MD Luna
MD Luna
MD Luna
Stories with meaning. Conversations about books, story-telling, writing, creativity, the human experience, and life in general.
#15: I Published ANOTHER Book!
21 день назад
What is The Sun and Moon Saga?
Месяц назад
#12: The Fisherman and the Mermaid (Novelette)
2 месяца назад
A Fantasy Writer's Quarter-Life Crisis
2 месяца назад
How to Write While Working a Day Job
3 месяца назад
On James and the Giant Peach
3 месяца назад
The Books That Inspired IV: Aurora and Luna
3 месяца назад
The Traps of Outlining Your Book
3 месяца назад
The Traps of Discovery Writing Your Book
3 месяца назад
#9: I Am Not A Fortune Teller (Essay)
6 месяцев назад
#8: Why I Love Magic Mushrooms (Essay)
7 месяцев назад
#7: The Golden Candle (Short Story)
8 месяцев назад
#5: The Three Stages Of Writing A Book
8 месяцев назад
Writing Vlog: Starting My Third Novel
8 месяцев назад
@TheAnglishTimes День назад
Helpful thoughts
@authormdluna 20 часов назад
@@TheAnglishTimes I’m so glad! 😀
@danainslie1731 3 дня назад
Really enjoyed this, you two play well off each other. And now I really wanna hear 'The Biggest Dinosaur', 'Hornet', and 'The Hermit'!
@authormdluna 3 дня назад
@@danainslie1731 Thank you for listening and for the comment, Dan! I’m glad you enjoyed the deep dive into Eric’s latest album. 😊
@themunicipalityband 3 дня назад
Hornet EP imminent.
@authormdluna 10 дней назад
This is a bit of a different video from me, but I want to experiment with some more candid content, so let me know what you think!
@forestdeerling 17 дней назад
im a INFJ as well, i feel like its quite a popular MBTI personality. my best friend/current house mates name is spenncer, it be so funny if they and your spenncer have the same personality haha
@authormdluna 16 дней назад
Actually, INFJ is supposedly the rarest type! :o But I too have met/interacted with a lot of INFJs. And I think this could be due to a few factors... First off, the kind of person who would WANT to take a personality test or spend time thinking about MBTI is more likely to be an INFJ than a lot of other types. ISTJs and ESTJS are (supposedly) the most common, but they likely wouldn't be interested in MBTI the way an INFJ might be. Obviously, I'm generalizing here, but the point is: I don't think the population sample of those who discuss MBTI is a neutral one. Second off, I think a lot of self-identifying INFJs are actually INFPs. Many times I've intereacted with someone who says they are an INFJ, but, to me, they appear to be an INFP. I notice this because the difference between these two types, even though it's just one letter, is massive. But often times, people don't learn the types, and just go by the letters. Of course, it's not a hard science, so who knows if the INFJ really is the rarest or how common it is? Sorry for my ramble! All this said, I am not surprised that you are an INFJ as well, because we have so many things in common. XD<3
@forestdeerling 16 дней назад
@@authormdluna no thats completely understandable! i also think other things factor in with it too, im neurodivergent as well so i wonder if that maybe has a play in what personalities people are. im not the stereotypical analytical, super logical autistic person for example, but i am sometimes, i also have trauma that makes me people pleasing or assess situations by feelings, because of past experiences, ive learnt that, its not really a "gut instinct" its more of a trauma response, so i do think its interesting that it might be all correlated, ya know? but you are right, if people dont do the test, how is the results showing who is the more "common" personality when you dont have enough data, certain type of people might be more drawn to do it than others. i wonder why they think they are INFJ vs INFP, i guess its planning vs going with the flow, you would think people would be like yeah i go with the flow, vs planning things? its interesting. or they dont really know what the types mean like you said so true!! i think i tend to gravitate towards similar people, so it would be interesting to know what my friends personalities are, if they are similar. it makes me wonder if my best friend will do it cuz he had one person say it was stupid so hes like nope i wont do it, so i wonder how many people are that easily persuaded hahahaha, but i mentioned that its more for fun than anything else and he said he might do it. hes got ADHD and is most likely autistic so it would be interesting to see what his is, due to the ADHD side of things, if it affects things. he is also very creative, hes an artist and quite introverted but more sociable than me, so hes similar but very different - he is more go with the flow, where as im very scheduley haha. so it be interesting to see what he ends up being.
