Edictum Dei
Edictum Dei
Edictum Dei
Oamenii Reformei
Год назад
Evadarea înspre noua realitate
Год назад
Cezar sau Cristos?
Год назад
Paradoxul feminismului
2 года назад
Legea educației (hiper)sexuale
2 года назад
Chiar a înviat Hristos din morți?
3 года назад
Capitalismul și creștinismul
3 года назад
Problema păcatului
4 года назад
@Stealthmode35 День назад
Obama man of Hope was silent and was doing nothing during Isis Yazidi and Christian onslught in Iraq and syria.
@shashigupta218 2 дня назад
Truth must prevail. Truth must prevail Sir !!!
@shashigupta218 2 дня назад
Great talk. God bless you sir Prager. Hope you bring these facts to all the students who are being poisoned by the left Shame on these leftists. God is watching them
@astaboy 11 дней назад
It is SO wonderful to finally hear a reasonable atheist. As opposed to those-who've never read an actual book on the topic- dismiss it all by talking about a "Chair God in the Sky".
@mydumokopotsa5341 14 дней назад
I did come across your work deeply troubled by the PR machine that's at work in the war between Israel and hamas.... So I searched for the rising of Islam and boom 💥 came across your video. As a Christian I am grateful . God bless you
@eotpatriarchs 19 дней назад
Mi-a plăcut foarte mult „definiția” crucii prin sintagma „Un exercițiu simultan al dreptății lui Dumnezeu și dragostei Lui!”
@kemet7202 19 дней назад
Next time please talk about African religions before white man inversions
@simtime7591 23 дня назад
he is wrong about one thing, the UK isnt a protestant country, its a catholic country, its just that when King Henry VIII fell out with the pope, we went Anglican, which basically is catholic without the pope at the head, but the king or queen, whoever is ruling at the time.. England is at its roots, a Catholic country...
@samuelmatz 25 дней назад
Why does Tom leave out the Jewishness of Christianity. Tom is too much an English denial of Christianity is Jewish. 😢
@michaelmohanu939 26 дней назад
Amazing presentation. Well done to the organisations. We need more of this to understand why Christianity is so vital for the world. I’m still perplexed how Christianity has cherry-picked from the Jewish religion certain things and left some out. One of those is the Sabbath, then diet principles of clean and unclean foods, or the request of the second command not to worship icons and statues. Will Christianity to a better religion if these things and others like them can be absorbed? I wonder …
@anawilkinson2355 27 дней назад
Eu nu inteleg parabola cu griul si neghina. Stai si asteapta ce? Trece vara si cind ai sa seceri griul o sa fie in doua cu neghina. Poti sa-l alegi mai usor dupa secerare? Ca sa ramin in cimpul agriculturii daca nu plivesti un strat de flori, florile vor fi inabusite de buruiene. Deci chiar daca ai lasat experienta odata, inveti lectia ca agricultor si nu o mai repeti a doua oara. Poate e vorba de selectie naturala? Cine traieste, bine, cine moare ghinionul lui ? La Isus nu conteaza eficienta? Anul asta nu prea o sa avem griu, da poate la anul o sa fie mai bine. Mi se pare si o cruzime sa lasi sa moara firele de griu in zona napadita de neghina pt ca mi se pare ca nu merita sa-mi bat capul sa plivesc chiar cu riscul ca o sa am cimpul ala cu si mai multa neghina la anul ca intre timp a vazut saminta ei pe jos si lupta o sa fie si mai grea. Ca si intre oameni multime de rai create in propertie geometrical si daca nu este sistem de justified care sa lupte impotriva se ajunge la anarhie.
@lusiluca Месяц назад
Extraordinare conferințe. Mulțumesc din inimă pentru că am bucuria să îl pot asculta pe domnul Andrei Pleșu. Mă face fericita.
@BulgaruAdrian Месяц назад
Felicitări! Mulțumim!
@cyberpunkworld Месяц назад
The solution to the Problem of Evil rests in "Lineage." One isn't to make mistakes if they learned right, from the right people. That's what I think. There exist people in this world that never had a confession to a Priest, never had a communion...!!
@foxtonstreet Месяц назад
I don't know where he gets this idea that the crucifixion causes Paul anxiety. Paul celebrates it. It is is focus - he says he is determined to know nothing but Christ crucified.
@THESMARTERMAN555 Месяц назад
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Everybody in the United States owe their lives to Jesus and the Christian idea that all people are equal. Humans are flawed, and not everything the US does is the right thing, but this constitution protects you from so many things, so do not vote for anything that would change it.
