mostly free games tho
twitch channel: twitch.tv/OOP0v0
You can contact me for business purposes here: mz.saffan@gmail.com
The First Copycat
Месяц назад
I FINALLY Played GTA 5 . . .
2 месяца назад
My crazy ex kidnapped me for Christmas...
7 месяцев назад
IDIOTS Defuse A BOMB - Hand Simulator
8 месяцев назад
Something's In These Woods...
8 месяцев назад
STALKING People In Assassin's Creed Unity
11 месяцев назад
AI Tells Me Horror Stories
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Yakuza 0: GUNS ONLY  |  Trailer
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@wrestlingpurist9784 7 дней назад
Do YoU sTiLl FeEl LiKe A hErO yEt?
@mistybean1373 19 дней назад
7:41 me whenever I try to enter a building in game
@OOPjpg 18 дней назад
@solomonaraneta1878 23 дня назад
This has been the best PZ challenge I’ve seen so far. Love the comedy brother, keep it up
@Bloodlustian 24 дня назад
Me? Awwww shucks. how flattering of you.
@MERK_JEY 28 дней назад
Get a UPS, it's gona give you 3-10 minutes to save and shut down the pc.
@Champion919Games Месяц назад
Neat video! I liked all of it, but you should leave that whole self deprecating bit out of the end. You made a good video, be proud of it!
@Brekdon Месяц назад
Great video! Would you be interested in a collab? I’ve sent you an email through the one linked in your channel description.
@ccasling4 Месяц назад
Beans for meals sounds like the start of a good thing
@mistybean1373 Месяц назад
I’ve been looking for zomboid videos to watch and usually they’re too combat based for me to enjoy them and not as rp based so I really like this!! Exited for the next one :>
@alejandrostrass2559 Месяц назад
Yoo this video is very funny and very well made, keep it up and your channel will be huge. I'm sorry about the electricity though, greetings from Argentina :^)
@Bloodlustian Месяц назад
Ohhh thank you YT algorithm gods for recommending me a tiny YT channel with zomboid challenges. I think I will stay.
@Jake-dx7vn Месяц назад
I hate beans...
@Cranberrie123 Месяц назад
I love them
@E2R44 Месяц назад
How were they legally allowed to put john wick in payday?
@OOPjpg Месяц назад
@E2R44 Месяц назад
@@OOPjpg oh
@illaishane7319 Месяц назад
Still feels better to play in general than warframe and destiny ..
@user-mn8lz7gf6d Месяц назад
it's a mix of destiny, the division and a UE5 asset flip.
@stephancontreras1 2 месяца назад
L take
@rapidtrap787 2 месяца назад
holy duck every game is copy of some other game, every game have concepts of other games, sooo ignorant.
@Dr34mC4tch3r 2 месяца назад
So far I’ve played a small bit of the game. Not a whole lot but more than enough to have an opinion. First thing I’d like to say is how fucking god awful that dialogue was. Every last word was thoughtless and almost completely disconnected from the current situation the player was in. The story was kinda bad too. Every plot point felt contrived, or unnatural. I see people telling me not to complain because it’s a free game. Well when we have actual free games that put effort in, yeah I’ll complain, especially when the first descendant (TD) literally copies its competition so heavily. If you can’t match the quality of what you’re copying then yeah, it’s a shit game. And I saw someone else mention all games copy each other. Which honestly flat out doesn’t make sense to me. Games like warframe and titanfall don’t seem to copy anything as both have their own gun play systems and concepts. While I am a sucker for hot woman, that’s not enough to excuse their bad dialogue, refer back to point 1. Locking your characters behind a paywall is scummy. Same with cosmetics. (Skins are eh, but you should atleast let people customize their shit for free atleast a little) Finishing the tutorial and going to the social space should ABSOLUTELY NOT IMMEDIATELY make me see the destiny social space. It doesn’t even look different, I’m almost certain the layout is nearly the same. In warframe, you can’t “earn” platinum in the traditional sense, you have to trade with other players for it by selling them gear that you farm. Which I actually like, having it be an open market system is pretty neat. The gameplay also didn’t feel special at all, gunplay was meh. The abilities are uninspired. Overall, I’m gonna have to drop the game a 3/10. I can’t find any reason to play this over its direct competition. It’s not unique and every last second of the game felt like I was just playing a watered down version of another game without any actual creativity put in. Edit : Just found out their terms of service is absolute scum. They own your feedback, not only that but they own any and all content you create for the game, and don't owe you anything if they decide to use and/or sell it.
