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@devinjo2318 13 часов назад
Oink Oink.. Sound and the beatings of Your Heart.. because I am dying inside for YOU.. I want you in my arms.. can YOU Please come sooner so that My arms will not feel so alone.. I want to be with YOU.. for the rest of my life.. my arms can hold YOU.. I will ask for Your ears so that I can speak and whisper telling YOU How much I missed YOU and how much I love YOU.. I am sitting on the top of the bed.. I just can't sleep.. I know I needs to sleep.. but I can't until you tell me something.. as I am facing the Wall.. my arms wrapped around the Giant Teddy Bear.. I can't live with out YOU.. I feel like I can't breathe well until I get YOU close to me.. I been waiting.. I been wanting.. I been needing YOU.. I still need YOU because I love YOU.. tell me what is IN your Heart.. as I am looking at the wall.. since I know I just can't sleep.. then what I can do is to sit and stare at this Wall.. I wish then at least I can see Your Heart.. If I can't be with YOU.. only if I can put Your Heart and place to this wall.. and I can look at your Heart.. I will look at your Heart and just tell YOUR Heart how much I am suffering.. I am in such a great pain.. this hardship of waiting for YOU sometimes makes me more emotionally then ever because I want to be with YOU.. I am holding this Giant Teddy Bear.. but it is Not YOU.. I want to hold YOU like the way I am holding this Giant Teddy Bear.. it does not feel the same because I want it to be YOU instead.. I want YOU to be here with Me.. it is Hard to be in a place where I can't be with YOU.. I am looking at this wall.. this Wall do not talk back.. even no matter How many words I would say to this Wall.. looking and staring.. since I just can't sleep.. I know I have to get this Off my chest.. asking YOU.. when can I see YOU.. so that I can tell YOU what is in my heart.. but no matter How many times I tell YOU.. are you receiving it.. I want to ask YOU.. do you know how much I love YOU.. do you know that I been staring at this wall.. is my words going empty because I know it comes from My Heart.. as I am looking at the wall.. I would turn to look at the Desk.. but I know only thing that is on that Desk is your Picture.. I know that if I go to the desk and sit on that chair.. I would be grabbing your picture and my eyes is going to cry.. just the way My Heart is crying right Now.. it is crying because I am longing for YOU to be in my arms and only thing I want to do is hear Your Heart.. is it wrong if I want to see Your Heart and Not just look but to hear Your Heart.. I want to hear how does Your Heart sound.. I want to listen to your Heart beating.. so that I know I am hearing that YOU are alive.. that I know that YOU will never let Other men get close to Your Heart.. so that I want to be the One who can get close to Your Heart.. as My both arms opens wide and the Giant Teddy Bear is release from holding.. I want YOU.. why can't it be YOU.. I am so tired of holding this Giant Teddy Bear because NO matter How many times I would hold it.. I know it is Not YOU.. I want it to be YOU.. forever in my arms and when YOU are able to get close to me.. I want to tell Your ears.. I love YOU.. I would say.. and whisper.. I love YOU and my arms will never let YOU go.. so please be close.. and as I would lay back down.. and On the Pillow.. I would close both eyes.. trying to get some rest.. trying to get some sleep.. my eyes would close.. close tight then it opens.. and I am looking UP.. and I see YOUR beautiful Face.. I see your Beautiful smile.. looking at the ceiling.. I must be going crazy.. am I going mad or crazy.. I am seeing YOU up on that ceiling.. but I am trying to get some rest.. wanting to sleep.. I just can't let YOU go.. I can't even think right.. I am seeing YOU everywhere.. let me please love YOU then.. If I can't let you go.. then Please.. let me love YOU.. I want to love YOU.. and I want to tell YOU how much I love YOU.. since I can't ever get rid of YOU and I keep on seeing YOU everywhere.. then.. tell me How can I reach YOU.. how can I get close to YOU so that I can tell YOU and show YOU how much I love YOU.. since I see You when I close both eyes.. and when I open both eyes.. I am looking at the ceiling.. I still see YOU.. if I sit up and go to the desk sitting on the chair.. I have your picture there.. I will see you there again.. NO matter How I am trying to escape.. I keep on seeing YOU.. Now Holding this Giant Teddy Bear in my arms.. I am holding thinking of YOU.. that I rather want it to be YOU.. and I know that it is not YOU.. it hurts me.. keep longing and longing.. this yearning of Not able to be with YOU kills me inside.. because I know I want to be with YOU.. as I sit UP.. and I would get out of the bed.. Out of the room I go to the rest room.. turning on the light and on the Bottom corner.. I remember I have put Your Picture there too.. which I would look down on the corner.. I see Your Picture.. the water runs down.. I am washing my face with both hands.. I just can't go to sleep.. I am trying to get you off my Mind.. but the More I try too escape and get rid of YOU.. something is driving me crazy because I can't escape YOU.. my hand grabs the bottom corner and my hand grabs the picture.. what am I suppose to do now.. I am seeing YOUR picture here.. It is driving me Craze like I am insane.. must be that I must love YOU a lot.. because I have forgotten that I put your Picture here.. I would put your Picture down.. YOU are so Beautiful.. that it drives me crazy because YOU are so Beautiful.. as I am looking at myself.. looking at the Mirror.. I would say.. what are you doing to Me.. I wish I had answer.. maybe a solution.. but right Now I just can't figure OUT what do I do.. there is Nothing I can do at this point.. then tell me.. how do I get to YOU.. How do I get close to YOU.. tell me how so that I can tell you My Heart.. at least tell me where can I find Your Heart.. if I can't get to YOU.. let me please speak to your Heart.. let me please have your Heart.. then I know for sure there is a chance.. that there is an assurance that some day.. One day I am able to get close to YOU.. because this situation I am in is taking me NO where.. I am going insane.. it is driving me crazy.. I been holding that Giant Teddy Bear.. and I don't want to hold that Giant Teddy Bear any more because I want YOU more.. I want YOU instead.. but holding that Giant Teddy Bear only reminds me that I am going crazy.. because I wish.. I am wanting.. Please Help Me.. tell me and show me something.. Please give me an answer so that I know which way to YOU.. I need Your Love.. I need Your Heart.. I need YOU close.. I need you in my arms instead.. and It is killing me that YOU are so far.. that there is a long distance between us.. at least show me that YOU know where Your Heart is.. show me Your Heart.. tell me your Heart because I need to Know.. I want to know that I am heading on the right direction.. which is to YOU.. to Your Heart.. please.. as I am looking at the Mirror and sharing it to the Mirror.. I know that this Mirror cannot answer me anything either.. but why am I looking at this Mirror and just telling it if the person I am seeing is not YOU but I am looking at myself.. I do not want to be the One who is talking to myself.. is this Not crazy too YOU.. I call it insane because I am looking at the Mirror.. the person I am seeing.. the face I am looking at is suppose to be YOU.. but I did put your Picture on the Bottom corner so that I feel like I am not talking or telling to Me.. but I am telling it to YOU instead.. I need YOU.. I want YOU.. I want to love YOU.. I need to love YOU because only thing my Heart wants to do and to say is I love YOU.. will you please tell me something so that I know YOU can hear me.. can Your Heart hear me.. can YOU Hear me on the Other side.. because I am standing here speaking to YOU.. How much I love YOU.. because I do love YOU.. and as I am looking at the Mirror.. I see tears running down my cheeks.. I want to be the One to love YOU and to be with YOU.. but Look at me.. I feel like I am only talking to myself.. but I am telling YOU instead.. I want YOU forever in my arms.. I want to hold YOU forever in my arms.. because I love YOU..I am sitting Down.. Me two hands touches the Glass Jar.. Me Heart is sitting next to me.. Looks at me.. I love the Heart.. I wonder if I can Hold that Heart.. can I wrap My both arms around that Big Heart.. Put my lips and Kiss the Heart.. I want to Hold that Heart.. Feel this Heart.. I want to HOLD it.. I want the Heart.. How can I get to that Heart.. Will you please Answer this Question.. I want the Heart.. Tell Me.. How can I get to that Heart.. And Looks at me.. Me finger points and Touch the Glass Jar.. Pointing to YOUR Heart.. I am Not sure How.. But what I do know for Sure.. I am going to get YOUR heart.. Does Not matter how Long the Time it will take me.. BUT I want Your Heart.. I want your heart.. I turn to Look at Me Heart.. Can you go and try to Find the Key.. I am sure there must Be a key laying around because IF there is a Lock.. Must be a Key to that Lock.. I turn and Looking.. Finger points and touches the glass Jar.. I want to tell Your Heart.. I have been waiting for YOU for a Long Time.. I have been waiting and waiting.. Still be waiting for Your Heart.. Your Heart looks so Good.. Your Heart looks so beautiful.. WHY is YOUR heart so Beautiful.. yes.. I want to hold Your Heart into my Hands.. I want to press My ear to Hear.. TO Hear the beating.. the beating of Your Heart.. Only way for me to hear your heart Beat and to Touch and to Feel your heart and to
@devinjo-zp7nu 13 часов назад
Oink Oink.. I am standing and I look across.. there is a Flower.. I see the Sun Flower in the Room.. and I just know that something Great is about to happen.. I turn to look Out the window.. a MAN comes with a Big Box and drops by the Door.. and I see the man leaves.. as I walk Out of the Room.. I stop and turn back to LOOK.. it is that sun Flower.. why do I keep on thinking of YOU when I see a SUN FLOWER.. does it means that YOU make me Smile.. or do you take My Breathe away when I know that It is YOU.. that SUN FLOWER.. I just can't stop looking.. as if I am looking at YOU.. I wonder what is that BIG BOX.. why did this MAN come and drop this BIG BOX in front of the door.. I wonder what is Inside that Big Box.. as I turn.. I walk to the DOOR.. I open the door.. There is a Picture.. I am wondering WHY would this Picture be attached to this Big Box.. and I would wrap My arms around this Big Box to lift and to carry into the Room.. as the Door shuts behind me.. I am holding with both Arms around it.. such a Heavy BIG BOX I must lift and carry into the Room.. I place the Big BOX Down.. I take the Picture off and turn to look.. It is YOU.. it is the Picture of YOU.. I am wondering.. why would you put Your Picture here.. I already have another Picture of YOU in my room.. are you telling me It is YOU who send me this Box.. but WHY would it be this Big.. and I am looking at the new Picture.. YOU look so Good.. so lovely and adorable.. I guess I don't need the Old Picture any more.. this New Picture.. YOU are so Beautiful.. SO.. am I allow to speak to YOU.. will this Picture speak back from YOU.. can YOU speak through this Picture and tell me what are your thoughts.. if I am to ask YOU.. WHY did you send me this Big Box.. I only asked for Your Picture.. I only wanted the picture and has not asked for anything else lately.. But this Big Box.. I am curious about what is inside this Big Box.. if I were to ask YOU.. what is inside this Big box.. Please tell me.. I know that one thing I been wishing for is for YOUR HEART.. I remember last night.. I was in this same room.. Looking at the Sun Flower.. I would be holding Your Old Picture.. and I would take Your old picture and LOOKING at the SUN FLOWER.. I been asking if I give YOU this Flower.. can we make a trade.. If I can give YOU this Flower.. would you let me see Your Heart.. I begin to want something More than just this Old Picture.. if I can't have your Heart.. I know there is NO point of asking for anything Else.. so I would paste YOUR OLD picture next to the Sun Flower.. looking at the wall.. I would speak as YOU were listening.. I would be speaking to the wall but I would close both eyes.. and Picture YOU being here instead and I would speak to the WALL.. but YOUR PICTURE would be pasted to the WALL.. I be holding the SUN FLOWER in my hand and asking YOU.. can we please make a Trade.. I am asking if I can have More than just this Old Picture.. it is Not that I am tired of looking.. I love looking at YOU.. this Picture.. this Old Picture.. I always loved looking at YOU through this Old Picture.. but I want More now.. I just don't want this Old picture.. am I being ambition if I am asking YOU for Your Heart.. because Now.. I want more.. I want to love YOU.. HOW can I love YOU.. if all I can do is look.. my eyes might fall off because only thing that I can do is LOOK.. But this looking does not solve anything.. it only Hurts my Heart.. My Heart cries telling me.. WHY are you only LOOKING.. ask for More.. if I don't ask.. I will never Know.. I will never find Out if I can have YOU to myself.. so I begin to want more and More.. so Holding the SUN Flower and looking at the Old Picture pasted on the Wall.. I would open my mouth.. It is NOT ME.. even though it is part of Me.. it is My Heart.. I be asking my Heart to be quiet and not to tell me anything.. But I hear my Heart crying inside.. it weeps loud and grows Louder because My Heart wants more.. so I begin to look at Your Old Picture.. pasted on this Wall.. my hand would tap My chest.. trying to silent my Heart who is crying deep inside.. because I want more than just looking.. so Please.. I want you to hear my Plea.. this Case I have.. not against.. but for my Heart.. that I want more.. and Now.. If I can give YOU this SUN FLOWER.. will you please accept my Heart.. if I give YOU this SUN FLOWER.. I want Your Love.. if I can see your Heart.. I know that I can earn Your Love.. Now.. I am standing here in the same ROOM.. the Old Picture I had to toss away.. I am wondering if YOU heard my Plea.. it was from Last night.. asking YOU.. but I know that YOU must heard it because this BIG BOX.. Your New Picture was