Theology Unleashed
Theology Unleashed
Theology Unleashed
Bringing the Caitanya Vaishnava (Hare Krishna) perspective to the online philosophy of religion dialogue. Hosting debates and producing videos arguing for God's existence, against religious fanaticism and exclusivism, and covering related topics.

I (Arjuna) live in NZ and work as an electrician - a job that allows me to listen to lectures and audiobooks all day long.

You can contact me with the links below.

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When Defending Islam Makes it Sound Worse
2 месяца назад
Reacting to Some Extreme Christian Ideas
6 месяцев назад
@johnhitz1185 Час назад
Mr. Bechly's evidence is clear and irrefutable and I recommend his video presentations to the sceptics. Neo-Darwinism has no plausible explanation, but the average sceptic knows next to nothing about what Stephen Meyer has called the "signature in the cell". Macro-evolution of animal bodies did not happen, which points to Intelligent Design.
@offroadoverlords 3 часа назад
Somehow gunter manages to be more stupid than he looks.
@user-wu8sj3ee3d 5 часов назад
God wrote “kill people” on Dahmer’s heart
@pareenvatani9460 День назад
❤❤❤❤ Hare Krishna ❤❤❤
@ALavin-en1kr День назад
We are in a material age so anyone who can see past it, free from influence and programming is fortunate, who is capable of free thought which is a great gift. That consciousness is fundamental and that mind emerges with quantum events will likely be known sooner rather than later. The problem that will remain for another era is magnetism which likely will not be understood anytime soon.
@jordanrobinson9064 День назад
The arrogance Michael displays is an absolute embarrassment, and these so-called 'moderators' are an absolute joke!
@videolover1489 3 дня назад
HIndu's should start a deprogram in India against Hindu converting Christianity
@AgainstTheGrain1991 4 дня назад
1:21:09 with all due respect to Matt, that was indeed a tap dance when he finishes lol only because it was much easier and honest to just say it’s subjective like most atheists do which isn’t an issue if you’re an atheist, it is what it is
@kaitownsend8282 2 дня назад
1:19:14 Michael: "Is it objectively wrong?" Matt: "No-" They are just using different definitions of the word objective. Michael: "God chiseled it in stone." Matt: "If we define the objective(noun), we can assess using said objective as a foundation."
@gogojordanmasterofpolyethy105 4 дня назад
This was sad and embarrassing
@slorbitify 4 дня назад
It seems to me that that understanding of moksha, as something like a moral perfection, is not exactly accepted by most. In Dvaita and Vishishatdvaita I believe moksha is due to God's grace. In Advaita, its knowledge which isnt exactly due to moral perfection. Since karma means getting what you deserve in proportion, seemingly no act of karma from us finite beings can give us the infinite bliss of moksha. That is how it seems to me at least, I'm not a Hindu though so you know.
@TheologyUnleashed 3 дня назад
@@slorbitify there's serious Philosophical issues that arise from attributing too much to God's mercy. If Anyone who's saved is saved only due to mercy from God then anyone whose suffering is suffering only due to God's Sadism. After all, only a truly evil person would sit idly by and watch his children suffer when he could just press a button and deliver them to blissful lives.
@allsaintsmonastery 4 дня назад
We know where grace is, we do not know where it is not.
@adrianjanssens7116 4 дня назад
I was impressed by the work of Dr. Egnor and he has been influential in his field of work. He seemed incapable of presenting any real evidence of a god in a convincing way. Telling Matt he doesn't understand the concepts he presented is not good argument. He couldn't get away with this tactic in the medical field. Surely he doesn't try that tactic in his daily work with patients and other medical professionals. They would probably react the same way Matt did if he tried that.
@SodaAnt7 5 дней назад
Atheism doesn’t even need an argument because it’s not making any claims.
@dharmascan 5 дней назад
There is truth: dharmic thoughts has always been challenged frivolously and I'll motive. And it is still at the present. Nothing has changed.
@crazydayzgames9660 6 дней назад
@crazydayzgames9660 6 дней назад
Great debate - atheism still leaves me empty 😕 I guess we can all watch Matt's porn to compensate
@SodaAnt7 6 дней назад
“Extranatural causes are ubiquitous in science.” Bullshit!
