Wrestling with God
Wrestling with God
Wrestling with God
Exodus from Fundamentalism | Courage over fear | Knowledge over ignorance | Love over hate | Justice over power | Understanding over despair

“I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them.”
Baruch Spinoza

"So Jacob was left alone. Then a man wrestled with him until daybreak. When the man saw that he could not defeat Jacob, he struck the socket of his hip so the socket of Jacob’s hip was dislocated while he wrestled with him. Then the man said, “Let me go, for the dawn is breaking.” I will not let you go, Jacob replied, unless you bless me. The man asked him,“What is your name?” He answered, Jacob. "No longer will your name be Jacob, but Israel, because you have wrestled with God and with men and have prevailed” (Gen. 32:24-28).

It is one thing to believe in the theological Jesus and quite another to follow the historical Jesus. Believing is one thing. Picking up your cross and following is another.

The World of Jesus | Last Days of Jesus
7 часов назад
The Gifts of the Jews | Kingdom of David
14 дней назад
The End of Days | Kingdom of David
14 дней назад
The Book of Revelation | Professor Pagels
3 месяца назад
Kadd Amssaktou I Massbaha
4 месяца назад
James the Just | Brother of Jesus | The Mantle
5 месяцев назад
The Gospel of Maryam  | Finding Jesus Documentary
6 месяцев назад
The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic
7 месяцев назад
@Beverly-b8r 14 часов назад
@Beverly-b8r 14 часов назад
@Beverly-b8r 14 часов назад
@GodLovesYou1980 3 дня назад
Thank you
@yuutonosuri772 6 дней назад
Israelites aren't Jews , Christian aren't Jews to lol and never came out of Judaism , Jesus was not Herod
@yuutonosuri772 6 дней назад
@yuutonosuri772 6 дней назад
Atenism, also known as the Aten religion,[1] the Amarna religion,[2] and the Amarna heresy, was a religion in ancient Egypt. It was founded by Akhenaten, a pharaoh who ruled the New Kingdom under the Eighteenth Dynasty.[3] The religion is described as monotheistic or monolatristic, although some Egyptologists argue that it was actually henotheistic.[4] Atenism was centered on the cult of Aten, a god depicted as the disc of the Sun. Aten was originally an aspect of Ra, Egypt's traditional solar deity, though he was later asserted by Akhenaten as being the superior of all deities.[5] In the 14th century BC, Atenism was Egypt's state religion for around 20 years, and Akhenaten met the worship of other gods with persecution; he closed many traditional temples, instead commissioning the construction of Atenist temples, and also suppressed religious traditionalists. However, subsequent pharaohs toppled the movement in the aftermath of Akhenaten's death, thereby restoring Egyptian civilization's traditional polytheistic religion. Large-scale efforts were then undertaken to remove from Egypt and Egyptian records any presence or mention of Akhenaten, Atenist temples, and assertions of a uniquely supreme god.
