@MarieC-iammariceetw3 Месяц назад
That's what friends are for.I'm not being corny okay : )
@MarieC-iammariceetw3 Месяц назад
Yea go Oliver!!!!!!
@MarieC-iammariceetw3 Месяц назад
Tess meant well
@layalal-kadri9370 3 года назад
I love how Oliver notices Tess' presence without even seeing her.
@crikitaftw 5 лет назад
How romantic is it that Oliver notices Tess' presence without seeing her?
@ChristinaTaft 7 лет назад
WOW! I love this! Such a great video :)
@ChristinaTaft 7 лет назад
HAHA! Met 10 years ago on an island... wow, I didn't realize that it was THAT long ago for their first meeting. I thought maybe 5 years ago since it was Season 6 that Ollie showed up, and this was just 2 years later. "Where did you meet your wife?" lol
@ChristinaTaft 7 лет назад
Wow, I totally thought the last scene was from Season 9 XD.. bc of the coloring/darkness. Wow, I was zoning out or something ha! Also, Tess and Oliver is golden :P When I was watching this, I actually was paying attention to Tess putting the watch on, but compared to earlier Clark/Tess scenes, this was really friendly :/.. LOLZ
@koekkiekoelkastrijder4272 8 лет назад
Is it bad that I started to sing we're all in this together
@hydesbride 10 лет назад
I'm never getting over this video!!! It is just too perfect, and it means the world to me that you made it for me! It's one of the best prezzies I have ever received, and it's so unique and special! I love it so much! /hugs you/
@RobinHoodTragic 10 лет назад
This is the best will/mac vid that i have seen This hiatus is killing me
@ClemenceLTH 10 лет назад
Thank you, it means a lot! :) The hiatus is killing me too, I can't wait for s3 to begin. This show is gold!
@olafiske5505 10 лет назад
OMG!!! THIS VIDEO IS FREAKING AWESOME! I never paid so much attention to Rachel and Louis (though they're both pretty great) but I guess now I'll do! <3 The parallels are THE GREATEST OF ALL TIME! Louis doesn't need Donna anymore, he has Rachel! Love both these ships! <3 God. Did I just started shipping Louis+Rachel? If not, then how come it is! :D Lots of love to you girl! xo
@ClemenceLTH 10 лет назад
Ok so I don't know what makes me happier, that you left a comment, the compliments, or the fact that I indirectly made you ship Louis/Rachel :D Thank you so much! Rachel is Louis' Donna. I liked them before but now it's just impossible for me not to ship them. She believes in him, she makes him do the right thing, she calls him on his shit, she makes him forgive people etc. There are just so many parallels with Darvey! Thank you again! <3
@Smoakinglanekent 10 лет назад
Awww ! C'est trop adorable :D j'aime les parallèles que tu as fait !
