High Rollers DnD
High Rollers DnD
High Rollers DnD
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Welcome to High Rollers, a live-play Dungeons & Dragons campaign! Join Dungeon Master Mark Hulmes and his players as they explore the world of Altheya on Europe's biggest RPG Stream! Watch live ever Sunday at 5pm UK Time on twitch.tv/highrollersdnd!

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Podcast: tinyurl.com/highrollerspod
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Wiki: high-rollers-dnd.fandom.com/wiki/High_Rollers_DnD_Wiki
Heralds of Doom | Altheya: The Dragon Empire #13
2 месяца назад
Guild Politics | Altheya: The Dragon Empire #11
3 месяца назад
The Ashen Road | Altheya: The Dragon Empire #6
5 месяцев назад
Blood and Fire | Altheya: The Dragon Empire #5
5 месяцев назад
The Lightless Chasm | Altheya: The Dragon Empire #4
5 месяцев назад
Into the Depths | Altheya: The Dragon Empire #3
5 месяцев назад
A World of Stories | Altheya: The Dragon Empire #1
6 месяцев назад
For the King II | Chaos Twins Rise Again!
6 месяцев назад
@zer_pp День назад
i love how the narrator keeps posing for the camera
@gobbygubbinz День назад
The bit where they are singing...... I will leave the light on........that song....... leave the light on
@tytoalba6353 День назад
Where is episode 3!?!
@tytoalba6353 День назад
Where is episode 3!?!
@tyrendian8738 День назад
This one hit me right in the feels. A tall, grown-ass man, father of multiple kids bawling like a dog at the outcoming of a dnd battle.
@ertekin5943 День назад
Any chance for another one shot?
@thompson9529 День назад
Did Sentry forget she could summon a flying mount?
@AHAH-fn7wd День назад
I was your 1000th like!!. Pin please?
@vertigine69 День назад
Kim: I wanna be a big magical cat. A few years later… “Yes, hellow, I am Gruff, I am from the village of Tremorrow…”
@saccherrirhysha2660 День назад
Mark H channelings inner Laura B 😇😊
@Lcihaem День назад
bro this was the best cyberpunk gameplay (red) I could find, if I could I would pay u to make a part4
@SylviaDragon День назад
gotta admit, having a fantasy 5g conspiracy plot was not on my list of expected plot hooks but hooked.
@Linkario86 День назад
I could listen to Amelias Voice day and night. Especially with the background music when she starts the adventure at camp
@FlamingLily День назад
Damn this clear skies video really tugging at my heart strings *glances down at the recommended videos* "Episode 118 - The gang commit a war crime"
@melissaritchie2372 День назад
I have wanted desperately to do table -top and d&d style games, but I cannot find ANYONE in my area thats interested. Are there virtual communities I could join? Ive researched a bit and found very little.
@jacksonavino1524 День назад
Imagine if there a legend of Zelda dnd edition
@Daaboo 2 дня назад
Because everyone can't roll above 10 why not focus on things that boost rolls? Like bless, potions or debuff the enemies....
@DanMottram1 2 дня назад
It's like when your dad makes a rude joke
@rb2k196 2 дня назад
Devora lighting on fire and yeeting the poor imp that was only meant to have a single moment mid-campaign, is peak DnD 😂😂
@Zackforsure 2 дня назад
Kinda wild how much the DM sounds like Gale when Gale is right there
@thompson9529 2 дня назад
25 halved is 12.5, Mark!
@notthesonofwilliam788 2 дня назад
🔖 30:00
@thompson9529 2 дня назад
Valar needs to pee right? Just ask for peepee break!
@devinsarmiento1691 2 дня назад
LARIAN give us this as a dlc, we can either go directly to the dlc from the menu and have preset origin characters, or be able to access anytime through Withers once starting act 3, increase level cap to 20 for the dlc, if starting through the menu instead of creating a guardian you create Tav, if through withers use already created character, as well as bringing already found equipment, it’d be genius
@vertigine69 2 дня назад
Watching this Q&A years later and into campaign 3 and hearing about the nature bard Mark was putting together… hello Rowan 💙
@jamescorkish8954 2 дня назад
Stkll funny after 34th time lf watching
@georgichaushev643 2 дня назад
why dafuq does nova cast 4 eldritch blasts as a lvl 5 warlock?? should be 2
@tenebraebr 3 дня назад
Love the "censorship" in the subtitles HAHAHA
@kimmyanimesimp6056 3 дня назад
I love them. Mark is everything. ❤❤❤😂
@Daaboo 3 дня назад
What the actual fuck lol 😆
@danalou_who7765 3 дня назад
Secret Basement! Secret Basement! Under Statue! Secret Secret Secret Secret Basement!
@user-ld8pf2gw5z 3 дня назад
Pen us. Good. AhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahajahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaAhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahajahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaAhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahajahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaAhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahajahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaAhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahajahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaAhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahajahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaAhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahajahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahaAhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahajahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaha
@alexanderwagner4095 3 дня назад
Strange idea can we Xan a Ironman Arc-Reaktor 😅
@Daaboo 3 дня назад
That emotional critical roll Tom did with the comment about her brother is weaker than the plant 🪴 aouch, savage! 50dkp+
@rj_lite_ 3 дня назад
18:55 Lovely moment between Neil & Sam :D
@danalou_who7765 3 дня назад
I thought there were 10 in the wolfpack before one died
@danalou_who7765 3 дня назад
Mark is soooo adorable as Nova's mom!
@mixmastermike2128 3 дня назад
What so funny about Peanuts..? :P
@pR1mal. 3 дня назад
Every time Astarion speaks, I hear Tim Curry's voice in "the Rocky Horror Picture Show". 10/10
@Neil-wp8nb 3 дня назад
Oh my... Devora's face when Lae'zel was basically one-shot killed was heartbreaking. Absolutely heartbreaking.
@Scott_Burton 3 дня назад
Even after Tom proclaimed Mark has been mispronouncing Qillek's name since episode 1. Everyone still shorthand calls him Quill, when the proper shorthand for his name would be "kill" Kill ek, not Quill ek.[yeah, somebody probably beat me to this. I'm playing catch up years later.
@danalou_who7765 3 дня назад
With so much money why did the party not buy at least 10 regular healing potions? That's 10 more times of getting people up.
@Wrath8036 3 дня назад
I been waiting for this one 🤣
@amyheath8261 3 дня назад
Whenever they say signet I think they’re saying cygnet and I imagine large grey fluffy baby birds wandering around the Starbane ships
@mr.j4696 3 дня назад
Peanuts 😂
@xzafir515 3 дня назад
This is why High Rollers will always be my favourite
@happydawg2663 3 дня назад
Mark channeling his inner Butthead
@BEEDRILL303 3 дня назад
When he says Rowan it sounds like rub’n lol
@Crispi1260 4 дня назад
The close up, the pause, and the final delivery are just *chef’s kiss*. Never change, guys.
@danalou_who7765 4 дня назад
So the party did not short rest and use hit dice before leaving the temple? 😬