@rockygillman6404 2 месяца назад
Every character is farmable. Obviously your opinion isn't as informed as you thought. Warframe took a lot of ideas from dark sector. Destiny took a lot of ideas from Warframe. Poe took ideas from Diablo, Diablo took ideas from last epoch.... Very rarely is a game unique. You must be nee
@Dr34mC4tch3r 2 месяца назад
I did say I didn't spend a lot of time in the game, but enough to have an opinion on it. Anyway, you realize how dumb it sounds saying warframe copied from dark sector, right? I don't know if i need to point this out, but they were made by the same devs. There's a fine line between inspired and copied. Destiny had its own gunplay, movement, and concepts separate from warframe. That's inspiration, not copying. TD is flat out copying, not one part of it is its own. The gunplay is the most unique part and even that gives me lost planet 2 vibes. The abilities are lackluster and pretty uninspired. If you want more games that were transformative and unique, I can list a few. Army of 2, the original modern warfare and its 2019 remake, Each of the dark souls trilogy had their own unique mechanics built upon previous ones from the previous games, battlefield 1 despite being a pretty basic shooter still managed to innovate with an amazing new mode that captivated its playerbase for thousands of hours (idk if i ever even found games for the other modes), fuck, even call of duty is innovating their most basic zombies mode (even if it is shit for most players, its still new and gives some other players something different). The neat thing about call of duty is that if you don't like the time period, campaign, multiplayer, or any other aspect of the game, you can just play a different one. Anyway, I'm just trying to say this game just shows how low the standard for games is. Maybe they'll fix their game in time, but as of now, it's simply not worth picking up over its competition.
@gaijinkuri684 2 месяца назад
All games copy from each other. That being said, some people will prefer Warframe, some people will prefer Destiny and some people will prefer Bunny's a.... I mean the First Descendant. Everyone has preference.
@allpapiodin 2 месяца назад
First Descendant feels like a tech demo or an early 2000s 3rd person game in how it feels and plays. Nothing is too janky, but nothing looks lively or good either being so stilted. Weapons and abilities feel like they have no weight to them and often are disrupted to scenery that clearly has a larger hitbox than what is shown by terrain and some abilities just don't play well with slopes like Viessa's ice wave ability that almost needs a flat surface to function and dislikes any kind of incline. The worst part is the monetization. Sure, you can play the game 100% free with a 1% drop rate on various goods, but if you really want to be able to enjoy just one character and push them to their limit you will either spend ages grinding to get the resources to make the Energy Activator (literally reactor from Warframe) or you can spend 22 dollars for ONE compared to being able to buy 18 reactors for just 20 dollars in Warframe. Then, you got Crystallization Catalyst (literally just forma from Warframe) that cost you 6 dollars a pop. You can buy a 6 forma for 5 dollars in Warframe. Then, to rub more dirt, the part that is "Destiny" is the weapon leveling system, but where the Upgrade Modules are fairly cheap to buy at a few enhancement cores per purchase or just glimmer if you are infusing two like items into one anther, you will need either a "Phase Exchanger" or "Precision Phase Exchanger" depending on the rarity of the weapons you are using and will cost you almost nothing for just a baseline gun or lots of broken down weapons for the Precision Phase Enchanger that is needed for the rarer weapons and will cost you nearly 3 dollars if you choose to pay piggy for it. Followed by other upgrade effects for improving the weapons and the polarities (like forma on weapons in Warframe) that are all much cheaper, but still more expensive than anything in Warframe which the system is a straight rip of. Then, lastly, they know the main demographic target was thirsty mofos and so at launch, almost everything is Bunny related. First set of exclusive skins belongs to Bunny. The only Ultimate that has a hyper-sexualized skin, is Bunny. The first free cosmetics handed out to player base was for Bunny. I got nothing against sexy skins, but being an enjoyer of Viessa myself during my 20 hours of play, I have to say that it sucked to see Bunny over here with a swimsuit that looks barely able to contain her proportions in the Ultimate variant, but Viessa is pretty much covered up head to toe and only with the giga $100 dollar set do you get the bonus skin with some back showing. Like, how do you go from giving Bunny a literal camel toe to throwing others in a skin tight hijab? I don't get it... 6/10, strange that they ripped off so much of Warframe, but failed to grasp what makes it more enjoyable.
@RainVellicort 2 месяца назад
I was really hoping this would be a good game but it's not, there's just way too much wrong with it. The movement is mediocre and overhyped, the grappling hook should be able to hold for like an extra 1.5/2 seconds to feel less clunky. Half the fun of these types of games is the fashion, which is all overpriced and only available with real money, but there's still little variety. Starting the game is awful because by the time you do the first dungeon as your slow ice girl, there's a random bunny running through twice your speed killing everything they pass before you can shoot it. I have other complaints but i ranted enough lol
@rockygillman6404 2 месяца назад
Sounds like you played it for about an hour. Real informed opinion
@RainVellicort 2 месяца назад
@@rockygillman6404 How is my take on the monetization/customization, early missions and how the grappling hook feels an uninformed opinion when its all the things you should be judging when you start the game?
@darknetworld 2 месяца назад
I remember that they did say or post about for reference games they like from warframe and destiny and others. The other reason is that warframe has good design shop but they did their own things just refs the prices a bit.