@RodrigoJocilesFerrer Месяц назад
Great speech and rationale! I also went through atheism and misunderstanding of Gospel and Christ's message.. .when I was young. Great achievements (faith in this case) usually don't have shortcuts and easy ways.
@johnwool Месяц назад
God bless Dennis Prager and help us all.
@NeonDemon88 Месяц назад
I just ordered "Dominion," off Amazon. I love Tom Holland's precious historical works, especially "Persian Fire," and "Rubicon." He's a phenomenal writer, I so much look forward to reading his treatise on Christianity's influence throughout history.
@TheThreeBrothers1958 Месяц назад
Vă Mulțumim!
@deusvult1099 Месяц назад
I wrote this commentary to Holland's talk and I thought I would share it with the world ;-) It was a fascinating lecture and it was the first thing that came into my mind upon waking the next morning. I was so impressed by it, that I've decided to send this to all ex-students on my old email lists, which I have not done in a long while. I hope you read this and listen to his speech, even though I would not call him a true Christian! He covers everything from crucifixion and the evils of Mohammedanism to the pre- and post-Christian worlds. Nietzsche is also in there. The aspect I would like to comment on is one that I have spoken of before: Liberalism is Christianity without God. Ironically, I have Yuval Hariri, the Israeli, atheist, left-wing, sociologist, who wrote Sapiens, to thank for making me realize this. He did not actually phrase it this way, but that's the gist of it. Holland talks about how "atheists are like goldfish swimming in Christian waters" and do not even realize it. I have experienced this in my debates with some liberal ex-students, debates which have cost me their friendship. They have accused me of being out of touch with reality, blinded by my faith in a God that does not exist or Who I have incorrectly understood. The ironic thing is, that all the arguments they make about the liberal order, democracy and human rights all derive from Christianity and that they would never think what they think in 2024 AD without the dawn of that religion 2000 years ago. Holland compares the words of Jesus and St. Paul to "depth charges" dropped beneath the surface of Greco-Roman society and that we are still feeling the "ripple effects" of these explosive words in our own day. Liberalism The beliefs of modern liberalism all have their roots in Christianity. As you know, Liberalism comes from libertas, freedom, but it is also connected to liberi, the "free-born children" of antiquity, who had rights as Roman citizens. We sometimes call the study of the humanities the "liberal arts", not because they are a study of liberty, but because these are the subjects traditionally taught to these sons of free Roman citizens and Roman nobility. Free-born men who had rights is key here. In the Roman Empire and under Roman law, only citizens had rights. In the Kingdom of Christ, under His Law of Love, all having been freed from sin, become citizens of Heaven and heirs to the Kingdom. The ideas of human rights, including women's rights, equality, and the freedom of the individual, in general, but also the specific sense of the free will of Christianity as opposed to the inescapable Fate the Greeks and Romans believed in -- all of these come from the Christian tradition. As St Paul writes: "Jew or Greek, slave or free, woman or man no more, but all are one (and equal) in Christ Jesus." The pagan Greco-Roman world was based on slavery, oppression and "might makes right". Human life was cheap and disposable. Today we are reverting to a neo-paganism in which the weakest members of society are disposed of for being inconvenient, especially at the start and finish of natural life. The traditional Western respect and concern for the weak, comes from the image of Our Suffering Savior and the martyrs who followed in His footsteps...from a Faith in which "God's power is made perfect through weakness." Women had it much worse than after the conversion of the Empire to Christianity. Feminism can also trace its roots to Christianity, a religion which elevated marriage to the level of a sacrament in which both men and women had equal rights and claims over each others' bodies. The reverence and devotion given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God in a way, elevated women above ordinary men, but when the divine masculinity of Christ is taken out of the picture, we are left with radical feminism's attempt to place women entirely above men, imposing a matriarchal dictatoress-ship and a unnatural disdain for motherhood. It is because of the Christian idea that each person is "made in the image and likeness of God" with an immortal soul and has immense dignity and value, that we have modern democracy, which holds that each individual matters and should have a voice and therefore, a vote. However, without God, liberal democracy will self-implode and open the door to a second round of atheistic totalitarianism, post-Stalin and Hitler. This brings me to the conclusion that when God is taken out of the equation, all of these positive values: freedom, equality etc., are perverted and taken to radical and self-destructive extremes. Holland mentions that Nietzsche wrote that without Christian faith, one cannot maintain Christian morality. This is true, because without an absolute God as an unchanging moral constant, we will gradually make ethical compromises and our morals will go down the toilet, which is what we are seeing today. The same applies to the political and social values of today's liberalism. Without God as a rudder and anchor, we will drift away towards an eventual and total shipwreck. Communism and Secularism Holland correctly