Swami Padmanabha
Swami Padmanabha
Swami Padmanabha
Dios es Imparcial-Istagosthi 07-12-2023
6 месяцев назад
@bobgarbett3229 14 часов назад
What a beautiful interview! Everything changed for me when I first read ‘ Everything Belongs’ it was, as they say, a game changer. Thank you!
@natashapuhar9248 День назад
I love that definition of humility -- "commitment to the truth"
@avataridasi369 2 дня назад
Pranama Maharaja and Scarlet🙏🙏 Thanks so much. "Life is a gift"
@martinabutina 2 дня назад
Wonderful discussion 🤗, you both brought me to tears, thanks so much ❤️🙏
@clairehorsfall1674 3 дня назад
Of coarse if we don't develop good relationships with other devottees any devottees ..we can't love krsna
@natashapuhar9248 4 дня назад
It made me so happy to hear you talk about what sadhu sangha is supposed to look like. It really bothered me for a very long time that I never heard anyone talk about it, as if the relationships with the devotees were not an essential part of our spiritual lives. Thank you!
@madhudas 4 дня назад
Hare Krsna. I have had a question for a very long time. Please don’t take it as a challenge; I am genuinely interested to hear your perspective: If the bhakti-lata-bija is not inherent in the jīva and is solely bestowed by śrī guru, then the guru must be bona fide. After all, one cannot give what they do not possess. So, if someone has not received initiation from a bona fide guru capable of bestowing the bhakti-lata-bija, does that mean they do not have any bhakti-lata-bīja to nurture with śravaṇa and kīrtana? In other words, does the whole process of watering and growing that Mahāprabhu explained to Rūpa Gosvāmī in Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta not apply to them? Would they have to wait until they hopefully come into contact with a qualified guru, whether in this life or the next, to truly begin that gardening process that Mahāprabhu described?
@SwamiPadmanabha 4 дня назад
Pranama Madhukara, Thank you for your question. I don't perceive it as a challenge; I trust your intentions and inquiry as genuinely sincere. Regarding your question, my perspective (which I always try to base on śāstra) is as follows: You mentioned, "If the bhakti-latā-bīja is not inherent in the jīva and is solely bestowed by śrī guru..." To begin with, I would like to clarify that a jīva can acquire bhakti from sādhu-saṅga, not just once it receives dīkṣā from Śrī Guru. While it's true that during initiation, the disciple receives specific devotional impressions, it doesn't mean that the jīva didn't receive bhakti before dīkṣā or from Vaiṣṇavas other than their eventual guru. Moreover, according to our conception of the Bhāgavata-śikṣā-paramparā, one's main bhakti-saṁskāras may come from the dīkṣā-guru but can also come from other Vaiṣṇavas or śikṣā-gurus. Thus, receiving bhakti is not confined to the moment of dīkṣā. In many instances, bhakti received from other gurus may significantly influence a jīva’s spiritual trajectory more than the devotional impressions received from the dīkṣā-guru. Each journey´s unfolding is unique. Furthermore, I wouldn’t describe the "bonafideness" of a guru in absolute terms. For instance, if a guru is a mahā-bhāgavata, they are undoubtedly bona fide. However, a not so advanced Vaiṣṇava can be sincerely aligned with the divine current for a period, and through them, bhakti will flow and affect others. Sometimes, that person may later become disconnected for various reasons, and the bhakti-dhārā might not flow at that moment. Nonetheless, it doesn't negate the authenticity of the bhakti that once flowed through them. The current was present at one point, might not be at another, and could return in the future. From this I´m trying to add my personal experience in that regard, in conjunction with what scriptures declare. Finally, there are instances in śāstra where jīvas receive bhakti directly from Bhagavān, though these are exceptions rather than the general rule. But these examples also show that one´s receiving bhakti is not limited to one´s connection to dīkṣā or a particular dīkṣā-guru. In conclusion, I would say that no jīva is prevented from nurturing the bhakti-latā-bīja at any point in their journey if they are sincere. Whether or not they have a present connection with a qualified dīkṣā-guru, there is always the opportunity to further one's bhakti-saṁskāras through satsanga, which may eventually lead to receiving dīkṣā in this lifetime, or at some point in the future. Whatever the case, if one is sincerely engaged in bhakti, as śāstra repeatedly declares, there is no loss or diminution, all success is guaranteed, and one will never perish. To conclude and somehow summarize the above, I´d like to end with some beautiful and profoundly hopeful words from Srila B. R. Sridhara Deva Goswami in this regard: "Some may be eliminated; even a madhyama-adhikari guru may sometimes be eliminated when he falls down. It is not a happy thing, but it may even occur that my guru was going ahead, taking me forward and fell down. Then with fresh energy, invoking the help of the Lord, I shall have to go on. Even such a disaster may come in our journey. But still, we must not be cowed down. Sometimes alone and sometimes with company we must go on. First there must be sukriti, accumulated merit, and then sraddha, faith, will guide us. The quality of faith must be examined. Sraddha, faith, is a general term, but sraddha may be defined into different classes. A high form of faith will be our fare on the way back to Godhead. Sometimes we may find co-workers, and sometimes we may have to go alone. What of that? We cannot but go to the goal because we shall have the grace of so many unseen gurus." (Sri Guru & His Grace, ch. 11) I hope this helps. 🙏
@madhudas 2 дня назад
@@SwamiPadmanabha Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed response. As you probably know, my understanding of what it means to "receive" the bhakti-lata-bija from the guru, based on what I've heard and read from our ācāryas and scriptures, differs from yours. But, that's fine. I appreciate gaining a better understanding of your perspective.
