Turn Based Memories
Turn Based Memories
Turn Based Memories
This channel hosts the following JRPG shows:
Turn Based Memories, an audio podcast about a JRPG the hosts have played.
EXTREME FAQs, videos where I tell you EVERY secret in a game.
You can also find top 10s and reviews, but those are the two main shows on this channel.
The Most Impactful Death in Gaming
7 месяцев назад
Merry Christmas from The Legendary Zoltan
7 месяцев назад
Sea of Stars Review - Turn Based Memories
9 месяцев назад
Eternal Sonata Musical Terms Defined
2 года назад
@ThisPodcastTakesTokens 4 дня назад
Such a great game! Thanks for sharing the secrets of the land!
@MilfHunter369 6 дней назад
You're missing a bunch of stuff. If you want to know everything about all 4 dragon warrior games just watch (You can beat video games)
@IceI3laze 14 дней назад
Final fantasy fanfare no matter which or how many bit rate or pixels just makes me smile
@markopolo1271 17 дней назад
Still my personal favourite game of all time i got it one birthday from my grandad as a kid and i swear it changed my life greatest game ever made imo simply because space pirates
@faytwind3913 Месяц назад
It's upsetting to not find many objective opinions on SO6 from people who played previous SO games. The truth is that SO6 was complete butt. Anyone who who's being honest would agree it's bad. I enjoyed SO5 WAAAAY more than SO6. Your friend was being honest about this game. It's trash.
@ngoctritran3022 Месяц назад
Have you ever seen Final Strike is operated while you are in normal attack mode (not in PWS attack mode)? I played a Chinese hack version which is said based on the first produced CD (v1.0?) in Japan. This can be done with LV1 PWS sword Valkyrie (as long as she does not jump to throw her javelin, its fine), Angrim, Belenus, Lawfer, Jun (best one of all), Kashell, Lucian, Grey, Suo if they equip Throw, Strike Edge and attack while guard crush happens. You can increase the chance the guard crush with False Arrow. The detail is described in special items which you can buy when you beat last boss many times. The first time you beat the last boss in Seraphic Gate, you will get a special item which can be equipped by Valkyrie. When it is equipped, it will upgrade your divine shop to another level and will have enemies drop much more powerful enough to beat harder to the hardest mode of last boss (4 Awakened Iseria Queen). The divine shop will be also upgraded based on how many last boss you have beaten and it will supply many useful items. One can grant you infinite jump, another one can teleport you to the last boss room but the important one is the time machine item which will let you move to chapter 9 and let the shop sell the important hint as i mentioned. You can buy another item to use with Time machine to turn you back to when you have not beaten the last boss so that you can OHKO the boss and get the most powerful equipments for your Einherjars, Freya and Valkyrie herself. If you are interested in playing this hack, please do not hesitate to leave you email, I will share the link so you can play it on emulators. You can also trigger this glitch/bug with code breaker on PS1 emulator...I do not have PSP so I do not have codes for PSP version.
@ElvisMarrero Месяц назад
No mention of metal slimes location south of Haukness?
@turnbasedmemories 15 дней назад
Oh, man! Metal slime locations are a good idea for a secret. You have bested me!
@GordonShep Месяц назад
Have always pronounced Lucca the right way,the double c acts as a k sound
@selocan469 Месяц назад
What are you doing man? You normalized graphics to titles respective era's hardware but did make direct comparison with sound without such normalization. So, why
@jaycarl85 Месяц назад
About Salerno Academy affecting RNG its not the dungeon itself rather if you have perfume on you. You can wash it off if you need to manipulate RNG there.
@MetalTwitch 2 месяца назад
Regarding the Cave of Oblivion in the first chapters, you can transmute Element Scepters into Tomes of Alchemy and get massive amounts of XP
@glorbojibbins2485 2 месяца назад
Finally a review where the reviewer doesnt just shit on this game for 20 minutes... So weird for a game to have a billion positive comments on every review but every review is just like "fuck this game for 10 different reasons" and then they end the review by saying its a hidden gem lol 🤷‍♀️ I just got it in the mail despite these reviews.