attached.. does that means.. inside this Big Box.. is it your Heart.. this is a Big BOX.. is Your Heart as Big as this BOX.. and I am walking around the BIG BOX.. and I am sure it has to be because YOU are the only One who knows my Heart.. there is NO ONE else.. but How did YOU hear my Plea.. it was late last night when I spoke about YOUR HEART.. were you here.. I am Not sure if you came but it was late into the night.. I couldn't sleep.. because My Heart kept on crying inside.. I heard the Heart loud and clear which woke me UP and I couldn't go back to sleep until I had to get it off my Chest.. but.. How is it that this BIG BOX came so fast.. I only wanted to know if I could have More.. I wanted More and more.. I know that just looking at Your Old Picture.. it is not enough for me anymore.. and I just had to share Heart to Heart by pasting your Old Picture on the Wall.. Now.. this Big Box is here.. as I unwrap this Big Box.. on the TOP.. it is able to OPEN.. and My both arms reaches.. hands grab this BIG GLASS JAR and I pull it Out of the Big Box.. and I place the Glass Jar next to the Big Box.. as I look at it.. I see it being empty.. Now.. I am very confused.. there is a Note written.. and says.. I needs to earn YOUR HEART.. that means YOU know.. that YOU did heard my Plea.. but why would you send me this Big BOX.. but it has NO Heart.. YOU send me a BIG BOX.. a BIG EMPTY GLASS JAR.. and No Heart.. I was asking for YOUR HEART.. Not the BIG BOX.. I was Not asking for an EMPTY GLASS JAR.. YOU give me a new Picture.. so Beautiful and Yes.. thank YOU so much for looking so GOOD.. SO BRIGHT and so Beautiful.. and THANK you for the BIG BOX.. even for the GLASS JAR.. but there is something that YOU did forget to give me.. I need that Heart.. if this Glass JAR is big.. and the Box is big.. I KNOW that YOUR HEART must be big TOO but I want to know.. where is that Heart.. I want the Heart.. I was asking YOU.. My wish and Plea is YOUR HEART.. I need that TOO.. I know you heard my voice last night or this could Not HAPPEN.. WHEN will you give me YOUR HEART.. am I suppose to be waiting for another MAN to come to bring something.. which.. it is the Most Important that MAN has not brought.. PLEASE.. I want Your Heart.. I need YOUR HEART.. I want to see YOUR HEART.. when can I see Your Heart.. everything else is right.. but that ONE.. YOUR HEART.. I been asking.. LOOKING at Your Picture.. the Old Picture.. and asking.. speaking to the Old Picture.. that I want to Love YOU.. How can I love YOU if YOU don't want to show me your Heart.. if YOU want me to give all this Love I have for YOU.. I must have Your Heart.. and Yes.. Like this BIG BOX.. my Arms will wrap around it.. Lift and carry YOUR HEART around to show YOU that I love Your Heart.. when will you give me Your Heart.. what do YOU means that I needs to earn Your Heart.. if YOU are Never around.. How can I show you anything.. If you are so far away from me.. how can I show you.. WHAT DO you means that I needs to earn it.. How.. tell me the answer.. give me the answer of How to earn YOUR HEART.. I means.. LOOK.. the Big Box.. a BIG EMPTY GLASS JAR plus the new picture.. it all arrived together art the same place at the same time.. but left the Heart.. I must know.. are you going to tell me How because right Now I am so confused.. I want to love YOU.. can I still love you without YOUR HEART.. I know that I can't.. I must have YOUR HEART.. I need your Heart but YOU wrote on the Note.. I must earn Your Heart.. AM I suppose to go some where to find YOUR HEART.. did you hide YOUR Heart some where.. is this HIDE and Go seek.. because I don't like that kind of game.. because.. there is just too many places Where you can hide YOUR HEART.. so I know that when YOU do this.. I may never find YOUR HEART.. what if YOUR Heart is with YOU.. and Now.. YOU want to keep your Heart.. maybe you changed your Mind not to give it away.. then what am I suppose to DO.. I want YOUR HEART.. Please.. tell me.. How can I find YOUR HEART.. where did YOU Put.. or where did you Hide YOUR HEART.. I need that Heart.. I need to Have YOUR HEART so that I can start Loving YOU.. I know that YOU are not going to tell me.. but.. I am asking YOU still.. Help me to love YOU.. and YOU know that the time is ticking.. that is why I needs YOUR HEART NOW.. NO later.. because I want to start right NOW loving YOU.. or else I know that I can't love you any more.. Where did YOU put Your Heart.. why is YOUR HEART hiding from me.. I want to know.. Please.. that Heart belongs to Me.. if YOU have brought all these things to the DOOR.. into my ROOM.. I know that Heart should be here with Me.. then why are YOU NOT giving me YOUR HEART.. that Heart is MINE.. belongs to me.. suppose to be with Me.. SO PLEASE.. give me YOUR HEART.. bring your Heart to my direction.. I will love YOUR HEART good.. I will take good care of YOUR HEART.. so Please.. trust Me.. I will love your Heart the way YOUR heart should be loved
@devinjo-zp7nu 13 часов назад
You have left this Behind so that I am able to go get this Glass Jar.. I know it is empty right Now.. but once I have put my hands on it.. I know I am going to grab Your Big Heart.. But.. I need to know.. How do I get to Your Heart after I am able to have the Empty Glass Jar.. I would hold the Microphone in my hand and I would speak.. Please tell me.. I want to know how to get to Your Heart.. If I don't have a clue.. I know I have no answers then I am asking the One who knows and has the answers.. and I am sure YOU know how to Open this Glass wall because I have no idea.. I have no clue.. Please tell me.. and I am looking through the Glass Wall.. I see this Giant Heart Move.. I just can't believe it.. I would smile Big.. I see this Heart.. this Giant Heart be moving.. I put my lip on the Microphone.. can I say something.. How does Your Heart feel.. if I can hold and touch Your Heart.. is Your Heart soft and tender.. if I lay my head ON top of Your Big Heart.. is it like a Pillow.. would it be soft.. I want to hold Your Heart if it is soft and I want to love it.. and I would turn to Look at your Picture.. I put my Lip on the Microphone.. and I would speak.. Do you know that I loved YOU since I put my eyes on You.. from the first time I glanced Your way.. toward your direction.. My Heart has been skipping beats.. my Heart has been telling me that I want to See YOU.. and I would wonder.. How would it feel to be close to You.. to be near YOU.. How would my Heart feel or react when I be close to YOU.. and since I am unable to see YOU.. this is the reason why it hurts me the most.. if YOU wonder about my Pains and why I deal with great sufferings.. I will tell YOU why.. it is because I miss YOU.. did YOU ever felt when YOU be missing someone.. for so long YOU are just missing.. and it never heals because I keep on missing YOU and it has been a while now.. I am wondering.. when can I see YOU.. Not just by looking at the Picture.. but face to face in person.. I want to see You so that I can tell YOU how much I have been missing YOU for a while.. for a long time Now.. so that I can tell YOU I love YOU.. so much.. that I love YOU.. No matter how far YOU are.. that I love YOU.. even missing YOU.. I will tell YOU that I love YOU.. YOU are the only One who makes me feel this way that as far as YOU are and I am missing YOU because YOU are so Far.. being so far I can say that I love YOU.. I don't like the feeling that YOU are so far but.. I want YOU near.. I want YOU close.. loving YOU either far and missing YOU and also just loving YOU here.. I want to see YOU close.. I want to see YOU Near.. I want to just love YOU where you are.. why because I just do.. as I am standing.. my Other foot crosses over the First line.. and I am looking at the second Line.. I know that I needs to take few steps closer too it.. I needs to cross over so that I can go to the line on the third.. I want that Heart.. I want Your Heart.. I need Your Giant Heart.. what would you do if I am able to get hold to that Heart.. would you come over.. would you show me Your Face.. if I am able to get through that Glass Wall and enter.. Putting Your Giant Heart into the Empty Glass Jar.. are YOU going to show me your Face.. will you show me YOU.. that I am able to hold you close.. Hold you near and to tell YOU how much I missed YOU and say to You how much I love YOU.. would YOU open the Glass Wall for me.. if I am able to cross over the second Line.. and My hands able to grab hold unto the empty Glass Jar.. I need It.. I want It.. I want that Heart.. finger points.. at the Giant Heart.. I need that Heart.. I want it.. Please.. Give me Your Heart.. Please.. I want Your Giant Heart.. Help me to get to Your Heart.. just please help me a way so I can be with Your Heart so that I can love YOU.. so that I can love your Heart.. Please help me.. so that I can love YOU.. do you not want me to Love YOU.. how can I love YOU if you don't want to help me.. YOU know that I have been here.. waiting for YOU.. I have been standing by this door.. for such a Long time.. for a while.. asking YOU to open the door.. I remember I was walking.. and I got a Note from YOU.. of course I would be by this door.. and I would be knocking at the door.. asking the door to be opened.. I would stay by the door.. I saw Hot sunny days.. and I would watch the night.. stars shines and Moon comes UP.. I would keep on coming to this Door.. a Note coming to my door.. and I saw a picture that was sent to me.. I fell in love with the picture.. but I did not know why it was left at my door.. as the note told me and gave me a direction.. but the door that I came too was shut.. it was closed and locked.. only thing I had in my hand was your Picture.. I wanted to meet YOU.. I been asking for Your Heart for a long time by Now.. but it seems like YOU are Not answering me.. I hear no respond on the other side.. Please tell me.. When will you tell me Your Answer.. I am over here.. it is so Hot outside.. standing where the Sun is not on my favor.. it is so Hot out here.. Do I need a glass cup of cold water.. I am Not sure if I need to drink.. Until you tell me and give me your Answer.. I am not going to stop asking.. But it is so hot out here.. I think I be dying to death through Burning over the Heat.. Please.. why don't you ever answer Me.. Please.. tell me what YOU are thinking.. what are your thoughts about my Question.. why can't you tell me.. I need to know.. Please give me an Answer.. as I am holding the Glass jar.. I am looking through the Glass jar.. DO you see this Glass jar.. it is just an Empty Jar.. WHY can't you tell me Your Answer.. why don't you ever respond to my Question.. It is Not that Hard.. WHY are you making it so complicated when My Question is so Simple.. ALL I want.. WHAT I means is what I truly Needs.. is YOUR HEART.. that is all I am asking For.. I am asking.. Can I have your Heart.. I want to have Your Heart and I want to just Love YOUR HEART.. but I do not hear any thing on the Other side.. I am looking at this Door.. The door is closed.. WOULD you open this Door if I knock on it.. I know you will not answer.. I be standing Out here.. it is in the Middle of the Day.. when it is the most hottest part of the Day.. and I know YOU know I have come.. I am sure you heard my foot steps and Now.. can YOU Hear my voice.. I know that my voice is Loud.. so I know YOU Heard and yes.. I am with a Shoes.. when I walk with these shoes.. YOU can hear HOW LOUD the steps are as I am walking.. so I have been walking.. I am making it to be Heard.. I want YOU to hear the Steps.. hear the sounds of the foot steps telling YOU that I am Not silent.. I am making it all Known to YOU.. being so Loud so that YOU CAN HEAR me on the Other side.. Now.. YOU see me with the Glass Jar.. Both Arms holding around it.. but as YOU can see.. it is an EMPTY.. If you are wondering why did I bring an empty Glass jar with me.. and Not put water inside.. Well.. I am here to let YOU know.. Even though it may be Hot standing out here.. the Sun is burning my Head.. and I can feel sweats running down on the back and front of my Chest.. I can feel the waters pouring down.. But.. it does Not matter How Hot it is.. I can burn to death is what I am telling YOU.. and If you are still wondering about why is the Glass Jar empty.. I know that I can Put something inside this Empty Glass jar.. I been asking YOU something.. I have one simple Question.. and that is I need Your Heart.. if I come closer and I begin to knock on this Door.. Would to Please Open the Door.. it would be pointless if I knock on this Door and YOU don't open it.. it is only going to get me upset for trying but can't prove the Point.. I want YOU to open this Door.. the Door which is in front of Me.. but what If I knock and YOU don't answer.. but what would happen if I did Knock on this Door and YOU would answer it.. that is why I needs to be sure.. I want YOU to tell me that If I do Knock and YOU hear the door be knocking.. just know that ON the Other side.. I am standing by this door.. waiting for YOU.. waiting for you to Open this DOOR.. and If you do Open the Door.. can YOU promise me something.. Promise me that YOU will have Your Heart ready to give to me.. I did not come all the way down here to have the Question not to be answered or for YOU to tell me to get lost.. or YOU will not answer or Open this Door.. so Please first answer my Question.. but even though I may ask YOU many times.. I have been asking you for a long time.. But.. even till this day.. YOU have not given me any answer.. Now.. YOU may be wondering,, If I have Not receive any answers.. why do I keep on trying.. why do I keep on coming back to this Door.. why would I be standing Out here.. out where the SUN be the hottest the most and still be here.. YOU know my answer.. because I never stopped loving YOU.. do you know what YOU have done to Me.. I have my Heart be missing.. I cannot find My Heart any where
@devinjo-zp7nu 13 часов назад
