Flix in a Minute
Flix in a Minute
Flix in a Minute
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@SAFFRONINFERNO 6 дней назад
Hats Off to The Legend Stan Winston who created this Iconic Monster
@flixinaminute 6 дней назад
@christinaluna2055 11 дней назад
My friends were over in 1989 we were all getting ready to go for the night i had a weekend of free HBO we were all watching Pumpkinhead we got caught in the film when movies were the best in the 80s
@flixinaminute 10 дней назад
I remember the free HBO freebies! That was the perfect time to catch up on all the things you couldn't watch because you didn't sub to the channel! It was binge watching before it was cool!
@moviemadvideo 14 дней назад
I love this movie! One of my all time favorites!
@flixinaminute 13 дней назад
Agree. Pumpkinhead will always have a place in our library!
@joetuktyyuktuk8635 14 дней назад
Pumpkinhead is just one of those classic movies from the 80's...
@flixinaminute 13 дней назад
It really is! This was another one that should have performed better in the box office than it did. So glad for VOD today!
@joetuktyyuktuk8635 13 дней назад
@@flixinaminute While on the subject of John Carpenter, be remiss not to mention the original The Thing... another classic.
@flixinaminute 13 дней назад
@@joetuktyyuktuk8635 Oh stay tuned... we didn't forget 👍
@flixinaminute 16 дней назад
Thanks for diving into the eerie world of Pumpkinhead with us. If this tale of supernatural vengeance intrigued you, hit like and explore more of our horror reviews.
@proudbrownconservative 22 дня назад
Her name is Mary Peta hill, in Romanian, Peta means pussy. Just saying
@flixinaminute 22 дня назад
Talk to Me dares you to cross the line. Would you take the hand for 90 seconds?
@flixinaminute 22 дня назад
Dev Patel's Monkey Man: A gritty, genre-bending ride that packs a punch. Did it live up to the hype for you?
@flixinaminute 23 дня назад
Zombie rights activists, unite! We Are Zombies serves up satire with a side of brains. What real-world issues would you tackle in a monster movie?
@heloisaheloisa3079 27 дней назад
Gosto dos filmes de jAsonmomoa❤
@flixinaminute 26 дней назад
@xRagnarokxGamingx Месяц назад
Movie sucked ass.....
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
Anything in particular you disliked about the movie? ~P
@Skanking-Corpse Месяц назад
Civil War is shallow and gutless, full of cookie cutter characters and story so deliberately vague that it removes all meaning. It's a pretty movie and the acting is good, but it is a garbage movie. I didn't feel shocked by anything because nothing in the movie hasn't been said before and better by other movies. Even the scene with the mass grave didn't shock me because it's meaning is deliberately obtuse and we are just meant to be shocked by the casual killing of the journalists from Hong Kong and the bodies in the grave, but it doesn't offer any true meaning other than to be shocking.
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
Strong take there! Gotta say, I see where you're coming from on the vagueness. Curious though - what would've made it work for you? I dig hearing what could've made a film work better for the viewer. ~SG
@Skanking-Corpse Месяц назад
@@flixinaminute so really one of my main problems is that no one in this movie takes any sort of side on anything. Our main characters encounter a number of people who all can't be bothered to provide a point of view on anything regarding this war. This removes the believability aspect of this story because no one in a civil war can just be totally impartial. And this goes into another issue I have is that one of the main themes of this move is the impartiality of journalists and how they are not supposed to take sides, but our journalists are never really tested in this way, except for the one scene at the gas station where we see the two men strung up. After that the movie completely avoids forcing the main characters to question anything about their impartiality as a journalist. Even when Sammy is killed they were never really tested, they were distraught, but it never made them question their mission, they were just mad that they wouldn't get their big story. What this movie really should have been is a biography on a specific journalist in a war zone and their story. They could have done a movie following a journalist in Rwanda, or in Somalia, so we can actually get an honest look at what a journalist really goes through when they see the absolute worst. That would have been far more impactful.
@flixinaminute 28 дней назад
@@Skanking-Corpse You make some valid points that are hard to disagree with when looking from your perspective. I do agree that maybe going the biopic route and focusing more on the toll the atrocities take on the journalist would have had more impact overall.
@afatsuM26 Месяц назад
Irak,Suriye ve Libyayı gördüm asayişin olmaması çok berbat bir şey...
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
Katılıyorum. Bazen izlemesi zor oluyor, çünkü bunun her yerde olabileceğini bilmek insanı düşündürüyor. Bu tür durumlar gerçekten de içimizi acıtıyor, değil mi? ~SG
@dantecalewaert4550 Месяц назад
Where rf does this come from
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire 🦖🦍
@samiaint8043 Месяц назад
This is a provocative movie that will make you feel sad for the country and leaves you with sense of dread about the future of the country. I give the movie 5 stars out of five.