@BrendenBarlow 2 месяца назад
it has it's tedious things, but it is truly an amazing game, way ahead of it's time, and it does a lot of things right by jrpg standards. The characters are fun and entertaining, the story is good. I think the only thing that i would change is the fact that your hp maxes at 999 and a lot of enemies hit for half that or more towards the end of the game. Otherwise it has some difficulty spikes here and there, but its really fun! beware the prison on zerard. Big difficulty spike there.
@My_trashtalking_account 2 месяца назад
I hated that game too. And I love all the other ones. It is NOT FUN having to revive characters AND cure status ailments after EVERY GOD DAMN BATTLE! That is NOT. FUN. It SUCKS.
@YophiSmith 2 месяца назад
I always though Lucca was because a majority of the names are five letters 😂 Kurono is the obvious link to time. I don't see why anybody would say Krawno 😯 I used to call the sword the "Maasa Moon." I started calling it the Maasa Moonay after I heard about the swordsmith. I actually said "Ayla" right, but I recently started leaning towards "Eira" I like "I-Ra" because it means SNOW, and SNOW starts falling in their time period for the first time. Interesting note for Marle. I always said Marle, so I feel good about that, but interesting fact. Her Japanese name "Maru" is short for "Marudia." Her last name is Guardia. So her name in Japanese would be "Ma-ru-di-a Ga-ru-di-a." How Marudia turned into Nadia, I'll never know. Maybe the translators just knew there wasn't a name like Marudia, so they came up with something close and decided on Nadia, since Maru would only go by Marle with the team. The Queen Leene thing again I think has to do with the 5 character limit 😂 . But I SO do not want to say Lenay! Magus is a different name in Japanese, but Americans can pronounce Magus different ways. Many like to say "May-GUS" with a hard G sound. I used to say "Magus" like MAGIC because he's a MAGIC user. But it's actually supposed to be either May-JUS with a G sound like Giraffe, for a Magus is a MAGE, or it can be Ma-JUS after the word magic.
@Motavian 2 месяца назад
I love this game. I miss when RPGs stayed out of your way and let you explore the game and make important decisions.
@andrieputra 2 месяца назад
7:30 cmon ... elysium the high end lose to its predecessor ?
@Joe_334 2 месяца назад
Yes! YES! I stopped Yuffie's Story because of that shinra building. Just seem like I am running in circles there. I wonder if they were trying to recapture getting lost leading into curiousity to explore, from the older games.
@Joe_334 2 месяца назад
Yes! YES! I stopped Yuffie's Story because of that shinra building. Just seem like I am running in circles there. I wonder if they were trying to recapture getting lost leading into curiousity to explore, from the older games.
@Joe_334 2 месяца назад
I didn't delve too far into the post game. I remember the Ghost Ship though. Edit: I downloaded a complete save that allowed me to bring over all of the alternate costumes on a new save. I forgot they gave Simon is pre-burnt face look.
@WarmPotato 2 месяца назад
What game even is this
@raraviren1622 3 месяца назад
BRO WHAT 😭 aint no way you sat there and beat the ghost ship extreme 5 times for the dark emperor's
@fidgetyjester2399 3 месяца назад
Is it weird that I like 1 graphics more than 2? I feel like 3D back than looked amazing at the time but age more poorly compare to 2D like 1. So for me third game would have 3 points, 1 would have 2, and and second game would have 1 point. Maybe that's just me though, lol 😂
@gianpopo2007 3 месяца назад
Bro this review was hilarious. 10/10
@MelodeathxTed 3 месяца назад
I have a friend who doesn't care for FFIV and adores VII. His name is Cecil
@PFGFrankly 4 месяца назад
im still liek what on the Masamune, is it Masa-Mune, or Masa-Mune-A
@E.S.A.Gaming 4 месяца назад
This is how all secret video of any game in the future has to be made!!! Thanks for making this game alive in 2024!
@Max-qd2lf 4 месяца назад
Don't dare call yourself a rpg player if you haven't played VP1 and VP2.
@Big-Bert 4 месяца назад
My CT game defaults Chrono to Crono?!? But it’s Chrono Trigger? I always assumed it was supposed to be his name in the title?
@YophiSmith 2 месяца назад
They only had a five character limit, so they cut Chrono to Crono. In later ports, you can change it to Chrono.
@jonothanthrace1530 4 месяца назад
This video should have been put through a VHS filter to match the excessive 90 vibe of the narration.
