Mercedarian Friars USA
Mercedarian Friars USA
Mercedarian Friars USA
The Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy or Mercedarians was founded in 1218 in Barcelona, Spain. They were founded to ransom captive Christians in danger of losing their faith. They take a 4th vow to be willing to offer their own lives if necessary to free those captive Christians. This Channel is hosted by the Mercedarian Friars in the United States of America to encourage, support, educate, and share our Mercedarian Redemptive Charism with the world.
Why can't a Deacon anoint someone?
День назад
Father Daniel at Niagara Falls outtake
14 дней назад
Is my Confirmation invalid?
Месяц назад
Where in Scripture is Purgatory discussed?
2 месяца назад
Santuario del Ss. mo Crocifisso di Nemi
2 месяца назад
A Friar in a cave
2 месяца назад
Is there Marriage in Heaven?
3 месяца назад
Brother Kevin at Our Lady of Fatima Shrine
3 месяца назад
Come Holy Spirit I Need You - Take Two
3 месяца назад
I Know that my Redeemer liveth from Messiah
3 месяца назад
Largo from Xerxes
3 месяца назад
@T.D.W.Mercedes День назад
AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏, ❤😮😢😂😅😊🎉❤.
@T.D.W.Mercedes День назад
AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏, !.
@T.D.W.Mercedes День назад
@T.D.W.Mercedes День назад
AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏,!.
@giak7525 День назад
Outside the Catholic church there is no salvation
@BookFace-r9y 3 дня назад
@T.D.W.Mercedes 3 дня назад
@T.D.W.Mercedes 3 дня назад
@BookFace-r9y 4 дня назад
AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏,!.❤😮😢😂😅😊🎉❤,!.
@carmenbebek899 5 дней назад
Thank you Father. Praise be God Almighty.
@lupea8079 8 дней назад
This is my son's patron saint.
@ednaa4382 9 дней назад
@jozichozi416 10 дней назад
Amen. Please friars pray for a dear brother named Augustine just like the Saint for his second conversion back to the faith.
@keithfernandes7350 14 дней назад
Unless and until the individual is baptized he or she is not deserving of a religion never accepted A catholic requesting should and never be entertained
@stephenburns3678 26 дней назад
We also believe in mercy for others.
@jonyivre4541 26 дней назад
It can't do any harm.
@lorenzolocatelirossi 27 дней назад
Morning Father, no, you cannot. However, if a person was dying, and asked me, a priest, to give me the oil, I would ask them to confess and after give them the blessing. Then it is up to the dying to sort it out with Our Master.
@lorenzolocatelirossi 27 дней назад
@raymondmartin318 27 дней назад
Incorrect....at least by some saints...we recall for example that Padre Pio would give The Blessed Sacrament to many people whom he knew were not Catholics and on one occasion giving it to a Hindu. One could take the opinion that Pio was wrong to do this...officialdom would or could say that..but of course Pio responded to such crass as I Have Permission ....meaning perhaps papal ok which he certainly had under Pius 12 etc or from an even higher Authority.... Point being as Pope Francis reminded the Church..humans are not always acting in canon law and unpredictability must be allowed for in Grace.
@alexisrodrigues4767 21 день назад
Why are you telling lies about Padre Pio. He never gave Blessed Sacrament without the person being in a complete state of grace. You are big liar. Know that Padre Pio could read each one person's mind and his sins. He knew everything, for that reason the line for Confession stretched from early morning till late night. He drove many penitents out of confessional for not coming in remorse, sorrow and contrition in heart. Therefore your news is coming from "Whatsapp University Newsmedia" for sure. Know that who ever gives Blessed Sacrament to any one other than Catholic is damned, if the person had known that person is not Catholic. Mocking Jesus in Blessed Sacrament inherits eternal punishment.
@raymondmartin318 19 дней назад
@@alexisrodrigues4767 please refrain from impertinence! Now may I suggest, kindly that you read properly about the Saint and learn to understand that as I suggested above..if you are capable of reading???? ..that Pio gave communion to persons that he perceived would profit from it. He famously gave the Blessed Sacrament to non Catholics and well known once certainly to a Hindu. When he was asked how his reply was I Have Permission.... Now I am sorry that you are incapable of reading English but may I suggest that you try to read before you presume to bluster ballshit in my direction. It is very tacky that I have thereafter to reply to you and lower my intellect so morons can appreciate basic good manners!!!!!!