demonstrates that Communism and Secularism surprisingly and paradoxically have their roots in Christian soil. Christ said: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and God what is God's", dividing the world into two spheres, the spiritual and temporal (secular). St. Paul tells Christians to "honour and obey the king (even if pagan) and to pay taxes," because "all authority is from God." Christ also told one of His disciples to bring "two swords", which would be enough for their mission. This verse was developed into the Doctrine of the Two Swords, one spiritual, the other temporal. This is why Europe never fell into theocracy like in Islam or Buddhist Tibet. The spiritual and temporal worked together and supported each other in a type of marriage, but always remained distinct, despite their cooperative union. Without God the secular sphere has made man into a false god, an idol to be worshipped in the religious cult of human rights as he tries to rebuild the Tower of Babel in order to invade Heaven and usurp God's throne. In Communism, the Christian roots are even clearer, but the perversion deeper. As Christ said: "The first shall be last and the last shall be first". Again and again He speaks of the poor and the oppressed and how "theirs is the Kingdom of God." We need only to look at the religious fervor and dogmatism of the Communism of the 20th century to see that this ideology was more of a religion than a political philosophy. The Communists took the Christian concept of equality before God offered by Christ to godless extremes, forgetting that Christ's Kingdom "was not of this world" and His words that "the Kingdom of Heaven is within you." Communism, like Christ, gave free bread to thousands, but it ignored the fact that "man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Without God and ignoring the spiritual needs of man, they tried to bring about a humanistic Heaven on earth, which quickly became a Hell. Holland talks about Communist iconoclasm echoing back to the French Revolution, the Protestant Rebellion, and all the way back to early Christianity and even Judaism in which the idols and shrines of false gods were destroyed to free people of superstition and magic, thus enlightening them. I would add the examples of Islamism, which some see as a "Christian heresy", as reaction against Christian images and then the self-destructive Christian Iconoclasm of the Byzantine Era, which was clearly influenced by the preceding heresy of Mohammed. This idea of tearing down idols, both physical and ideological, to attain enlightenment and salvation, is a Judeo-Christian one. Nationalism Holland does not mention this, but I would add it. Going back to the Old Testament, we see that the Israelites were a "chosen nation" raised above all others as part of the covenant with Abraham, of whom God promised to make the greatest nation, God's own holy people and royal priesthood. The first Christians saw the Catholic Church as the New Israel and themselves as the inheritors of the Abrahamic promises in a spiritual and universal sense. Despite this universality, I think that the idea that one's own tribe or nation is somehow special with a special mission can, in this sense, be traced back to Judeo-Christian roots. Again and tragically, without God, we have seen how toxic and destructive nationalism can be. So in conclusion, dear agnostics and atheists who may be reading this commentary, as hard as you may try, you will never escape the influence of Christianity on your thought and world-view. You are goldfish in a fish bowl, trapped in Christian waters, sucking in Christian values through your gills. However, as time goes on, the goldfish may jump out of their bowl...but that would mean certain death. This "strange death" as Douglas Murray calls it, is what awaits us if we do not replant this precious "cut flower" of Western Civilization in its native, nutrient-rich Christian soil. As Nietzsche prophetically warned us, great and horrible convulsions would occur with the "death of God", which we saw in the 20th century. Are there more violent convulsions and upheavals to come or will the West cling to and attempt to replant the last remaining Christian roots as it begins to value that which it is losing? And if so, will this realization come too late? For the meantime, you may prefer the cheap, fake imitation of Liberalism, but I will stick to the original Faith of Jesus the Christ. Amen +
@Tes-qe1jc Месяц назад
Afterall, It's actually us Christians who change the world and who DID change the world. We can not rely on the Godless people to change the world, whoever they are. Never forget "We are the Light of the world ... and the Salt of the Earth." There really is no one out there who has the True Light: Christ Jesus!. So, let them come back to us, not us going to them. May the Lord bless you and keep you; and be gracious to you. and shine his face upon you. Numbers 6:24-26
@angelakuru3914 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing your writings , I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and happen to agree with you 100%. My faith is in the birth, life, death and resurrection of our wonderful Lord and Saviour, it is him alone who was sent to save this world, our job is to share this good news with man kind. The world is a dark place with so much evil , and the day of the Lords return is near. We must do our work before it is too dark . God bless you
@deusvult1099 Месяц назад
@@angelakuru3914 Thank you Angela. We must let the Light shine in the darkness. In the words of St. Francis, the light of one single candle cannot be overcome by all the darkness in the world!❤‍🔥
@Hbmd3E 2 месяца назад
1:23:06 just a bit respect, gratitude, for now on..