@authormdluna 13 дней назад
@@forestdeerling YES! 100%! I feel you so hard on everything you said about the gut feeling vs. trauma response... it's something I am still working out for myself... I think sometimes people think that 'P' types HAVE to be extremely messy and disorganized and unplanned. They definitely don't have to be on the extreme end of that spectrum, especially because organization is a skill you can learn. And likewise, I've met plenty of INFJs who are quite messy. I used to be extremely messy and go-with-the-flow, and then I became extremely organized and scheduled. But now I'm kind of trying 'unlearn' some of that and have more a balance between schedule/routine/structure/order and playfulness/spontaneity. XD In the past, I have tend to gravitate towards similar people... and I still do feel at home with those types... but in more recent years, I love meeting types that are different from me. ESFPs, especially. I love hanging out with ESFPs. We're polar opposites, but I feel they always bring out a more fun-loving side of me, and I feel I bring out a more introspective side of them.
@authormdluna 17 дней назад
DISCLAIMER: Readers of The Sun and Moon Saga, you are 100% allowed to disagree with me on any of these typings of my characters-and, in fact, I actively encourage it. For example, maybe you think that Aurora is an INFP, not an INFJ. If you do disagree with me on one of my typings, please let me know, because I would LOVE to hear your own personal interpretation of my creative work. XD TIMESTAMPS: 01:06 - I’m an armchair psychologist 03:02 - I don’t write characters-I have imgainary friends 07:44 - what is the MBTI? 13:01 - how I used the MBTI to better my writing 16:38 - INFJ 22:59 - ENFJ 25:29 - INFP 27:39 - ENFP 30:46 - INTJ 32:59 - ENTJ 34:52 - INTP 37:11 - ENTP 38:45 - ISFJ 40:40 - ISTJ 42:57 - ISFP 45:07 - ISTP 47:03 - ESFJ 48:40 - ESTJ 54:54 - ESFP 58:30 - ESTP
@authormdluna 24 дня назад
00:00 - I published another book! 04:42 - newsletter giveaway winner announced 06:01 - more (spoiler free) ramblings about publishing II: The Rebel Coven 14:40 - RU-vid is my home & my creative vision is evolving 21:18 - even more (potentially spoilery) ramblings about II: The Rebel Coven
@forestdeerling 29 дней назад
not sure if you still have insta but i sent you a dm on there :3 or if you still have discord i could send it on there?
@authormdluna Месяц назад
If you enjoyed this and want to keep reading, sign up for my FREE newsletter. When you sign up, I send you a link to chapter one. www.melodydanielluna.com/newsletter/ Otherwise, order your copy of I: The Misfit Princess today: www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0D2XBQW6S?ref_=dbs_p_pwh_rwt_cpsb_cl_0&storeType=ebooks Pre-order your eBook of II: The Rebel Coven: www.amazon.com/II-Rebel-Coven-Moon-Saga-ebook/dp/B0DDG3NT69/ref=sr_1_2?crid=36MRJT5GGSCTF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QEL48SpgQ2NBIe0Lq8VkGRLezNYeXZ-3mwA0k_e0tJrw4WCvbu2FiQNp4HOJrOhz7wxVwuPhcsR_cqQeSOzjMZK9Rr5k9Ig-GcdN6RYKxHqMCymUSNxGUjiuqyrPBBP-.gIKLEl-9qfKxshAFAGqtfJQZjxIz-mFt3KYWYX1K1HI&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+rebel+coven&qid=1724339547&sprefix=the+rebel+coven%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-2
@TheDarqProject Месяц назад
I took a college "creative writing class" based on short stories. My professor heavily discouraged me from trying to write novels, saying short stories were where it was at. It's even funnier now, because he had nothing of note published. So remember... Those who can: do. Those who can't: teach. I'm glad you got back into writing what you love!