@BvVb2099 7 дней назад
We are trying to clarify and define a huge subject in the Vast Universe. Let us remember that we all are just a few pounds of wet dirt - mud-, AND fallen - besides... We are using a straight jacket called "god" which is an ancient, foreign, pagan Persian name. We will NEVER even begin to understand anything, until we admit that... "There is NO "GOD" - anywhere in the Authentic Holy Scriptures ! There is NO Theos, NO Zeus, NO Deus, NO Dios, Puchechamme, (aboriginal Peruvian; imagine having to read: "In the beginning, Puchechamme created the heavens and the earth!) or Burkan (Mongolian) ! Our modern Bible translators, probably ignorantly played to us a major game in translating the UNTRANSLATABLE "ELOHIM")! We have no problem whatsoever with all the HEBREW, ARAMAIC, Babylonian and even Greek names contained inside The Bible, like Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Chedorlaomer, Amrafel, Melchizedek, Maher-Shalal-hash-baz - but hey - when we come to ELOHIM - that is not to be touched, - unusable... Why? THAT is The Most Important Name in The Universe ! ELOHIM created The Entire Universe. - billions of Galaxies, which in term each have billions of stars, ELOHIM created the angels, like seraphims and cherubims, who literally cover their faces in the presence of ELOHIM. But, the modern humans, will not even touch or pronounce The Name of ELOHIM - they substitute The Name of Elohim with PAGAN GODS' NAMES !!! When we fix this worldwide anomaly we might begin getting somewhere. ELOHIM (plural), ELOHE, EL (both singular), used in the New Testament EXCLUSIVELY as ABA, Father are the real names of DIVINITY. Exception: When The Lord Jesus cries out: "Eli, Eli, llamna sabachtani" was still using an OLD Testament term for ELOHIM, but singularized the name because ELOHIM would have meant calling Three Sanctified Names - including HIMSELF ! We need to really go back to square one and study the matter anew - the most important matter in the world ! So there is NO GOD (singular) anywhere, but a single ELOHIM, (plural) in The Universe. When we begin to understand this holy notion, only then we will begin to understand a bit of Divinity... I am also VERY familiar with The Aramaic. Compared with the Greek, The Khabouris Codex is a real treasure. Lineage of Lord Jesus, - correct, not like the Greek. Description of Lord Jesus in The Revelation - correct - in the Greek it is a travesty. Many nonsensicals in the Greek New Testament, - The Aramaic is simply perfect, common sense. Check out TheAramaicScriptures.com - but for The Revelation in Aramaic, you have to find The Crawford Codex or contact me at nairelavataoldotcom with the subject title "The Aramaic Revelation".
@thetamoramay7331 8 дней назад
Same identical, bloodline. Right after World War II, when they got control of every government.
@ConceptsInHealth 8 дней назад
Most Christians refuse to honestly examine (or ignore) the transitional nature of the timeline as it affected the original recipients of Paul's letters. They assume the recipients to be predominantly Gentiles. Or if they do consider the Jewish recipients, they imagine them to be few and wholly stripped of Jewishness as new members of the Body of Christ--no longer future recipients of kingdom promises. Paul would disagree. He considered himself both! It's easy to understand Paul's position when you understand he could not fathom the dispensation of grace (which was at its core a new way to escape the wrath preceding Jesus' 2nd coming for Jews/gentiles alike, apart from the prophetic plan) lasting past his lifetime. That's clear from 1 Thess 4:15 -17. While he clearly identifies himself as the original member of the body of Christ (1 Tim 1:15 -16), he clearly claims kingdom promises for himself as well (Galatians 3:29) including a body fit for the earthly kingdom (Corinthians 15:51-52).
@OGFrylock 9 дней назад
109 countries.
@ASoundBalance 9 дней назад
Here studying . Its not every day I photograph a ghost or demon resembles the leontocephaline. But when I do, I reverse engineer it 😂
@randyhuy2889 10 дней назад
Jesus was still innocent. He did not deserve the punishment. But God allowed him to die for all humanity that needs his salvation. I am sorry for all the suffering that He did for us.
@firstlast2762 11 дней назад
Imagine not worshipping the Sun circa 2024 … you religious zealots are in for a rude awakening! 🌞 Ήλιος! χρυσός τιτάνας ακαταμάχητος! αιώνιο μάτι αήττητος!
@Robert_L_Peters 12 дней назад
@pursuingtruth13 13 дней назад
@Brandon-c6f 14 дней назад
They look so different then the Jews of today
@turnage_michael 15 дней назад
ישוע הוא ייי Yeshu' hu Adonay
@turnage_michael 15 дней назад
@platzhirsch4275 16 дней назад
The prophecy of Daniel harmonises and predicted the Babtism of Christ in 27 AD: There are 70 weeks that have been determined for your people and your holy city, in order to terminate the transgression, to finish off sin, to make atonement for error, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up the vision and the prophecy, and to anoint the Holy of Holies. 25 You should know and understand that from the issuing of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Mes·siʹah the Leader, there will be 7 weeks, also 62 weeks. She will be restored and rebuilt, with a public square and moat, but in times of distress. 26 “And after the 62 weeks, Mes·siʹah will be cut off, with nothing for himself. “And the people of a leader who is coming will destroy the city and the holy place. And its end will be by the flood. And until the end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations. 27 “And he will keep the covenant in force for the many for one week; and at the half of the week, he will cause sacrifice and gift offering to cease. “And on the wing of disgusting things there will be the one causing desolation; and until an extermination, what was decided on will be poured out also on the one lying desolate.” THE PROPHECIES LEAD EXACTLY TO 27AD!!!! WHEN JESUS WAS BAPTISED.
