Simon Mundie
Simon Mundie
Simon Mundie
I'm Simon Mundie - host of ‘A New Way of Being’ and author of 'Champion Thinking: How To Find Success Without Losing Yourself', published by Bloomsbury. Welcome to my RU-vid channel A New Way of Being - which is about recognising that we are all innately enough.

So much stuff out there - including the so-called 'high performance' culture - comes from a place of inadequacy. If we are not enough as we are, of course we will expend vast amounts of energy trying to BECOME enough in the future. But that's a trap. We cannot become what we already are, and the search obscures this recognition.

Does this mean we become passive, lazy, indifferent and don't look to do big, important things in the world? No. But crucially, the intention is different. We are not seeking to prove our worth. We are choosing to express it.

#anewwayofbeing #selfdevelopmenttools #selfdevelopmentpodcast #nonduality #philosophy #thelifelessonspodcast #simonmundie #spirituality #spiritualawakening #nonduality
Non-duality explained in 80 seconds
Месяц назад
Rupert Spira: 'How to find lasting happiness'
2 месяца назад
Donald Hoffman: 'It is always now'
2 месяца назад
Is consciousness infinite?
3 месяца назад
@renakmans3521 9 часов назад
Rupert, it’s not just Ukraine there’s also a genocide going on in Gaza…😬
@josiejo117 14 часов назад
Simple & concise! "Thank you...If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough." (Einstein I believe)
@consideredwhisper 18 часов назад
Great clip, Simon. And a big shout out for Prof Bernard Carr. His 2-hr long interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump (BATGAP) on YT is well worth a listen.
@phk2000 День назад
All is one, there is not two. You know it already, you know it’s true. You can look and look but there’s nothing to find The truth’s just been hidden by the chatter of your mind. Oneness is here, now - not somewhere above Oneness is All, oneness is LOVE. See it and a smile on your face will appear Your life filled with JOY and nothing to fear.
@gireeshneroth7127 День назад
Reality is a give and take between mind and the mind of the mind. No mind no nothing. Just pure consciousness remains.
@natalieanderson308 День назад
This continues to rock my world…every damned day. Thank you 🙃🩵
@the51project День назад
Since we're all one, can I borrow your car?
@philshanklandLife День назад
Good to see the 'A Team' again - but as @alisonsalter8352 says - bring on the women! 🙏PS - great sound from all 3 on Zencastr but why the cans Simon? Phil (in the Tiny House in the Derbyshire Dales)
@chiptowers1 2 дня назад
no experience means no wisdom. So X you will find in any experience which is all lasting happiness, many lasting happiness that you will recall when required. Can you imagine not recalling a relationship in your youth when you are in old age. Now that recall is your wisdom due to experience. The point is, what is promoting the seeking and what will carry out the effortlessness. Remembering that the inception of ones lineage was initially FORMED not BORN. Therefore the FORM within is always seeking it's surrounds for it's survival and to evolve the BORN ( your physical being). The FORM has always informed/conditioned the BORN to effortlessly achieve, after all how do you think your lineage has come thus far. Therefore your brain can seek the effortlessness path prior to carrying out the FORMS request to seek for the end result. Each individual request to seek by the FORM within requires a different effortlessness. Seeking IS NOT an effort until that which is being requested to seek becomes the effort, which means one must seek that particular effortlessness path from that FORM source within. That means effortlessness is not present before the seeking begins. Your innate FORM operates 24/7 ( your iteration function) whether you realise it's presence or not.
@anthonybrett 4 дня назад
Bernado has been blowing my mind of late. He's great.
@alisonsalter8352 4 дня назад
My female mind simply cannot go there. And doesn’t need to. My heart just knows Oneness to be True. 50% of the population don’t need to make their mind jump through these hoops. It’s a tremendously arduous long way round to Self Realisation! However, women may be conditioned to follow male gurus, because ‘men always know better’. And in this way women get sucked back into the matrix of the mind.