@arlert_9998 4 месяца назад
what music is used in your "sidequests" section? starting at 5:27
@hellhound1214 4 месяца назад
Tem um boato que diz que vc pode jogar com a silmeria que está congelada no castelo do Brahms, vc sabe algo sobre.
@potatopower2144 5 месяцев назад
Lmfao I went to the same language school as her for Chinese. Her entire time in the army was spent at basic training and language school, which means she was kicked out. 😂
@BlueMageWithSoulEdge 5 месяцев назад
Make it. Encore!
@Pyxis10 5 месяцев назад
26:38. Scifi authors really do have problems understanding scale. You could fit a trillion people on this planet with the right heat dissipatation and automation facilities.
@globbster413 5 месяцев назад
great video!!! i loved learning about all these secrets!! if i might suggest one thing, that would be to maybe start doing a few takes of each paragraph, and using the best take for each segment in the video? loved the video, but it was hard to understand you at times :(
@DavePietrasz11 5 месяцев назад
Awesome video
@RaMraM-zm1el 5 месяцев назад
Damn no mentions about the intricate weapon/armor mechanics for VP1. Yes it can make your playthrough very easy but that is only given if you know the items well. VP 1 hands down for me. Totally bias for VP2 list.
@Odolwa2 6 месяцев назад
I also said tah mah sah, lol. but weird, i said ren-ay. everyone playing this game would have had a hit/miss experience with the names. lastly i said calling-jen. this game is just full of win..
@welcome_to_macnelsonworld 6 месяцев назад
That was legend of dragoon in the background right
@Flafex 6 месяцев назад
Great video thank you
@The_Humble_Vet 6 месяцев назад
Is it me, or is there battle music from Legend of Dragoon in the part with Toady?
@KadeofCavarsh 6 месяцев назад
You missed Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume on the DS
@hiroparadise8152 5 месяцев назад
@IAMMAJIC 6 месяцев назад
I love this game, so glad to find someone still making content of this game!!
@JagdPanther101 6 месяцев назад
This. Was. Awesome. I never knew about this. I was reading Nel's Star Ocean Wiki page the other day because I couldn't remember a detail about her and saw a reference to this, so I Googled it and found this. You are awesome for translating this and sharing it with the fanbase! The Elena Frahm thing is particularly interesting. And a bit sad, really. She tries to find love but must realize she can't without revealing herself as immortal. Though I guess that's inevitable as people will eventually realize it naturally.
@c1eLno1r 6 месяцев назад
Marle = May+rle not MAH RLE
@turnbasedmemories 6 месяцев назад
@YophiSmith 2 месяца назад
Umm...no, it's Mah rle. Her real name is Marudia in Japanese. So she didn't change it from Nadia to Marle. She shortened it from Ma-ru-di-a to Ma-ru.
@rpghero46 6 месяцев назад
look when people discribed hard mods they forget 1) the harder dungeon are in hard mode. 2) there more resource manage. so hard mode is harder in other aspects then combat.
@turnbasedmemories 6 месяцев назад
Yeah. I mentioned the hard mode-only dungeons. What other resources are there to manage?
@Mad77max77 7 месяцев назад
Definitely not better than Skies of Arcadia. And not even better than Legend of the Dragoon. This one was just "average" in so many ways... don't waste your time on this one when you can play any FF games, and of you're really a fan of Sci-fi, just play Mass Effect.
@nisbahmumtaz909 7 месяцев назад
Have to give a like and comment just for the comprehensive credits at the end. Seeing this kinda thing is a sign of someone that doesn't just talk the talk, but also walk the walk, in terms of giving artistic respect.
@turnbasedmemories 6 месяцев назад
@mr.mclovin4815 7 месяцев назад
I’m at a loss for words here. I saw this video by chance while looking up info for dark cloud 2, this might be hands down the best damn video I have ever seen supporting a game that looks more like a job grind. A vocational degree would be easier than completing this game but after watching this video I’m prepared to stare at a factory piece for hours and sell my soul to my tv screen for the next few months. 🫡
@turnbasedmemories 6 месяцев назад
NOOOOO! DON'T DO IT! In all honesty, the game is VERY repetitive. I seriously just ran and hit the attack button for 120 hours!