@oyinkesuowari3229 28 дней назад
Is a new born baby really a pagan?
@alexisrodrigues4767 27 дней назад
Similar to pagan, but they have everlasting life incase of death in that stage where they will be in Limbo of the innocents (a peaceful place but without God's presence ) only until end of time of this earth.
@brucewmclaughlin9072 5 дней назад
@@alexisrodrigues4767 No such place as limbo or purgatory. Infants baptized or not go to be with Jesus.
@brucewmclaughlin9072 5 дней назад
Infants are born with a sin nature . That does not make them evil or pagan.
@alexisrodrigues4767 5 дней назад
@@brucewmclaughlin9072 Then how sin can enter Heaven which is abode of Holy One. Philosophically, then there was no need for Jesus to come down and die in order to take the Holy persons who were in Bosom of Abraham, to heaven, who were anointed with Holy Spirit.
@brucewmclaughlin9072 4 дня назад
@@alexisrodrigues4767 nothing unclean will ever be in heaven and it is only Jesus Christ who by dying on the cross for all of your sins , makes you clean. God is merciful and knows the ultimate outcome of any infant or child who dies before the age of accountability. Jews put that age at 12 and the roman Catholic church claims 7 years of age. Philosophically, then there was no need for Jesus to come down and die Gen 5:1-3 points out that Adam was created in the image of God perfect physically and spiritually until sin was found and Adam lost his spiritual component . We are born in the image of Adam , born spiritually dead, hence we need to be born again. John 3:3 Jesus was born of a woman's seed not born in the bloodline of Adam. Jesus is the only one in all of history to be born without sin . 1 Cor 15:…21 For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. 22 For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. in order to take the Holy persons who were in Bosom of Abraham, to heaven, who were anointed with Holy Spirit. I can not find any mention that the holy ones in Abrahams's bosom were Holy Spirit anointed as the old testament only some had the anointing of the Holy Spirit and only for a time, not all, and not all the time..
@lissyperez4299 29 дней назад
@d1427 Месяц назад
the message of love from Christ is trumped by the Great Inquisitor from Dostoyevsky's Karamazov Brothers! We don't need you Jesus- we have our own system all figured out....
@lorenzolocatelirossi Месяц назад
My wife, a Protestant, dying from cancer, I had my parish priest visit her. She did confession and was given the oil.
@alexisrodrigues4767 27 дней назад
If she has not believed in Catholic Church and its catechism, it was all of no use for her. It is not feeling what matters but the ultimate directives from Jesus Christ Himself. He should never be mocked which will get further punishments.
@lorenzolocatelirossi 27 дней назад
@@alexisrodrigues4767 I think your view of Merciful Christ is short to say the least.
@alexisrodrigues4767 27 дней назад
@@lorenzolocatelirossi You can argue about it with our Lord at your judgement if your intellect is intact at the very moment of your death. But rest be assured, it is not your intellect but the soul which will inherit all deeds and follies of this bodily life. And if you believe in Jesus unless you dont, "only a few will attain eternal life". Know the term "a few" what that actually means in English usage. But you can believe in anything as you want, which will lead to your ultimate destiny for the eternity whether it is serene for only a few and horror and terror for most.
@raymondmartin318 27 дней назад
​@@alexisrodrigues4767 alarming...are you a Christian? That reply lacks both mercy and charity... Astonishing!!??
@raymondmartin318 27 дней назад
​@@alexisrodrigues4767what matters is the intention... Basic theology.....!!!!!!
@lissyperez4299 Месяц назад
❤ Amen!
@lissyperez4299 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for this! It's a true shame that her feast day is not on the American calendar. She is my Patroness and have had a beautiful statue of her for around 60 some what years! Mother of Mercy pray for the freedom of the captives in Gaza and for the protection of Israel!
@GoodgirlzrockNone-e7x Месяц назад
@GoodgirlzrockNone-e7x Месяц назад
@GoodgirlzrockNone-e7x Месяц назад
@boris8787 Месяц назад
Follow Bible teaching - God is never wrong. Please read the 2nd Commandment & Jude 7.
@johnmancia4669 Месяц назад
First time I'm seeing this it's August 1st
@Gerry-jr1mp Месяц назад
Do not be afraid. St. John Chrysostom experienced this sin issue too becoming popular in Greece during the 5th century, and condemns it in his epistle on Romans. There is nothing new under the sun. Keep your eyes on Christ.
@laurascott605 Месяц назад
Praying this for the many blasphemies occurring in this valley of tears.
