God is the Greatest.
Beautiful Adhān - Sidi Amjad Tarsin
10 лет назад
Qasida Burda Chapter 1 | Fez Singers
10 лет назад
Salla Alayk Allah Nasheed
10 лет назад
@seeker12345 Месяц назад
I can listen to this 24-7 SubhanAllah what a beautiful heart piercing and heart touching piece Alhamdolillah
@najmussaqibmahboobi1192 3 месяца назад
Sallahu Ala Habibihi Muhammadew Wa Aalihi Wa Salam
@MsMarieya 3 месяца назад
I have used this to raise all 3 of my children SubhanAllah ❤ may Allah accept your good works and bless your lifes
@Hhhhghhhhhshdh 4 месяца назад
Hamza is a legend
@RayRay-dh2lo 4 месяца назад
drive.google.com/file/d/0BzM6R7tx4YQ5MWVya3ItSV9aSlE/view?usp=drivesdk&resourcekey=0-7QEEDb-mUCBNWOcPcEJ8Bw If anyone wants the pdf
@hanifrabbanihaqqani 5 месяцев назад
Enthousiasmes consolateurs Seigneuriaux sur Mouhammad al Mahdi l'honoré intercesseur espéré par sa oumma le jour de la délivrance perpétuelle dans la cité flamboyante de Dieu aux contrastes d'inaccessible béatitude.
@AlbaliMusic 5 месяцев назад
@nur3238 7 месяцев назад
Name Transliteration Meaning 1 الرَّحْمَنُ AR-RAHMAAN The Beneficent 2 الرَّحِيمُ AR-RAHEEM The Merciful 3 الْمَلِكُ AL-MALIK The King 4 الْقُدُّوسُ AL-QUDDUS The Most Sacred 5 السَّلاَمُ AS-SALAM The Source of Peace, The Flawless 6 الْمُؤْمِنُ AL-MU’MIN The Infuser of Faith 7 الْمُهَيْمِنُ AL-MUHAYMIN The Preserver of Safety 8 الْعَزِيزُ AL-AZIZ All Mighty 9 الْجَبَّارُ AL-JABBAR The Compeller, The Restorer 10 ُالْمُتَكَبِّر AL-MUTAKABBIR The Supreme, The Majestic 11 الْخَالِقُ AL-KHAALIQ The Creator, The Maker 12 الْبَارِئُ AL-BAARI The Evolver 13 الْمُصَوِّرُ AL-MUSAWWIR The Fashioner 14 الْغَفَّارُ AL-GHAFFAR The Constant Forgiver 15 الْقَهَّارُ AL-QAHHAR The All-Prevailing One 16 الْوَهَّابُ AL-WAHHAAB The Supreme Bestower 17 الرَّزَّاقُ AR-RAZZAAQ The Provider 18 الْفَتَّاحُ AL-FATTAAH The Supreme Solver 19 اَلْعَلِيْمُ AL-‘ALEEM The All-Knowing 20 الْقَابِضُ AL-QAABID The Withholder 21 الْبَاسِطُ AL-BAASIT The Extender 22 الْخَافِضُ AL-KHAAFIDH The Reducer 23 الرَّافِعُ AR-RAAFI’ The Exalter, The Elevator 24 الْمُعِزُّ AL-MU’IZZ The Honourer, The Bestower 25 ٱلْمُذِلُّ AL-MUZIL The Dishonourer 26 السَّمِيعُ AS-SAMEE’ The All-Hearing 27 الْبَصِيرُ AL-BASEER The All-Seeing 28 الْحَكَمُ AL-HAKAM The Impartial Judge 29 الْعَدْلُ AL-‘ADL The Utterly Just 30 اللَّطِيفُ AL-LATEEF The Subtle One, The Most Gentle 31 الْخَبِيرُ AL-KHABEER The All-Aware 32 الْحَلِيمُ AL-HALEEM The Most Forbearing 33 الْعَظِيمُ AL-‘AZEEM The Magnificent, The Supreme 34 الْغَفُور AL-GHAFOOR The Great Forgiver 35 الشَّكُورُ ASH-SHAKOOR The Most Appreciative 36 الْعَلِيُّ AL-‘ALEE The Most High, The Exalted 37 الْكَبِيرُ AL-KABEER The Most Great 38 الْحَفِيظُ AL-HAFEEDH The Preserver 39 المُقيِت AL-MUQEET The Sustainer 40 اﻟْﺣَسِيبُ AL-HASEEB The Reckoner 41 الْجَلِيلُ AL-JALEEL The Majestic 42 الْكَرِيمُ AL-KAREEM The Most Generous, The Most Esteemed 43 الرَّقِيبُ AR-RAQEEB The Watchful 44 ٱلْمُجِيبُ AL-MUJEEB The Responsive One 45 الْوَاسِعُ AL-WAASI’ The All-Encompassing, the Boundless 46 الْحَكِيمُ AL-HAKEEM The All-Wise 47 الْوَدُودُ AL-WADUD The Most Loving 48 الْمَجِيدُ AL-MAJEED The Glorious, The Most Honorable 49 الْبَاعِثُ AL-BA’ITH The Infuser of New Life 50 الشَّهِيدُ ASH-SHAHEED The