@SwamiPadmanabha 2 дня назад
@@madhudas Yes, I know our understanding on this particular topic is different, but no problem for me, happy to share and even love each other despite differences...probably that´s always a greater challenge for most of us than getting it right siddhantically! 🙂 🙏
@madhudas День назад
@@SwamiPadmanabha 🙏
@Satyachandra108 4 дня назад
Thank you 🙏🏼 so true.. radhe radhe .. ❤
@dusyantadasa4975 4 дня назад
I love this very sweet discussion thank you ❤...it really touched my heart ❤️! 🙏
@jeffdocherty 4 дня назад
We don’t think we’re going to die because we intuitively know we don’t die, our earth body does, as is natural.
@peacelovejoy8786 6 дней назад
Spirituality is natural goodness. It is not a thing; it is the atmosphere of God's Presence, Goodness, Truth, and Beauty. God is not a person; God is a Presence Personified in us. Sounds good to me! 💛 Thank you both☮️
@peacelovejoy8786 6 дней назад
The real world is not like this it has no buildings and there are no streets where people walk alone and separate. There are no stores where people buy an endless list of things they do not need. It is not lit with artificial light, and night comes not upon it. There is no loss. Nothing is there but shines, and shines forever. Death is a reward and not a punishment. Love & Peace ♥️☮️🙏
@JavyMorningstar1721 6 дней назад
@radhamadhavadasa 6 дней назад
Very sublime dance between two traditions. ❤
@IC-XC_NIKA 8 дней назад
But doesnt Fr Rohr teach advaita non-dualism? Not compatible with vaisnavism or dominant bhakti mindset - prabhupad taught non dualism was satanic.
@SwamiPadmanabha 8 дней назад
Yes, Fr. Rohr teaches non-dualism. And Srila Prabhupada also teaches non-dualism, since Gaudiya Vaishnavism is a non-dual tradition, like every other Vaishnava tradition. Advaita Vedanta is Radical Non-dualism, while Vaishnava traditions present various forms of Nuanced Non-dualism. If you want, see the tenth chapter of my book Radical Personalism for more on this.
@IC-XC_NIKA 8 дней назад
@@SwamiPadmanabha what about Dvaita Vedanta - thats a Vaisnava tradition too, no? I cannot purchase your book out of my objection to Fr Rohr who radically and criminally misrepresents the historic Christian tradition which asserts the eternal distinction between God and the individual soul.
@SwamiPadmanabha 7 дней назад
@@IC-XC_NIKA Dvaita Vedanta, despite positing a strong emphasis on the difference between matter and spirit as well as God and the soul, nonetheless also highlights the interconnectedness of them all, and therefore it´s also a non-dual tradition. As I already mentioned, Richard Rohr does not cancel the eternal distinction between God and the soul. I know him personally and have read many of his books, and nowhere does he say such a thing. Again, non-dual doesn´t mean impersonal.
@daliajimenavelascomunoz5863 9 дней назад
Muchas gracias, Maharaj. 🙏
@andreadesouza7044 9 дней назад
I am from Goa and a Catholic and seeing Fr. Richard and Swami talk using such beautiful language to describe God from two practicing religious traditions! I knew it in my heart we are all the same, this confirms it, Thank you. We have hope for humanity because of talks like this. Thank you Swami🥰🙏🏽
@IC-XC_NIKA 8 дней назад
@@andreadesouza7044 this is not correct. We are not all the same.
@Bhadradd 10 дней назад
Hare Krsna Padmanabha Maharaja. I am so glad I've found you, and want to view all these isthaghostis you give, particularly view them live, when I can. 🙏🙏
@SwamiPadmanabha 10 дней назад
My pleasure and thanks for your words. You can join us every Saturday in the following link, at 10 AM EDT time: us02web.zoom.us/j/82876233128?pwd=MHlUWUw4VmpMSENldHdKUndwSEpFUT09
@Godiyavaishnav12 10 дней назад
These Ishtagosthi are very helpful Maharaj 🙏🙇🏻‍♂️
@virvilaboa 11 дней назад
@yogaparamgati108 11 дней назад
great questions and great answers !
@yogaparamgati108 12 дней назад
yay come to Mayapur
@bralberto 11 дней назад
Would love to!
@yogaparamgati108 12 дней назад
spiritual life is a somatic experience
@avataridasi369 13 дней назад
Pranama Maharaja🙏 Gracias por la respuesta. La silla napoleónica, yo te sostengo, tú me sostienes.
