The revolutionary pioneer in the text-narrated dinosaur video game documentary sector.
Walking with Dinosaurs: Realism ASMR
3 года назад
An Ornate Migration - Path of Titans
3 года назад
@user-jk2bp1hd1t 2 дня назад
The giganotosaurus is my favorite dinosaur 🦖🦕
@aaronbertram763 5 дней назад
@MrMman-cg5op 10 дней назад
I remember joining seeing a limited roster and realizing it was bad
@powerbalancevathelastkitsu2504 19 дней назад
The server's gone?!? Noooo
@miykaeljosiyah9298 28 дней назад
that music
@MohnJarstonWasThere1907 Месяц назад
I remember watching these with my lil bro when we were younger and being mesmerized by this style of content that stands out to this day as a work of art. Hope you are doing well Aeroslayer!
@MrT_Rex 2 месяца назад
Pretty good
@Ruffasuarus67 2 месяца назад
Imagine it was the other way around and the paras were hunting the utahs instead
@AeroSlayer74 2 месяца назад
Now there's an idea...
@tompotter8703 2 месяца назад
Wow. The Jungle Book remake trailer music. Haven’t heard it in years and surprisingly nostalgic.
@Thedude202 3 месяца назад
Sad they had to shut it down
@SploogeSquid 3 месяца назад
Very fun video to watch, just joined the disc
@Suchomimus65 3 месяца назад
That ambush from the other rex was so cinematic, just amazing!
@Mayl0-YT 3 месяца назад
man . . . The Isle looked craizily diferent in that time
@SamuRhino2023 4 месяца назад
I saw this trailer and immediately started working on a POT documentary series for my RU-vid!!! W vid. (Episode 1 may or may not release this week…)
@MozzeyMo0 4 месяца назад
Why delete the server and now use old footage? :I
@Ayskii 4 месяца назад
Right like tf
@TheStrongestLink 4 месяца назад
may i get an invite pls the invite link dont wrk
@blobbertmcblob4888 4 месяца назад
Bro....are you just flaunting the fact that you opened a server, got peoples hopes up, kept all the server changing abilities to yourself, kept it open for two weeks and then promptly abandoned it? lmao. Hope you let Birdbrain or whatever his name was go for abusing his power.
@BermudaHawk47 4 месяца назад
Only played a few times, but I’ll miss this server… Please bring it back someday ✊😔
@theuncookedginger3355 4 месяца назад
what happened to it
@victorcardenasmel3733 3 месяца назад
There's something in the world 👀
@EvaShilasFlip 4 месяца назад
This is so simple yet so striking and calming at the same time. Love this style of video!
@BigAl145 4 месяца назад
It's a shame the server crumbled... It had alot of potential
@MrssKittenn 3 месяца назад
I’m glad it crumbled, their staff team were toxic and kept defending and keeping someone on the team who hurt others.
@aaronbertram763 4 месяца назад
Gorgeous scenery and cinematography as always!
@Holasko 4 месяца назад
the best expeirience i hever had in path of titans....shame the server went down.....
@emiliozamora507 4 месяца назад
Why it went down?
@mario92emoji99 4 месяца назад
@AlwaysHorseLove 4 месяца назад
Relaxing and beautiful, shots are fantastic!!!! Sad the server went down. Always had a lot of fun in it.
@emiliozamora507 4 месяца назад
Why it went down?
@AlwaysHorseLove 4 месяца назад
@@emiliozamora507 if I remember correctly it was because of personal reasons.
@emiliozamora507 4 месяца назад
@AlwaysHorseLove but this was the best realism server I've ever played ok and they actually did justice on the rexes profile
@blobbertmcblob4888 4 месяца назад
@@AlwaysHorseLove Personal reasons are no reason for complete radio silence for weeks like Aero did. Especially since he was the only one who had the power to do anything on the server.
@emiliozamora507 4 месяца назад
Aero what happened to the server?