@rogue8275 2 месяца назад
Free 2 play ppl need something to enjoy
@Nebulisreconx 2 месяца назад
Like Warframe? Hard pass. Not getting into another game where they will just nerf the build I spent years putting together into the ground.
@OOPjpg 2 месяца назад
I feel your pain 🫂
@policis 2 месяца назад
I played all of destiny and bit of warframe. And first descendant is better. And none of these all tre games had good story skipped all of them 😂😂😂 if i have to chose descendant is better game.
@djsazm3580 2 месяца назад
Bait used to be believable.
@policis 2 месяца назад
@@djsazm3580 what do you mean? If you talking about my comment, then that's just my subjective opinion. I play games for gameplay not story. And descendant is winning for now. Still I'm just playing it while waiting for paths of exile 2.
@deadhelix 2 месяца назад
I gotta assume you just don’t like depth in these games then cause all I see is a watered down version if either game, less build potential and variety, basic movement. Which if that’s the case thats fine you can enjoy what you like but objectively it just isn’t a better game
@rogue8275 2 месяца назад
After reading this i really laughed out loud
@kryostar_ 2 месяца назад
You have not played warframe enough I guess. That's ok. There's more to it than it lets off. So give it a shot before you make such a bold claim :)
@shamanavator 2 месяца назад
he said everything he just forgot to speak abt some aspects of the game who don't work like stealth mission where ia see trough wall and there's only 1 character with stealth ability...
@datperson7827 2 месяца назад
I didn't even know there was stealth in the game 💀💀💀 they really dropped the ball with the mechanism
@BlueBD 2 месяца назад
​@@datperson7827 IIRC there is only one but its not even necessary. it an overworld event and The stealth is Only to speed up to objective. normally you only get like 30 seconds to complete. Obviously that basically impossible unless your so overleveled you crush all the enemies and Blow up the targets in no time but You should be going around and disabling the targetpoints. there are anywhere between 3-5 in a zone. Disabling all of them extends the timer to like 3ish minutes which is More them then you need.... To crush and Blow up all the targets and enemies, then once that's done its a boss fight. The same bossfight if you stealthed it anyway so the stealth was really pointless, just an option if you happen to be using Sharen at the time
@PlayerNo.1 2 месяца назад
@@BlueBD you get certain drops that can only be acquired through stealth. lmfao dont spread misinformation my guy.
@iansanchez6432 2 месяца назад
It literally says "Additional rewards if you do it stealthy"
@MichaelWatts-e4r 2 месяца назад
Keep it up!
@Team_3star4 2 месяца назад
I remember my first time playing GTA online lol it was fun I was a noob but now I'm a god damn sweat 😂😂😂 but over the years it just got boring lol
@Porple_potion 2 месяца назад
i found this video very educational btw i think u guys should become bomb defusers
@Porple_potion 2 месяца назад
she looked kinda fine nah thats crazy💀💀💀💀
@Porple_potion 2 месяца назад
why did this have me on the urge of my seat
@alexgermane2211 2 месяца назад
I just started playing game for first time last week
@rudraxhanma 2 месяца назад
Damn man you're production's pretty good keep it up (showed up on my recommendation)
@redkindasusimpasta6132 2 месяца назад
This yt channel is rly good the yt algorithm is helping me LOL subd liked and bell notification
@chronicsouljia 2 месяца назад
shit quality
@cornonthecob4204 2 месяца назад
and i thought you were a big youtuber subbed
@THESJHSHOW-22 2 месяца назад
Great video
@joeyisaac9726 2 месяца назад
Just casually showed up on my suggested… I fuck wit it
@OOPjpg 2 месяца назад
You bet there'll be more ;) your comment means a lot thank you!
@technomage6736 2 месяца назад
@CatelulHamHam 2 месяца назад
@Venomsnake02 2 месяца назад
Good video!
@SharkBiteVN 2 месяца назад
I wish to play gta 5 aswell
@user-mg2em4xh7f 2 месяца назад
Hi sorry I was so long time awy
@user-mg2em4xh7f 2 месяца назад
@jasonworlock5113 3 месяца назад
Walker dying in the tower is the preferred ending as it is what Walker deserves. I wish they would do a game or a novel to tell the story before the game. It would be interesting to see Konrad's descent into madness that led to him killing himself as the game showed Walker's descent.
@ToyGoldenSonic 4 месяца назад
Nah I’d skip the ecm
@highlordalarak2565 6 месяцев назад
"That hotel back at the storm wall?" - his voice echoing and the music... Just damn good, and then Lugo starts bareaiting
@tinnybutts 7 месяцев назад
“This can’t be them” what did you think the mass of white blips on the monitor was jack ass
@funnyman1173 7 месяцев назад
"Welcome to hell, Walker."
@DOOMbossk 4 месяца назад
We've been waiting for you - john konrad
@HandsomeDog255 7 месяцев назад
One of the only few games only a videogame can truly tell “the violence of your actions”
@bluecoin3771 7 месяцев назад
Is it wrong that I laughed when Walker said, “What?”