@ClemenceLTH 10 лет назад
Merciiiii :) J'ai découvert plein de parallèles en re-regardant les scènes, c'est fou ! Il y en a même certains que je n'ai pas mis lol. C'est gentil d'avoir commenté <3
@hydesbride 10 лет назад
OMG OMG OMG!!!! I cannot process this!!! Clemence!!! You are amazing!!!! There are no words!! I was not expecting this, and it has made me *SO* happy!!! You are *SUCH* a talent!! Just seeing a vid by you in my sub box makes my day, let alone one that was made *FOR ME* about my beautiful Suits OTPs!! *YOU ARE THE GREATEST PERSON EVER*!!! All the parallels!!! *ALL THE GLORIOUS PARALLELS*!!! You know how much I love parallels, and you completely filled the video with them!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!! *CANNOT PROCESS AWESOMENESS*!!! This made me smile the entire way through!!! I really needed that at this moment because I got to thinking about missing my dad (I usually have a couple hours on my bday where I get sad that he isn't here) so this was perfect to just get me back to my happy place!!! *IT'S LIKE YOU KNEW WHAT I NEEDED*!! OMG the opening parallel!!! the *"WE"* moments!!! These two ships truly are *PARTNERS*. They value each other so much!!! Ugh all the feels!!! Aaaww and the scenes of them walking side by side!!! *I LOVE MOMENTS LIKE THAT* I think I got this from my friend Katie. She has a fettish for her ships standing next to each other, and I've grown to love it to!!! Side by side against the world!!! :') Aaaww and the guys fighting for their ladies!!! Seriously *THESE PARALLELS ARE SO PERFECT*!! I know they wanted Mike/Rachel to be the mini Darvey, but it seems to me like Louis/Rachel fit the bill pretty well! hehe bahahaha OMG I love the "holy shit" thing!!!! That is *SO* cute!!! aaww and both ships being in sync with the "OBJECTION!" and the snarky "can I get you anything?" lol *I LOVE IT*!!! Aaaww and the balls!!! hehehe funny sentence but I love the ball scenes!!!! I can't with you!!!! :') Aaaaaawww "she must be very special" "she is" with that Louis/Rachel hug!!! *YOU HAVE SLAYED ME*!!! omg *ALL THE FEELS* That was so beautiful and touching!!! This whole video is flawless!!! And the fact that you downloaded so many clips and put so much thought into making something for me...it just means the world to me!!! To think this *EPIC* video wasn't the original plan!!! It was *PERFECT* though!!! Thank you *SO* much!!! I hope you know how much I love you and how much this video and *YOU* mean to me!!! I am so grateful!!! Thank you so much for lighting up my life every day!!! I love you!!!!! <333
@ClemenceLTH 10 лет назад
OMG Ashley reading your comment makes me so happy too! haha :') I am SO glad that it made you smile just when you needed it and that you appreciate this so much, you have no idea how rewarding it is! I purposely made this video with the greatest discretion and I tried not to let you know in any way to keep it a surprise (taking a twitter break was convenient :p). And yeah I did a lot of thinking (and worrying) about it because I wanted it to be special. While rewatching Louis and Rachel's "WE" scene I was like "omg, this is a great parallel with Darvey" and then I was seeing parallels EVERYWHERE lmao. So I changed my initial idea and came up with this since I know how much you love parallels (I may not be as good as you are to predict the ships and characters I like but I do know you hehe!) and also because SUITS COMES BACK TOMORROW. I can't wait to share my Darvey feels with you and rant about the show again. And after vidding Louis/Rachel, you can consider me a shipper, -sort of-. All I know is that I do love them too! And I'm so happy you spotted all the parallels (I felt bad with the "balls" one, Harvey has bigger balls than Louis... that was completely innocent when I got the idea xD) so thank you so much for your awesome comment!!! I hope you know that I love you just as much as you do! <333
@hydesbride 10 лет назад
ClemenceLTH Harvey has freakishly *ENORMOUS BALLS*!! I'm a little scared now!! Bahaha okay of al things to respond to first! I can't help it. My mind lives in the gutter. ANYWAY, aaaww just the thought you put into this for me...I'm just so lucky. I really feel honored that you would care this much about me! You are so smart and such a beautiful person, it's hard to believe that I have someone like you in my life! I'm so thankful for you! And I cannot wait to fangirl about this show again with you!! <3
@ClemenceLTH 10 лет назад
crazyashgm86 LMAO you kill me. How can I pretend to be innocent with you around? Donna is protective of Harvey's enornous balls though, be careful xD And STOP saying such beautiful things you make me wanna cry! You're amazing and every minute spent on this video was worth it because it was for you! <3
@hydesbride 10 лет назад
ClemenceLTH Donna loooooves Harvey's enormous balls. She enjoys playing with them!!! Our conversations are made of win!! :D And aaww I can't stop saying these things because they are *TRUE*!! You're simply amazing, and I must shout it from the rooftops!!! /climbs to the roof then shouts once she catches her breath/ *"CLEMENCE IS AMAZING!! KNEEL BEFORE HER!!"* ;)
@ClemenceLTH 11 лет назад
It's from Checkmate, season 9 episode 16. Their last (and heartbreaking) scene of this episode.