@blobbertmcblob4888 4 месяца назад
He abandoned it after two weeks, didn't give any of the admins or mods the ability to change anything and went AWOL.
@emiliozamora507 4 месяца назад
@@blobbertmcblob4888 are you kidding me????
@blobbertmcblob4888 4 месяца назад
@@emiliozamora507 Server was up for about twoish weeks, people got irritated by the limited player roster and the wonky balance (that seems to plague every realism server) very quickly so there was talk of switching the map/playables, we were waiting for kapro to be released and Aero disappeared, complete radio silence. The admins had no idea where he was, the mods had no idea where he was, he was the only one who had the ability to do anything on the server. So it died out because people got bored.
@emiliozamora507 4 месяца назад
@blobbertmcblob4888 god dammit. The one realism server with justice for the rex and it gets abandoned. If only realism servers were like this before it died. Dammit man. Any suggestions?
@MrssKittenn 3 месяца назад
@@blobbertmcblob4888That’s not even what happened fr 😂😂, it’s basically my fault the server died because Aero decided to keep someone who had beastiality behavior/and was tryna force girls to do things with him in a seperate server, had HIM be admin in THIS server while multiple others complained and felt unsafe, then I complain about it, he still doesnt get removed, I get demoted because I had trouble with vocabulary, LOL! And because I defended myself from someone accusing me of something that had nothing to do with them, THEN, I confront them publicly that they demote someone completely innocent and don’t demote someone that has beastiality/pedo behavior and kept him, finally demoting him after the whole thing and people left the server because of it and everything crumbled, whatever aero or whoever said lied, and birdbrain and them were toxic defending the guy and being rude.
@FortniteEXO 4 месяца назад
cant join the discord
@Yumstere 4 месяца назад
To anyone wondering why you can't find server / access the discord is because they discontinued due to the server being pretty dead
@user-fh5xe6yh9k 4 месяца назад
Is this server out?
@Yumstere 4 месяца назад
Server is discontinued sadly
@paleking421 4 месяца назад
Why did you put #evrima if it exists only for 4 years. How did you know about it?
@NitroxDeLaRoja 5 месяцев назад
The discord account has expired, what is the new one like?
@Yumstere 4 месяца назад
Server is discontinued sadly
@awesomedude65 5 месяцев назад
How do I join the server, im tired of official bs.
@VenatorPaleo 5 месяцев назад
What happened, I leave for like a week or two and the server has disappeared and the discord is gone? What happened?
@zadas1132 5 месяцев назад
The project was discontinued and shut down
@VenatorPaleo 5 месяцев назад
@@zadas1132 why?
@Eggnog88 5 месяцев назад
Very cool :)
@OzzieTheWicker 5 месяцев назад
The link is expired
@casper5365 5 месяцев назад
The invite has expired, could we get a new one or go somewhere else with an active invite?
@kajunika 5 месяцев назад
How can i join the❤discord? The Link in the comments arent Working:(
@emiliozamora507 5 месяцев назад
Hey what happened to the server? Did it got shut down?
@BigAl145 5 месяцев назад
Shame it only lasted a month, it had potential
@Reyd0r 5 месяцев назад
Although it was short, i greatly enjoyed my time with the TLW community. It eas amazing to experience a setver that was like the original WWD again...reuniting with old friends. Finding new ones and enjoying it together. We had a good run everyone
@ryancrepeau9691 5 месяцев назад
My edmonto had the biggest gyatt 100%
@blobbertmcblob4888 5 месяцев назад
The server was active for all of a week and a half before Aero proceeded to abandon it. What do you mean "A good run"? It was poorly thought out from the start. If you're SO busy with life that you're going to be gone for a long time, maybe don't lock your staff out of essential functions.