@vtwin1979 6 дней назад
Even he’s god is cutting his internet connection because he is making him look bad. 😂
@vtwin1979 6 дней назад
He said he was an Atheist and his asking Matt do Atheist have faith?🤔
@SodaAnt7 7 дней назад
Michael’s position boils down to “Matt can’t regurgitate my argument, therefore god”.
@philosophyofreligion 8 дней назад
I wish there was a third person to break the awkwardness between you guys. It's painful to watch 😅😅
@paulhaynes3688 11 дней назад
Yet another delusional theist
@user-fr6eb1rp9e 12 дней назад
Islamic renowned preacher Hamza Andreas Tzortzis had been allegedly "named" on the leaked list of members of the adult website Ashley Madison. The well-known UK preacher had denied denied signing up for an account on Ashely Madison, the infidelity dating website -- “So Hamza, you were claiming that some guy knew all of your private information and wanted to screw with you so he created a fake account on Ashley Madison with your Bank Card details. This guy then paid hundreds of dollars to maintain the account for 9 months. This account was then used to make transactions at locations where you were also present at the time. Then the ultimate plan was to hack the Ashley Madison database and release 40 million users so you could be exposed. Am I getting this right?”. -- Islam stands on Lies almost all of their Preacher's have shady Personal Lifes but on camera they talk all BS...
@contnuum1607 14 дней назад
Vedas or Shruti (what is heard ) are considered apowrusheya (unauthored objective source) in Sanathana dharma or orthodox Hinduism. This is why Vedas are above all testimony. Nobody authored this text, however, Vedas have an objective existence of its own (in the form of Shabda or subtle sound) and can be accessed if one develops right aptitude (through heightened sensory perception) through practices of yoga. Just as in science there are certain ways to measure certain extrinsic properties of objects, Vedic Hinduism provides a systematic process of yoga, through which we can develop higher sensory perception to verify the claims of apowrusheyatva (unauthoredness) and existence of Vedas as shabda (subtle sounds). Vedas in Hinduism exist as a reality in nature. Second, the existence of soul, rather spirit (jivatma) is seen from the "consciousness (chit in Sanskrit)" that we possess. "Consciousness" is the intrinsic property of the spirit that enables the spirit (jivatma) to be aware of oneself and the surroundings. Now, what we experience as "consciousness" is an extrinsic property, in the form of happiness, pleasure, pain, knowledge, memories etc. The existence of intrinsic properties is accepted in all scientific fields. For example, electric charge is an intrinsic property of an electron, which is seen through the existence of forces and motion of charged particles. In the same way, the existence of an intrinsic property of spirit (jivatma) called as consciousness (chit), is seen from the experience of awareness living beings possess to varying degrees depending on the body we possess. The body limits or clouds the extent/degree to which we experience awareness of surroundings and our own existence. There exists no identifiable phenomenon in science that can lead to conscious experiences. Just like the existence of forces between charged particles necessitates existence of charge as an intrinsic property, in the same manner, since there is no identifiable phenomenon that can lead to existence of conscious experiences, there must exist an intrinsic property that leads to conscious experiences. This we call as "chit" in Sanskrit and it belongs to an entity called jivatma/spirit. Living beings are these spirits. There is not a single phenomenon that arises "strongly emergent property". The "scientific claims" that some property is emergent due to complexity is mere hand waving. There is no proper/rigorous definition of "complexity" anywhere in these "scientific claims" of strongly emergent property. There are neither any scientific proof that claimed strong emergent properties are strongly emergent indeed, for these are not found to flout any of the scientific laws like the energy conservation or any of the thermodynamic laws. If truly "strongly emergent systems" exist, then these laws of conservation would have been flouted or the macro-system would have found a way to flout the conservation laws. There is not a single scientific evidence that any of the systems flout the conservation laws. Hence the claims of "strongly emergent systems" and its claims are merely claims. Some would like to claim that "quantum entanglement" is a "strongly emergent" property. However, quantum entanglement is merely modification/restriction of the magnitude of existing properties of its individual quantum particles, which (restriction or modification of magnitude of existing properties of individual particles) is always seen in any complex system. "Quantum entanglement" does NOT lead to emergence of completely new properties between particles, rather it is mere restriction or modification of magnitudes of properties. The mode by which this is happening (restriction or modification of magnitude of existing properties of individual particle) may not be fully understood, but it does not imply that this is an example of "strongly emergent" property. However, unlike quantum entanglement where there is mere modification of magnitude of existing properties of individual particles, notice that "experiences of consciousness" is claimed to be a completely new property that arises. Hence this claim is rejected logically. Thus, the experiences of awareness (as extrinsic properties) cannot arise unless it is driven by some intrinsic property we call as "Chit" in Sanskrit, which belongs to the spirit/Jivatma. There are also evidences of "subtle bodies" of people captured by CCTV cameras all over the world and experienced by people. Even I have seen such recorded camera movies in some of the hotels. I know this is not a scientifically acceptable evidence for no scientist/atheist would consider this as an evidence. If you look for it, you will get it. These evidences are additional ones to the argument given above for existence of Jivatma. Your experiences of consciousness itself is the primary evidence for existence of Spirit/Jivatma, if you are carefully think through the logical arguments given above.