I have been asking my own Heart.. where are YOU.. I do not even hear.. I can't even feel my Heart Beat.. I can't hear my Heart beating any more.. so I know that my Heart has decided to pack and has left Me.. wrote me a Note and told me.. My Heart has left me to GO to YOU.. I see a Picture.. on the top of my desk.. and when I looked at the Picture.. it was the Picture of YOU.. I remember one morning.. I woke UP.. my head laying on top of the desk.. as I raise UP my head.. I can hear banging hard from the Inside of my Head.. and I looked down to find a Picture.. it was YOU.. Your Beautiful smile.. Your twinkling eyes.. and I just could not forget HOW beautiful YOU are.. on the side.. I saw a SHOT glass and next to it was the empty Bottle.. it was a hard core liquor.. the One when YOU wake UP.. something Bangs hard in your Head.. and I just could Not take that Bang anymore.. I could Not feel my Heart any more.. a Note was written to me saying.. my Heart has left me for YOU.. and I would see the Picture.. I knew where YOU were.. and Just could Not believe that my Heart has left me.. I wanted to ask YOU.. what Have you done to My Heart.. why would my Heart leave me.. I never Hurt my own Heart but YOU did something to my Heart.. Now.. I needed the answers.. I want some answers because MY Heart never acted like this Before.. WHAT have you done to me.. to My Heart.. so I grab the Empty Glass Jar.. is it to get my Heart back.. NO.. I want my Heart to come back to Me and I also want to have Your Heart as well with me.. Now.. I am here standing by this Door.. I want some answers.. my Heart has left me.. Now I can't feel my Heart beating any more.. I needs to know what Have you done to Me.. what is it about you makes My Heart to fall.. runs and leaves me so that My Heart can be with YOU.. but.. I am not here because My Heart has left Me.. I want to know will YOU OPEN this Door.. can YOU Please say something to let me know will YOU answer the door.. YOU are wondering.. I can step it up and just knock right.. Yes.. I can be as simple as just to knock on this Door.. the Purpose of the knocking at this Door is.. will you open the Door.. let my Heart Out and let My Heart come with me.. and WILL you please give me YOUR HEART.. I want to win YOUR Heart.. I want to have Your Heart.. I want YOUR HEART to come with me.. but if YOU are Not going to answer the door and will Not give my Heart.. I need Your Heart.. I want to take Your Heart with me.. I need Your Heart.. so that I can do what I am the best at.. to Love YOU.. I know that I can love you like YOU have never been loved Before.. I can love YOU where your Heart will tell YOU.. are YOU HOT.. YOU be standing there like on the Middle of the Day where the SUN be the Hottest the Most.. I know that If YOU give me Your Heart.. YOU will be burning UP.. and on your Head YOU be like it be so Hot.. it burns and feels Like YOU drank a Hard core Liquor and YOU be like.. YOU can feel a Hit.. Bang on the Head.. Bang will not stop until you know that It is Me who be loving YOU like a Hard core Liquor.. to fire YOU up when YOU LOOK at the Liquor.. before YOU can pour into the Shot Glass.. YOU KNOW you can feel like I be loving YOU a Crazy Person.. I can love you like that.. I am at this Door.. standing here and just waiting.. YOU are wondering.. waiting is not going to do anything If I don't knock right.. but.. Please tell me then.. would YOU open this door.. and WILL you please give me your Heart if I do.. are you sure YOU can give me your Heart because I just do not want to knock on this DOOR for nothing.. I did not come here just to look like.. I am here to ask YOU.. and to have an answer.. I need YOU to give me the answer before I can knock.. because I do not want to knock and NO answer.. and NO Heart.. I want.. I need YOUR Answer.. I need Your Heart.. I want want.. and Yes.. I need Need your Heart.. because I want to Love YOU.. without YOUR HEART.. there is NO point of starting because the starting point comes when YOU give me the answer with the Heart and I be holding YOUR HEART.. I be carrying YOUR HEART and putting Your Heart inside this Glass Jar and celebrating that I can Make you mine.. and to See if YOU can fall in Love with Me.. I want YOU to love Me.. to fall for me and to Love me more than I can love YOU.. to love you where YOU will tell me to stop loving you but I will say to YOU.. I just can't stop loving YOU because I want more.. I want to love YOU More and More until.. YOU will say I want more.. I need Your Heart.. I want to knock on this Door.. YOU know that Standing out here.. where in the Middle of the day.. the hottest.. it is burning Hot.. very hot out here.. but.. I know I can wait till you answer.. and I would step UP closer.. and I am looking at this Door.. and I am wondering.. SHOULD I KNOCK anyways.. what am I afraid of.. I should Not be afraid of anything right.. and I put my Ear on the Door.. and I can hear the foot steps and Stops by the Door.. and I know.. it must be YOU who heard my plea for Your Love.. YOU Hear my voice on the other side.. asking YOU for Your Heart right.. I have be standing out here for an Hour Now.. and it is getting hot out here.. should I knock at this Door.. I hear Your Steps from the Inside.. I know that YOU have come closer to the Door.. YOU.. I am looking for something.. I am looking for Your Heart.. Can you please tell me where is Your Heart is.. as I am walking.. I see the Door has opened.. and Finally.. I am able to go inside this Door.. as I am looking In and I walk pass the Door.. I see a Glass Wall.. it looks Like a Big Window.. and I just cannot cross a Line.. Why can't I go ALL the way In.. why is there a Line.. and I am looking through the Glass.. a Big Window and has a Wall.. I cannot believe My eyes.. There is a Giant Heart.. Right in the center of the floor.. I have never seen such a Heart so Big.. I giant Heart it is.. I am wondering.. AM I allowed to step this Far.. and I look on the floor.. on the Ground.. and I go Down.. my hand grabs and I flip over.. and it shows me a Picture.. I wonder why is this Picture laying on the floor.. WHO has forgotten to take this Picture.. am I allow to have this Picture.. can I claim it that I am able to say.. I can have Your Picture.. will you allowed me to have it.. as I am looking at Your Picture.. I just cannot stop.. but my eyes.. it just can't stop looking at it.. YOU are so Fine.. YOU are so Hot.. YOU are so dazzling Beautiful.. I just can't stop but to say WOW when I am looking at Your Picture.. WHY did you leave this Picture Behind.. why did YOU not take this Picture with YOU.. if this is YOU and this is Your Picture.. what if some weird Person take a LOOK at YOU.. and I am just like.. MY jaw dropping as I am looking at Your Picture.. There is NO words to tell YOU but to say OH WOW.. YOU are so FINE.. YOU are so Hot.. the Most Beautiful.. Like a Flower.. so Beautiful that I dreamed of YOU.. that I be grabbing Your Picture.. SO.. what AM I suppose to do Now.. YOU just got my attention.. and has grabbed my eyes.. feels like YOU can pull my eye balls off my face.. WHY NOT.. I just can't help but stare.. I know YOU are so Beautiful.. and leaving me speechless.. so.. if I am to ask YOU.. can I take this Picture with me.. can I have Your Picture.. and I can kiss Your picture 1,000 times a day.. more than 1,000 times I believe.. because this is the way YOU make my Heart feel.. that I want to see YOU.. where are YOU.. if YOU are this Beautiful.. Looking at your picture.. tell me where are YOU at.. I am looking through this Glass wall.. this Big Window which is Not allowing me to go further.. there is a Line that is telling me to Stop.. I can't go or move forward.. Please help me where YOU at.. as I stand on my two legs.. my hand grabbing hold unto Your Picture.. I am looking straight at Your Heart.. But this Heart is so Big.. I have never seen such a Big Heart in my life.. I know that I can wrap my arms around this Big Heart.. and still can't able to hold or Hug the Heart.. But.. I want to see if I can.. I wonder will you allow me to get closer.. but the Line.. the Big window.. and the Glass wall is Not allowing me to step further.. but I want this Big Heart.. I want Your Big Heart.. but there is something which is stopping me.. why would you do that.. why can't I enter.. why can't I go further.. I want to touch Your Heart.. I want to see if I can touch.. How about wrap my arms around it.. would you please let me In.. I have come this far.. I have come this very far so that I can touch Your Heart but YOU are still putting a Wall.. a Big Window and a Line which tells me not to get too close to Your Heart.. but YOU have to know that I am not here to hurt YOU.. I am Not here to scare you either.. but to tell YOU I want to have Your Heart.. I need Your Heart.. I need it because I want to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I want to speak to Your Heart
@devinjo-zp7nu 13 часов назад
Letting Your Heart knows that I too have a Heart in me.. my Heart can love YOU more.. My Heart can love your Heart which I know.. I believe that Love can win.. But YOU needs to give me a chance first.. why can't YOU give me this chance.. I am looking at this line.. I want to step closer.. I want to cross over this Line.. and walk over.. I wonder if this Big Window has a Door.. I saw the first Door.. it was Opened when I peeked through.. and Now.. I was able to come inside.. pass through the first Door.. but Now.. here I am.. unable to go further.. why are you making it so hard for me.. if YOU have opened the first door.. why can't YOU trust me.. Why can't I prove to YOU that YOU belong to me.. I know that I can love YOU more.. I can love you more and even stronger than ever before.. and confident that I can be Yours truly.. But.. Look at me.. I am standing here.. LOOKING at this Line.. why put this Line here.. why do I wait.. I have been waiting for a long time already and YOU know how much I waited.. I even had to count the stars.. each night that came through.. I would walk outside.. and LOOKING at the sky.. I saw the stars up on the sky.. started to count each of them.. One by One I would count.. and many nights would come and I would be counting the stars.. and It started to lead me here.. the stars I counted lead me to this door.. the door which was opened.. I must of done something right if it lead me here.. to the first door.. I am not sure if there is another door but.. YOUR HEART stopped me.. and Now.. I just want this Heart.. I want Your Heart and I am asking YOU.. Please.. give me this Big Heart of Yours.. I know I can treat Your Heart right.. I know I can say and speak to Your Heart if YOU allow me too.. but I need your permission that I can.. if I am lead to be in this room.. and I see YOUR BIG HEART.. I know that I must be close.. I know you are here somewhere.. where are YOU at.. I found.. and My arm raises UP with my hand grabbing unto Your Picture.. do YOU see my Hand.. my arm has been raised UP so that I can say.. is this Not YOU.. is this Heart belong to the One whose Picture I have.. I know it must be YOU or else YOUR PICTURE would not be on the ground.. Please tell me that this Heart is Yours and this Heart belongs to YOU.. when I saw Your Picture.. my knees felt so weak.. and it got cold up in here.. like chills on the back of my spine because YOU inspire me to tell YOU.. YOU are the Most Beautiful.. Like a Flower.. so Beautiful.. that Now I want Your Heart.. looking at Your picture.. it can be a mistake on my part.. because Now.. I want this Heart.. I am looking at Your Heart.. so Big.. this Big Heart.. it just sits so Pretty.. I want to touch it now.. I want to ask Your Heart something.. I will not tell Your Heart until you let me allowed to cross over this Line.. tell Me.. that I can come closer to YOU.. For a long time I wanted Your Heart.. and YOU are wondering.. if I counted the stars and it lead me here but never met or seen YOU.. How can this be.. I have dreamed of YOU.. I saw YOU in my dreams I had.. I had envisioned you in My mind and in my heart and soul.. I saw YOU late at Night.. when I would be laying down.. sleeping.. whenever I sleep.. it seems like YOU come into my dreams.. in my head YOU stay there all through the Night.. so I knew that YOU must be the one for me.. I just don't dreams of anyone.. but Only YOU who has caught into My Head.. and comes to me in my thoughts and My mind.. so I would ask the Moon at Night.. If I sleep.. I know that I see YOU there.. I see you in my Heart and in my thoughts.. in my Head.. seems like YOU never leave me alone or I am always asking YOU to come into my dreams.. where the only Place I can be free and be myself.. so I would ask the Moon.. I need to go away from the sleep.. so the Moon would tell me.. Count the stars.. if I am able to count the stars.. I can meet YOU somewhere down the road.. and if I keep on counting.. the stars will lead me to the Place where YOU are at.. so I began to count the stars.. if I sleep.. I only can meet YOU in my dreams.. but at night I am awake.. counting the stars.. I got tired of meeting YOU in my dreams because I would miss YOU when I am awake.. always dreaming of being with YOU.. always wishing that it can all come true.. so I just did not want to sleep anymore.. because I know that it will go nowhere if I only meet YOU in my dreams.. so I decided to follow My Heart.. to See YOU where you at.. so I stopped dreaming and started to applied.. that If I can count these stars and it will lead me to YOU.. I do know the dreams will come true.. I want reality.. Not just being in dreams anymore.. SO the stars really did make it moves and I followed with my Heart.. I saw the door Opened.. and Knew.. am I really here.. is this true.. am I really being real this time or is it dreaming still.. until I stepped into the door.. I was blown into pieces.. when I saw Your Heart.. I pointed my finger.. I have never seen such a Big Heart in my life.. why is Your Heart so Big.. I can wrap my whole.. both arms around YOUR HEART and still would be unable to hold YOUR HEART close.. but I do Love YOU.. I love Your Heart.. so please.. I need to know.. WOULD you let me come closer to Your Heart.. I want to see if I can speak to your Heart.. for a long time.. I was muted.. I was silenced and could Not say anything to YOU.. my words could not get through pass.. but I know that I do believe that I can speak now.. I know that for a long time.. I wanted to tell YOU something.. I wanted to tell YOU.. but I just couldn't.. I felt so small and so weak.. I just could not say.. and I know that it hurts me because I could not say anything to YOU back then.. I had to vomit because I felt so sick.. My words had no affect or No impact.. so what would I do.. just hold back and just had to wait by