@syedmaricar9946 2 месяца назад
He is not our guru to live .it's all bullshit don't worry.
@Hbmd3E 2 месяца назад
what you mean? Jesus or Tom ? what is in it that would be worrying ?
@mathematicsandstuff 2 месяца назад
Multe carti Mircea Cartarescu le-a scris din captivitatea Americana. Pana au inceput sa-i scrie secretarele lui Cartarescu versiunea 2. Ciudat, nu? Ce salariu are un plagiator, de curiozitate??
@MrGidupngo 2 месяца назад
Yet, there is no credible evidence that the man, Jesus, ever existed.
@bradrobinson8671 19 часов назад
Sorry, but the consensus among scholars is he was a historical person.
@jayyoo1794 2 месяца назад
When we are young, we seek glory. When we grow old we seek humility. -JD Salinger. It seems Tom Holland experienced that arc. From old testament, Greeks, Romans and dinosaurs in his youth. To Christianity.
@ioncostinurucu4135 2 месяца назад
Domnule papahagi având in vedere propriul raționament pot spune ca tu ești diavolul! Pt ca minți cu nerușinare și faci propaganda! Iar aducere Domnului Iisus Hristos ca Argument pt minciuna și propaganda ta se numește Erezie! Ești doar o mizerie!
@ioncostinurucu4135 2 месяца назад
Domnule papahagi tu ești mai retardat decât politicienii! Voi intelectualii in frunte cu paptievici și cu Liiceanu faceți doar propaganda ieftină! Pai ce propovăduiești tu cu minciuna și adevarul și cu discernământul ti se potrivește tocmai tie! Va dați intelectuali dar sunteți toți niște retardati și ati înțeles totul gresit! Voi Spuneti adevarul și după trageți concluzia gresit! Asta înseamnă sa fi retardat!
@kimbirch1202 2 месяца назад
We now have the full, comprehensive teachings of Jesus Christ, known as A Course In Miracles. In this 1200 page masterpiece of Christ wisdom, it is explained that there was no original sin, although we ( as false ego selves ) believe there was. The parable of the Prodigal Son clearly explains that it was OUR foolish decision to try and leave God, and the Kingdom of Heaven, but that " God judges no one " John 5 : 22. In order to hide from God, we invented a seemingly real world, and bodies on which to project our guilt and fear. An illusion, or dream of reality. ONLY God is real, and God ONLY creates eternal spirit in " His " own likeness. Separation from God is impossible in reality. In other words we have attached to a false sense of self as physical bodies. " It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh counts for nothing " John 6 : 63. Jesus was one who realised his, and our , true nature as eternal spirit , at one with God. " I and the Father are one " " you will realise that I am in the Father, and you are in me, and I am in you " John 14 : 20. " the Kingdom of God is within you " Luke 17 : 21. The realisation of this , in our own direct EXPERIENCE, is the truth that sets us free of all suffering. Aka Heaven.
@timpulprobabil 3 месяца назад
Muzica, vorbele,viaţa ,pasiunea de a ocupa un loc în univers.
@constantinilas6111 3 месяца назад
Patapievici neglijează cearta universaliilor: cunoașterea substanțelor și a formelor ca acte ale gândirii divine, adică scolastica pe care Descartes o elimină
@slovenasimkaras_ztelegrame3287 3 месяца назад
Funny you forgot crusaders wars of church that killed millions on base of faith. You forgot British monarchy which did genocide & you forgot U.S that waged war & stole others wealth during all history since 1776. You blame on government, but remember that before governments most history was kings, popes,who ruled countries, but not governments. Communism took from the rich &gave to the poor, non other did so. King is small government & king was rich & wealthy but his people not, thats why Amerika was founded too. So not true about what you say. Communism was always not allowed to flourish as capitalism was afraid it will be destroyed if allowed, rich killed baby before it grew
@njtom105 3 месяца назад
I would love to believe that the neo pagan liberalism that Europe seems to have embraced will flourish. But the Christian ideas that we take for granted are already being questioned and toppled. How long is the slope between the "unborn are not human and have no utility and therefore can be destroyed" to "any human without social utility should be destroyed." They are all gradations of the idea that the strong have the right to dominate the weak. As smart as Holland is, he is wrong about that prediction.