@contnuum1607 14 дней назад
continued..... Unfortunately Arjuna cannot explain the end result in Vedic Hinduism correctly. The terms "love of Godhead" etc. does not explain anything correctly on what is the end result of Vedic Hinduism. Moksha is the end result in Vedic Hinduism. What is moksha (salvation) in Vedic Hinduism? To explain this, one has to understand what is Karma, reincarnation, spirit (jivAtma), subtle bodies, etc. 1. As explained above from the existence of "conscious experiences", necessitating existence of jivAtma (spirit), all living beings are jivAtma (spirits) in their essential nature, have no beginning and are NOT created, not even by Vedic God, but dependent on Vedic God for their mere continual existence and functioning for every moment. This eternal dependence of all jivAtma (all spirits) on Vedic God is without any beginning as well. Spirits or jivAtmas are incorporeal/non-material but are localized entities, i.e. they are located in a particular place or multiple places based on gradation of spirits but are never omnipresent. Vedic God is omnipresent incorporeal spirit and never possesses any kind of physical body at any time. In Vedic God, all existence in contained in Him. Vedic God is the substratum of all existence. 2. Existence consists of spiritual world and material world. Each of these worlds, consists its own space, time and associated entities. The material world consists of matter as these associated entities in addition to jivAtmas that are bound by karma, while the spiritual world have no matter in them, and have jivAtmas that have attained salvation or moksha. 2. All spirits have a subtle body (we can think of it as fluidic bodies made of subtle matter not measurable by our senses) called lingadeha, which is also beginningless and is not created even by Vedic God. This subtle body called lingadeha is itself what is called as karma or carriers of karma. Presence of lingadeha implies karma itself. We are clothed with additional subtle bodies (in addition to lingadeha) of different kinds during creation cycle and are destroyed during destruction cycles of the material world by Vedic God, who created the material world in infinitude of creation/destruction cycles. 3. Reincarnation is receiving the physical gross body we possess at birth. At death, we lose this gross physical body, however all the subtle bodies including lingadeha remain. These subtle bodies carry the imprint of karma (in the form of past, present and future fruits/results of actions) and decide what kind of body we get in future. 4. This cycle continues, until we break this cycle of reincarnation, by developing required aptitude and abilities to directly perceive the truths described in the Vedic scriptures through several births of intense yoga practices and weeding out our weaknesses and gaining true realized knowledge through direct perception over several life-cycles. The Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita explain the process of direct perception that is achieved over several lifetimes. Vedic God who came as Shri Krishna, explained this in Bhagavad Gita. When the realized knowledge dawns on the jivAtma, he/she becomes eligible for salvation or moksha. This realized knowledge is what is called as "love for Vedic God". Realizing truth is "love for Shri Krishna" in Vedic and Bhagavatha religions. 5. When time comes after realization, Vedic God releases the jivAtma from all the bodies, both the gross body and all the subtle bodies (including beginningless lingadeha), and the jivAtma becomes free from material influences and goes to spiritual world. This is called moksha and going to Goloka. There Vedic God appears in Forms most dear to His realized devotees and relates to Him as the devotee wishes. There is no sorrow or ignorance in this world, although Vedic God relates to devotees in ways devotee wishes. The jivAtma or spirit free from influences of matter, suffers no diminution, but acts naturally according to its intrinsic nature, which is all happiness in Vedic God's company, just as Vedic God is all Bliss and acts spontaneously out of His intrinsic nature. This is moksha.