@authormdluna Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing! I've never understand people who try to dissuade you from the thing you want to do... Claiming short stories are where it's at and that you shouldn't write novels... it's silly advice... it's a bit like telling a basketball player that they should play soccer. XD And thank you! I am glad I returned to the story too. :D
@authormdluna Месяц назад
Four things... 1. I did my best to avoid any major spoilers in this video. However, if you want to go into TSAMS without any idea of what is going to happen, maybe skip this video? 2. You can pre-order your eBook of II: The Rebel Coven: www.amazon.com/II-Rebel-Coven-Moon-Saga-ebook/dp/B0DDG3NT69/ref=sr_1_2?crid=36MRJT5GGSCTF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QEL48SpgQ2NBIe0Lq8VkGRLezNYeXZ-3mwA0k_e0tJrw4WCvbu2FiQNp4HOJrOhz7wxVwuPhcsR_cqQeSOzjMZK9Rr5k9Ig-GcdN6RYKxHqMCymUSNxGUjiuqyrPBBP-.gIKLEl-9qfKxshAFAGqtfJQZjxIz-mFt3KYWYX1K1HI&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+rebel+coven&qid=1724339547&sprefix=the+rebel+coven%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-2 3. Also, a reminder of my newsletter giveaway: I am giving away a copy of I: The Misfit Princess to one of my newsletter subscribers. To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is subscribe to my newsletter. The cut-off is August 24th, and the winner will be announced within the week after. Enter here... www.melodydanielluna.com/newsletter 4. And, of course, the time stamps: 01:54 - what is The Sun and Moon Saga & where did the idea come from? 08:10 - what is New-Camelot? 24:02 - writing, editing & publishing the first book, IV: Aurora and Luna 40:58 - IV: Aurora and Luna is just the beginning/the plan going forward
@authormdluna Месяц назад
A reminder of my newsletter giveaway: I am giving away a copy of I: The Misfit Princess to one of my newsletter subscribers. To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is subscribe to my newsletter. The cut-off is August 24th, and the winner will be announced within the week after. Enter here... www.melodydanielluna.com/newsletter <3
@authormdluna Месяц назад
Whoops! I titled this video ‘eight tips’, but I see now that it is, in fact, SEVEN tips. Melody is bad at math!
@forestdeerling Месяц назад
i find going to actual places that feature in my stories helps my creativity/inspo, like to the forest or the beach. planning on taking a trip to the aquarium if im feeling 100% by monday (been recovering from food poisoning, its not been fun haha), to get inspo for my mermaid story. or even stores/cafes/etc to get a certain vibe. honestly you can find inspiration anywhere hehe. like i even sometimes get inspiration just from drinking tea/eating certain foods, like trying to explain that in a story, that a character might eat or drink. even weather is inspiring! i love writing about certain weather hehe. i think one of my fave scenes ive written is what a perfect crisp autumn morning is like, that sense of absolute cosiness.
@authormdluna Месяц назад
Ooooo yes same! When drafting The Fisherman and the Mermaid, I was spending a loooot of the time at the beach. Food poisoning??? That’s horrible! Get well soon, please 🖤❤️‍🩹 Weather is one of my favourite things to write about too! And the changing of the seasons!
@forestdeerling Месяц назад
@@authormdluna im glad you understand!! <3 thank you, im all better now luckily, but oof it was a rough week haha. definitely! :3 . has the seasons started changing for you yet? it is here!
@TheDarqProject13 Месяц назад
This list is so spot on. And I love Lidiya's channel, too! I've been bad about not reading much the past few months. And I don't really do much for refilling the creative well other than watch other creators on YT. Don't watch TV or movies, really. I need to get back to reading more often.
@authormdluna Месяц назад
It’s funny how when I’m feeling ‘on track’ with my reading, I’m usually falling behind in my writing, and vice versa! Although lately, I’ve been finding a better balance between the two.
@authormdluna Месяц назад
02:49 - video starts here 04:42 - the highs & lows of creativity 11:21 - remember your why 14:46 - unhook from the need for recognition 19:54 - let yourself indulge in things that inspire you 25:27 - find your people 27:51 - take a break 31:06 - be consistent & learn to love the plateau 33:17 - be patient
@AdamMiceli Месяц назад
Awesome message!!! :)
@authormdluna Месяц назад
Thank you :D
@TheDarqProject13 Месяц назад
I'm mostly a discovery writer. I tend to do maybe 1 or 2 sentences of main things to hit per chapter, with longer works. But I also sometimes don't even do an outline to pull it all together until about halfway through... You never know how it's going to go. There's no "right" way to write. I hope you find something that works best for you!
@authormdluna Месяц назад
Absolutely. Both/all methods of getting the words down are valid. I discovery wrote my first book, and I wrote the first draft really quickly... but I wrote myself into a lot of plot-holes... so when writing the sequel, I want to have somewhat of a outline, to avoid being in a situation again where I once again have to do five (plus) rounds of developmental editing. I am hoping to outline the book and do some of the work I would do in developmental editing in outlining. But we will see how it goes, because naturally I am a discovery writer, and I totally agree with you that you never really know how it's going to go. What genre(s) do you write?
@TheDarqProject13 Месяц назад
@@authormdluna I write paranormal romance, and horror. And have a bad tendency to blend the two! But I have a lot of fantasy elements, and soft magic systems, and all this other weird stuff I throw in. Lots of anime/manga influences.