@tookie36 16 дней назад
If satan is defeated why is there still sin and death?
@Last-Varangian 16 дней назад
Difficult to correct/edit something in the 7th century that didn't exist until at least 7 centuries later, and some scholars say even later than that! When the Soviets had the original Sinaiticus, their top researcher described it as being in perfect condition, clean and white, not faded, torn or damaged in any way, like all the other documents that truly were over 1000 years old, let alone approaching half again older, (remember, we are only talking about less than 100 years ago). There's even testimony of a man who claims he is the original author of Sinaiticus, and he showed pretty convincing evidence to back up his claim! One more thing that is troublesome for the Sinaiticus: why do the high resolution images of each page that appear online go from yellowed looking to pristine white and then back to yellowed? Put this together with the observations of the Russian researcher and it begs the question: who faked the aging of Sinaiticus, and, more importantly, why?
@arinmakarian1223 17 дней назад
Hi, can you please post the lyrics or English translation, I cannot find it online. Thank you.
@WrestlingwithGod 16 дней назад
قَدْ أَمْسَكْتُ اَلْمَسْبَحة لِكَيْ أَرْفَعْ اَلْدُعاءْ إِذْ بِقُوَّة اَلْصَلاة أَرْتَقي إِلى اَلْسّماءْ بِتَكْرارها اَلْكَثيرْ سَوْفَ أَغْلِبُ اَلْشّريرْ هَذِه أولى اَلْصّلوات تَسْمَعونها في اَلْحين أَيّْها الثَالوثْ اَلْقدّْوس خَلْصْنا أَجْمَعين بِتَكرارها اَلْكَثيرْ سَوْفَ أَغْلِبُ اَلْشّريرْ اَلْصَّلاة الثَّانيّة سَأَتلوها صادحا رَبِّي يَسوعُ اَلْمَسيح يَإِبْنَ الله إِرْحَمْني بِتَكرارها اَلْكَثيرْ سَوْفَ أَغْلِبُ اَلْشّريرْ اَلْصَلاة الثالثة لوالدة الإله أيا فائقة القداسة خلصينا بِتَكرارها اَلْكَثيرْ سَوْفَ أَغْلِبُ اَلْشّريرْ اَلْصَلاة الرابعة ليوحنا المعمدان أيا صابغ المسيح. تشفع بِنَا بِتَكرارها اَلْكَثيرْ سَوْفَ أَغْلِبُ اَلْشّريرْ اَلْصَلاة الخامسة لجميع القديسين يا قديسي الله تشفعوا بِنَا بِتَكرارها اَلْكَثيرْ سَوْفَ أَغْلِبُ اَلْشّريرْ وختاما سأقول للملائكة اَلْصَلاة يا رؤساء الأجناد تشفعوا بِنَا بِتَكرارها اَلْكَثيرْ سَوْفَ أَغْلِبُ اَلْشّريرْ Choir I hold the rosary to raise my supplication; for with the power of prayer I elevate myself into the heaven. In repeating it fervently I will triumph over the devil. This is the first among the prayers you shall hear this time: “Oh Holy Trinity save us all.” In repeating it fervently you will vanquish the devil. The second prayer I will recite it in song. My Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me! In repeating it fervently you will vanquish the devil. The third prayer is to the Mother of God. O’ most holy one save us! In repeating it fervently you will vanquish the devil. The fourth prayer is to John the Baptist, the forerunner, intercede for us. In repeating it fervently you will vanquish the devil. The fifth prayer is to all the saints. O God’s saints intercede for us. In repeating it fervently you will vanquish the devil. In conclusion I will implore to the angels in prayer: O commanders of the legions intercede for us. In repeating it fervently you will vanquish the devil. In repeating it fervently you will vanquish the devil
@vaunfestus9768 17 дней назад
That's hot
@maghalie1612 17 дней назад
Thank you, also for the explanation.