@MaartendeJager 2 дня назад
Perhaps simply put, he means that the appearent seperation of past and future, only excists in the mind, being an illusionary idea.
@alisonsalter8352 2 дня назад
@@MaartendeJager I have no idea what tangled mess his mind is getting him caught up in!
@G_Rangaraj 4 дня назад
Bernado, Rupert as always brilliant minds of our times
@birthing4blokes46 5 дней назад
I love the interviews face in this, lovely.
@IAmSimonMundie 4 дня назад
Thank you :)
@gireeshneroth7127 5 дней назад
Reality is mind's version.
@thomasbrouwer2771 6 дней назад
OMG! Francis and his hammers. His pointers are killers. Next level stuff.
@alreadyabsolute33 6 дней назад
We identify individual aspects to everything. So a table and a chair as two separate things in relation to everything. But when we are not doing that, there is already everything. Free from the need for individual aspects to be identified. The identification of individual aspects is knowing, we are searching to know everything. Everything is already free from the need to be known. There is just absolute freedom, covered over by that search for knowing.
@alanfrancis9225 6 дней назад
All experience is inside our head, our experience of everyone, everything is inside our head. Originally Awarness, which languages ( symbols) enabled us to split up Awarness into consciousness. Part of this is an observer to witness itself. Our journey is to make the unconscious conscious. No gods needed.
@hoppechr 6 дней назад
10 minutes on consciousness w/o mentioning the brain. Visit a neurology unit. And finally shut up. What a waste of time and talent.
@skemsen 7 дней назад
"Evil" is merely a human ego label. It seems silly that BK is so caught up in that concept in relation to an ontological theory or explanation of reality and the universe
@lindalangdon9406 8 дней назад
❤ Frances
@sanekabc 9 дней назад
Well, we have no evidence of consciousness existing without a body so it is reasonable to assume that that is the case.
@brianbachinger6357 4 дня назад
That’s because you assume that consciousness is already bound to the body in a necessary way and is a product of it. If that isn’t the case, then consciousness is already not bound to the body. We could also bring in NDE experiences where consciousness is outside of the body and reports verifiable things to support the claim. The biggest issue with claiming that consciousness is a product of brain activity is the realm of idea or qualia is experientially as real as the realm of material phenomena. In other words, it is already true that ideas are real and are not the same things as material things. This is evidence that the psyche, while being bound to the body in some way is actually a separate entity. Pneuma or Spirit is another thing and is be definition uncaused because it isn’t bound to a causally infinite regress. What I mean is simply this: if Spirit or consciousness or awareness or whatever you want to call it is a product of material processes, then how could it exist in a meta level above what is going on, a level beyond which there by definition can’t be anything else? Can anything else exist which isn’t preceded by awareness? So if that is the case, if consciousness was a product of brain activity, it wouldn’t be an unchanging thing and there wouldn’t be meta awareness of phenomena. We would be automata.
@Da_Xman 9 дней назад
INCREDIBLE ZEN MOMENT: I once was in a conversation with a sincere friend and he was pro corporal punishment. And then, I asked how he might feel if his daughter or his son grew up to deliberately become an executioner. My friend practically lost his breath, almost couldn't breath and couldn't look at me. He'd innocently never had the opportunity to see the entire picture and the entire thing really caught him off guard. He'd never had the opportunity to really look at the bigger picture (which is typical of the greater percentage of us). And, then there's the capitalist perspective: it's too expensive to take care of them and they're not worth it - again, entirely understandable in its own extremely mundane way, in the same category as my buddy. From a typical worldview, this issue is very difficult for many to grasp and, quite understandably, for those who've been transgressed against (no matter how profound their insight). This is a great conversation that gets right to the point! But, good luck with it in this world of greed, hate and attempting to make oneself happy at the expense and sacrifice of others. ✨♥️👋🥴👍✨
@QualityofMind 9 дней назад
Love it. Santa is more credible than primacy of material. World 😊😂
@quantumgrrl7 11 дней назад
Check out Hawkins’ book Power vs. Force.