@Darkraes743 11 лет назад
I am a huge fan of Tess and Oliver too. I don't know which episode 0:40 came from. Do you know?
@manveerlochab 12 лет назад
thats what i love the most their passion and caring towards each other!! love their nicknames for each other as well.
@manveerlochab 12 лет назад
thanks for making this video!! totally awesome couple with an awesome song
@ClemenceLTH 12 лет назад
Awww thank you for your comments!! They never stopped caring and loving each other no matter how hard they tried to hide it. <3
@ClemenceLTH 12 лет назад
thank you! I love them too!! :)
@manveerlochab 12 лет назад
their so much fucking passion !!! you can never beat this !!! EPICCCCCCCCCCCCCC!!!
@manveerlochab 12 лет назад
my favourite video TOLLIE!! i love their passion, the way their care about each other and most of all their nicknames!!
@manveerlochab 12 лет назад
amazing video love the song and couples tollie clois
@manveerlochab 12 лет назад
love this video and love how much they still care for each other no matter what!!
@ParadiseVids 12 лет назад
Yeah, no one liked Clark Luthor and Tess in a romantic sense with any taste, considering it wasn't exactly from a place of consensuality. Clois (and Tollie) are always where my heart is too. Season 10 had massive issues but the good thing was that there were never any scenes that Justin & Cassidy shared that were ever dead, ever lacked their connection and that can never be said about Chlollie. I adored the Clois/Tollie team also, and I think true post-finale SV has great potential for them!
@ClemenceLTH 12 лет назад
@lolenax Thank you hun!!! :D <3
@Smoakinglanekent 12 лет назад
Héhé ! J'ai trop adoré faire cette collab c'était super :)
@lolenax 12 лет назад
This was AMAZING!!!!! <3 Great job!
@ClemenceLTH 12 лет назад
@1SnoWhiteQueen1 Thank you so much!!!! It really means a lot coming from you, since you're such a good vidder!! :D I totally agree, Tess made him change and made him become the hero he is now! Like Lois inspired Clark to be a hero, Tess inspired Oliver in the same way. And I know right?? I love that clip of Justin 'calling' Tess his wife hehe xD Justin was a Tollier, no doubt!!
@ClemenceLTH 12 лет назад
@chocolatelina Awww thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked it! :D You need to make some Tollie vids too, that'd be fabulous with your editing skills, seriously. Or more Clois/Tollie videos would be awesome too! ;) Thanks again for your comment <3
@ClemenceLTH 12 лет назад
@Blanqui99 Wow, thank you!!! Tess and Oliver were/are/will always be soulmates and that's all, lol. And I know right? Justin was such a Tollier! I really hope he and Cassidy will work together again... I'd be so happy. Thanks for the french words, haha, you know I love when you speak french! ;D Gracias amiga!!