@gavinadams4572 18 дней назад
thanks for the recommend,i wasnt aware of april d deconicks work,downloaded the recovering of the og gospel of thomas
@precupcatalin3086 19 дней назад
Doamne ajută Amin ❤
@RightOnBro72 19 дней назад
I don't see who these guys are in the description, but it seems like one is a Mythicist named Ken Humphreys, and the other is a Christian named "J.P." I'm clearly in favor of Ken Humphrey's point-of-view. There were certainly lots of guys named something like "Jesus," but the Jesus of the Bible could not have existed, or else there'd be solid evidence of him here, today.
@ahmadk5562 20 дней назад
Anyone want to know the real Jesus and his mother Mariam (peace be upon them both) read the Quran. There's a whole chapter by the name of Mariam in the Quran, its chapter 19. And chapter 3 talks about the grandfather of Jesus Imran and his family.
@wingandprayer8 20 дней назад
“Faith alone” in practice,generally leads to Faith without repentance aka “cheap grace”.
@Cantstandtherock 20 дней назад
The “Jesus” stories go back thousands of years, same old song and dance. People are gullible and will believe anything.
@JaniceCarter-ws7lu 21 день назад
When power corrupts the truth😌
@DANELLMOTO 22 дня назад
@DANELLMOTO 22 дня назад
@maghalie1612 23 дня назад
Thank you for this interesting video. Everyone should see it.
@joegarry8983 24 дня назад
The nearest remnants to the ethnic Jews to day are the Palestinians who were forced to convert to Islam during the Ottoman invasions, they are the real Jews of history, hated back then by the Romans and now by the Anglo American and European Zionist neo Colonialist land grabbers.
@AngelRoseHeaven 25 дней назад
Thank you
@mundoeuniverso5123 25 дней назад
@AngelRoseHeaven 25 дней назад
Thank you
@mohammedabd-allah8737 26 дней назад
Compare that with Omar Ben Khattab & Saladin you will know who are the real saints
@dansaber4427 27 дней назад
People prefer the Jesus where the deadly wound was healed
@thatmeme1360 27 дней назад
Jesus Barrabas?
@MemoryCircle 28 дней назад
In turn, the Barbarian tribes dealt quite effectively with the Romans.
@slicktrickyes 29 дней назад
My complete cracked out theory on the Life of Jesus and the early Gnostics Jesus had a family. Jesus the Christ was the spiritual Divine twinned to the physical man Judas Thomas "The Twin" and Judas Thomas' father was Judas of Galilee. Judas of Galilee was executed after leading a tax revolt against Rome in 6CE (Josephus), the exact same time a 12 yr old Jesus/Judas disappears for 17+ years before returning to begin his ministry. Judas of Galilee was heir to the Davidic line (Josephus), on his death his oldest son Jesus/Judas would have been heir aka King of the Jews, the real reason behind Jesus' crucifixion. Judas of Galilee had two sons executed in 46CE by the Romans (Josephus), named James & Simon, same as the named brothers of Jesus in the New Testament Gospels. Judas of Galilee was the founder of the Fourth Philosophy (Josephus), often associated with the Zealots movement, Simon the Zealot was a brother of Jesus according to the New Testament. Menahem ben Judah is claimed by some scholars to be a son of Judas of Galilee but the math doesn't work as Menahem was present in the Jewish conflicts of 66-70CE, other scholars note he was likely a grandson of Judas of Galilee meaning Judas of Galilee had a third son named Judas, Judah ben Judah, aka Jesus. Jesus having a son named Menahem = Family 💯 **INTERMISSION** Rewind the tape to the beginning of Jesus' ministry... on his return from a 17+ year absence studying eastern religions in India, Jesus/Judas rejects the violent revolutionary ways of his earthly father & brothers, preaching a path of radical non-violent resistance to his followers. My cracked out theory on Jesus/Judas continues from there... Jesus performed no miracles, no resurrections, prophesied nothing, no revelations, not even rapture, But he could read and write & the Bible holds the receipts. I find it odd that many of our trusted Christian church leaders, both true blue & lipstick varieties, are quick to gloss over Christ’s literacy or even assert Christ’s illiteracy while simultaneously attributing all sorts of magical nonsense to his name. How you gonna elevate this guy to god-tier status, yet preach he can’t read? Of course God reads, reads great! writes great too! Jesus according to Christians is the real deal, the whole