@MozzeyMo0 5 месяцев назад
Aero come back to us :(
@godzillauniverse122 5 месяцев назад
I swere down if there's a password I'm gonna flip
@GamerCove1 5 месяцев назад
I thought they protected there subs until adult as I watched on RU-vid before
@kristencolwell516 5 месяцев назад
Whats the name of the server? Hell creek lost world ?
@warlordrekz3284 6 месяцев назад
Need discord link again. It expired
@mickeyb5159 6 месяцев назад
Probably one of the worst servers I've ever joined, and I'll tell you why: -They advertise themselves as a realism server and say they want people to follow profile, but they don't enforce it. Players flagrantly break profile left and right and instead of punishing these people, the staff team just heaps nerfs on creatures instead. -The profiles are intentionally left vague so players can "give their creatures personality" (their own words), but that has just led to confusion and the mentioned above profile breaking. -The stat changes they give their creatures are some of the worst I've seen. They use an 'elder' system where the sub-adult stage is technically considered adult, and the in-game adult (when you stop growing) is elder. This affects Triceratops, Edmontosaurus, Alamosaurus (Argent), and Thoracosaurus (Sarco), and once these creatures reach this elder stage, they are virtually untouchable. Their stats are so outrageous that an elder Trike can kill a Rex in four hits. Four normal hits! Not only that, they seem to hold the belief that if a creature is large, they MUST be slow, to the point they crawl like a disabled snail even at a trot. This mostly affects herbivores so traveling as anything but a theropod is miserable. Also the Rex swims at mach 10, for no other reason than... well I guess the staff really liked that one episode of Prehistoric Planet I guess. -They utilize passive growth only, which on paper sounds like a good idea. Realism, right? But when any of the creatures that can become elder can just hide in some remote corner in a bush and emerge practically unkillable, there's a problem. This has also led to an overpopulation of Rex, who are the worst offenders of breaking profile. -For some reason when the server opened, they made an already notorious hotspot (Grand Plains) into an even bigger problem by giving it a 'Redwoods' makeover. The redwood trees looked completely out of place in this green lush grasslands and ruined immersion. Anyway it didn't last because shock and surprise, people flocked to Grand Plains and never left, so to combat this they undid most of the makeover and gave a few other places the Redwoods makeover, and oh my god, these are some of the ugliest map edits I've ever seen. Not only do they still not match the surroundings, you have redwood trees growing out of solid rock, growing at 90 degree angles, growing out of cliff sides at sharp angles. Green Valley received the biggest edits and not only does it look horrendous, they just made it the new hotspot because everyone gathers there now. -The discord is incredibly toxic. Arguments happen all the time and the active staff just pretend to be afk, at least that's what it seems because as soon as the argument dies down, they'll pop in with some stupid comment or meme as if nothing had happened. Players post pictures and videos of them killing other peoples' creatures accompanied with laughing emojis as if this is a no-rules deathmatch server. There is so much dick-measuring, ego-boosting, and metagaming and nothing gets done about it. -Submitting tickets is an awful experience. For some reason if you report someone, the staff will drag the offending person into the ticket with you to make them explain themselves, so they will see who exactly reported them. Sure, let's promote more toxicity between players. Even if the person who was reported isn't the kind of person to hold a grudge, I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must make them feel being put on the spot in front of another player. This also forces the person who submitted the report into a confrontational situation with the other player. Uncomfortable situation for both sides. After playing since day 1, I just can't handle it anymore. There are far better servers out there.
@blobbertmcblob4888 6 месяцев назад
Don't join this server. it's dead and the people there are a bunch of wokeys.
@JurassicD255 6 месяцев назад
where did you find this music? i love it
@_pan-tastic_28 6 месяцев назад
This is a super well done trailer, and a very interesting looking server! I'll absolutely be checking it out! I love the focus on different geological formations, and only featuring animals present in each one! (Plus some winks and nudges for some close approximations of course)
@Santa-Rex 6 месяцев назад
A good server that uses unused maps?!? A miracle
@jpwp6398 6 месяцев назад
How do I get into this server? It's locked for me