being still for a long time.. My Heart would groan deep inside because I wanted to say.. wanted to tell you but I had to hold back.. Do you know how that feels when YOUR words has no power or strength.. WHY do I keep on seeing that Door.. WHY can I just move On.. If I am able to pass by and start to walk ahead.. I won't see this DOOR no more.. but.. ME HEART HEART.. He walks behind Me.. PULLS On the edge of MY pant.. and I stop.. I turn to look down.. HE looks up at me.. turns too look at that DOOR.. I turn to look back.. I see that DOOR.. I wonder if YOU are there.. I wonder if You are truly waiting on the other side of that DOOR.. My Heart tells me to stop and to wait.. But to KEEP on knocking.. If YOU are there.. ME HEART HEART tells me.. One day.. some day that DOOR will be opened.. But I must keep on trying if I love YOU.. as long as I love you with Me Heart Heart.. and cannot stop but just loving YOU.. I must continue until YOU OPEN THAT DOOR.. but.. I feel lost.. I feel pain of missing YOU.. WHY DON"T you answer that DOOR.. why don't you open that door for me.. you know how much I been waiting and waiting.. ONCE that door Opens.. my arms will spread wide open For YOU.. my arms will wrap around YOU.. I will hold you tight.. Near me is MY HEART.. I will say YOU have rob My Heart.. can I listen to Your Heart beat once.. MY heart been beating for YOU ever since my eyes laid on YOU.. since YOU are here.. I just want to Hold you still.. Hold you near and tell YOU HOW much I missed you.. How much I love YOU.. and I am just dying inside for Just to give YOU my Love.. I only want to give.. I only want to give.. I only want to give.. I only want to give you so Much Love.. that is the only thing I want to do.. But WHY.. the DOOR is still closed.. I do not hear you on the Other side.. I don't even hear Your voice.. I am not sure if it is the right Door.. am I really standing at the right door and knocking to YOU.. and Now.. I am starting to hear the door knocking.. But is it You.. Is it really YOU who is the one knocking back.. are you sure that YOU are knocking so that I am the one who is the one to open it and YOU will not be jumped scared.. thinking of another person to open this door but it is I.. But.. Just to let YOU know who is here.. I am here at this Door.. I am here with my Little Heart Heart.. Both of us has Heard the knocking of this DOOR.. ME Heart heart just gave me the Empty Glass Jar.. My Hand Hits.. DOK DOK DOK DOK.. can YOU please knock back at the door.. I am here with the Empty Glass jar.. I need your Heart.. If you do not want to see My face.. I will take few steps back.. But Please.. leave Your Heart.. I want Your Heart.. Can I please take Your Heart Home.. I want Your Heart.. Please give me Your Heart.. I want to love Your Heart.. I will tell Your Heart every day.. YOU are so Beautiful.. YOU are so Lovely.. YOU are so Wonderful.. YOU are the Best.. always Number One.. that YOU means everything to me and I want to Love you forever.. Ever and forever More.. so Please.. send me Your Heart
@devinjo-zp7nu 13 часов назад
But I am wondering Whose Heart Heart is this.. last Night.. I would be kneeling.. Praying For Your Heart Heart.. Wishing that YOUR HEART HEART can come.. I look.. ME two eyes cannot Believe what I am seeing.. IS this Really a Heart Heart..What am I suppose to DO?? I love Your Heart Heart.. SO beautiful.. SO beautiful.. Takes my breathe away.. breathless.. hard for me to breathe right Now.. feels like I ran for an Hour.. Hard to breathe.. Leaves me Speechless.. Words just cannot come Out.. I am looking at Your Heart Heart.. But.. What am I suppose to DO?? There is a Lock on top of it.. without a Key.. I know I cannot open the DOOR from the TOP.. But.. I am standing.. me two hands touches the Glass Jar.. I press me ear.. CAN I HEAR Your Heart.. Does Your HEART HEART sounds a Beat.. CAN I HEAR your Heart Beating.. CAN IT bring up sounds of beatings.. I want to Hear Your Heart.. CAN YOUR HEART say something.. or do Something so that I know YOUR HEART HEART is Alright.. I look.. WHAT AM I SUPPOSE to DO.. CAN you hear ME WORDS.. AHH AHH.. HELLO HELLO.. AHH AHH.. ME HAND taps taps.. DING DING.. I want to see YOUR HEART HEART do something.. CAN YOUR HEART HEART MOVE.. if Your HEART HEART can hear the Words out of me Mouth.. will IT makes the sounding of the Beats to tell ME you are alright.. that YOU are good.. that IT IS OKAY that I am able to speak to YOUR HEART HEART.. I point me finger and touch the glass.. I want that HEART HEART.. finger taps taps.. DING DING.. why can't YOUR HEART HEART move.. CAN I love Your Heart.. I want to love Your HEART HEART.. I want to tell YOUR HEART HEART.. I missed YOU.. I been waiting to see YOUR HEART.. CAN your Heart Shake or dance.. Finger Points and touch the Glass Jar.. I want to see YOUR HEART HEART move.. I want to touch Your Heart.. I want to Love Your Heart.. I want to tell YOUR HEART HEART.. CAN I HEAR your Heart Beating.. CAN IT bring up sounds of beatings.. I want to Hear Your Heart.. CAN YOUR HEART say something.. or do Something so that I know YOUR HEART HEART is Alright.. I look.. WHAT AM I SUPPOSE to DO.. CAN you hear ME WORDS.. AHH AHH.. HELLO HELLO.. AHH AHH.. ME HAND taps taps.. DING DING.. I want to see YOUR HEART HEART do something.. CAN YOUR HEART HEART MOVE.. if Your HEART HEART can hear the Words out of me Mouth.. will IT makes the sounding of the Beats to tell ME you are alright.. that YOU are good.. that IT IS OKAY that I am able to speak to YOUR HEART HEART.. I point me finger and touch the glass.. I want that HEART HEART.. finger taps taps.. DING DING.. why can't YOUR HEART HEART move.. CAN I love Your Heart.. I want to love Your HEART HEART.. I want to tell YOUR HEART HEART.. I missed YOU.. I been waiting to see YOUR HEART.. CAN your Heart Shake or dance.. Finger Points and touch the Glass Jar.. I want to see YOUR HEART HEART move.. I want to touch Your Heart.. I want to Love Your Heart.. I want to tell YOUR HEART HEART.. I want to Love YOU.. and THAT I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW.. I Just cannot believe.. YOUR HEART HEART is right In front of Me.. with this Big GLASS JAR.. but WHY does it has a Lock.. WHY did you put on a Lock.. I want to hold Your Heart.. Put Your Heart very close to ME Chest and tell YOU.. YOU are the Most wonderful.. Most lovely.. that I am Not here to Harm YOU.. I won't ever Bite YOU.. but just to keep YOUR heart Warm.. Cozy.. and that I will take good care of YOUR HEART HEART.. Like a Flower.. water it with Love.. I will speak TO your Heart.. tell Your HEART to Beat.. Only way that I know YOUR HEART IS DOING Alright.. Please bring UP the sound of its beating.. SO that I can feed Your HEART HEART with Love.. I will tell Your Heart Heart.. I love YOU.. I love you because YOU are the best in the world.. I love YOU because it is YOUR HEART.. the Most Beautiful in the world.. that I need YOU.. That I love YOU.. I will hold your Heart.. lay beside me.. tell Your Heart Heart.. I love YOU.. YOU mean the world to me.. YOU are MY everything.. YOU are my Love.. My forever Love.. and whisper.. YOU are My Love.. My darling.. My Love.. and that I love YOU.. I want to show you that My love for Your Heart can truly grow.. and I will not stop loving YOU.. as Long as YOUR HEART HEART is with me.. I will always Love YOU.. can you please tell ME that it is Alright.. I stand and start to walk around in a circle looking at the Glass jar and stops.. But.. How can I reach Your Heart Heart.. What am I suppose to DO?? Why is there No key.. I need the Key to unlock.. I want Your Heart Heart.. I need Your Heart Heart.. I want Your Heart Heart first.. BUT.. this Glass Jar is blocking ME to get to YOUR HEART HEART.. What am I suppose to DO?? If I just stand here and I stare.. the LOCK is not going to throw me Keys and say to me.. this is How you Unlock the Door.. I need Your Heart Heart.. Me finger points and touch the glass.. I need Your Heart Heart.. Tell me How do I get to Your Heart Heart.. I asked for YOUR HEART to show Up.. But Not like this.. I want Your WHOLE HEART.. I want to grab Your Heart.. feel your Heart.. Smell Your Heart.. Hold your Heart.. wrap me arms around Your Heart.. and also I want to tell Your Heart.. I love YOU.. I want to be with YOU.. I want to hold YOU.. I want to love YOU.. I want to see YOU close and just Love you with ALL I have.. I want to kiss YOUR HEART HEART.. I want to whisper and kiss Your Heart Heart.. and I will say.. I will never let your Heart Heart go.. I kneel.. tell Me WHY.. WHY Does it has to be THIS HARD to get to YOUR HEART HEART.. why is it this complicated.. why is Love so Hard and so Complicated to Get to YOUR HEART HEART.. Just tell ME.. I want Your Heart.. I need Your Heart.. I miss Your Heart.. and I love Your Heart.. I need and want.. I love and Miss Your Heart.. Me hand Hits.. DING DING.. HEART HEART.. Can YOU hear my voice and Out comes my words to YOU.. ME hand Hits.. DING DING.. IF you can hear me out.. Please move YOUR HEART HEART.. I want to hear the sounding of the beats.. Let me listen to the sound of the Beating of YOUR HEART.. CAN you hear me from the out of the Glass Jar.. Tell ME that YOU came to the right Place.. Were you send to the right House.. I am starting to feel the aching.. this pain inside because WHAT if YOU are sent to the wrong Place.. BUT it is I who Loves YOUR HEART HEART.. It is I who is the One calling Out to YOU.. it is I who was praying and wishing for YOUR HEART HEART.. I been waiting for YOUR HEART HEART.. tell me that YOU have come to the right Place.. I can feel the rain pouring down from the Inside of me Heart Heart.. If I am not mistaken.. WHAT if YOU were to be sent to the next door.. there is someone next door who also Loves YOU TOO.. But that does NOT MATTER who loves YOU.. as Long as I can be the One to Love YOUR HEART HEART MORE.. I can love you more.. I love You MORE MORE.. tell ME.. that IT IS the right Place.. I sit Down.. WHAT IF.. OH MOE.. WHAT IF.. I do not have the keys to open the LOCK DOOR.. I want to shake.. I want to rattle and roll.. and IF I must Cry.. I WILL cry Like a BABY.. because I want Your HEART HEART.. I Need YOUR HEART HEART.. I LOVE YOUR HEART HEART because I LOVE YOU first.. I love you second.. third fourth and even ONE hundred times More too.. I love you to could to thousand to million as well.. I can't believe this is happening.. BUT what has happened is that I.. ME HEART HEART loves YOU.. I love YOU.. and I miss YOU and I want YOU and I need YOU.. Oink Oink.. I love you in the Morning when my two eyes Opens.. I love you while I am driving.. I love YOU when I am at work.. I love you when I finish working.. I love you before I go to bed.. Watching the Moon outside.. I would ask the Moon.. When will you tell to my love that I love YOU.. When will you speak to My love and tell Her that I love you.. I would ask these things to the Moon.. every time I would pause and yield for the answers.. I do not hear a Word from.. Now.. I want to say TO you.. If you hear me Out.. that I need YOU.. I need you every day.. I need you here in the morning.. I need you at Night because it is when I start to think of YOU the most.. it is when I start to feel my heart.. My heart yearning for YOUR love.. I needed you yesterday which that day has passed.. then I need YOU today.. if I can't have you today.. HOW about tomorrow.. I am sitting down.. and I look at the Empty Glass Jar.. Only You.. I only need YOU and Only want YOU.. I only want to Love YOU.. because YOU are the only One WHO I love.. Oh look.. look at that Heart Heart.. Can YOU not see what I am looking at.. DO YOU SEE.. and I am sitting Down.. Me Heart Heart sits next to me.. Looking at the Big Glass Jar.. I want that Heart Heart.. Is it Your Heart.. I want to touch and See if It is really Your Heart.. Can I please See that Heart.. I turn Me Head.. Looking at My Heart.. ME Heart Looks at Me.. I want to Hold That Heart.. I want to wrap my arms around that Heart.. Is it Your Heart.. I see the Tree.. remembering On a Branch was the Heart.. YOUR Heart on that Tree Branch.. Which I wanted so bad.. I wanted to HOLD your Heart.. But I am too Small.. TOO short.. and I am wondering.. Is YOUR Heart still ON the Branch.. Is Your Heart waiting for Me.. or Did someone else came and TOOK That Heart away.. and I am standing far.. a distance and Only looking at the Tree.. I look at the Big Moon.. in the Night.. and I am wondering
@devinjo-zp7nu 13 часов назад
Baby Tiger, Baby Tiger, I think I would rather try to forget you and me sharing the same feelings and if the end of it all I’d see myself waiting for someone who is not even there, I’d rather forget. You are finally here and you are mine. I'll never let you go. I love everything about you and I love you for who you are and who you are not. From the darkness and coldness of somber you lifted me to experience the sweet reality of love. Baby Tiger, My Darling, my Love, I'm forever thankful for your existence. I could wait for a long time, if you would just say you would be there. I could love you more and more, if loving you is worth all the pains and the tears in my heart. Baby Tiger, I was wishing the heavens for someone who I could call mine. I was praying for that person who I could spend the rest of my life with. I was wishing and hoping, Heart for you is precious beyond words. You are there, and I am a better MAN because of it. When you hold me in your arms, I'm in a place that I never want to leave. Baby Tiger, My Darling, In every waking day, I just let the wind carry me where it wants to. This abyss of emptiness keeps calling me in and I willingly succumb to its devastation. I was slowly dying. Voided of love, I was falling into pieces. I never knew that an angel could lift me up from the thorny spikes of reality. The bereavement that has plagued me since then ceased to haunt me. I could never imagine a month without you, and most of all I could never imagine my life without you in it. You are the sweet song that gives rhythm and melody to my life. Baby Tiger, You are the cool breeze that envelops me in a comforting embrace. You are the angel that heaven sent to save me from eternal sadness. You could be my music, a melody my heart loves to sing. You could be my forever; if forever would be your melody too. However, if the end of it all, my heart would just be broken.
