Premium Guard
Premium Guard
Premium Guard
Since 1996, Premium Guard Inc. (PGI) has been focused on designing, manufacturing, and distributing products for the automotive aftermarket industry. Encompassing segments such as diesel, power-sports, and specialty automotive, PGI strives to BE AHEAD with the latest coverage for all makes and models.With over 1,700 filtration parts for almost all automotive applications as well as an expertise in product development and design, Premium Guard Inc. continues to be an industry leader in the automotive aftermarket.
Tech tip #2 on Oil Filter Installation
21 день назад
@gregb8153 Месяц назад
I've changed 100's of filters but never one with the replaceable element like this, great video!!
@CemAkgun-o8e 2 месяца назад
That was a dirty filter... Thanks for the video...
@tommytommy4913 2 месяца назад
Not all 2011 Honda Accords have SCREWS. My 4 cylinder Accord has 3 metal clips and a TAB. No screws. Two clips are obvious on the left side, but the 3rd is on the back, right side and hidden by some electrical wires. The TAB is on the right corner closest to you when you are trying to remove the cover. It is almost impossible to see and hard to release. You have to push the filter cover to the left and lift it up (after releasing the 3 clips, of course). (The TAB shown in the video I reference below was MUCH easier to release than mine). Since the TAB was WAY longer than need be, I trimmed it to make it about 3/16 inch shorter, making MUCH easier to slip back into place, but still secure. I found a different video (below) that matches what MY Accord looks like. It was there in July, 2024, don't know about now, which is why I put in such a long explanation. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-LFnMNcIHuXI.html
@LastTrump7 2 месяца назад
2011 Ford Fiesta the AC was very cold. Replaced the cabin filter and now AC is warm air? Why?
@brianaustin1328 2 месяца назад
This cabin air filter is another example of why Nissan cannot compete with Honda and Toyota. Poor engineering.
@stanleycronk4136 2 месяца назад
Try changing the oil/filter on a "Rav 4"
@laurajackson7594 2 месяца назад
So fast and efficient. LOVE this video! You rock!
@eugegene 6 месяцев назад
Is it just me or does it look like you could just hose that off?
@Mundo_Diverso 6 месяцев назад
@josephchiavetta6361 6 месяцев назад
This is the most annoying cabin air filter I’ve ever replaced thanks for the video
@shawnb4938 6 месяцев назад
I just replaced my filter and noticed a metal mesh filter built into the filter box. Does that need to be cleaned or replaced?
@lifegoeson4085 7 месяцев назад
Good filters?
@armedfarm3429 8 месяцев назад
There is so many things wrong with oil filters I can't believe nobody is doing anything about it. The By-pass valves are a joke, the anti-drain-back valves are a joke, the filtration pleats have gaps where they are fastened to the flanges. The whole mess started when we let third countries build our filters, & label them as our own. It's a farce.
@cranky711 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing
@timkis64 9 месяцев назад
this design basically makes the filter housing a storage area for dirt until bypass, then the oil washes the previously caught dirt off the media and sends it thru the bypass valve.a dumb idea.
@dkevvv 8 месяцев назад
Except, it keeps your engine from being destroyed because of lack of oil.
@robinphilip5747 10 месяцев назад
Those 2 bolts are pain in ass to get out. Crazy you have to do all this just to replace the cabin air filter..
@cbyutube 11 месяцев назад
Nope. The cabin filter cover will not come out. It's attached at the top, so when you pinch in the left side, you still cannot pull it out.
@Lukkaboc Год назад
thank you for the video!
@FloeticEnigma Год назад
This looks so easy, but it is not. I have a 2019 Rogue sport. I changed my own before and it didn't get pushed in correctly, so I still had to pay $80 for someone else to do it. Why the hell didn't they make this easier? lol
@stanleycronk4136 2 месяца назад
Rogue and Rogue Sport are different cars.
@SwinksterThe Год назад
Fantastic video, I thought it was more difficult than that so I’ve been putting off doing it. Thanks so much for showing it step by step
@eddy6892 Год назад
1/2 way up with the T25’s is a good tip😊
@christopherC1111 Год назад
Thanks, I’ll be putting one in tomorrow
@terryfleming7084 Год назад
Love the video. That was the biggest pain in the a$$ I’ve ever seen. The engineer for this should be fired for this one!
@jonmo2694 Год назад
Hardest part is finding it, mine was white and way in the back, the assembly looks like it is all one piece. $13 filter install for me. 2019 rogue sport.
@nathanp8509 Год назад
@nickbutler398 Год назад
Hi, thanks for the quick and extremely easy to understand and digest vid. My wife just asked me to replace her original cabin filter and I had no idea where to even find the damn thing however, after a simple search, your ONE MINUTE AND 22 SECOND long vid was all it took. You might be asking yourself, “why did he just use CAPS to spell out the length of my vid?” It’s unbelievable that to date, there’s 4 comments on your vid (mine makes 5) and it seems like a couple of them watched your vid till the bitter end and attempted to accomplish this task. Apparently, while following along, VITAL FLAWS/ERRORS and MISINFORMATION was found during your process of installation which might have led to massive amounts of confusion, frustration and possibly even panic. That said, I’m guessing that once those folks were able to maintain composure, the job of replacing their cabin filter was accomplished. Maybe instead of whining about the OP not mentioning a damn Philips Screw Driver or the OP was wrong about a TIP he gave (Pinching Center Of Filter) JUST SAY THANK YOU and act like a freaking adult instead of an entitled brat that needs someone to tie their shoes.