Enchilada, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha & the Omega, yet also according to them he can’t write Alpha or Omega. That’s crazy thinking, blasphemy even, all the best stuff in the Bible was written by Jesus. Receipts? Jesus Christ (Didymus Judas Thomas) authored The Gospel of Thomas. Read here the opening lines of The Gospel of Thomas (Leloup Translation)… “These are the words of the Secret. They were revealed by the Living Yeshua. Didymus Judas Thomas wrote them down.” Note the unusual doubling of the Twin generic descriptor, sandwiching the common Judas name. Didymus = Twin (Greek) Judas = Name Thomas = Twin (Aramaic) Judas, according to the Bible, was a brother & devoted servant of Jesus Christ (Mark 6:3; Matt 13:55; Jude 1). His twin (Acts of Thomas). The spiritual (divine) Christ paired to the physical (human) Judas. Jesus WAS Judas. In the Gospel of Thomas there were no miracles, no resurrections. Jesus predicted no future events, he was no prophet, no revelations or rapture. All prophesy attributed (falsely) to Jesus was culled from the Hebrew OT and retrofitted as Roman propaganda to co-opt, conflate & corrupt Judaism w/ the upstart Jesus’ movement, neatly consolidating control of both under Rome, effectively killing 2 birds with 1 stone. So how then did Jesus know Judas would betray him? Simple, he (Jesus/Judas) turned himself in & cut a deal with Pilate to fake crucifixion avoiding further unrest in the Jewish population (exactly what you would hope for & expect from a Jesus). The deal was after the crucifix fake-out Jesus would bounce & so he did becoming St.Thomas/St.Jude traveling far & wide, converting about a billion more ppl to Christianity before dying in his 100s. A few additional odds & ends that support this info above (greatly abridged for time). ◇ While the two written accounts we have of Judas’ death following his “betrayal” of Jesus in the New Testament differ greatly, on one point they both agree Judas died simultaneous with Jesus dying on the cross. ◇ NT Jude 1:1 identifying Judas as a brother to James but a “servant” of Jesus. ◇ The apocryphal Gospel of Barnabas (apostle of Jesus), Ch. 216 - Judas takes on appearance of Jesus, later crucified in Jesus’ place. ◇ St. Jude is most often depicted wearing a giant medallion around his neck with the life-sized head of Jesus on it (google it), that’s 2000 yrs before modern rappers made this a thing & fashionable. They literally got Jude walking around, spreading Christ’s word “wearing the face of Jesus”. The truth hidden in plain sight. ◇ Judas of Galilee (google him) was the father of Jesus/Judas, Judah ben Judah. Jesus/Judas was the father of Menahem, Menahem ben Judah. ◇ In sharp contrast to the synoptic Gospels’ liberal use of the sayings in Thomas’ Gospel, chopping them up and sprinkling them about freely, The Gospel of John contains far fewer examples of overlapping content with The Gospel of Thomas. This drop off due to the fact of John being authored in direct opposition to Thomas. A point by point takedown and smear campaign (e.g., “Doubting Thomas”, Faith trumps Knowledge) targeting Thomas to discredit and flush out the remaining followers of early Christ movements, movements still having legs and remaining popular despite the introduction and heavy promotion of the 3 synoptic Gospels being widely disseminated across all Roman territories. John’s underlying agenda accounts for the dramatic shift in tone, structure & narrative, making a clean break from messaging of synoptic Gospels. John was a hit piece against early Christians/Gnostics, Rome couldn’t just steal it, they had to kill it. ◇ [OSHO: Jesus Never Died On The Cross](ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rVP3Jsp8CE8.htmlsi=ImbzfN-cHPFOC9ZV) I'm certainly 100% wrong on all this, sweet Jesus Im using OSHO to bolster my argument, dead scholars are spinning in their graves, but YOLO 🎉
@jamesalvarez8733 29 дней назад