@devinjo-zp7nu 14 часов назад
Oink Oink.. I am waiting for the Truck.. the Mail man in the truck.. I heard from the Mail Man that you told him that YOU are writing a Letter to Me.. I couldn't believe the respond that I am getting.. I thought that I would Never hear from YOU.. I been writing you a lot of Letters lately and has Been sending it Out.. Hoping that One Day.. that One day be some day SOON.. I been looking UP at the Moon.. asking if the MOON can hear me.. asking if YOU KNOW what is happening on the Other side where YOU at.. I would keep on asking that MOON.. do YOU see.. can YOU SEE.. but I never got any kind of response from the MOON.. until the MAIL MAN.. who came on the Truck and told me that HE has heard from YOU.. that YOU are writing something to Me.. I tried to sleep.. the Night I have received the Message from the Mail man.. who came on the truck stops by the Mail Box.. I was walking Out.. with the envelope in my Hand.. inside is the Letter I wrote to YOU again.. when I showed him.. the MAIL MAN the envelope and told him I wrote YOU a Letter.. I saw a smile on his face and tells me.. there is something that He needed to tell me which it was received from YOU.. and I asked him to tell me.. that YOU are writing a Letter.. a letter sharing to Me and I saw HIM taking the envelope I gave him inside is my Letter I wrote to YOU again.. It was a NIGHT I wanted to dance.. it was the Night I looked UP at the MOON.. I waved my hands looking at the MOON.. people who were walking passing by the Mail Box looks at me.. I am sure they are thinking I am a crazy person.. but I would say to them.. I don't care what they think of Me.. if you do NOT KNOW WHAT I am feeling and dealing this very Night.. I don't care.. and I would be walking back to the House.. trying to lay down on the Bed.. I am trying to sleep.. but My Heart.. my Mind.. I be thinking of YOU.. turning on my side and I am looking at the desk.. I am just picturing YOU sitting by the desk and with a Piece of paper.. with a Pen or Pencil.. I can envision YOU writing a Letter to Me.. so I would turn the Other way.. looking at the wall.. facing the Wall because I know.. if I look at the Desk.. I be thinking of YOU and I would not sleep at ALL.. but facing the wall.. and able to close my eyes.. I just could Not sleep.. I can feel my Heart beat pounding Hard.. this excitement all over my body keeps me UP and I would sit UP.. sitting on the bed.. I am looking at the wall.. I just can't sleep.. HOW am I suppose to sleep tonight but I needs to sleep to get a good rest for the Night.. but I would try to sleep.. laying on the bed.. turning side to side and sitting back UP again.. if I turn on the side towards the desk.. I be seeing you there so I rather Not see YOU through the vision.. I turn on the other side.. facing the Wall.. and I sit UP again.. maybe I needs to get something Off my Chest.. maybe I needs to speak to this wall.. things all always on my Mind about YOU.. I can't just let it sit there.. I needs to express and tell YOU.. More and more I express my Heart to tell YOU.. the More I needs to say something to let YOU KNOW.. let you know How much I love YOU.. so LOOKING at the wall.. I know that YOU are Unable to hear me on the Other side.. but I still needs to tell YOU why I just can't sleep tonight.. some nights I can sleep well.. but there are Nights I just can't when YOU are on my Mind.. when YOU sink into my Heart.. I just have to let it Out.. WHY.. I am Not sure why I needs to let it Out.. but it starts with I love YOU.. it starts with I love YOU and I miss YOU and I would say looking at this WALL.. I been waiting for YOU.. walking Out of this ROOM.. walking Out of this House.. I am looking at the Mail box.. before I go to the Mail box.. I would be looking at the Desk.. when I sit by the Desk I look at How many Papers I have left.. I needs to have plenty of papers because there are some I won't give it to YOU.. I have a trash can which it gets loaded with rolled UP balls of papers that goes into the waste because I can't put it into the envelop.. so I needs to look at the stacks of paper.. when It gets very low.. I go to the store to Buy More Papers so that I can write YOU MORE letters to send it out to you.. SINCE I am able to see the mail Man and he has became My friend who is helping me.. He tells me there is NO need to put stamp stickers.. HE is able to take the envelop.. the Letter direct to YOU.. so told me there is NO NEED to put any stamps.. I would smile.. and I would weep at the same time.. to able to write YOU a Letter.. something that I can endure.. something that I truly enjoy and Love.. a Passion that was given to me since the YOUTH.. I started to write when I was very Young.. so for a very Long time I loved to write and still do even more.. because now to share this True Joy and Passion and something that I really enjoy and love.. I can write you letters more than any other MEN can in this world.. ONE thing that I can tell YOU is that MONEY cannot By My Love.. cannot by what I am doing and what I am giving to YOU because it is because I really Love YOU.. YOU may not see it Now.. I am Not sure when YOU WILL see my Heart but I believe that ONE DAY.. SOME DAY YOU WILL SEE it.. the day YOU see my Heart of How much I love YOU is the day when YOU WILL see the MOON appear before YOU.. on the Night Your Heart will see it.. is the day YOU will realize because The MOON still be there LOOKING at YOU.. I may be gone.. I may be GONE far away.. when YOU DO see it is the day YOU will remember the Letters because I will Love you even after when I am GONE.. as I am looking at the wall in the ROOM.. I needs to see YOU.. I wish that YOU can see me.. see my Heart soon.. because the Day when YOU see me.. I be asking the Angels.. when I am gone.. can I be an Angel TOO.. an Angel who can still Love YOU after I am gone.. but I am always around.. that I am close to YOU this time to able to still Love YOU.. I may not be able to speak or write YOU Letters but I am able to appear before Your Eyes.. BY the time YOU do not receive the Letters.. and YOU know my real True Heart.. there is NO reason for you to receive Letters any more because by that TIME your Heart Knows who Loves YOU and I be able to come before you to tell YOU Not by Letters on Words but by being YOUR ANGEL.. An Angel who can always be there and An Angel who will always love you still.. an Angel WHO can protect and defend YOU and An Angel you can see NOW.. I may not be able to tell YOU.. but my actions will speak Louder than Words because of many Letters I have written over the Years telling YOU HOW Much I love YOU.. I have already told YOU.. I been going Out.. and I be standing before the MOON.. and asking this Request for a Very Long time Now.. ever since I been writing you a Letter.. telling YOU and sharing YOU and giving to the Mail MAN as the truck comes over and I would say to HIM.. there is Another Letter.. can you please take this envelop to YOU and He smiles.. I remember when I first saw HIM.. I had to show the mail Man your Picture and he did know who you were.. ever since.. HE been there for me and been a good friend to me waiting by the mail Box when I be running late from the ROOM.. I would be writing YOU a Letter.. opening the drawer to get the envelop out and folded into the half and put the Piece of Paper into the envelope inside and I would run Out of the House.. the Mail Man in the truck tells me HE saw me in the room.. and saw me writing a Letter to YOU.. and knew I was running late.. so I came out.. running and catching a breathe and gave the envelop into his Hand.. He smiles and waves taking it to YOU.. I would watch as the Truck gets smaller.. tears in my eyes because the MAIL MAN was patient to wait for me when It was me who was late to give.. but He still waited knowing that I was coming OUT and giving YOU a Letter.. as I am Facing the Wall in the ROOM sitting on the top of the Bed.. and my tears fills UP my eyes.. I wish that YOU know my Heart.. sometimes am I being just too impatient with myself.. because YOU know that I love YOU.. I love you just too Much.. from here to the MOON I love YOU.. why can't you believe my Words.. why can't you believe me and see me the way I am.. why can't I just love you as I am.. Please tell me why I can't just love YOU as for Me.. and My hands rolls into two fist and pounds on the wall of this ROOM.. and shakes.. I really really needs YOUR eyes to open and Heart to open to see me that I love YOU.. My fear is this.. Only the day I come to YOU as an Angel.. DO I needs to Die for you to know My Heart.. the day I am gone and I been Out side.. at Night when the MOON Appears.. I been asking the MOON.. where is the Angels.. Please tell me are the Angels There with YOU.. Please let the Angels KNOW I have an request.. I want to Know if I can ask an Angel for something.. I been going Out at night when the Moon Appeared.. and kept on asking and begging and Bugging.. One Night an angel did Appear before Me.. and I would have the Picture of YOU in my Hand and I would have the Letter on the Other Hand and the Angel came to Me.. and I showed that Angel my Heart.. HE saw the Picture of YOU and saw the Letter and told the Angel.. my Wish.. My request.. and I asked the Angel.. I may Not be able to be with YOU when I am on this Body.. but I think it is when I am gone.. when I die and the Angel looks at me.. and I would tell the angel.. I been writing YOU a Letter.. and the Mail MAN came to take the Letters in the envelop and has been receiving the Letters.. if I can't be with YOU when I with this Body.. I think the Only way is when I am gone.. and the Angel looks at me and said.. But I said.. if I die.. can YOU Please give me two wings.. Can I be an Angel who can still Love YOU afterlife
@devinjo-zp7nu 14 часов назад
I am trying to remember.. as I am looking at your Picture.. I am Looking in the second Room.. sitting on the top of the desk is the Empty Vase.. as I am trying to Hear your voice.. Looking at your Number.. I am holding the Phone.. the Cell Phone.. but.. there is a sticker Picture inside the Cell Phone I have.. as I am looking at the sticker Picture.. there is YOUR beautiful face.. and I know that In this Cabin Log home.. why is it that I am in this House.. I am asking myself.. if I just don't remember any thing at ALL.. I have Lost the memories of Us.. and it is just killing me inside.. How can something like this be happening to Me.. and I feel so bad that I don't remember.. as I am looking at this sticker picture of YOU inside the Phone of the Cover.. I want to ask YOU about this.. so I am looking at your Number and I would push to Hear it ring through.. putting the Phone on my ear.. I am waiting for YOU to pick it UP on the Other side.. WILL you please hear me Outs.. and I wait.. as it keeps ON ringing and I hear Your Voice on the other Side.. I hear the word HELLO.. and I would say to YOU.. I see a Sticker on the cover of the Phone.. I want to remember.. but I feel like I am still stuck here.. I went to the doctor.. because I wanted to have some answers.. and the doctor keeps on telling me that I needs to wait for the memories to come Back.. but I feel like it is taking me just too long.. and I want to tell YOU.. what am I suppose to DO.. because I think it is Hurting me More as I keep on thinking about this situation.. will you Please help me so that I could remember.. as I am listening to your Voice and what YOU would share.. YOU are telling me about a Fair Park.. going to the state fair Park.. it was me who wanted to GO and it was I who asked you to Come to the State Fair Park.. and I am standing here.. trying to remember about the State Fair park.. also I won on a contest and got the Big Teddy Bear and we took a picture of it.. and as I am listening on the Phone.. YOU are telling me that the Picture is in the second ROOM.. and behind the Desk the Picture is there.. so I would walk over to the Desk and I would bend Low and go under the desk.. laying on the Floor and my hand goes to LOOK behind the desk.. I feel something and it is the Picture.. as I pull the Picture Down and I would slowly move out and I would stand UP.. as I would be holding One hand of the Picture.. and the Other hand is the Phone on the ear.. and I would tell YOU on the Phone.. I see the Picture.. I see YOU holding.. arms wrap around the Big TEDDY BEAR.. with a smile.. and above the Picture is another Sticker Picture and it is take of me.. and I am wondering.. did I also take a Sticker Picture too.. because there is One Above stick on this Picture of YOU arms holding around the BIG TEDDY BEAR.. and I would hear your Voice.. and I would say.. I wish I can remember.. but I am Not sure of this Place.. this is the reason why I should not of called YOU because Now I feel so bad.. I see that I have taken a Sticker Picture and YOU have too because I have a sticker Picture of YOU on the Phone Cover.. and Yes.. I went to the Doctor.. asking him why I just can't remember anything.. and it is making me feel so SICK because I have NO Idea.. I have No clue about anything.. I would ask YOU.. why have you chosen this Place.. WHY did I come to this CABIN LOG HOME.. is it because YOU want me to remember everything.. and YOU do know what the doctor said right.. did YOU know that I be memory Loss and would Not remember anything.. I even heard the Doctor said.. maybe I will never remember anything any More.. when the Doctor told me this today.. walking back.. leaving the Hospital.. I broke down in tears.. I just could not take it any more because think about HOW CAN I LIVE like this.. never to remember myself or even YOU.. did YOU even know about this.. and I would wait for you to say something.. your response and I hear your Voice on the Other Line.. and I would hear you say Yes.. that the Doctor TOLD YOU that in serious condition.. the Memories may Never come around and just to prepare for me to be LIKE a stranger.. as I be hearing this from YOU on the Other Line.. I want to Break my Heart into Pieces.. WHY.. why does this has to happen to Me.. if you knew what the doctor said to YOU.. why didn't you tell me.. if you knew before Hand.. you could at least tell me so that I would Not have to hear from the Doctor.. if I broken down in tears after leaving the Hospital.. and hearing the Word Never.. I just couldn't take it any More.. I know that YOU probably don't feel the same way too.. that is why I am calling YOU on the Phone.. that is why I called you so that at least YOUR voice can help me to remember something.. If I remain silent.. I know for sure I will Not remember.. that is why I am asking YOU TO help me to remember YOU.. I needs to know.. when I saw the Phone on the table.. and I opened and saw the Cover of the Phone.. something catch my eye was the sticker Picture.. and I would draw closer to take a LOOK.. as I would get closer.. I see YOU.. I want to say I love YOU.. did I ever told YOU that.. did YOU hear the words I love YOU and I miss YOU from me.. did I ever tell YOU that.. and as I would wait on the Line.. I would hear your Voice and YOU be telling me that I told you those two words A lot to YOU.. and I would tell you on the Phone.. then I believe I can start with These two Words.. can I tell YOU that I miss YOU.. missing YOU drives me crazy and YOU be telling me that YOU are going to come to visit me.. if YOU know where I live.. why