@jonmo2694 Год назад
Yeah mine wasn't black either and not in the same location, luckily I pulled it out without it being screwed in.First look and it looked like there was no cabin filter at all , so that confused me until I looked at it further and found it in the back and up higher than I thought.Now I know and yes I am thankful for this video.This is why comments are helpful, the simplicity of the video is nice but you have to expect that details may be missing.
@TedBackus Год назад
every video i see about this shows the retention clip just popping out of the glove box like its nothing. i sat there for 30 minutes trying to get that damn string & clip out & it will not budge. it moves, so its not glued, it just wont come out
@levileonce5224 Год назад
It’s totally reusable
@Lukkaboc Год назад
thanks! I can just rinse with water?
@levileonce5224 Год назад
@levileonce5224 11 месяцев назад
@@Lukkaboc 👍
@mavrickwatts4030 Год назад
They wanted $85 at nissan for this 😂.
@holdem5180 Год назад
wow how crazy , i have never seens screws before , it is always just a clip...wtf
@taboo8614 Год назад
My 2010 Hyundai takes a CAF1880P filter
@njsongwriter Год назад
I find it difficult to understand how a company that makes or sells cabin air filters doesn't even know the basics. All horizontally mounted cabin air filters with the blower motor mounted below the filter will have downward air flow even Toyotas and Lexus. This is evident by the fact that dirt collects on the topside of the old filter. If the air flow was upward then all that dirt would be trapped under the filter and inside the blower. Think about it. The word "UP" on the Toyota parts including the plastic panel and the tray and the OEM cabin filter simply indicate which side of each part goes up. Those arrows do not indicate air flow direction. However, most aftermarket filters follow the industry standard which is that arrows on the edge of an air filter point in the direction of air flow. Most of these aftermarket filters will say "air flow" next to the arrows but some do not. Arrows indicating air flow direction should point down not up.
@boxingfavsmg Год назад
Thanks, good information.
@forluna8786 Год назад
@genz6644 Год назад
There’s also a filter inside the housing. How to replace those?Thanks.
@pmgk6408 Год назад
@willstaywinning Год назад
Short sweet and to the point 👍🏾
@meme7591 Год назад
Excellent direction excellent great job!!!!!!
@lene2332 2 года назад
Not true, needed a Phillips screw driver to take the small screw out before removing black brasil filter housing. I know this as my father in law just changed mind.
@galenanderson8587 Год назад
Yes, a Phillips screw driver is needed. I did not know that and broke off the handle trying to wedge the cover off.
@coney94 Год назад
Also for me squeezing the filter is not working its getting caught
@jtdellasega Год назад
It seems like you need to feed the filter in with the longest side of the rectangle facing down and then rotate it 90 degrees so the longest sides are facing to the sides. I would tell the oil change fellas not to check it, it gets bent and mangled very easily. The whole thing is a pretty poor design.
@jibrilbuilder2668 2 года назад
Thank You
@k_h_nobody 2 года назад
In some cases, there's a 4th bolt. And there's a mistake on the list of common cross vehicles. GM did away with the cabins from 2003-2013.
@boxingfavsmg Год назад
Yes, in a 2001 Chevy Silverado there are 4 bolts.
@k_h_nobody 2 года назад
You didn't remove the 7mm nuts, you just pulled it out.
@zackzuniga4716 2 года назад
It's too tight of a fit to replace without breaking the airfilter. I have a 2005 vw touraeg v8, and I removed everything to access it except this unknown sensor underneath it all. It has a green cap, and silver flex hose over the black plastic pipe with a 90 degree elbow. I just broke the side of the air filter cover trying to pop it loose..... there's got to be a better way to replace it.
@SlikLizrd 2 года назад
The By-Pass Valve shown in this video is of the earlier type, which has been superceded by the more advanced valve location on the filter's INLET END, as in some Motorcraft, Wix, and NAPA oil filters. The newer design prevents the circulating oil from scrubbing off the particles from the surface of the filter's pleats while on it's way back to the sump. www.mercuryforum.com/forum/grand-marquis-14/1995-grand-marquis-restoration-8937/
@NoWr2Run 3 года назад
They by-pass valve should be on top of the oil filter ( SOME DO ) NOT THE BOTTOM, FAIL.
@Andrew__Smith 2 года назад
@michaelherrell5381 3 года назад
Very informative. Thanks. I learned something. Good diagrams.
@humansvd3269 3 года назад
It's a very well made filter but it's hard to find.
@JA-rn5qv 2 года назад
@njsongwriter 3 года назад
Good job. Too bad it's made in China but each to his own. Thumbs up...
@njsongwriter 3 года назад
In this case you are wrong. The old filter did not have an air flow arrow on it. It had an up arrow which pointed up as it should. If it says up next to the arrow, it's simply telling you which side goes up. If it says air flow then it should point down.
@njsongwriter 3 года назад
Yes air flow arrows should point down. The up arrows on Toyota/Scion parts (including the filter) have nothing to do with air flow.
@khushialamfilm5490 3 года назад
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