@ClemenceLTH 12 лет назад
@so974 Je sais que je t'ai déjà remercié sur twitter mais je le refais ici aussi parce que j'aime bien avoir des commentaires et y répondre sur YT :P Donc merci encore!! :D Mes parties pour notre collab sont encore en travail btw, mais je crois (et j'espère) que ça ne va pas me prendre trop de temps. ;)
@ClemenceLTH 12 лет назад
@Nelafy20 Well, I'll take that as a compliment xD Thanks! :D
@ClemenceLTH 12 лет назад
@ParadiseVids Awww thank you so much!!! :D Since I had time lately I thought it was the good moment to vid again, and of course to vid our babies, hehe!! I liked doing the parallel between Toxic and Hostage... it's amazing how much these scenes are similar. And this moment in Committed is also one of my favorites... :) Thanks again for your amazing comments!!! :D
@chocolatelina 12 лет назад
let me tell you something...this is f****ing EPIC! I have no words for you right nw just epic! *.*
@Blanqui99 12 лет назад
Awww, this is magical!! I'm amazed!! I love everything: the high quality of the clips, the voice overs, the music, the clips you've chosen... Your videos always make clear it was Tess&Oliver right from the start, and it will always be. And I also loved that clip of Justin!! I hadn't seen it before, but now I'm even more convinced he was a Tollie shipper all along. :D In short, beautiful, wonderful, MAGNIFIQUE!! Très bien fait chérie!! :)
@Smoakinglanekent 12 лет назад
Hey la miss je savais pas que tu faisais des vidéos toi aussi :D ! C'est super bien réussi ! Bravo
@noe2067hol 12 лет назад
OMFG! I'm dead!
@ParadiseVids 12 лет назад
...brilliance to put that in there. I loved it!!! I'm so proud you, sweetheart! You are so talented. :) I loved the voice overs and the way you aligned Oliver saving Tess on the island to Tess saving Oliver in Hostage the very same way. *sighs* And I love the look he gives her in the mirror and then turning to her in Committed...a personal favorite. SO much good stuff! :)
@ParadiseVids 12 лет назад
Okay, well, first off, apologies that this is in English, but omg!!! I'm so happy you did another Tollie video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyy. You do their epic-ness like no one else! Absolutely no one. *bows down to you* You totally enhance those clips, sister, to make them look so flawless, they make Tollie look even prettier! You have new things to teach me, lol! I'd be jealous if I wasn't happy it was done for our babies! *grins* And the Justin clip!!! He's so cute! Absolute...
@ClemenceLTH 13 лет назад
@970voltegen Thank you :D
@970voltegen 13 лет назад
*_____* this vid is so beautiful... very sweet.
@ClemenceLTH 13 лет назад
@crazyashgm86 Aww, thanks for your comment!!! :)
@hydesbride 13 лет назад
Aaaww this was beautiful! I love the quote at the beginning & all the voice overs you used! I can't believe it's your first vid! You matched the beats so well! Awesome job! :D
@ClemenceLTH 13 лет назад
@1SnoWhiteQueen1 Thank you very much!! :) I know, there is not enough of them on youtube! I will continue to vid them, that's sure. And I will improve, I hope, lol. ;)
@ClemenceLTH 13 лет назад
@melanie47470 Yay! :)
@ClemenceLTH 13 лет назад
@skybird59 Well I don't dislike S10, but I've been disappointed by some things: I'd've liked to see more of Clark-Lois-Tess-Oliver as a team (like in Patriot), and feel more the threat Darkseid/Granny Goodness/Lionel Luthor etc. I also think that in some episodes, it lacks action. And I wanted the writers to develop Tollie instead of Chlollie because I think Tollie has a lot more sense in a show like Smallville (especially in the final season). I'm a Tollie fan, so I've been really disappointed.
@skybird59 13 лет назад
Yes I like the tollie ship, I still wish they had explored that more I also like the chemistry between Clark Luthor and Tess but my heart is with Clois. I don't understand why a lot of fans dislike season 10 I think it is getting better and better. The only complaint I have is that we don't see enough passion between Clois but I will take what I can get. Love Smallville and have been a fan since episode 1 am so gonna miss this show when it ends.
@ClemenceLTH 13 лет назад
@skybird59 Dominion is definitely one of my favorite episodes of the season if not my favorite. This episode was awesome. We had great Clois and Tollie scenes, an epic Clark/Oliver battle, and damn the Tess/Lois scenes were intense. Without forgetting Zod and the amazing performance of Callum Blue. I'd have liked episodes like that every week. -- Are you a Tollie shipper?
@skybird59 13 лет назад
Thank you for posting these scenes brilliant episode as far as action goes the best of the season.