don't you ever come visit me.. since YOU know me well.. of course even though I have this Memory Loss.. I still can take a look at YOU in person.. the More I see YOU in person.. the More I can see and I feel and hear YOU.. that way can help me more right.. Only if YOU want to show UP.. only if YOU want to come so that I can see YOU.. so Please stop by and show me who you are.. and as I turn around and I would walk away from the second room.. I walk to the living ROOM and there is the window.. I would look through the Window.. and I see someone standing Out side.. and I would walk a little closer to the Window and I see a Figure.. on the Phone.. My heart starts to beat Fast.. as I am looking.. is it YOU.. but I would not ask YOU that because I would only ask myself.. I am by the Window with my Phone.. and I see someone out side also with the Phone.. I am wondering.. if YOU have come to stop By and I would watch as the Figure turns away and starts to walk away.. and I am thinking it must be YOU who came to visit.. if you came this close.. why don't you knock on the Door.. if it was YOU would was standing Out side by the DOOR.. YOU know that I would of Opened the DOOR for YOU.. and Let YOU in.. I would ask you.. Please help me to remember.. YOU know that I feel like I am dying inside because I feel like a stranger to myself of NOT even knowing who I am.. DID YOU see me get closer to the window.. is that WHY YOU have turned away and has walked Off.. as I am hearing a Long Pause on the Phone.. I wanted to ask YOU if it was YOU who came closer.. came to this LOG CABIN HOME.. I wanted to ask if It was YOU because I saw a Figure.. someone On the Phone by the Door.. close to the window.. it was Only a Knock away from the DOOR.. you could of knocked.. and YOU could of showed me your Face and I could of saw YOU first time in person.. But.. why did YOU leave.. WHY did you have to walk away.. YOU know that I would let YOU come In.. my arms are opened to receive YOU and YOU are always welcome to come inside.. is it because of Me.. is it that the main reason why YOU have chosen to leave.. as I would say something on the Phone.. I would say.. are you still there.. and I do hear Your Voice and YOU are telling me that YOU needs to Go.. so I would tell YOU on the Phone.. Next time.. all YOU needs to do is Knock on the Door.. YOU know that I will answer and I will let YOU in.. and I would hear YOU say on the Phone.. and I would say.. I went into the second ROOM.. after YOU be telling me about the Picture of YOU holding.. arms around the BIG TEDDY BEAR.. it was a struggle for me to get down on the Floor to crawl.. hand grabs and pulls behind the Desk and I find the Picture of YOU.. I saw a Sticker picture on the corner of it.. that is why I asked because some one put the little sticker picture of ME on the top corner and I would hear your Voice say.. it was YOU.. and I would ask YOU.. who is the One who put this Picture Behind the Desk in the second Room.. and I would hear YOU say on the Other Line of the Phone.. that ONE NIGHT.. YOU came over.. and after the State Fair Park.. YOU wanted to Hide this Picture.. YOU would say that I just could NOT let this Picture GO.. and that I would always look at It.. of course it drove YOU mad and angry because it seems Like I would love this Picture More than YOU.. but that is NOT true.. why would I love the Picture More.. when YOU are BETTER to love.. better to Hold and to touch and to KNOW because when I hold you close.. I can feel my Heart be beating.. the SOUND of my Heart Beat is the reason WHY I love YOU and can say.. can tell YOU HOW much I love YOU.. but.. of course I do Love and enjoy looking at your Picture too.. it is because It is YOU.. why.. do you want me to LOOK at another person's picture instead.. of course NOT.. so YOU should be at least happy that I love YOU and that is why I love Your Picture TOO.. so.. because of this.. YOU wanted to hide the Picture and has Placed it in the second ROOM behind the desk.. and YOU be saying.. I started to Miss Your Picture for a while.. after YOU hid that behind the Desk and that is why YOU put a sticker Picture of YOU on the Front cover
@devinjo-zp7nu 14 часов назад
Door if I was the One who loved YOU more.. if I can still love YOU.. I will.. if I needs to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I will tell YOU.. but YOU needs to help me first.. if you can only come back and return to the Front.. by the door.. by the window.. I know I be here.. ready to receive YOU IN.. you were so Close to the Door.. very Close.. if YOU can change your mind to return back.. I want to take you to the second ROOM.. I want to ask YOU about the Empty Vase.. it is so Beautiful.. but I want to know why is this Empty Vase sitting in the ROOM on the top of the desk.. WILL you please tell you what this is ALL about.. I want to Know.. because I been staring at it for a while.. but WHY DO I keep on looking at it.. does it has some means to it.. must be something because I would stand there and JUST look.. just stare at it like something is wrong with Me.. so Please come back.. and I will let YOU in.. as I am standing still.. I hear your Voice and tells me that YOU needs to Go.. and I would say.. WHY.. does that Means YOU are not going to come back around.. WHY are you leaving me like this Now.. if YOU came so Close.. why are you telling me you needs to go Now.. I want some answers that YOU KNOW.. because I believe YOU know what ALL these things are about.. so Please help me.. so that I can still keep on loving YOU where it needs to start again.. I just bought a New Home.. Leaving the City life into the Country side.. I am walking over the Mountains.. into the Hills and to the valley.. a Small Log House in the woods.. as I am walking through the Snow.. I stop to see.. the Flakes are falling from the Sky.. I am very close to the Log Cabin House.. Finally.. I have been waiting to get Out of the city life.. as I stop.. I am able to see the Snow flakes falling from the Sky.. as I unlock the Door.. and I enter the Small Log Cabin Home.. as I look into the Small Two bed room Home.. I am wondering.. why did I even buy a House with two rooms.. I have no one coming over.. but I know that If I prepare the place.. Maybe.. some one will show Up.. I have never met the person who use to Live in this Small Log Cabin house.. as I walk into One of the rooms.. There is a Desk.. I wonder why someone has left this Desk Behind.. something stops me before I turn to walk away.. I see something on the TOP of the Desk.. what is It.. I am wondering.. what is It.. SO I would walk closer to the Desk.. there is a Written Note.. and Next to the Note is a Picture.. of course I can only see the back of the Picture.. I am wondering.. maybe it must be the Picture of the Person who use to live in this Small Log Cabin House.. But why would some one leave a precious Gift behind.. if I lived in this House.. I know for sure I will Not leave anything special.. or Precious to me behind.. But.. should I turn the Picture over to see who this Person is.. I am standing there.. thinking of.. but I know that this is Not my picture.. WHY would I turn it over to look if it is Not for Me.. I am sure.. maybe the Person was in a rush.. and has forgotten to take this Picture.. but.. WHY would YOU write a Note for me.. I know that the written Note.. it is telling me.. giving me an instruction.. but why would you tell me something.. I can just live whatever I want.. I see the Note Next to the Picture.. Both are facing where I cannot see.. as I would stop.. maybe I should take a Look.. must be very important if YOU have written for the New Home Owner.. which I have purchased this Small Log Cabin Home from YOU.. I have never met YOU.. but Of course I do remember before the Contract.. YOU called me on the Phone.. and Got a chance to listen to Your Beautiful Voice.. Now.. I am very curious.. YOUR voice.. truly felt like I was listening to an Angel.. I know that If you sang a SONG.. I bet it would melt my Heart like the Snow Flakes.. I would stand Out side.. before I came to the DOOR.. to Unlock.. I would LOOK Up to the sky.. My hand opens.. I would watch the Falling snow flakes.. when It touched my hand.. it just melted and maybe Your Voice.. if YOU sang to Me.. My Heart can melt the way the Snow Flakes can melt into my hands.. I was smiling because I been living in apartment for a Long time.. just paying rent to rent monthly.. But.. Now.. able to purchase a new Home.. Out here in the Country side.. walking and climbing on the mountains.. just enjoying the fresh cold air as I would be walking through the Snow.. never felt so Alive in my life.. But Now.. I am here.. inside this Small Log Cabin Home.. and I just walked into a ROOM.. YOU did not take the desk.. there is a Picture laying on the TOP of the desk face down.. with a written Note facing down.. I am just wondering.. I remember when I picked UP the Phone.. and hearing your voice on the Other side.. on the Other line.. Your Voice.. it truly touched my Heart.. I begin to wonder more about YOU because of this Sensational touch.. Your Voice moved my Heart.. I felt it kick inside of Me.. and never felt that way before.. so I would start wondering.. I wonder How YOU would look.. as YOU were so happy to sell the House and even telling me Congratulation on the purchase of the New Home.. as I would share with YOU how I lived in rents all my Life.. but able to get a house means everything to me.. giving me a great deal in the purchase.. of course I wanted to ask YOU.. if YOU can sing.. because I wanted to know if YOU can sing.. can YOU sing a song so that I can listen to Your voice with my Heart opened.. but of course I never asked.. YOU probably think I am a crazy person.. as I am standing by the desk.. My hand grabs the Picture.. I wanted to turn it over.. I wanted to see the person who I just spoke with ON the Phone.. YOUR voice.. I just want to hear again.. can I listen to Your Voice.. would you let me call you on the Phone so that I can listen.. My Heart wants to listen to Your Voice again.. before I want to ask YOU.. I want to know how you look.. why are you so Nice.. why are you so kind to me.. I want to know who YOU are.. WHY would you leave this Picture behind if YOU have never met me.. if YOU have never seen me in person.. why leave me Your Precious gift.. Your Special gift.. I am nothing but a stranger to YOU.. what if I am a weird person.. some crazy person.. would YOU not be afraid of Me.. As I grab the Picture and turn to LOOK at it.. I see YOU sitting.. and My Heart jumps.. My Heart skips missing that Beat.. Just like Your Voice.. soft and beautiful.. I see your picture.. I see YOU.. YOU are so Beautiful too.. YOU are so Lovely.. feels like YOU can take my breathe way.. then what happens to my Breathe if you take it from Me.. what are you doing to me Now.. WHY leave this Picture behind and when I see this Picture.. I can feel my Breathe.. it wants to be released from Me.. I can't breathe.. my eyes wants to say I can't breathe because YOU are so Beautiful.. as I am looking at the Picture of YOU.. YOU are sitting down.. and I am wondering what is it that YOU are holding.. Why are you holding a Vase.. is it a vase for flowers.. I am not sure why YOU are leaving this Picture with Me.. what does it means.. why are you showing me this Picture for.. I have no clue.. I have no idea.. but why are you letting me see this picture.. and making my Heart to say I want to cry.. I have never met you before.. But How is this possible for Me.. why do I feel like I want to love YOU.. please tell me how can this be true because I have never met you before.. as I am looking at your arms holding this vase.. why is it empty.. are YOU not suppose to put something into that Vase.. it is an empty Vase Your hands are holding.. Please.. OH Please tell me what is the meaning of this because I want to know.. I have no clue.. I have no idea why you are showing me this.. I don't see any empty Vase.. but only this Picture.. with a Note.. so I would go over.. my hand grabs the Note and flips to look.. and YOU have written to me about the Picture.. and telling me about the Vase.. an Empty Vase.. and YOU have left it on the Other Room.. and I am not sure why YOU would tell me this.. what am I suppose to do with the Empty Vase.. I don't have any flowers.. and all it tells me to take good care of the Empty Vase.. and Now.. YOU are letting me to keep it.. so I am standing in this room wondering.. YOU are giving me this Empty Vase.. but I have no flowers to put in it.. so what am I suppose to do with this.. SO I would turn around walking out of this room.. the Other room is next on the right.. as I enter the second room.. There is another Desk.. and ON top of the Desk is the Vase.. an empty Vase sitting on the top of the Desk.. am I suppose to tell you something about this vase.. am I suppose to share with YOU what I want to do because it is Not making any sense with me a this Point.. I feel like I am Not the Owner of this House anymore.. since YOU are leaving things behind for me to take care of It.. I am not a male servant.. and NO.. I am not here to clean this House either.. I just purchased this House from YOU.. but WHY do I feel like there is a person who Owns it and maybe I am just renting this Place.. that is how I am feeling because.. I have to watch over things that does Not belongs to me.. I have brought my own bags and luggage so that NOW I can live in this house.. and I stand on the second room.. Looking at the Vase.. has water inside this Vase so it is Not completely empty.. but still looks empty to Me.. so I walk over to the second Desk.. I see a Picture with the Face Down.. so is it a Prank.. is this a joke because I am not feeling it at this Point.. my hand grabs and I turn to look at the front.. I see a Picture of a Heart.. as I am looking at the picture closer.. YOU have taken a picture of a Heart shape.. it is a Pillow I can see.. but why are you showing me this Picture.. I know that I love Heart.. but what does it means.. why are you doing this to Me
@devinjo-zp7nu 14 часов назад
