John Campbell
John Campbell
John Campbell
Commute to work
6 лет назад
UK Dash Cam Compilation Video 1
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
Bilbao & San Sebastian Sep 2016
7 лет назад
Crazy answer messages
7 лет назад
6 days in HCMC, Vietnam
7 лет назад
Holiday in Zanzibar March 2016
7 лет назад
Lumiere Festival London 2016
8 лет назад
Christmas Weekend in Berlin
8 лет назад
A long weekend in New York
8 лет назад
Pancake Day 2016
8 лет назад
Christmas 2015
8 лет назад
WALES 2015
9 лет назад
Sri Lanka 2015
9 лет назад
Afternoon in Oxford
9 лет назад
Stag Scalextric
9 лет назад
Breakfast Time
9 лет назад
Pancake Day
9 лет назад
@Dashflix 17 дней назад
Hi mate, hope u are doing well. Can i use it please ? With credit. Thanks in advance and stay safe.
@theolderigetthewrongbitget4746 10 месяцев назад
Where did it say 20MPH was in force, all I saw was 20 in a white circle, not a round road sign, outer red with 20 in the middle which are compulsory.
@toyscoingameslovesplayhous1761 3 года назад
Hey man can I have your permission to add this road rage to other road rage to my channel link to you in description
@GoHomeAndGetYourShinebox 3 года назад
Just to be clear, that isn't 20mph zone. I've driven that road for years and they have no plans on putting up the 20mph signs. The paint itself cannot enforce the speed limit. It's a 30mph road.
@JohnCampbell1985 3 года назад
All main roads in tower hamlets are 20. www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/lgnl/transport_and_streets/road_safety/speed_limits.aspx
@robinkey4499 5 лет назад
this law applies i dot't give a s##t to you and anybody else on the road
@brentdavies800 5 лет назад
why cos hes a wanker just ram it
@marsenmoon 5 лет назад
Accelerating like a 90 year old ! A hole !!
@kristijankerovec6309 3 года назад
its 20 mph road. What should he do?
@TheReesi73 5 лет назад
Other driver is a complete fecking moron and the IQ of bacteria! Your driving is fine mate 👍 it's just another wanker we gotta share the planet with unfortunately,. It's times like that I'd love to get out of my car with a massive axe and run towards the prick, his face would be shitting like a baby in nappies
@verdeboyo 5 лет назад
An absolute arsehole. Best ignore and drive on, cos those kinda clowns actually want confrontation until it slaps them in the face
@hxoridius3304 5 лет назад
You let him get away with this shit?
@prnothall9302 5 лет назад
what do you mean 'breaks'? They're brakes, unless they're broken, maybe.
@guypv7326 5 лет назад
It's you fault : you didn't speed, you didn't run over that pedestrian... Of course, he's pissed
@foppo100 5 лет назад
This overtaking moroon is the kind you want to hurt bad.Maybe one day it will happen when he or she meets the one who will oblige.
@bigDH123 5 лет назад
Whoever posted this video should take it off and quit wasting everyone's time. What a joke!!!!
@bigDH123 5 лет назад
Bugs bunny, cry me a river.
@paulstevens9409 5 лет назад
20 mph roads like this are totally unnecessary
@judeoko 5 лет назад
World is full of knob heads. Most probably a unemployed scum bag with no insurance in a £300 car. Were are police to stop scum like this.
@billybearthepalace 5 лет назад
I will never be able to get my head round the fact that they are so busy and in a rush but all of a sudden have time to play silly buggers by slowing down and brake checking .......Strange people !!
@paullawrence4986 3 года назад
Ye I’m in a hurry to get to the next red traffic light first and to slow down in front of you?
@allutuppurainen3283 5 лет назад
you drive too slow idiot
@warwickhunt4968 5 лет назад
Wankers never seem to need a reason to be wankers
@nickthedaddy123 5 лет назад
Have you nothing better to do
@patmccaffery1543 5 лет назад
What a complete and utter prick.....overtakes you THEN slows down THEN hits a red light.What a plank..!!