@Tetrohedracon Месяц назад
Great video
@justinbrentwood1299 Месяц назад
I know that guy. :)
@hanna2973 Месяц назад
Rock on Fr. Bowen!!!!!
@user-ln2xt9le1d Месяц назад
No.. comment 😭. A. Men. Not. A. Women. . Me. Got. . I. On. Hoes yelled 😢
@nitinfarnindiz5872 Месяц назад
Thank you 🙏
@hectthorno584 Месяц назад
Dear Father, First it should be recalled that your answer reflects only your opinion and not the answer of the Catholic Church. So obviously the answer is not as obvious as it seems. The Book of Genesis says animals and men have the same soul ""nephesh" The specific stake of human destiny chosing between Hell and Heaven is unquestionable. But that doesn't imply animals have a mortal soul. Actually your conclusion is very difficult to sustain as it has to disregard many part of the Scriptures that talk about Creation regarding Salvation. Sure you refer to St Thomas of Aquinas views. Still St Ireneaus had a complete different theology. Why on this topic should St Thomas opinion prevail (not to mention many difficulties its consequences raise) ?
@louisvega-oe2sc 2 месяца назад
Doesn't matter what book you read, if it's not from god, it's just no t spiritual! Only thing you can do for the dead, is to honer them if they were rightious, by remembrance or continue the deeds they did while alive in this world. They can do nothing for themselves or for you. Since, they're dead!
@billybobwombat2231 2 месяца назад
It doesn't really matter if you dont believe, much easier than playing manipulative games.
@user-ku2gg5id3j 2 месяца назад
Thank you! Finally, I have the answer...
@bcalvert321 2 месяца назад
It isn't discussed. The only place it might be mentioned is in Maccabes. Jesus never said anything about it. Paradise is not a waiting place for the dead. Hebrews 9:27-28 27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: 28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
@noblealbert.5075 2 месяца назад
Well, Jesus says something about it.
@bcalvert321 2 месяца назад
@@noblealbert.5075 Where?
@lissyperez4299 2 месяца назад
Wish they celebrated feast day of Our Lady of Mercy/Ransom on the American calendar.
@CubanMofo 2 месяца назад
Jews will skip purgatory and go straight to hell for not accepting Jesus Christ as our savior
@elizabethgimenez9261 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much! Today I’ve discovered this litany of reparations. Thank you so so much for sharing with us with ears to hear 🙏🏽🛐✝️
@chrismatthew5117 2 месяца назад
Put it this way, if you are not pure enough to enter heaven and evil enough to enter hell then that's where Purgatory comes from.
@robertpearson7685 2 месяца назад
It's all a load of tripe who knows?
@Dienekes678 2 месяца назад
Who knows? The Catholic Church, that's who knows 😊
@TheOrable5135 2 месяца назад
2 Maccabees. If you're a Christian then R u saying the Word of God is a load of tripe and committing blasphemy inadvertently? Well you can examine your conscience for starters! If you're not in any religion, then might as well say your own life is a "load of tripe" too, you know🤦🤭
@clooktout 2 месяца назад
You cannot be serious, because if that's what you believe I hope you enjoy BBQ, otherwise read your Bible if you have one!!!!!
@fatcrruise6508 2 месяца назад
purgatory doesnt mean fire like that. its a place to purify souls. The doctrine just to solve an issue how a sinner can goest to heaven
@TheOrable5135 2 месяца назад
2 Maccabees. It just not "what he believes in" and nope, it's not a BBQ🙄
@clooktout 2 месяца назад
Well John 3 16 - 18 KJV Bible is very clear as to our sole access to and where we will spend eternity, based on our decision here before our earthly life is over. John 14:6.
@georgevalenzuela2489 2 месяца назад
Protestants doing what they do best, protesting and rebelling since 1517.
@clooktout 2 месяца назад
@@fatcrruise6508 Well if that doctrine can save sinners then there is no reason to for us to belong to any particular 'god' religion because "purgatory" is going to clear up all of our mess anyway, so we're all squeaky clean for heaven, that means there can't be anyone going Hell, then God has just added that in there as His little joke on us!
@HAL9000-su1mz 2 месяца назад
1 Corinthians 3:10-14 is also a discussion of a believer's work being tested on "the day." Saint Paul writes that if a believer's work is burned up, he will be saved, but only "as if through fire."
@Tetrohedracon 2 месяца назад
Great wisdom!