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
Totally feel you on that! This movie really hits hard and leaves a lasting impression. Glad you enjoyed it! ~P
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
What scene or idea from the film stuck with you the most?
@UCs8iLZnBS-BnCz3Fi6 Месяц назад
It’s loosely based on the real story of the Gurkha soldier Bishnu Shrestha who fought with the dacoits in the train.
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
🤯 Thanks for the insight!
@thegamingplayer8395 Месяц назад
I personally loved this movie😢
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
It was a wild ride!
@nick_kumar Месяц назад
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
Take it that you didn't like it?
@Viljami_virtanen Месяц назад
I watched it a couple days ago. Isnt even scary
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
You're braver than Sum Guy! 🤣 ~P
@borgsimpson935 Месяц назад
I found both these movies, by chance. Trailers looked. Drive in movie shtuff. A, B movie vibe. Watched both. I'd, watch Becky 3...
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
Becky and Wrath of Becky were definitely sleepers on our list, but really had a blast watching them.
@英幸菊池 Месяц назад
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
@DMDvideo10 2 месяца назад
The difference is I've watched GvK more than 10 times already. The Kong scenes alone could have been it's own film. I love G-1 at the movies, but tried to watch at home and couldn't get past the "overacting" and subtitles. Great flic but once you've seen it, you've seen it.
@flixinaminute 2 месяца назад
I think GvK needs a little more story for someone who didn't follow the Godzilla universe to be able to catchup with the story line. As for G-1, I love the story telling part of the movie. Thanks for stopping by. ~P
@DMDvideo10 2 месяца назад
@@flixinaminute I’m definitely a Kong fan so that’s a big reason it sits so well with me. I feel like Godzilla’s storylines in these mashups aren’t as good as they could be but Kings are over the top.
@cappymom706 2 месяца назад
Amazing actor
@flixinaminute 2 месяца назад
He's a good example of versatility at it's best.
@楠目徳朗-g7s 2 месяца назад
・・・・・・・・、はい。では『ゴジラー1.0』なんだけど、次回のゴジラはどう?・・・・・?その為に、来ました。ーーーー【社会問題】としては次に一体全体、何を 乗せましょうや。・・・・・俺なんかは『ハラスメント』、『ギャンブル』、『経済』『風刺』等が還って、面白いと仮定する。ーーーーだから、俺の『ゴジラ・チャンピオン・ムービー』 は『平成ゴジラシリーズ』より、大森一樹監督・作品の『VSキングギドラ』が今現在、トップ。なんせ、物凄い団体が、怪獣を使って日本を支配しようとも、その女の子は【阻止】するんだよ!・・・・・・・で、彼女は敵だったが、事の真相に触れて、撃退させる。・・・・・さて、こんどの次回作のマドンナは???????てとこです。
@flixinaminute 2 месяца назад
あなたのアイデアはとても面白く、興味深い物語になりそうです。私たちも映画の結末について考えてみました。もしかしたら、ノリコがゴジラの放射能に感染したことが、ビオランテをゴジラの世界に導入する方法になるのではないでしょうか。ビオランテがゴジラと人類の間に立つユニークな存在として、物語に興味深い要素を加えることができそうです。 物語がどのような方向に進むにせよ、私たちは大きな期待を持って見守っています。
@sahara5695 2 месяца назад
評価が高すぎ。決して面白くなかったわけではないけど期待度が大きかったせいか実際観た感想としてはまあまあといったところ。数字にするなら3.5くらいか。 マイナス理由の一つはそもそもなぜゴジラが東京を襲ったのかが不明なこと。人間を食うわけでもなくただ暴れて消える不思議。 もう一つは生きていたヒロイン浜辺美波の状態。ビルが吹き飛ぶほどの衝撃を受けた人間にあざの一つもない不自然。 その前に飛行機から脱出した主人公神木隆之介が全く濡れていない違和感。その辺の詰めが甘いので4は付けられない。
@flixinaminute 2 месяца назад
まず最初に、貴重なご意見をお聞かせいただき、ありがとうございます。 さて、私たちの考えでは、ゴジラは自分の意志で行動していて、特に理由なんて必要ないんじゃないかな、と。それに、ノリコさんの首の傷、彼女が生き残れたことと何か関係があるんじゃないかって思うんだよね。 あなたの意見、本当に尊重しています。違う視点があるからこそ、面白い会話が生まれるんですよね。本当に貴重なフィードバック、ありがとうございました!