@Porsmond 5 лет назад
I just laughed that that they were so impatient and got slowed down slightly for them to overtake you and then to stop at the next lights so there pointless little overtake didn't save them anytime whatsoever 😂😂😂
@guypv7326 6 лет назад
- Officer they spat on my car - So ? - When can I expect forensics to take care of that ? DNA maybe ? - Sir, are you drunk ?
@davidbarlow350 6 лет назад
A year later,reading the comments on here demonstrates why we have so many impatient morons on British roads.It's a 20mph limit,no argument,20mph.Not an"i'm so fucking important and impatient,so i can bully you"limit. Think about it,the 20mph limit extends for,what half a mile,a mile perhaps?So the difference in time lost against it being a 30mph limit is a matter of seconds.(the same can be said for a 30 from 40mph),in the end you lose practically nothing in time.The difference is if you hit someone the chances are they're injured and not dead. I've no doubt all you clever morons will try to justify your impatient behaviour,but your'e not really more important than the rest of us,get out of bed earlier and start respecting other road users.It's that simple.
@robertbryant3805 6 лет назад
That's 5 minutes of my life lost for ever.
@richiea1995 6 лет назад
No reason a road like that should be 20mph- they just cause frustration as drivers know that type of road is perfectly suitable to be 30mph. It is only left-wing ideologues that push for them.
@mattylamb9194 4 года назад
@Blob B - still shouldn;t be 20mph
@jamespawson6045 3 года назад
@@mattylamb9194 there are cars prked all the down the side, people, children etc walk out, this gives the cars a chance to stop in time and reduce injury. Unfortunately as you can see some people are just stupid so this does happen...... also like previously said, there are probably a lot of people that cross and walk down there at certain times, this is all taken into consideration. I’m sure your RU-vid analysis is no where near as thorough as that local council’s.
@rushy0157 6 лет назад
They are driving like that hoping to cause a crash for insurance money because their car is worthless!
@underwaterbubbles 6 лет назад
How can you be going a little too fast to slow down ?
@wumpty93 6 лет назад
That 20 zone isn't legal. It's Just paint on the floor and no signs at the beginning of the road saying it's a true speed limit change and no end of 20 sign, it's still 30 by law
@johnaustin6649 6 лет назад
You are completely correct, but they are there as an advisory. So if you choose to abide by them then other road users have to either accept it or find a suitable place to pass not throw their toys out the pram. The filming driver however had the opportunity to move to the left lane as the Bus Lane enforcement was not within the time limits displayed. Just 2 silly motorists who are not aware of their surroundings.
@scoopermg8226 5 лет назад
Partly true; partly false. Individual authorities CAN apply to have the lower limit made mandatory. Bristol below, for example. But do the right thing and apply it. Www.bristol20mph.co.uk
@marcvanderwee 6 лет назад
The other driver is a complete idiot! I know it is the worst mistake you can make in GB by not stopping at a zebra crossing with the flashing lights, when a (group of) pedestrian(s) has the intention to cross the road there. Or actually crosses the road. Pedestrians (and cyclists as well) are vulnerable in traffic, just take care of them!!
@Wombat1916 6 лет назад
Marc van der wee Decades ago now, I was riding my m/c along past the University of Manchester Main Building when I saw some students waiting by the zebra crossing. I stopped to let them cross but they didn't, but were looking back down the road. I realised I could hear a strange noise from behind me and as I looked round a car, with all its wheels locked, slid onto the traffic island in the middle of the road. I have no idea how fast he was going on that 30 MPH stretch of road when he saw me stopped at the zebra, but the look of fear on his face as he stopped just before hitting the fences and Belisha beacon was priceless.
@bensims7501 6 лет назад
20 miles per hour. I hate people who don't obey this. People who don't are so thoughtless/selfish/ignorant. When i drive in a 20mph zone I do..... 20mph. I never have cars in front of me NEVER. And always have cars up my backside flashing and over taking.
@wumpty93 6 лет назад
That 20 zone isn't legal. It's Just paint on the floor and no signs at the beginning of the road saying it's a true speed limit change and no end of 20 sign, it's still 30 by law
@richiea1995 6 лет назад
I would overtake you for sure.