@carolinamarun10 14 дней назад
I did enjoy and appreciate this conversation and dance between these two gentlemen. Thank you for sharing. Love and Blessings. May joy and peace be present within and with all. Asi Sea. Amen.
@noragarcia3933 16 дней назад
Gracias Miles 🙏🏼🤍✨
@tripshanti768 17 дней назад
Genuinely savored every moment of this exchange
@PranadaComtois 18 дней назад
Great question from Janaki Prabhu! Thank you Janaki
@myidentityisamystery5142 19 дней назад
45:30 Can someone please help me by letting me know where Swami Trupurari (or anyone really) talks about the concept being discussed? Of all traditions being simultaneously right?
@SwamiPadmanabha 19 дней назад
An example of this could be Bhagavad-gita 4.11.
@bralberto 18 дней назад
He spoke these things to me in person on several occasions. To be clear: he expressed the conviction that all paths may have some reality. He was not confirming that any of them do, in particular. He also was very clear that they had distinct goals (prayojana).
@noragarcia3933 19 дней назад
Gracias miles Maharaj 🙏🏼🤍
@avataridasi369 19 дней назад
Pranama Maharaja🙏 Gracias por su sabia y práctica respuesta. Ahora a practicar, a correr el riesgo de escuchar a los demás y de reciprocar el amor incondicional recibido.
@kathleenobrien4904 19 дней назад
Muchas gracias!
@vilmahaydeesardo8719 20 дней назад
Gracias Swami
@noragarcia3933 20 дней назад
Siempre es una bendición recibir a Krsna ✨ a través de sus clases Maharaj 🙏🏼 su Krsna katha me encuentra a lo largo del tiempo y en el lugar que me encuentre , en toda circunstancia ... Reverencias Bendiciones Haríbol!!! 🙌
@visakhasask8973 20 дней назад
Such a nice, inspiring talk! It gives a new dimension to sadhu sanga. Safe Space is very important in the lives of devotees but it is not something you can have with every one. Your talk makes me long for the association of devotees 😍😍🙏🙏
@brunovera858 20 дней назад
@ednamargaritaparramoreno9445 23 дня назад
Maharaj Hare Krsna. Muchas gracias por la serie. Mis preguntas: ¿cómo entender las reglas, regulaciones, protocolos como un acto de Amor que da Libertad?
@SwamiPadmanabha 22 дня назад
Quizás necesitamos dejar de usar la palabra "regla" y reemplazarla por otra que no nos genere tanto trauma detonado, como a menudo ocurre. :) Las reglas y regulaciones idealmente han de ser seguidas como un subproducto en nuestra conducta que demuestra nuestro amor por Dios, y no a la inversa. En otras palabras, en la medida en que tengo atracción, fe, y una experiencia directa e innegable, en esa medida las diversas "reglas" se vuelven una extensión natural de mi sentimiento interno.
@ednamargaritaparramoreno9445 21 день назад
​@@SwamiPadmanabhaMuchas gracias. Reverencias 🙏🏻
@yamunaluisafernandabedoyao7973 25 дней назад
Estas clases de amor propio son hermosas gracias Maharaj
@acyutanandadas3966 26 дней назад
Is this why Arjuna surrendered to Krishna's advice after seeing His universal form?
@SwamiPadmanabha 26 дней назад
I wouldn´t say that Arjuna surrendered only after seeing Krishna´s universal form. In B. Gita 2.7 he expresses his surrender to Krishna. That said, surrender can be seen as a gradual process, and in that sense one could speak of various levels of surrender on Arjuna´s part, one of them involving the one you refer to.
@AB-kw2rk 26 дней назад
That was a 'wonder'ful perspective!✨️ Thank you Maharaj!🙏
@108lvl 27 дней назад
Did you say he’s living with his husband?
@SwamiPadmanabha 27 дней назад
@virvilaboa 28 дней назад
Gracias Maharaj! Que luminoso recordatorio❤🙏🙌
@cala2007 29 дней назад
Thank you so much for this conversation!🥹 Brother Alberto and Swami Padmanabha are so authentic, deep and inspiring. Love the part about the certainty of God’s unconditional love❤️‍🔥, and healthy uncertainty regarding the mysteries of God who is unlimited🌌
@PranadaComtois 29 дней назад
Wow! Thank you so much Brother Alberto for a wonderful conversation. I appreciate the integrity with which you are trying to live your life. It's an inspiration. Hare Krsna. God bless!
@bralberto 29 дней назад
Thank you! Living in a forthright way to preserve our dignity, always comes with a cost. But the benefits of authenticity are great.
@mariamarcelavanegasjaramil3195 Месяц назад
Que maravilla escuchar esta perspectiva desde el bhakti. Es muy sano poder revelar como el camino espiritual no significa no sentirse valioso, claramente, sin caer en el extremo narcisista o de forma contraria, para estar cualificado al camino espiritual, debes o es necesario que te consideres no valioso. Gracias Maharaja.