяцев назад
Just outstanding - thank you for sharing this. As the mom of a deaf adult son it feels very authentic to me. Wish we had this when he was an infant - but even now, it's very validating for the decisions I had to make as a parent. Wow.
@MinimalTalents.4Legz 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for making this video. Very well done and looking forward to more!
@kapwell 7 месяцев назад
@PaigeCatherine24 7 месяцев назад
Champ! Thank you for this. I hope to see more episodes!
@thesassybaker533 7 месяцев назад
Growing up I didn’t have strong Deaf role models so I felt very lost through most of my childhood. I love that so many people echoed my reasoning for wanting to build a community center for Deaf children some day. We all need mature Deaf role models! We can't survive without them. Can’t wait for episode 2! I will definitely be sharing this series with family and friends since I don’t think they truly understand what my journey was like. Maybe this will help.
@fanwood1977 7 месяцев назад
The answer is Sign Language made you are Deaf Identity. Sign of Freedom. We live in TwoWorlds. DEAF UP👍 #aslfirst
@willicheva 7 месяцев назад
SO excellent. I cannot wait for more episodes.
@MarlaBronstein 7 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for making this available and accessible!!
@terp4u2 7 месяцев назад
Interpret between a parent and their own child
@terp4u2 7 месяцев назад
This was very encouraging to watch. As an educational interpreter for many years I felt the heavy burden of being responsible for the education of these children! And as support staff we were discounted as not knowing much. There were deaf Ed teachers who did not sign. We had to interpret between a student and their own child. That was heart breaking! We saw accommodations ignored. We were told/ordered to do errand running when the students had study time. The excuse was “the teacher is not talking so the students are fine”. We were rarely given information ahead of a unit and lesson to prep for. Then we were told “ don’t worry, the lesson isn’t hard”. Hard for who?! And we saw deaf students take advantage of their deafness and get away with cheating that hearing kids could not. I’ve had deaf students openly make fun of us and lie. I’ve had deaf students not like an interpreter so say that persons skills were bad. Ive e seen deaf students get left out and get a poor education. If an interpreter was out sick, their students were on their own in the classroom all day! We were expected to tutor AND teach a resource class with no training and no teaching background.
@Deafgal88 7 месяцев назад
This is why I’m a strong advocate for deaf kids to be placed in deaf schools where equity is practiced. If no deaf school nearby, set up the center based programs with deaf teachers (role models) and large # of deaf students (critical mass) It is very important to recognize the special education system (IDEA) has failed deaf kids and is enabling language deprivation syndrome. What does it take to put an end to this? 🤔
@hina1289 7 месяцев назад
Thats a very great video, I found myself nodding along with everything that was said! Thank you very much
@theljcoleman 7 месяцев назад
So refreshing to see something MADE BY DEAF FOR DEAF. This is the kind of content I wish I had while growing up, and I hope it can help other folks as we all navigate this journey of life & growth together.
@ckblackwoodmusic 7 месяцев назад
This was lovely. Such power and important perspective(s)!
@abjaaksm 7 месяцев назад
So excited!! Thank you all so much for your work 🤟🏼
@mahsatahzibi 7 месяцев назад
❤❤❤❤ can't wait
@MegaMissfitz 8 месяцев назад
Is now a good time to offer you an action video? Choice of 3 freshly taken from my new super duper drone! Go on you never know! it might defrost both of us 😤😤😤
@cdpete 9 месяцев назад
Congratulations to cast and crew, writer and director of Inspired! Bravi
@morpheyes 10 месяцев назад
Link to full descriptive transcript: tinyurl.com/E1-Teaser-2
@thrivinginamber2642 11 месяцев назад
Two years ago I found this rabbit-hole and began to realize I had already seen the inside as a child.
@morpheyes 11 месяцев назад
Link to Full Descriptive Transcript: docs.google.com/document/d/10ds24CZF4nQo7pXb8nWZaWQo-iwWpD6__x4hiOEsEkg/edit?usp=sharing
@steveward5543 Год назад
😪 promo sm
@cdpete Год назад
Loved this film - so much is packed into this short - looking forward to seeing this again at NTID’s 55th Anniversary in October
@Andreasmoves Год назад
Y'all are the best!