Young.. but it seems like YOU know me.. why would you tell me this.. Maybe YOU are writing to another person.. but then knowing that it is I who just purchased this House.. It has to be for Me.. who else lives in this House.. I am the only one who bought this House from YOU.. so I know that we met before.. and telling me when were young.. HOW long was this.. How old was I when I met YOU.. Please tell me.. and I am thinking about calling YOU on the Phone.. But.. I am Not just going to call YOU and say I don't remember YOU.. so How am I suppose to answer this question because I don't remember.. I am trying to go back.. way way way back to see if I do remember you.. I am closing both eyes.. Both.. Nothing I can see back then.. why.. when did we ever meet before.. I am looking at Your Picture.. the Picture of YOU holding.. arms around the Empty Vase.. and I would look at the Picture.. WHEN was it that we meet.. I have No clue.. Please give me a Hint.. I feel like I am a crazy person.. LOOKING at the Picture of YOU and just talking.. knowing YOU are Not going to answer back from It.. that is How crazy I am becoming because Now.. I am wondering.. when and where.. what age.. what school.. was it in the apartments.. NOT sure.. but Please tell me when because I truly want to know now.. I hate it when things are so mysterious.. I want to know.. YOU are the only one who knows that is why YOU are asking me.. what am I suppose to do and how do I say this to you if I tell YOU I don't know.. it can hurt you as much it will hurt me not knowing.. Please.. tell me.. give me a clue.. give me a Hint.. and I would put the picture face down on top of the desk.. I love YOU.. do you know that these three words Hit me.. when I did Not hear from you the past few days.. the Word I love you came into my Heart when I would remember what the Doctor Told me.. he told me something that YOU have not mentioned about and I just wanted to tell YOU this from my Heart.. that I love YOU.. and all I think of YOU.. YOU be in my Mind.. YOU kept on being on my Heart and ON my Mind.. Why can't I just erase you Off my Mind.. I can't.. Please tell me How.. as I am looking at this Cabin Log home.. I want to remember what happened to Us.. You have left a Message on the Phone.. and hearing your Voice.. I would listen to Your Voice.. stop and play over and over.. trying to remember YOU.. it hurts me More than it hurts YOU because I have found another Picture.. it is YOU holding a Giant Teddy Bear.. and YOU are showing me this Peace Sign.. and it is that Smile that Get to me when I take a Look into that Picture.. where was this taken At.. How can I forget.. and YOU are Not helping me in any of this.. why can't you tell me where was it At.. I dialed YOUR number and I called YOU on the Phone.. but YOU would not pick up this Time.. I started to Beat on my Chest.. and I sat on the Floor.. Looking at this picture of YOU holding the Giant Teddy Bear.. I have the first Picture on the first Room.. and there is an Empty vase in the second Room.. and I found this Picture on the second Room.. when I lifted UP the Empty Vase.. this picture was underneath it.. I remember buying this Home.. but I do not know who it was that was selling me this Home.. Just love the Wood areas and far from the city side of Life.. just wanted to live this quiet life until I heard your Voice.. and it was YOU who were thanking me purchasing this Home.. I wanted to see YOU.. I wanted to meet YOU.. but YOU told me that it is Not the right TIME.. I remember walking into this Log Cabin Home.. the House was empty.. but there was this scent.. this smell of a perfume when I went into this Empty house.. this Empty home.. did Not know where the smell came from.. I would walk Out of the House.. looking around.. I saw no one.. but this Smell.. where does this soft smell of scent came from.. Is it that my memories are coming back slowly because I think I smelled this scent before.. I am trying to remember this smell but I know that I knew this smell.. Was it YOU who came to this Empty Home before I came.. I am wanting to Know.. so much questions going through my Mind.. I want answers.. when I first Unlocked the Door to enter.. the Smell Hit me like the thin air of cold Icy air.. it hit me in such a massive wave.. I know that someone had to be here.. because I heard that It was a New Home.. or was It Not.. does this Home belong to YOU.. or was it Mine in the past.. Please tell me something because I would like to know.. I remember after leaving the empty Home.. I would take a Long walk a long walk alone.. I was thinking about YOU.. because I heard Your Voice.. How excited Your Voice were because I bought this Home.. as I heard YOUR voice after leaving on the Message.. I would be walking.. holding the Phone in my Hand.. Placing the Speaker close to my ear.. I loved hearing your Voice.. wondering How do you Look on the Other side.. wishing can I meet YOU too.. as the Cold Breeze Hits into the Dark night.. I would see the MOON appear before Me.. snow on the Floor.. and I kept on walking.. playing to Listen to your Voice.. Is there a way I can speak back to YOU.. is there a way I can call the Number and tell YOU what My Heart truly thinks of Your Voice.. of course I did Not see your picture around this TIME.. it was the first day after I came Out of the Hospital.. waking UP to a Coma.. but the Doctor telling me that I am good to go.. that I can walk well.. leaving the Hospital I went straight to the New Home.. which I was surprised of getting a Home in the first place.. a message and a Picture came on the Phone.. with the direction to the Location.. and I took the taxi and the man drove me there.. with the key in my hands.. I think the Doctor knew something but He did Not tell me anything.. just gave me the keys to the new Home.. I don't remember when I bought this House.. that is why I feel so strange walking into this New Home.. I am looking at the walls of the Room.. the second room I am standing.. my hand touch the wall.. I don't know what to do.. what am I suppose to say about this situation.. I feel so Lost and so confused because I am standing in a new Home.. but I don't remember any one of this.. I would look at the Phone.. and I am looking at your Picture YOU send me.. and asking me DO I remember YOU.. It hurts Me.. But YOU are so Beautiful.. YOU are so Lovely.. why are YOU sticking around towards a man who has lost everything.. I don't even remember right Now.. as the Doctor gave me the Keys to the new House.. He tells me something before HE let me go.. that there was someone who was here with me.. when I was laying on the Bed.. In the Coma.. for many days.. there was this One woman who came.. and YOU sat next to me while I was sleeping for a long time.. the Doctor said that I may Not wake UP.. but Only Time will tell but YOU came next to me.. and Would Hold my Hand.. and would come to spend next with me during the long nights.. and that when He.. the doctor comes to check.. YOU would be sleeping next to me holding my hands.. the Doctor looks over.. and sees tears rolling down my eyes.. and I think it is because of YOU I just could not GO.. I wanted to go.. go somewhere far.. but it was Your hands the doctor saw and How YOU kept on coming by my side.. until the Good news came that I was waking UP slowly from this Long sleep of COMA.. that is when the Doctor told me YOU came.. every night.. holding my hands and slept next to me.. and My tears.. I kept on crying because I wanted to GO.. I wanted YOU to let me go BUT your Hands would Not let me go.. Your TOUCH.. your hands which Hold my Hand tight and say YOU can't let me go.. I remember the day my eyes opened.. I was Not sure where I was.. of course it was that Accident.. and I would asked the Doctor.. what had happened to Me.. and How did I get here in this Bed.. the Doctor says.. it was a hit and run.. but I survived that crash which could of ended my life.. someone was drunk and hit the Car.. and He ran with his car.. and the Doctor showed me the Picture of my car which was crushed into pieces.. and I know that I have an Angel who was On my side.. that Night.. YOU came after the Police saw Your Picture on the Phone.. YOU were on the front of the screen.. and the doctor tells YOU the News.. that a big damage to my Head caused me to Loss some memories.. Maybe never I will remember YOU.. after I heard this from the Doctor showing me the picture of my Brain damage.. I cried.. I won't remember the Angel who was standing next to Me.. Holding my Hands when I was laying asleep.. I can this Happen to Me.. How can this One accident causes so much Pain in my Heart.. I want to remember YOU.. and I remember looking at the Phone.. which the Doctor gave to Me.. the front cover of the screen.. Your Picture was there and I would take a Look.. and I would say.. I don't remember YOU.. who is this person.. and It broke my Heart.. But has to be someone very special for to be in the cover of the screen.. the Doctor looks at me and tells me.. the One who was holding Your hands when I was asleep in the COMA.. it was YOU my Angel who came.. when I wanted to Go.. It was just too hard to stay alive.. I wanted to rest.. I wanted to go.. But Your Hands.. it was Your Touch.. your Faith that brought me back to where I can breathe Now.. and When I heard this from the Doctor.. I would cry looking at the Picture of YOU.. my Angel.. why can't I remember the Angel who stood by my side.. YOU could of ran too.. Just like I got Hit.. and some one ran.. even when YOU heard that I have this brain damage.. when didn't YOU ran with that.. as I sat there.. listening to the doctor.. which It was HIM who saw all these things.. and wanted to tell me that I have an angel
@devinjo-zp7nu 14 часов назад
Situation.. it was YOU who was there.. and I wanted to say.. I love YOU.. even though I may Not remember YOU yet.. I still love YOU because I heard what you have did when I was left alone for the fight of my life in COMA.. as I am in the Second ROOM.. in this New Home.. I am looking at the new Picture I found.. YOU are holding the Giant Teddy Bear.. with a Big SMILE showing me the Peace Sign.. as I would look at the Phone.. I would press the Play to Hear your Voice.. it has been few days since you called me and left me the Voice Message.. I am wondering.. where are YOU at.. YOU told me that YOU are going to be calling me SOON.. if few days has passed by.. can I call YOU.. so I can hear YOUR voice.. I wanted to tell YOU that I love YOU.. SO.. what would you do if I call YOU.. and as I would look at the Empty Vase.. I know that I want to put something.. and I want to show YOU what I put into this Empty Vase.. what should I put so that I can show YOU.. can I put Your Heart inside this Empty Vase.. and I can take a Picture with the Camera on this Phone.. so that I can send it to YOU.. will you let me have Your Heart so that I can Put inside this Empty Vase.. I will show YOU a KISS on the Empty Vase.. my lips pressing on the Vase and Your Heart inside this Vase.. I will take a Picture on the side of it.. to Show YOU.. How much I love YOU by showing YOU that I love Your Heart.. I want your Heart close to me.. as much as my Lips kisses your Heart.. so Please consider.. as I am looking at the Phone.. I would press the Play button and I would hear your Voice again.. and I would sit on the Floor.. putting the Phone Speaker close to my ear to hear Your Voice.. it was a message You left few days ago.. but when Can I hear Your New voice Now.. I want to hear a new message coming from You.. I miss your Voice.. so will you pick up the Phone if I call YOU.. as I would send YOU a text message and I would send it to Your Number.. and I would sit and wait for Your response on the Other side.. and I get a Message.. a written text message back from YOU.. just did Not think you would answer back so quickly.. and I would call.. dial UP your number and let it ring.. few times the ring I would hear.. and I hear Your Voice.. and I would say to YOU.. I been thinking about the Day I woke UP.. waking UP from the Hospital.. and I would hear what the Doctor says to me.. that I wanted to say you are my Angel.. I wish that I can be an angel Like YOU.. so that I can be the One to make YOU smile More.. would you let me be an Angel for just One Day.. of course If you are wondering.. DO I remember YOU.. to be honest.. I am still lost.. Unable to remember YOU.. but I wanted to ask YOU something.. can YOU Please help me to Know YOU.. to find the Memory back of YOU.. will you please show me How to remember so that I can just love YOU the way YOU should be loved.. and I would pause.. and I don't hear any word from YOU.. but I do hear YOU saying.. Yes.. YOU were there at the Hospital and it was YOU who was next to Me.. but of course.. I needed to remember YOU first so that YOU can tell me More.. and it keeps on hurting Me.. it keeps on hurting me because I do want to remember.. I want to know what has happened.. about everything.. But.. if YOU are not going to help me.. How am I suppose to Know.. Please tell me.. please Help me so that I can feel what real Love.. what true Love is all about.. my Heart is beating fast whenever I would listen and hear your Voice.. but I want to love YOU and say it Like I mean it because I know that I do love YOU.. that is why I am asking YOU to help me to find the way.. so that I can be in your Heart.. and YOU in my Heart as I remember everything about us.. I am looking at your Picture.. looking at you smiling.. I just wish I can remember this Place.. I am wondering.. who is the One who has taken this Picture.. I know that someone had to stand on the Other side.. and had to look through the lens of the camera.. and just focusing on YOU.. and had to click to take that picture.. as I am in the second room.. looking at the Vase.. the empty Vase.. and looking at your picture.. I wish that It was me.. was it me who was standing on the Other side.. was it really me?? YOU told me that I was with YOU.. and that YOU asking me if I remember any of all these things.. why is it so Hard.. it is so difficult on my part because I want to go back and remember all of these things that has happened.. but the More I am trying to think about YOU.. the more it seems harder to remember these times.. and the Voice.. Your voice I hear when I am talking to you on the Phone.. when YOU call me.. and I would answer.. I am wondering How did I get into this House.. because I just don't remember.. I even saw few people walking in.. the Movers with their truck.. putting all kinds of things into this House.. how did these people got here.. I have so much questions.. but I know that it is you who are putting all these things through.. I am standing in the second room.. looking at your picture.. the only One thing that I can look through.. but I just want to remember YOU.. How did we meet.. How did I fall in love with YOU.. what happened.. I know that YOU told me I got into the car wreck.. could of died in the accident but I guess just the Life that is still in me.. I should be truly thankful to be even alive.. as I am looking at your picture.. I can hear The Phone ringing.. and I see your Picture I have put on the Phone.. and it shows me who is calling me.. as I would pick up the Phone.. putting against my ear to listen to Your Voice.. I wonder.. are you ever going to show UP.. are you going to stop by to visit me.. can you please Help me to remember more about YOU.. because YOU are still a mystery to Me.. I needs to know more.. I needs to ask More.. I want to find out more about YOU.. but.. I know that YOU don't say too much.. why are you being like this to me.. YOU are the one who calls me.. but never say too much.. WHY.. Please tell me what is holding you back to say.. I know that YOU want to say something.. please tell me.. Please tell me because I too have an ear to hear your words.. only if YOU can share and express what is deep in your Heart.. I really wants to know.. and I am looking at another Picture.. this Picture is a Heart.. a red Heart.. why did YOU place this Picture next to Your Picture.. what does this Heart Picture means.. what are you trying to tell me.. Are you telling me that YOU love a Heart.. or trying to tell me that YOU have a Heart.. or are you asking me DO I have a Heart or do I love a Heart.. I must know why.. why put it next to your Picture on the second room.. as I am looking at the two picture on top of the desk.. my hand holding the Phone.. I can hear the breathing.. can I ask YOU something.. WHY is there a picture of A Heart.. who has taken this Picture and why did it be placed in this Desk and I would hear you say.. that I would Love