@Bereafrank 3 месяца назад
The cross is a revelation to our dull senses of the pain that, from its very inception, sin (unbelief in His word and transgression of His law) has brought to the heart of God from who we receive life and every good thing. At the cross Christ took the place that we deserve because of our sins, so that we might have newness of life in Him.
@rheannahoffmann385 3 месяца назад
I would travel the globe to see this man speak. Much trust and respect for his capacity to weave and integrate diverse, at times seemingly conflictual, information and beliefs. Thank you Tom Holland, and to all those who support him.
@christopherwaters8822 18 дней назад
He is just writing propaganda. So much good from swimming in Christian waters? What Roman/greek waters were the Christians swimming in? How much science and knowledge of the world was stunted by Christian waters? Ask Galileo.
@rheannahoffmann385 17 дней назад
⁠@@christopherwaters8822 Yes.. of course. That exists too. I wasn’t positing that Christians as people haven’t done harm. I was appreciating his capacity to weave complex topics and experience
@alfredathelstan4375 3 месяца назад
I like that jacket Tom
@laviniaflorist288 3 месяца назад
The CROSS...so beautiful, this made me cry ❤
@dianepolk9878 3 месяца назад
The cross is a table. God, Himself made a way for all His creation to be forgiven of sin because He is holy. He bore the punishment, our sin deserves so we would chose with our free will to receive His life giving Spirit as we put our faith in Him. Eternity is not long enough to praise Jesus Christ for coming in the flesh. His chosen sacrifice made a way for His creation through faith to spend Eternity with God, Who redeemed us with His own blood. He knows who is His and His Spirit will carry us to our eternal home. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. JOHN 3:16.
@kenithandry5093 3 месяца назад
Just WOW! The Q & A is tremendous!
@glenngerun8240 3 месяца назад
he is very articulate confused way to forever hell
@glenngerun8240 3 месяца назад
he denies his exact origin God Genesis & denies The Holy powerful Son of God "healed them all" St Luke 6:19, facts seen & felt by millions, died so mankind can live forever, resurrected for 40 days showing his really alive, & "while he blessed them, he was parted from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshipped him & returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising and blessing GOD." Saint Luke 24:51-53. Saul killed martyr St Steven & persecuted Christisns was struck by Jesus light, quickly became a powerful advocate of GOD AND CHRIST 13 Excellent Perfect Epistles. THESE ARE REAL EVENTS, MADE TRUE IS EXACTLY FROM THE CREATOR/SAVIOUR OF EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS. Proverbs 8:22-36 is your Creator and Saviour completed by the NT SAINT JOHN 17:1-24. GOD BLESS.
@rockvillemike6062 3 месяца назад
Well you mentioned the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims, Hindus and others but what about Tanith and her 1000 year reign as top deity? But none the less an inspiring and educational lecture on what makes today's world go round. Thank you Tom.
@paullotz3242 3 месяца назад
I wonder if he condone the genocide in Gaza
@CriticalThinker02 2 месяца назад
@Ortho_1_Christ 3 месяца назад
Amazing insightful presentation, and the Q&A also made his presentation more clear that western civilization without Christian value will be doomed unless society goes back to Christian believes. Clear and crystal message!!
@j.d.taggart3758 3 месяца назад
Holland was wrong about muhammadanism and he is wrong about Christianity too!!! If he was ever truly one of us than he would know not to trust his own understanding!!! As it is written 'Pride goeth before a fall' and unfortunately Holland has bought into his own hype to the ruin of his soul!!!
@tomnanD3 3 месяца назад
The Catholic Church is the most vile and corrupt institution ever created by man.
@RA-ye3xl 3 месяца назад
IS does not represent Islam.
@vs9324 3 месяца назад
Britishers had left India as a secular country? That is rich coming from a Britisher. The British promoted mercenaries in India during their rule. It were the forefathers of free India such as Nehru and Ambedkar who made the Constitution of India and inculcated secular values in Indians. The duplicity of Britishers never ceases to amaze me.
@pauljones2048 Месяц назад
Is it possible that Nehru and Ambedkar were influenced by their foreign education
@90nickjohnston 3 месяца назад
I found this wholly unconvincing. It would have been more compelling if there had been some kind damascan conversion story. Instead we got a series of broad assertions along the lines of "Secularism is Christian because Augustine". This doesn't strike me as a sound historical argument. There seems to be a preference for presuppositional theological ideas over rigorous history here, so perhaps I was expecting too much.
@thejulesfather 3 месяца назад