@user-di6my1do6y 14 дней назад
I feel bad for Dr. Egghead’s kids if he has any. The smug arrogant narcissism is vomit-inducing. Aquinas’s 10 ways have been debunked over and over and over again and this is what he trots out in the beginning? So disappointing.
@shannonkey9926 16 дней назад
Did mike have problems to eacape the debate?😂
@shannonkey9926 16 дней назад
Evry accusation from mike is an admission. And he keeps asking matt if he understands these arguments but hasnt indicated he understand his own arguments cause he never actually made them. Then the crybabying about what "athiests" do when hes just talking to matt...😂
@12150pierre 17 дней назад
The existence of humans might be the best case against the existence of god as described in most scriptures.that entity would be all powerful, know every , seen everything ,experience everything embodied everything and precisely predict everything. To such a being curiosity exploration or expansion would be pointless, let alone the need for worship.
@johnniehouston1816 18 дней назад
Matt clearly didn't see the evidence for God, so I think he was the clear winner in this debate. I didn't hear anything to prove evidence of God is why I say Matt won. If someone were to change Matt's mind, I would say they won the debate, but it never happen in this one. Zac is just running on what he was told in church, but he doesn't have anything to back it up. I know I was Christian from age 5 to 18.
@timguenthner6434 18 дней назад
Michael is a disrespectful condescending prick!
@loomspace 20 дней назад
Matt should be nominated for a Nobel Patience Prize after this debate.
@alphabeta525 20 дней назад
I don't think earth can be both a globe and the Bhumandala at the same time. It's just that we were lead to believe in the globe earth (Kaliyuga is all about hiding the truth and lies and deception at a universal level). I believe, subconsciously either due to fear of ridicule or complete trust in the powers that condition us, that people are unable to give up on the idea of the globe earth. They want to stick to that idea inspite of learning about the Bhumandala model. This is where I think this whole thought process of 'earth is both at the same time and it's beyond human logic to comprehend' stems from. I think planet earth and Bhumadala are mutually exclusive ideas. You either believe in globe earth or believe in Bhumandala.
@soolaba 18 дней назад
To be clear, no single verse that says Earth is simultaneously flat and a globe, because this conclusion comes from inference of several slokas. Just like the Bhagavatam does not name Lord Caitanya in the 11th Canto, but by saying that He will introduce Sankirtan and not be coloured black, we infer that it means Lord Caitanya. Therefore, when we read about the shape of the Earth-plane Bhu-mandala in the Bhagavatam, and then read the mathematics of the Earth from The Narada Purana (Book 2, Chapter 54, especially texts 81-87) and Surya-Siddhanta (Chapter 12, texts 32-74) we understand that both descriptions apply to Bharata-varsa / Earth. When we realise this is impossible or inconceivable, we should refer to the slokas found in all the Puranas which state that humans are incapable of understanding the size and shape of the divisions of Bhu-mandala, and the movements of the sun and moon through logic. It must be heard from Guru, Sadhu and Shastra. Here are various slokas that confirm this achintya feature of Bhuloka/Jambudvipa/Bharata: ŚB 5.16.4, Vayu.34.7-8, Matsya.125.1-4, Agni.120.15, Brahma.16.10, Brahmanda.15.4-8, Linga.61.58-64, Padma.3.3.11-13, Brahmavaivarta.7.19, Varaha.75.1-6, and Visnu Purana 1.2.1-4. The indication from reading about how Brahma creates the special qualities of Bharata-varsa, like being the only realm of karma creation, and the only realm covered by Kali-yuga, we understand Brahma also creates restrictions during Kaliyuga, and at the same time gives the mathematics to measure the Earth which appears to us as a globe in some circumstances. Did you know that all Vaisnava calendars are created by using globe math?
@paulenzor6993 20 дней назад
Fascinating how the "Gibbon" Erica, was so demuring in actual dialogue. No deriding cynicism and mockery of the assertions of the intellect and validity of the ID positions and premises when able to be confronted with a factual response. Funny how that works isn't it.😊
@2758758 21 день назад
Lincoln and Shakespeare speak most eloquently on this matter....why for example would you enslave others if you yourself would not tolerate such enslavement....people see what's wrong in others but never see it themselves or rarely...so in fact we are all doomed....have a nice day
@CrashMetaReligion1996 21 день назад
Im a Christian perennialist who has a great amount of respect for the Hare Krishna movement. As far as Islam goes I don’t have much for fundamentalist Islam. I also have almost no respect for fundamentalist Christianity. I do have respect for Sufism and many Sufi thinkers. But anyway great channel keep up the great work.