the Heart.. and I am standing here.. with a Question Mark.. that I love a Heart.. does that Means it was me who has taken this Picture.. I know that the first room.. it has a Bed and on the top of the Bed.. I saw a Heart.. it was a pillow Heart.. and It was Me who has taken that picture.. but why can't I remember.. I don't remember taken any picture.. and I would think back.. a little flash back.. I see you sitting on the Top of the Bed.. your arms holding around the Red Heart Pillow.. and I would hear you even tell me the same thing on the Phone.. that one night.. I came into the first room.. and YOU were sitting down on the top of the Bed.. and I would stand and I would watch YOU.. your Arms around the Red Heart.. telling me that YOU love red Heart.. and would smile as you would squeeze it.. and YOU put on the bed next to YOU.. and I would walk closer.. hands holding the camera.. and I would put my eye close to the Lens of the Camera and ZOOM closer.. and snap Shot taking a picture.. and as I put the camera down.. I would turn to look at YOU and I would say.. I want this Heart.. But I want your Heart like this.. can I please have your Heart.. would you please give me YOUR HEART because I truly need it.. I want to have It.. Have your Heart.. and I would see you smile as I would turn to walk away from the first room.. as I am standing still in the Second ROOM.. I am able to get or catch a glimpse.. I think little by little.. things are coming that I am beginning to see something.. Still I can't remember but the little pieces of puzzle like.. I feel like YOU are truly helping me to find YOU back to my Heart.. I know that I loved YOU once that is before the Car accident.. I still can feel inside that I still love YOU.. when YOU are telling me these things on the Phone.. YOU are helping me because without YOU.. How can I know.. it is what YOU know that is bringing things back.. but slowly it is taking a long time.. YOU know that I love YOU.. I have never stopped loving YOU.. only YOU can bring my Heart to be alive.. Only YOU can help me to love YOU once again because I never stopped loving YOU.. as I would turn away.. my Hand holding the Picture of the Heart.. the red Heart.. I would walk out of the second room.. I wonder if I can see Your Heart.. I want to know the color of Your Heart.. would you let me see the color of the Heart.. does it look like this Heart.. the red Heart in the picture.. would you let me see the Color of Your Heart.. because I love this red Heart.. as I would walk out the front door.. it is very cold outside.. and I am standing.. with the Jacket on.. I walk to the front.. LOOKING at the flurry of snows falling from the sky.. and my Hand.. holding the picture of the Red Heart.. I would lift up my arm.. and I can see the Picture.. I lift to see the Red Heart in the Photo.. I want to see your Heart.. I want to touch Your Heart.. I want to know and want to see the color
@devinjo-zp7nu 13 часов назад
Myself if I can just ask YOU.. But I did end UP asking YOU.. YOU told me that YOU are NOT going to give me any answers because it is ALL UP to me to figure that OUT.. WHY would you put this Vase.. an empty Vase in this room.. why not in the first room.. why the second ROOM.. have I been here before.. so much un answered questions I must know.. But YOU would not tell me.. as I am looking next to the Vase.. I put the Picture Frame next.. beside it.. and ALL I am looking at is Your Beautiful Face.. Your Smile.. how this same Vase sitting on top of Your Lap.. with a SUN FLOWER inside.. I want to know.. when and where.. that Couch is in the living room of this House.. I just can't remember.. I want to remember.. why don't you call me.. I don't want to call YOU because YOU are going to wonder do I remember anything yet.. because right Now.. I just don't remember anything at all.. but I do wish I knew.. I wish I know now.. but right Now.. all I can think of is when and where.. I know that I must loved YOU.. the more I keep on looking at the picture in the picture frame.. I want to love YOU more.. I want to tell YOU that I love YOU.. but How.. How can I tell YOU that I love you if I don't remember but my Heart is burning within me to tell YOU that I do.. only thing that I want to tell YOU.. I do still love YOU.. but I don't think you would believe anything at all.. because YOU do know that I don't remember.. but something in me tells me that I do.. How am I suppose to express this Love.. the word and to transfer the word to YOU.. that Even though I may not remember.. and has a memory loss.. something keeps on telling me that I do still.. that YOU did not lose any hope because I never stopped loving YOU.. WOULD YOU believe me.. I want YOU to believe these words of mine.. but what If YOU don't.. you may think that I am lying just to make YOU feel good at the moment.. but.. if I loved YOU once.. and YOU knew that I loved YOU a lot.. or More.. that Love will never just leave without a trace.. I know that if I loved YOU.. I will never stop loving YOU.. but.. would YOU believe in this truth.. would you believe me at all.. I am afraid that YOU would Not believe because I am at lost.. BUT Please.. know that I never stopped loving YOU.. YOU are only going to hurt me if YOU just don't believe my words because ALL I can say is that I do.. Thinking about WHY am I here.. and why am I looking at this Empty Vase.. what am I suppose to do with this Empty Vase.. I did received the Note in the first room.. and also got the chance to look at you through the Picture you have left behind.. I know that I am not suppose to have this Picture.. but why do MY hand keeps on holding onto the picture for.. I am trying to leave the Picture behind.. I should of left it in the first room.. on the top of the desk.. but for some reason.. My hand just could NOT let go.. it grabbed onto the Picture.. telling myself.. Just let it go.. I needs to let it go but My Heart says.. telling my Mind.. I know my hand will not let your picture go.. so I have decided to take the Picture with me to the second room.. I am standing here by another Desk.. Now I am very confused about this desk.. why does it look a like.. is it the same desk because I did NOT buy any desk.. I do remember.. when I was talking to YOU on the Phone.. YOU have mention to me that YOU are leaving something behind.. and I am wondering.. if it belongs to YOU.. why don't you just take it with YOU.. why do you want to leave something behind.. and if it is something precious.. something precious to YOU.. I do truly understand that IF YOU MUST need to take it.. Please take it with YOU.. it won't hurt me or bother me if YOU DO.. but.. listening to your Voice on the Other line.. YOU telling me that IT is a bonus for buying.. purchasing this Lovely home.. so I did tell YOU.. thank YOU.. if it is a gift from YOUR Heart to me.. then Yes.. I will receive it.. I will take this gift.. of course YOU never told me that it is going to be two desks.. a Picture with a Note.. and an empty Vase.. But.. I want to know.. what is the Use of this Empty Vase.. why did you not put a note what comes with this Empty Vase.. am I suppose to put flowers inside this Vase.. but it has half filled water.. so.. I guess you should of told me because.. I am looking at this Vase.. not completely empty but has half filled waters.. so I am looking at the CELL PHONE and I do dial your Number.. and I am waiting as I am hearing it ring.. I wait and I hear a Hello on the Other side.. and I tell YOU.. I am the One who just bought this Log Cabin Home from YOU.. and just wanted to ask YOU one simple question.. there are two desks.. one each in the room.. I have a picture of YOU.. am I suppose to have it.. can I please have this Picture because NOW I am the New Home Owner.. the Other Question is this.. what am I suppose to do with the Empty Vase.. it is half filled.. and I am waiting for you to answer.. and I hear your voice telling me.. It was not YOU who put the two desks.. and Yes.. the Picture is Yours.. and the Vase.. Not sure what that is.. but the vase Means Love.. I am just standing there.. thinking.. the Vase means Love.. what does that Means if it is Love.. YOU know that I am Not sure what YOU are talking about.. and I am waiting for YOU to answer.. and I don't hear anything.. and I hear.. DO I not remember.. I pause thinking.. remember what?? am I suppose to remember something.. and I hear.. I don't remember YOU.. and the Phone hangs UP.. It made me jump because you asked me do I remember YOU.. which am I suppose to remember some one and I am thinking.. I am holding a Picture of YOU In my hand.. why is it so hard for me to Let go of Your Picture.. and YOU are the One who left the Picture for me to see it.. and I am thinking.. was I suppose to stand still until I remember you.. until I do know who YOU are.. and then I was suppose to call YOU on the Phone to tell YOU that NOW I know.. and with this Vase.. I know that it must means something.. YOU have left it behind so that I can remember.. But.. why do I feel like my Mind is stuck.. I want to know.. I want to remember.. if YOU are telling me that this Vase means Love.. it has to do with me and this Empty half water vase.. I am suppose to know YOU.. the person YOU.. the One I am looking at this Picture.. I can't remember though.. on the Note it did say I got into an accident.. I was hit by a car so I must went to the Hospital and Blacked Out.. because I was told that some of the memories I won't remember.. How can I lost YOU.. How can I lose someone like you.. and I am looking at the Picture.. I was close to face my own death.. I do remember laying on the Hospital bed.. one of the doctors would say that I be calling Out your name.. of course the Doctor did Not know who I was calling Out too.. But I do remember when I woke UP from the coma.. the Doctor tells me some one came to visit me.. and was crying while I was sleeping.. in a deep coma.. holding my hand.. asking the doctor to save me.. to save my life and begging the doctor.. the doctors all came to help out.. of course the doctor who was the main care taker told YOU.. that I am going to have a loss of memory and I would not remember much.. I do remember sitting UP on the Hospital Bed.. the doctor tells Me.. I was very close to death.. and he did all he can and for some reason.. I would be calling out your Name.. and that is HOW I got UP.. the doctor would look at me asking me.. who is the lady I keep on calling out too.. I was saying a Name.. but I sat there just puzzled.. a NAME?? the doctor said.. because of her Name I was able to get UP.. able to open my eyes.. able to come back to Life.. to breathe again.. if I did not call Out your Name.. I think what this doctor means.. I would of been dead.. I am wondering.. the Name.. I keep on calling Out your Name.. for the longest.. I am here trying to figure OUT who you are.. because I know that I loved YOU.. I keep on looking at your picture and I would say to the Picture.. Is your name I LOVE YOU.. because that is the only Name I can think of.. to tell you from my Heart How much I love you.. what am I suppose to say.. I want to know too.. but I am going through some hard times and that part is trying to figure OUT about Us.. this mystery about what happened.. I want to know because I came to this New Home.. with two desks.. YOU told me that it was not Yours.. then whose desks are these if it is Not Yours.. if I bought this Home from YOU.. how come the desks are here.. and it looks so familiar too me.. as I would look at the vase.. I am not sure if I should keep this.. the Phone rings and I pick it UP.. and I hear your voice.. it feels like I heard your voice before.. I think even before I called to buy this New Home.. from the Log Cabin house.. and I hear you asking me do I remember.. and I am standing here in the second room.. I want to remember.. But.. it is even harder for me because I do not remember.. only YOU can help me to remember because I sure have no clue.. I have No idea at this point.. please help me to remember YOU.. I want to remember.. can I ask YOU this.. DID I love YOU very much.. Is it me who loved YOU.. can you please tell me the answer and I hear.. Yes.. that I loved YOU.. and My Heart starts to pound hard.. I am thinking.. then why can't I remember YOU if I loved YOU so Much.. but One thing for sure is this.. My hand can't put your Picture down.. I feel like I want to cry because I keep on holding to Your Picture.. what am I suppose to do.. that is why I am asking YOU.. if I loved YOU.. I feel something in my Heart.. and How about this.. can I throw this Vase away.. since I don't know what is the use for.. what am I suppose to do.. put fish.. How about goldfish inside.. I don't even like fish.. and I hear your voice.. it is Love.. and I should not get rid of it because in due time YOU
@matperez1168 14 часов назад
Is she speaking korean or thailand
@namonok6910 14 часов назад
She so gorgeous
@Maria-kw4qq 17 часов назад
Marry me Lisa
@ljrj1073 17 часов назад
Lala lala lisaaayahhh next is SG
@ljrj1073 18 часов назад
Never never left you
@ljrj1073 18 часов назад
Stay strong and healthy my Lisapoo
@user-pn2mo2nw6d 20 часов назад
كلكم تنتبهون على بلاك بينك وليسا لان رقصهم جميل جدا ولكن احيانا نلاحض ان الغرباء الذين يرقصون معهم رقصهم حتى اجمل من ليسا ولكن لماذا يخفون وجوههم؟
@FelixTorres-bs4lh 22 часа назад
Hermosaaaa lisa❤
@LiraSaliji 23 часа назад
Is jenni you're bff?Lisa?❤
@bugsb7nny 23 часа назад
im obsessed
@user-dg1rn4jh6m День назад
Lisa please sing Boss b*tch I am 11 years old fan girl please sing 😢😢😢
@user-gk4lz7wj8o День назад
huhu i love you
@user-gk4lz7wj8o День назад
@user-gk4lz7wj8o День назад
@user-gk4lz7wj8o День назад
cute my love
@user-gk4lz7wj8o День назад
i miss you lisa
@user-gk4lz7wj8o День назад
@MaahiSingh-ir5fv День назад
She is so cute ❤🎉
@user-gk4lz7wj8o День назад
Masyaallah cantiknya❤
@user-gk4lz7wj8o День назад
wow I really like you
@user-gk4lz7wj8o День назад
your voice is so beautiful
@EcrinKarakaya-lx1iv День назад
Lalisa❌ Queen Lalisa✅
@EcrinKarakaya-lx1iv День назад
Lisa I miss you please new video😢
@dandan-el5uw День назад
my legs shake everytime i watch this omg mother
@Statud День назад
I love you Lisa you cute ♥️🥰
@toeysupananchaimeesook9060 День назад
เธอเกิดมาเพื่อเป็นทุกอย่างจริงๆ ทำถึงทุกอย่าง ไม่มีใครทำได้เหมือนดธอจริงๆ ฉันรักลิซ่าที่สุด นี่คือแบบอย่างที่น่าทึ่งที่สุด
@Kitten7170 День назад
Wait, I see Rosé in this song OMG 😳 but actually this dance in world best 😍❤
@Masuga888 День назад
@attabrou-yp4vb День назад
LISA money money great princesses
@annfields4053 День назад
@che10_jit-73 День назад
Lisa I am waiting for your come back 😘😘
@-Blackpik_Aysee День назад
Lalisa manobal ı love you
@-Blackpik_Aysee День назад
Lalisa manobal ı love you
@chutikarn7834 День назад
@chutikarn7834 День назад
@chutikarn7834 День назад
12,114,680 วิว😊🎉
@chutikarn7834 День назад
@KariyavvaMotapanavar День назад
Supar lalisa❤❤❤❤
@attabrou-yp4vb День назад
@attabrou-yp4vb День назад
LISA is vert very perfect👍👌
@attabrou-yp4vb День назад
LISA ,you are my friend 😘
@attabrou-yp4vb День назад
I love LISA forever ❤❤❤❤❤😘
@BesikBolkvadze День назад
Lalisa l love you so so so so so so so so so so so so much ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@user-rc5il5ti7h День назад
이 채널은 실제 채널이 아닌가요?
@user-pz7xz7vb6t День назад
You so gooddddd, I am watching again and again.
@chayanant471 День назад