Reference to Herod but it’s not so great and the decline of Rome during the war with Mexico and the United states 1846 in opposition to what was considered the “unjust war”: Have the histories of the ruin of Greek and Roman liberty consequent on such extensions of empire by sword no lesson for us? Many men have achieved the title and have been called great, but most have been great in crime and blood; an Alexander the Great , a Pompey the great , a Ceasar, a Herod, a Louis, a Henry, a Frederic, a Charles, a Bonaparte, a Houston. They were great in many things ; great, perhaps, in ability, great in resolution of will, great in means of influence, and striking in their results; but little in the elements of a truly great character; little in honesty, in truth, in love, mean, selfish, crafty, cruel, and implacable. They have been willing to sacrifice any amount of human life or happiness, to secure their end, and be accounted the greatest. But how poor the honor, how blood-stained the glory! How many death-pangs it has taken to refine their thrill of pleasure, how many tears to water their garlands of victory, how much human gore to dye their purple robes of royalty! What curses have loaded their names on earth, what awful memories must haunt them in the world of spirits! It was when the Pretorian Guards of Rome bore the emperor into office by their despotic will, that the mistress of nations began to decline. And when, in any nation, the glorious gifts of Christian statesmanship, and ripe experience, and large converse among men, and a life-time of civil services to one's country and the world, are postponed and set aside for “the conquering hero," the Genius of rational, heaven-descended Liberty is already meditating her departure to some more congenial clime. We want civilians, not swordsmen; Catos, not Caesars, nor Syllas at the head of Christendom, Christian American and nations. We must show them how much greater in reality Jesus, the well-beloved of the Father, was in washing his disciples' feet, than Xerxes riding forth at the head of his army to lay waste the fairest countries with fire and sword, Jesus dying in ignominy on the cross, than Caesar making a triumphal procession into Rome with the spoils and captives of vanquished kingdoms. 'They have wandered back into the desolated Pantheon, and there, amongst the Polytheistic relics of that " pale mother of dead empires," they have found a God whom these Romans, centuries gone by, baptized, "Terminus". We have seen the end of him and his empire. Whoever would know the further fate of the Roman Diety, so recently taken under the bosom of American Democracy, may find ample gratification of his curiosity, in the luminous pages of the historical accounts of "Gibbons Decline and Fall of Rome". For What Rome was in her decline, America was in her infancy! Such will find that Rome thought as you now think, it was her destiny to conquer and divide nations, and no doubt she sometimes says as you do now "I will conquer a peace!". And where now is she, the once omnipotent Rome, Mistress of the World? And it needs no prophet's eye to read, in the future, the impartial condemnation of history. There we shall be defeated, without doubt and without help, No matter however successful we may be in blowing up Mexican cities and dispersing Mexican armies! Sermons, which are now before us, were preached both on the Rio Grande, and at the city of Mexico before the troops, justifying the war, talking largely of the " Anglo Saxon destiny." Comparing the progress of the American arms with the entrance of the children of Israel into the land of Canaan, and giving the sanctions and benedictions of Christianity to the awful wrongs and barbarities of one of the most cruel, sanguinary, and demoralizing wars on record!" But if the period ever arrives to when the second largest republic on earth, Mexico, and by far the most hopeful and consistent one besides our own is blotted out of the record of nations and becomes the “Poland of the west” we shall be condemned in the eyes of heaven and our own as authors to such tremendous a catastrophe! - From the War with Mexico Reviewed, Abiel Abbott Livermore 1845, American Peace Society
@leoteng1640 Месяц назад
No, it it grace that gives us the ability to act with faith and it has to be fruitful. Works produce the fruits. Without work there is no production. Grace alone cannot produce salvation. Having said that, we labour for love and this love comes from the grace bestowed on us gratuitously from God. Therefore not grace alone and nothing else.
@leoteng1640 Месяц назад
What about the Eucharist? That is one of the most important teaching Christ taught. Why not think which is most important? The Eucharist or justification?
@leoteng1640 Месяц назад
There is ground for the rereading of this doctrine. I don’t thinkCatholics think we can merit salvation. I’ve checked catechism of the Catholic Church and it doesn’t say we can merit salvation.