@alalohwhydee 11 дней назад
Could it be that "evil" is merely the gross misappropriation of life in the minds of humans who have misplaced the balance of reality?
@IntuitArt-rb4br 13 дней назад
Well said and thanks to all of you for this.
@alisonsalter8352 13 дней назад
Bernardo never says anything that is not just common sense. Especially to women. We live this experience what he speaks of (as if he is some kind of authority) every day in a world dominated by men. I don’t get why people look up to him. He also just repeats the same thing several times.
@Da_Xman 9 дней назад
Hi Alison! ✨♥️👋🥴✨ Besides the personal concerns about the people, what's your take on the information being discussed? Many have come to the same conclusion, but getting us to a functional application is the problem (throughout history). A pure drop of water is contaminated when it's placed in a mud puddle.
@alisonsalter8352 9 дней назад
@@Da_Xman good point for me yeah, I’m a teacher too and often these days am more concerned about the HOW rather than the WHAT is being discussed. I’ve lived through the WHAT and have a felt experiential understanding of it. I have done exactly what Bernardo speaks of. I speak from the fire of that place. It has required immense growth to get there. Fast growth in a very dangerous and desperate situation. I’ve had to be the one to grow beyond revenge and separation in dia circumstances. So yes I agree with him. The bigger question of ‘why does evil happen’ is a much bigger question. And inevitably the ‘why’ question can only EVER come from the mind and be answered by the mind on that relative level. Dr David Hawkins also gave over his personal life to ‘serving consciousness/god’ and he speaks of there being war so that mass proportions of humanity can move into seeing the world through a courageous lens. It takes courage to lay down one’s life on the front line. Consciousness through doing so, comes back to its true nature. Or a major step closer anyway. The courage is what is needed to move beyond the sense of self and separation which starts war in the first place. The dance is only ever moving in an impersonal way for consciousness only. Or one could say ‘for All’ if we credit the 8billion appearing humans. If we don’t credit there being humans at all, so at the most ultimate level, consciousness knows no good and evil. It just IS. Just dancing. “There is nothing good or bad in this world; only thinking that makes it So”. Hamlet act 2 scene 2 But that is not much practical use to know that. I think I have given three different levels of veiled consciousness above. 1) the level of the people: we must do something at an impersonal level to stop evil 2) that evil is happening to help consciousness remember itself and only for that reason. 3) that consciousness just is. Beyond the mind made reasoning of why’s and wherefores. Please do engage further. My understanding is always open to not being the highest or most comprehensive understanding. ❤
@skemsen 14 дней назад
Where is the full conversation?
@user-cv8nj7dh3q 15 дней назад
When you talk of loss of information, are you saying that we, sort of, lose concentration?! Why do we only have "partial" information, please?? Could we change our "projection" so that it didn't "lose information"??? Btw, does this finding imply that planning's futile, in a sense?
@user-cv8nj7dh3q 15 дней назад
wd the fact that our evolution is driven genetically rather than environmentally change Professor Hoffman's conclusions, please?
@user-cv8nj7dh3q 15 дней назад
What do u mean experience should trump belief?
@radhikaschwartz3499 15 дней назад
Is this the new Don Johnson look that Francis has adopted ?
@MaartendeJager 16 дней назад
People think they know by eating the forbidden fruit, causing externalisation and the belief in a devil, for thought ís the forbidden fruit. So they think they know good and bad, but the truth is thought is causing it. And the mind cannot know or see what it causes, thats were Consciousness comes in. Thought is merely a degredation of that which is one, chopping in into pieces. ✌
@ecoutetonetre729 16 дней назад
A wonderful question. I would have liked to interview Francis and I sent him and email but he doesn’t seem to be seeing my email. Anyone has his email ? @simon ?