All Observing Witnessing 51 الْحَقُ AL-HAQQ The Absolute Truth 52 الْوَكِيلُ AL-WAKEEL The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs 53 الْقَوِيُ AL-QAWIYY The All-Strong 54 الْمَتِينُ AL-MATEEN The Firm, The Steadfast 55 الْوَلِيُّ AL-WALIYY The Protecting Associate 56 الْحَمِيدُ AL-HAMEED The Praiseworthy 57 الْمُحْصِي AL-MUHSEE The All-Enumerating, The Counter 58 الْمُبْدِئُ AL-MUBDI The Originator, The Initiator 59 ٱلْمُعِيدُ AL-MUEED The Restorer, The Reinstater 60 الْمُحْيِي AL-MUHYI The Giver of Life 61 اَلْمُمِيتُ AL-MUMEET The Creator of Death 62 الْحَيُّ AL-HAYY The Ever-Living 63 الْقَيُّومُ AL-QAYYOOM The Sustainer, The Self-Subsisting 64 الْوَاجِدُ AL-WAAJID The Perceiver 65 الْمَاجِدُ AL-MAAJID The Illustrious, the Magnificent 66 الْواحِدُ AL-WAAHID The One 67 اَلاَحَدُ AL-AHAD The Unique, The Only One 68 الصَّمَدُ AS-SAMAD The Eternal, Satisfier of Needs 69 الْقَادِرُ AL-QADEER The Omnipotent One 70 الْمُقْتَدِرُ AL-MUQTADIR The Powerful 71 الْمُقَدِّمُ AL-MUQADDIM The Expediter, The Promoter 72 الْمُؤَخِّرُ AL-MU’AKHKHIR The Delayer 73 الأوَّلُ AL-AWWAL The First 74 الآخِرُ AL-AAKHIR The Last 75 الظَّاهِرُ AZ-ZAAHIR The Manifest 76 الْبَاطِنُ AL-BAATIN The Hidden One, Knower of the Hidden 77 الْوَالِي AL-WAALI The Sole Governor 78 الْمُتَعَالِي AL-MUTA’ALI The Self Exalted 79 الْبَرُّ AL-BARR The Source of All Goodness 80 التَّوَابُ AT-TAWWAB The Ever-Pardoning 81 الْمُنْتَقِمُ AL-MUNTAQIM The Avenger 82 العَفُوُ AL-‘AFUWW The Pardoner 83 الرَّؤُوفُ AR-RA’OOF The Most Kind 84 َمَالِكُ ٱلْمُلْكُ MAALIK-UL-MULK Master of the Kingdom, Owner of the Dominion 85 ذُوالْجَلاَلِ وَالإكْرَامِ DHUL-JALAALI WAL-IKRAAM Lord of Glory and Honour, Lord of Majesty and Generosity 86 الْمُقْسِطُ AL-MUQSIT The Just One 87 الْجَامِعُ AL-JAAMI’ The Gatherer, the Uniter 88 ٱلْغَنيُّ AL-GHANIYY The Self-Sufficient, The Wealthy 89 ٱلْمُغْنِيُّ AL-MUGHNI The Enricher 90 اَلْمَانِعُ AL-MANI’ The Withholder 91 الضَّارَ AD-DHARR The Distresser 92 النَّافِعُ AN-NAFI’ The Propitious, the Benefactor 93 النُّورُ AN-NUR The Light, The Illuminator 94 الْهَادِي AL-HAADI The Guide 95 الْبَدِيعُ AL-BADEE’ The Incomparable Originator 96 اَلْبَاقِي AL-BAAQI The Everlasting 97 الْوَارِثُ AL-WAARITH The Inheritor, The Heir 98 الرَّشِيدُ AR-RASHEED The Guide, Infallible Teacher 99 الصَّبُورُ AS-SABOOR The Forbearing, The Patient
@Star-wh9lc 7 месяцев назад
SoTrue ❤ 100% my Allah bless You Sheikh Hamza Yusuf ,
@wihanhamedmohamed1117 7 месяцев назад
@user-ec4xq9yy2c 8 месяцев назад
I love Abdul bast Muhammad Abdul samd may Allah give him the highest levels of Janna
@marouaneuchiwa3828 10 месяцев назад
Amin 🤲💚🙏
@imranmunsif2351 11 месяцев назад
May Allah bless Habib Umar, Ameen! AstaghfiRullah! AstaghfiRullah! AstaghfiRullah! AstaghfiRullah! AstaghfiRullah! AstaghfiRullah! AstaghfiRullah! AstaghfiRullah! AstaghfiRullah! AstaghfiRullah! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! SubhanAllah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! AlhamduLillah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! La Ilaha IllAllah! Allahumma Salli Ala Nabi Muhammad! Allahumma Salli Ala Nabi Muhammad! Allahumma Salli Ala Nabi Muhammad! Allahumma Salli Ala Nabi Muhammad! Allahumma Salli Ala Nabi Muhammad!