@authormdluna Месяц назад
@@TheDarqProject13 Ooo awesome! Have you published? The idea of paranormal romance and horror mixed together sounds awesome. Why is that a 'bad tendency'? :o
@TheDarqProject13 Месяц назад
@@authormdluna I self pubbed the first book in a vampires-with-a-twist series almost two months ago! And it may not be a "bad" tendency, but it's definitely not a conventional genre blend. Although from growing up in the 90's... Maybe mixing the two makes more sense than I realized.
@authormdluna Месяц назад
@@TheDarqProject13 Oh, cool! What is it called? I think mixing and matching is what makes creativity and art fun :D
@forestdeerling Месяц назад
such cool books! so lucky 💖. i enjoy watching writing vlogs! i liked the mini tea making bit too :3
@authormdluna Месяц назад
I know - it was such a treat when she passed these on to me. Awesome! Thank you! I enjoy making them and I want to do more in the future. Cozy Autumn writing vlogs coming soon(ish)... :D
@forestdeerling Месяц назад
@@authormdluna such a lucky duck! yay cant wait hehehe. i miss autumn so much! i know im still technically in winter but its been a pretty warm 2nd half of winter so it makes me long for autumn (also seeing people post early "fall"/halloween stuff online isnt helping haha)
@authormdluna Месяц назад
@@forestdeerling Oof, yes, I know what you mean. January-February is the worst for me, as that is late Winter here.
@forestdeerling Месяц назад
@@authormdluna i hope you enjoy the autumn and the end of summer as much as you can! i think i have opposite SAD - summer is horrible, i hate it so much. but then again australia is basically on fire every summer so its understandable haha.
@seanso2316 2 месяца назад
@forestdeerling 2 месяца назад
i really love your voices, king james is so hilarious 😂. always enjoy your singing 💖 . such a wonderful but sad story 😢
@authormdluna 2 месяца назад
Thank you for listening/reading! <3 That's how I always heard his voice in my head lol. And thank you! My partner and I are currently tracking vocals for a collaborative album. ^_^ This one definitely has a grim ending, but it also sets up some stuff for The Sun and Moon Saga, and there may not be the end of the story - but I will say no more! XD
@forestdeerling 2 месяца назад
@@authormdluna you are most welcome ^^ . aw thats so cool! oooo cant wait to read what that means 👀
@michaelmaarschalkerweerd1147 2 месяца назад
@forayjumpman 2 месяца назад
My reason for writing: CUZ I NEED TO FINISH THIS STORY NOW!
@authormdluna 2 месяца назад
@@forayjumpman Same! Not writing a story is truly the worst torture.
@authormdluna 2 месяца назад
Btw I ordered your book and now it’s sitting in my TBR pile 😁
@forayjumpman 2 месяца назад
@@authormdluna Fantastic! Good luck. Mwa ha ha ha ha. MWA HAHAHAHA.
@authormdluna 2 месяца назад
@@forayjumpman What’s with the evil laugh? Should I be nervous? 😅
@forayjumpman 2 месяца назад
@@authormdluna Oh … you’ll see.😏😏😏
@AdamMiceli 2 месяца назад
Awesome!!!!! 😊🙏 I love this so much :D
@authormdluna 2 месяца назад
Thank you! This one was really fun to make :D
@carladames9548 2 месяца назад
Your completely right🧐
@authormdluna 2 месяца назад
02:14 - video starts here 03:19 - my previous quarter life crises 13:33 - being an artist is a disease 16:05 - doubling down on my writing 18:08 - finishing IV: Aurora and Luna 19:40 - rejection letters 22:35 - pivoting with Eventually Demons Catch Up 24:22 - my frustrations grew into yet another quarter-life crisis 31:46 - to school, or not school? 34:31 - rumination 35:55 - the tax bill that saved me from myself 39:06 - in the end, what I needed was a change in mindset
@authormdluna 2 месяца назад
2:35 - video starts here! fiction vs. non-fiction 9:22 - John Green 14:30 - The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes by Anne Mazer 17:52 - Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon by Naoko Takeuchi 24:55 - The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham 27:48 - Brambly Hedge by Jill Barklem 33:40 - Beatrix Potter 36:23 - Flower Fairies of the Spring and Flower Fairies of the Summer by Cicely Mary Barker 38:08 - The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien 39:57 - Lidiya Foxglove 43:51 - Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend 45:54 - A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicker 47:53 - Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie
@forestdeerling 2 месяца назад
do you ever read graphic novels? theres such good ones! i think youd like the tea dragon society series and garlic and the vampire/garlic and the witch books. hehe. im currently reading the nevermoor series! im hoping i can finish it by april (not january btw) when the 4th book comes out, i was trying to aim for september - the original time frame but oh well. just got a email for a preorder, so its april 30th to be exact, not sure if i will preorder though....but maybe haha. -throws hands- DOG EAR, HOW DARE. hahahahaha. oooo a peter pan and neopet retelling? that be cool! i have a friend whose special interest is peter pan, so i know some stuff about it cuz he yaps a lot about it hahaha. ive actually never read the book, but ive seen the movie obviously and also watched "finding neverland" that movie made me ball my eyes out, i think ive only ever watched it once but damn. i would love to see a deep dive of your own thoughts of peter pan!