@word4you Месяц назад
ゴジラは何故日本を襲うのか?原爆を憎むなら米国を襲うべきなのに・・・そういう疑問は自分にもありました。 その1つの答えとしては・・・ 以前の作品「GMK」では、戦争で亡くなった英霊(日本兵の魂)がゴジラに変わって日本に帰って来る。 という「ゴジラ英霊説」が語られていました。 しかし、-0.1のゴジラは、英霊にしては人を憎み過ぎているので、この説は当てはまらないと思います。 -1.0のゴジラで私は、こう考えました。 ゴジラは、戦争で生き残ってしまった人たちの魂が、自分たちの心を救済するために、日本に呼び寄せた試練。 つまり「ゴジラ生霊説」が考えられると思います。(これは某特撮サイトの意見でもあります) 極限の試練に立ち向かわない限り救われない 生き延びてしまった魂の救済の物語だと思います。 山崎監督はGMKやシンを含む他のゴジラ映画を参考にしつつも、それらとは真逆のテーマを描いていると思いました。
@flixinaminute 2 месяца назад
เราเองก็ไม่คิดว่าจะเป็นแบบนี้ มันน่าเศร้ามาก แต่ก็เป็นแรงผลักดันให้พระเอกเดินหน้าล้างแค้นต่อไป 💪🏼
@wampabites 2 месяца назад
Gonna be honest, I love the Legendary Monsterverse. I love that Godzilla is a benign-ish nuclear deterrent that resembles your grumpy old neighbor, "get off my lawn!!!" kinda Korean War veteran guy that just wants to sleep and have some peace. I love Mothra in the Monsterverse (who doesn't?). But Minus One Godzilla is... special. He's the incarnation of our own sins. He's walking vengeance. I never wanted Goji to die except this one. Not because I hate him, but he NEEDS to be stopped or WE DIE. As one YT reviewer said, he's Leviathan, a biblical monster. And his presence brought the best of the people in that movie in spite of the terror and despair. I embrace all Gojis, the grumpy grandpa one, the absolute terror one, even the silly ones (like Godzilla' s Revenge/AMA). He's an icon, you just can't hate the Big G.
@rubytuesday7225 2 месяца назад
Love Ryan Gosling ❤
@grant9301 2 месяца назад
This movie totally sucked. It's nothing like the original TV series it's total Hollywood rubbish. There's no "Howie" side kick there's no "Jody" in bikini's the plot is over the top stupid and Emily Blunt's character is a total bore. Total waste of time.
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
... but did you like her rendition of "Against All Odds?" ~SG
@grant9301 Месяц назад
@@flixinaminute Hell NO Everything sucked in this movie!
@flixinaminute 2 месяца назад
How would you describe the monsters in Arcadian?
@rahulray9983 3 месяца назад
You should also check out AAVESHAM. One of the best film this year
@flixinaminute 2 месяца назад
Will do! Thanks for the recommendation.
@rahulray9983 2 месяца назад
@@flixinaminute Will look forward to your review
@adithya.manoj_ Месяц назад
What about Manjummel Boys?
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
@@adithya.manoj_ Will check it out!
@flixinaminute 3 месяца назад
Don't miss our post-credit scene at the end of this video, which is in Hindi. If you're not a native Hindi speaker, turn on captions to understand what's being said. To do this, click on the CC button and enable subtitles. Enjoy!
@flixinaminute 3 месяца назад
Check out this weeks community post related to the movie: www.youtube.com/@flixinaminute/community
@UnitaKashyap 3 месяца назад
@jrbaretta 3 месяца назад
Imagine if the military attempts to kill Godzilla by dropping an atomic bomb on him and he is engulfed in a nuclear blast and massive mushroom cloud. But the blast only makes Godzilla stronger and he emerges from a nuclear winter and fall out indestructible, more powerful than ever.
@flixinaminute 2 месяца назад
That's pretty much what happened to him in other Godzilla movies. This giant lizard is almost immortal!
@CT9905. 3 месяца назад
Godzilla raids again?
@flixinaminute Месяц назад
And again... and we're here for it!