@hayombe6828 11 месяцев назад
Labayka y’a Rassoulilah!
@iffitahmad6052 Год назад
May Allah swt shower blessings on to ustaad Usama Cannon grave.
@hanifrabbanihaqqani 5 месяцев назад
@mohaelwason4260 Год назад
Is Yémen no india😂😂 ❤❤❤🤩❤qassida
@Star-wh9lc Год назад
صلى الله عليه وسلم ❤❤❤❤❤
@Star-wh9lc Год назад
صلى الله عليه وسلم ❤❤
@khawerzubair7217 Год назад
Al HumdullilAh
@mrharoun3214 Год назад
My masjid does this in a gathering after esha on Thursday nights ? Ppl told me its bida can anyone guide me jazakalah
@cemabdelwahb Год назад
Salam, brother. The duas and dhikr within Wirdul Latif are from the Sunnah so I don't think the wirid is Bidah.
@sorgaalsmil2419 Месяц назад
Been doing for a few years now Alhamdulillah. From Cape town, South Africa. Feel free to do it on your own morning and night as sheikh explained. Yes it's from Quraan and Sunnah. Check it out 1st if you don't feel comfortable, you won't get any other answer . Subahallah it a life changer
@Mohamad-tl7bp Год назад
@uthmanames Год назад
Allah Allah. May Allah unite us all with the Habib.
@wanitaninusantara6001 Год назад
@user-wl9lw8jn9j Год назад
جل جلاله
@the2ndcoming135 Год назад
Surah 3:57((S.I.))🚪
@asysquad7134 Год назад
@mq8196 Год назад
Classic video by the blessed Shaykh
@haroonrashid7837 Год назад
@rananayeem6920 2 года назад
@jmmuhammed6816 2 года назад
@jmmuhammed6816 2 года назад
Masha Allah
@habibmusa3465 2 года назад
I think hisnul Muslim is a more authentic compilation of the morning and evening adhkar according to the majority of the scholars. Dua is Ibadah and we must strive to stick to the authentic narration as much as possible especially when there is a time frame for it. And Allah knows best.
@NimrahFatima_ 2 года назад
What's the name of the munshid?
@mowaisraza1341 2 года назад
@keutamaanamal5951 2 года назад
آمين ... يا رب العالمين
@darasalam8176 2 года назад
Thank you for explaining the prayer with stories, references and reasons
@robithohwalmadad6341 2 года назад
@Radknafeh 2 года назад
May Allah swt have mercy on Ibn Taymiyyah (RA)
@idunnoo26 2 года назад
@ibrahimabdellah 2 года назад
A ‘Western Islamic Neo-Traditionalist Goatee Scholar’. I’m sorry he doesn’t know what he is talking about and he should maybe, just maybe, listen to the actual real scholars who actually understand Islam.
@fire.smok3 2 года назад
Great vid
@delavagavaga7540 2 года назад
Thank you for telling the Truth!! Ibn Taymiyya the father of terrorism! Just listen to who ALL ISIS Members qoute!
@doriahamadi5251 2 года назад
Salem Alaykoum je ne trouve pas la traduction française
@tasnimeamellal755 2 года назад
مشا الله
@onegodonemessage2517 2 года назад
@the2ndcoming135 Год назад
Now, how would I know he would be referencing a door in this message?😁
@insaafabdolfakier5662 3 года назад
6th minute. I see so many people on SM speaking about "intrusive thoughts", shaitaan whispering dangerous ideas into their ears. May Allah protect us all.
@tahirahfatimah709 3 года назад
Masha'Allah 👏 amazing
@musabalalawiy-travelvlogs725 3 года назад
انا الله و انا اليه راجعون. We come with tears of joy today
@marufahmed870 3 года назад
May Allah ﷻ have mercy on him.
@rayhanaaaa 3 года назад
Ameen! 🤲
@N0Name0K 11 месяцев назад
Allahhumma Ameen Thumameen
@AAdresscode 3 года назад
May Allah reward you, I'm so glad I found this channel. Finally! Alhumdulillah