TIC Campaign 36 Battle 5 Map 5 09/06/24
21 день назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 6 Map 3 16/06/24
21 день назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 7 Map 2 23/06/24
21 день назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 5 Map 2 09/06/24
21 день назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 7 Map 3 23/06/24
21 день назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 5 Map 3 09/06/24
21 день назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 6 Map 1 16/06/24
21 день назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 7 Map 4 23/06/24
21 день назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 5 Map 4 09/06/24
21 день назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 6 Map 2 16/06/24
21 день назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 5 Map 1 09/06/24
21 день назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 6 Map 4 16/06/24
21 день назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 4 Map 3 02/06/24
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TIC Campaign 36 Battle 4 Map 4 02/06/24
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TIC Campaign 36 Battle 4 Map 1 02/06/24
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TIC Campaign 36 Battle 4 Map 2 02/06/24
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TIC Campaign 36 Battle 3 Map 2 19/05/24
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TIC Campaign 36 Battle 3 Map 1 19/05/24
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TIC Campaign 36 Battle 3 Map 4 19/05/24
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TIC Campaign 36 Battle 3 Map 3 19/05/24
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JO Shenanigans Part 2 14\\05\\24
2 месяца назад
JO Shenanigans  Part 1 14\\05\\24
2 месяца назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 2 Map 4 05/05/24
2 месяца назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 2 Map 2 05/05/24
2 месяца назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 2 Map 1 05/05/24
2 месяца назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 2 Map 3 05/05/24
2 месяца назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 1 Map 2 28/04/24
2 месяца назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 1 Map 4 28/04/24
2 месяца назад
TIC Campaign 36 Battle 1 Map 1 28/04/24
2 месяца назад
@baseddepartment285 Месяц назад
Which game is this?
@will3rdmchavoc Месяц назад
TIC mod for Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising
@rogerioocampos250 2 месяца назад
Havoc ? Its Jungleboy here m8. Are u still playing j.o.
@will3rdmchavoc 2 месяца назад
Hey, yeah still playing JO. Hmm I don't recall a Jungleboy, maybe my memories fuzzy or you've got the wrong Havoc. :)
@rogerioocampos250 2 месяца назад
@@will3rdmchavoc well maybe not the same havok, are u in IC since the beggining?
@rogerioocampos250 2 месяца назад
@@will3rdmchavoc I am Roger from Brazil
@will3rdmchavoc 2 месяца назад
@@rogerioocampos250 Not quite, joined in IC14 under the name Badwolf to avoid confussion with another Havoc already in IC. I'm from the UK btw.
@SPAGHETTI-JO 2 месяца назад
got to try the TIC Mode soon, Looks really nice
@geemanone2039 10 месяцев назад
Is this the Havoc that played in the IC Campaigns on Sundays?
@crazybastardnetwork 10 месяцев назад
well done on video and production. they would love it.
@ger0gen 10 месяцев назад
RIP ET. Beautiful memorial from you guys
@juarnna 11 месяцев назад
very nicely done havoc
@rogerioocampos250 Год назад
Any space for a comeback ?
@will3rdmchavoc Год назад
plenty of space m8, should be starting a new campaign soon
@rogerioocampos250 Год назад
Hello m8 Roger here the Dodge Brazilian haha. Miss the Clan.
@kubismatik2 Год назад
Crazy stuff.. are you indeed playing without night vision without any gamma adjustment or this is just the way it is recorded and you don’t have it so dark on your screen? Because I literally see nothing..
@will3rdmchavoc Год назад
Nope, I had the gamma turned all the way up just OBS didn't pick it up, don't exactly know why, might be because I record the game capture not the display capture.
@kubismatik2 Год назад
@@will3rdmchavoc Hahaha I thought that had to be the case because otherwise you’d have to be a bat to see anything in such a darkness ;-).
@synkkamaan1331 Год назад
What program are you using to record?
@will3rdmchavoc Год назад
@rebellegensofhistory9031 2 года назад
@synkkamaan1331 2 года назад
This is awesome!
@rebellegensofhistory9031 2 года назад
How would i be able to join a tic game if i may ask
@will3rdmchavoc 2 года назад
You can sign up at www.totalinternational-conflict.com/
@kubismatik2 2 года назад
One of those incredible battles and why love to play this game. Just skip to minute 43: Blue team holds the wining zone, pushing on the next one (Delta), red team can’t spawn there. But instead of trying to get Delta fully under control red team just holds it from falling all the way down, breaks Echo instead, pushes blue team out and win the game just a few seconds before time out. Epic.
@kubismatik2 2 года назад
I remember this.. if blue team rolled the map red army wouldn’t win the campaign that day. Look what happened at 37:25: The whole red team left the last zone in the zodiac, there was no defense. I spawned, you can see me running towards ruins but Havoc is looking in the other direction. Havoc breaching the zone with Tracker, Duck and Bunny approaching from the other side. I killed Bunny but noticed Duck by the ruins and Havoc in the hut. I killed Duck with some luck but I was still outnumbered and knew Havoc knew about me too. Now I had to try to kill at least one intruder or keep them from reaching the bunker before reinforcements arrive from X-ray. You can see our fight with Havoc, wanted to get him but more important was to stay alive. Would I fail there red team got rolled for sure. Epic fight and one of those intense situations we love to play this game for!
@KyleSoldani 2 года назад
Ah damn this brings back memories! Played IC growing up, awesome to see it's still going!
@WBtimhawk 3 года назад
no fucking way, you are still active. Congratulations ... I think... Tell the others I said hi !
@will3rdmchavoc 3 года назад
Hey Timhawk, yep still going. :P Come join us if you'd like, just started a new campaign.
@WBtimhawk 3 года назад
I hadn't seen those names in a while :p 2020 and y'all were still playing JO. Gotta admire the dedication.
@kubismatik2 3 года назад
Damn, no sound? I was doing good at the end of the map and I don’t even hear people swearing! ;-)
@dkbrooker 3 года назад
this is good
@altymir3615 3 года назад
Good clear videos, cheers m8
@RobregoUK 12 лет назад
Good times. 3rdMC-Sgt-Whiskey