@brainwaiver1 17 дней назад
Now as the only constant in the eternal gives existence a place in forever.
@HelenLoshny 17 дней назад
@that_angie 17 дней назад
it's nice. first he addresses the consciousness of a reality and the consciousness of a body. he asks for the evidence that shows that consciousness is limited to a body. then he suggests going a little deeper, and recognizing that consciousness is the reality of our human experience, and at that moment the image freezes. reality jokes at my level. it's really good.
@pilargarcia6724 17 дней назад
@innerlight617 18 дней назад
That's a very good point! 5.25: FL:...this body is part of the world that surrounds it , because of that its reality has to be the reality of the world, the world and the body in it ,share the same reality. So even if i say this Consciousness is dependent upon this body the reality of this Consciousness is the reality of this body, which is the reality of everything and then already we have moved out of this very unexplored belief that this Consciousness is limited to, or by, this human body.
@pilargarcia6724 18 дней назад
@martinrea8548 18 дней назад
Amazing how he talks without moving his lips, without moving at all, in fact. It's quite remarkable.
@serafimsousa5383 17 дней назад
@stefanoprovvedi1155 17 дней назад
It’s a mystical power…
@gabymalembe 18 дней назад
Francis Lucille makes more sense to me than anyone.
@gabymalembe 18 дней назад
Francis Lucile makes more sense to me than anyone.
@PaulaBramante 18 дней назад
Have you listened to his student, Rupert Spira? Check him out.
@matrazke 18 дней назад
Thank you!
@JavierBonillaC 18 дней назад
In Albert Camus' novel "The Stranger," Meursault's response to his cellmate about wanting to remember this life if there was an afterlife underscores the idea that memories are essential to personal identity. Without memory, any new existence is effectively a new person, which is equivalent to death. Camus suggests that it's our memories that give our lives meaning and continuity. Bernardo Kastrup's theories propose that individual consciousnesses are parts of a universal consciousness, and personal memories might persist in some form after death. However, if these memories are not accessible to the individual, it still feels like the end of personal identity. Without the ability to remember, the essence of who we are is lost. What are your thoughts on this perspective? Does losing memory equate to losing one's identity?
@alisonsalter8352 19 дней назад
Yes if one is looking through the intellectual male mind, you’re right, it is indeed very complicated. Hence I recommend the merging of male with female. Women are by nature, more loving and nurturing. They know their oneness by nature much easier. The world gets nothing from the male intellectual mind anymore. It feels so past its sell-by date. The world operates in the heart these days. Not in the mind. ❤
@AlisonSalter-o9m 19 дней назад
I have reason to believe recently, that it does 'end'. When awakening reaches the point that it realises that there never was an ego, and that what we used to call ego, never existed anyway...and everything was always perfect...even the stuff we called ego behaviour (after all, how many lessons have been learnt from ego behaviour?!), that is the end of awakening. When you realise you are back at square one and it was really just 'much adieu about nothing. Literally all that needs to be learnt is that the person is not ALL we are and that there is another 'level'. We don't need to awaken from the ego, or get rid of it. On the contrary, we need it. We just need to see it's not all we are.
@Intuitivewords 20 дней назад
The problem is that non-duality is not an understanding, it cannot be applied by our conceptual mind at all, otherwise it will be the same trap we are all repeating for centuries.....full stop
@geoffgriffiths8691 20 дней назад
Putin and Xi already practice win/win solutions.
@mikeregan3265 20 дней назад
The Flower pot men abide.
@consideredwhisper 20 дней назад
I am very much looking forward to the new govt we have here in the UK which, in my opinion, seems very promising. We look like being one of the few Centre-Left countries in Europe judging by the direction taken by Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands and now France and Germany. Interesting times.
@Misslotusification 18 дней назад
Interesting indeed. We shall see if they're making a difference, or if it's just the same ol' same ol', in different costume / name.