@TheologyUnleashed 20 дней назад
Agreed. The fanatics in every religion are a problem. I think key attitudes and beliefs are more important than what religion you follow in many ways.
@SharedPhilosophy 21 день назад
This has to be, the single most, infuriating debate I have watched Matt do with anyone ever. Egnor is so blatantly dishonest and close minded it is truly impressive
@rajatsrivastava7791 24 дня назад
I didn’t understand anything 😂😂😂. Better for me
@JimRobinson-colors 25 дней назад
First thing that should have been debated is what an Atheist is. The theist doesn't get to define what an atheist is, and it's clear that he is using some kind stereotype in his definition. Not accepting the evidence as proof is not believing in God, it's not believing in the evidence. Every Atheist I know are what a lot of Christians think agnostics are. Atheism as described here is like describing some other religion. Atheists don't buy the evidence of God - period.
@loricalass4068 25 дней назад
It is so inspiring to see people in the scientific fields using their expertise and time to defend the scientific truths of the Bible. You are such a blessing. May you all, and yours, be blessed as I have prayed.
@Ardren 26 дней назад
This was unwatchable. What were the moderators doing?
@vtwin1979 6 дней назад
Laughing at Michael. 😂
@robertmcclintock8701 27 дней назад
(^_^;))) The universe was created in 1976. It was too hot to make a universe at the time of the big bang. It can be created at anytime. God is slow and easy. A human can do a lot with their lifespan. I got the hunk. God got the chunk. Everyone else can have the rest. That is song spirit of '76 by The Alarm.
@robertmcclintock8701 27 дней назад
X-< This is an artistic proof of a created universe. When you paint a shadow it's the opposite color of the object that made the shadow. Nobody knew what the opposite color of white was so the artists avoided painting white on white. The opposite color of white is baby blue and baby pink. The first artist to figure it out was Norman Rockwell. I was the second artist to figure it out. I saw it in the corner of a white room. The lighting was perfect to see it.
@robertmcclintock8701 28 дней назад
!!( ; ロ)゚ ゚ The universe was created in 1976. It's too hot to make a universe at the time of the big bang. It can be created at anytime. God is slow and easy. A human can do a lot with their lifespan. I got the hunk. God got the chunk. Everyone else can have the rest. That is song spirit of '76 by The Alarm.
@robertmcclintock8701 28 дней назад
(゜ロ゜) This is an artistic proof of a created universe. When you paint a shadow it's the opposite color of the object that made the shadow. Nobody knew what the opposite color of white was so the artists avoided painting white on white. The opposite color of white is baby blue and baby pink. The first artist to figure it out was Norman Rockwell. I was the second artist to figure it out. I saw it in the corner of a white room. The lighting was perfect to see it.
@cebro648 28 дней назад
Matt didn't understand the arguments . He got caught with these pants down . Then he went to grab help from Google, lol . U can tell by his eyes and the lights changing on the screen, lol
@vtwin1979 6 дней назад
I’m guessing you’re a fairytale apologist. 😂
@cebro648 6 дней назад
@vtwin1979 Actually, your religion is filled with fairy tales. You must believe in fairy tales to keep the paridym afloat, lol 😆 😂
@andreywonttell4016 28 дней назад
Low level debate. If morality is objective, why does it change all the time? Or is God so “good” that he adjusts “objective morality” to the state of society, the economic and political system? This is ridiculous. And it’s not entirely clear why Matt didn’t pay attention to this.
@jeffknott1975 28 дней назад
Anybody who believes something without good evidence are being irrational and unreasonable no matter what the subject is! That includes anything supernatural like god stories!
@gaspingfortruth 29 дней назад
The phase “exclusion is absurd” is exclusive and absurd.
@TheologyUnleashed 29 дней назад
Only if you ignore the intended meaning of the phrase
@gaspingfortruth 28 дней назад
@@TheologyUnleashed I remain agnostic on the intentions.