@bludgerabled 5 лет назад
@@richiea1995 Then please just overtake us, refrain from beeping, flashing or brake checking, tractors and cyclists can overtake me for all I care.
@mattylamb9194 4 года назад
I hate people who drive at 20mph in most 20mph zones. It's just too slow
@itchyscratch3829 3 года назад
The only 20 zones with a chance in hell of drivers doing 20 are the ones with speed bumps all the way.
@davidedbrooke9324 6 лет назад
20mph limits are in fact dangerous. More accidents occur in them, true survey, of course money grabbing councils won’t listen.
@scoopermg8226 5 лет назад
What is your source? Link it here. You can't and won't.
@mattylamb9194 4 года назад
@Blob B - it makes roads more annoying for pedestrians. Yout get the occasional driver that actually keeps to the limit causing massive tailbacks. This means it takes ages for you to be able to cross the road.
@Arfabiscuit 6 лет назад
White people in east London were you lost ? .
@joebrowning2970 5 лет назад
Arfabiscuit 😂😂
@TheGamerTim 6 лет назад
Oh look the youtube vigilantes are at it again
@godchannelled5990 6 лет назад
Impatience breeds contempt...
@djrphotography 6 лет назад
nothing wrong with your driving. what an absolute cretin.
@MrThegenral1 6 лет назад
Yawn what a boring shit video 😴😴😴
@LArmstrong91 6 лет назад
Next time you see the pile of shit, just pour some brake fluid on it...... that'll get a nice shine...
@underwaterbubbles 6 лет назад
It's not as though the car behind was in a hurry.
@annirachael3954 6 лет назад
Awww sweet of him to slow down in front of you so your cam could get a clear image of the number plate
@Kev_Smith 6 лет назад
These comments are hilarious. Drive a Ford/Vauxhall/Peugeot (etc) .... "dickhead in a cheap rot box" Drive an Audi/BMW/VW (etc) ... "dickhead thinks he's something special because he's in a [insert make of car here]". Cyclists can't win because apparently they all need to be off the road. So i suppose we're all to either walk or get the train then :)
@LArmstrong91 6 лет назад
Another prick in a thirty quid banger....
@JeaneGenie 6 лет назад
Fancy uploading something like this, how pathetic !!
@VesnaStarina 6 лет назад
Hi there :) Nice video. I would have a few questions for you. In what hotel did you stay in... it looks nice. Would you recommend it? And what about the surroundings, beach...
@underwaterbubbles 7 лет назад
It fails me to understand the mentality of the driver in the other car.
@scoopermg8226 5 лет назад
They wanted to get to the red light a moment quicker.
@Dantonwonton 4 года назад
@banditpete8377 7 лет назад
i cant wait till someone does that to me I'll slam my foot down and ram the bastard hard and they won't be getting my insurance details either
@paulcollyer801 7 лет назад
bandit pete that would be two offences, dangerous driving as you deliberately rammed their car, & failing to exchange details! When someone brake checks you, the best thing to do is just stop & stay calm. Your blood pressure remains low, while theirs goes up even further because they failed to make you angry. Help Them into an early grave with a hypertensive stroke!
@banditpete8377 7 лет назад
Paul Collyer yeh but he won't do it again
@steamingheavenh8114 7 лет назад
that my friend is what u call an impa inpatient
@SqueekyBums 7 лет назад
Random spitting with bad timing? Maybe. OR you haven't told us what you did to them earlier to piss them off.
@JohnCampbell1985 7 лет назад
It's mentioned in the description what happened before
@SqueekyBums 7 лет назад
John Campbell Ahhhhh. sorry. obviously I will believe the description. Who needs footage 😅. Point is, you've only uploaded what you want to be seen.......
@JohnCampbell1985 7 лет назад
Don't have a camera in the rear. Might need to invest.
@666greek 7 лет назад
the two of you should have pulled him out of his car and beat him ! over there they don't carry pistols in there cars , now here in Texas you cant pull them out of there car because a lot carry pistols ,
@SqueekyBums 7 лет назад
666greek 'their cars'. 😆
@paulstevens9409 5 лет назад
Oh shut it...bet you couldn't pull the skin off a bowl of soup