@flixinaminute 3 месяца назад
📽 Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 00:11 Plot Overview 00:52 Characters 01:15 Monsters 01:49 Performances 02:34 Final Thoughts 02:56 Conclusion
@flixinaminute 3 месяца назад
📽 Video Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 00:32 - Setting the Scene 00:52 - Meet the Crew 01:32 - Comparisons 01:55 - Creature Effects 02:16 - Reception 02:34 - Final Thoughts 03:32 - Conclusion
@flixinaminute 3 месяца назад
📽 Video Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 00:26 - Plot 01:37 - Themes 02:01 - Horror vs. Comedy 02:36 - Strengths and Weaknesses 02:53 - Final Thoughts 03:32 - Conclusion
@flixinaminute 3 месяца назад
🎞 Video Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 00:07 - Cast Highlights 00:16 - Plot Summary 00:25 - Main Character Colt's Journey 00:35 - Key Performances 00:46 - Action Choreography 00:57 - Cinematography 01:15 - Soundtrack 01:32 - Final Thoughts 01:48 - Conclusion
@markgreen9225 3 месяца назад
A lot of people didn't understand what it was the film was focusing on, its about action and big over the top brawls, like seen in some American adaptations. This film tells a much deeper story, as a veteran of OIF, I'm really impressed by the level of effort that was put into this and some elements of Post traumatic stress disorder. More then that, obviously was trying to be told here, but it would be hard to put into words all that this film achieved in such a fantastic manner. A well earned achievement. I hope we see more films with godzilla like this, a truly serious aspect of the title never seen before. 100% my favorite film in 20 plus years! WELL DONE! * stands up and slowly claps 👏 *
@glenchapman3899 3 месяца назад
I have said many times, the core story is so interesting, it did not even need Godzilla to be a great film
@markgreen9225 2 месяца назад
@@glenchapman3899That is so true !
@flixinaminute 3 месяца назад
📽 Video Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 00:32 - Plot Overview 01:04 - Character Performances 01:33 - Directorial Debut 01:55 - Humor and Horror 02:33 - Technical Aspects 02:53 - Strengths and Weaknesses 03:26 - Final Verdict 03:57 - Conclusion Do you know any other movies made today that pay tribute to the 80s & 90s classics? Drop the names in the comments!
@flixinaminute 3 месяца назад
🔍 Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction to Godzilla Minus One 00:14 Initial Impressions 01:06 Plot and Setting Overview 01:54 Character and Themes Analysis 02:13 Visuals and Performances 02:51 Musical Score and Final Thoughts Enjoy the video! Don't forget to tell us what you thought of Godzilla Minus One!
@竜大-o9h 3 месяца назад
ゴジラ映画ではNo.1だと思ってます!! ハッピーエンドではないことはわかっていますが、最後まで主要人物が誰1人欠けなかった事がとても良かったと思ってます そして、音楽もほんとに最高でした!! 70周年、100周年、200周年と永遠にゴジラ作品が作られて行く事を望んでいます 映画館にわざわざ行く必要がない映画もありますが、この映画は映画館で観る事で何倍も感動する映画です 観る事ができない方達も沢山いらっしゃるんですよね 映画館で観ることができてほんとに幸せでした!!😊 次回作は、ガメラやモスラと共演作でも私は嬉しいです!!
@flixinaminute 3 месяца назад
コメントありがとうございます!完全に同意します。これが最高のゴジラ映画かもしれませんね。キャラクターは素晴らしく、音楽も一日中聴いていられるくらい最高でした。 ゴジラ映画がこれからも続いていくことを本当に望んでいますが、急がずに、どの映画もこの映画のように素晴らしいものであってほしいです。 家で見るのに十分な映画もありますが、この映画は絶対に大画面で見るべきです。劇場で観ることができませんでしたが、再上映を期待しています。劇場で観るのはとても感動的でしょうね! そして、次回作でガメラやモスラとの共演があったら、ぜひ観たいです! 再度コメントいただきありがとうございます!
@Beardo2517 3 месяца назад
Really good godzilla film, not the best but still really good
@flixinaminute 3 месяца назад
Which movie gets your number 1 spot?
@Beardo2517 3 месяца назад
@@flixinaminute my personal favorite is GMK from 2001 but I think the best is the OG 54
@flixinaminute 3 месяца назад
@@Beardo2517 I saw GMK, but I never seen the '54 release, so I have to check it out.
@Beardo2517 3 месяца назад
@@flixinaminute the special fx obviously aren't great but I think the story and movie as a whole are a bit better
@glenchapman3899 3 месяца назад
@@flixinaminute And if you do track it down, be aware there are two versions. The original Japanese version, and a US cut with Raymond Burr spliced into the story.
@ScottMacDonald1 3 месяца назад
Excellent review of the movie but PLEASE tone down the volume of the soundtrack/music. It overwhelms your narration making it very difficult to hear.
@flixinaminute 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the feedback! We'll lower the music volume in future reviews to make sure the narration is clear. I'm glad you enjoyed the review otherwise! ~SG
@sharonbaldwin4596 3 месяца назад
Absolutely the best Godzilla movie ever!
@chichiboypumpi 3 месяца назад
at a budget lower than 30 million usd it is the best Godzilla movie yet since 1954, and the best movie released in theaters since 2023. Gofro, go poor hollywoke.
@Beardo2517 3 месяца назад
Hollywood is doing fine without you
@GigiM_winx 3 месяца назад
Same bro
@flixinaminute Месяц назад