@authormdluna 2 месяца назад
Sometimes! For a long time, I felt like it 'didn't count as reading', because of things certain people had said to me... but through the years, I am getting more into this world of visual story-telling! (Obviously, I do not agree with the idea that it doesn't count as reading.) Wait - the next Nevermoor book comes out April 2025? Did it get delayed? I think I will have to (re)watch that movie as I embark on drafting this novel. I think I saw it as a kid... but i don't rmemeber.
@forestdeerling 2 месяца назад
@@authormdluna oh wow, yeah im glad you are getting more into the visual story telling!!! theres so many beautiful graphic novels, manga and picture books that are worth reading yeah, it was meant to come out this september but jessica posted on insta about a week ago its been delayed until april 2025! oh noice! enjoy! have you ever seen "hook"? i havent but hoping too soon when i can get a copy of it.
@authormdluna 2 месяца назад
@@forestdeerling It will be worth the wait, I'm sure! Maybe that was the one I saw... if not, I should watch that one too! 'Get your hands on a copy of it'... do you prefer to watch physical DVDs, VHSs, etc.?
@forestdeerling 2 месяца назад
@@authormdluna definitely :) yeah, let me know how you find it :) oh i mean like a dvd from the libary haha. but i usually prefer streaming services though, but i hate when they remove things! so its like i have to look at the library or find a dvd second hand/at the store (depending on how old the movie/tv show is). what do you prefer?
@authormdluna 2 месяца назад
00:45 - should you follow your passion? 04:49 - hair-styling is creative! 08:24 - and the gig comes with other perks too! 12:24 - why I didn't pursue an academic/'brainy' career 17:41 - choosing the right day job is important
@forayjumpman 3 месяца назад
Personally, I don't really have any aspirations to do anything else besides creative work. I've tried a couple of jobs here and there, but writing really feels like it was just meant for me. Currently, my plan is to go to a community college majoring in film. I hope that the day job I will eventually get would also be a way to harness my creative instincts as writing does. I'm only 20, about to turn 21 in a couple of months--so I have a lot of time in my life to figure it out. These political leaders are not going to make it easier though. That first presidential debate was just a trainwreck. LOL.
@authormdluna 2 месяца назад
I completely understand, as I have similar feelings. There's nothing I can imagine dedicating my life to aside from creative work. I am 100% committed to my writing, and hopefully one day I will be able to pay myself through that work. Until then, I will work as a hairstylist to pay my bills. The gig allows me the freedom and flexibility I need to pursue writing. (Video on that coming soon!) And yes, the debate WAS a train wreck. Lmfao
@authormdluna 3 месяца назад
This is kind of a scary video to post, because everyone's relationship to their own creative work is so personal, and also because work and money can be such a sensitive topic. It really should be said that I feel incredibly lucky to live the life I live, and I acknowledge my privilege in the video at 20:42. As is the case for all of my writing/creative advice videos, only take what resonates with you, and feel free to leave the rest. <3
@somdxr 3 месяца назад
LOVE THIS VIDEO!!! JATGP has been a growing special interest of mine (autism gang rise up) and finding this video made so so happy!! I love this idea of the bugs actually being metaphors for James's personality. I've always taken the plot literally-- as the book and other adaptions are pretty wacky-- but this is such an interesting perspective to think about. Also, I love the idea of Ladybug and Grasshopper being manifestations of the lessons and memories James has with his parents. In the musical adaptation, they especially push this idea of those two being Jame's parental figures, especially when they get married and. have kids?? (Which is a whole other jar of worms to dive into LOL.) And honestly having no idea for Glow-worm is so real LOL. Honestly, in all the adaptations, she's unfortunately mostly used as a plot device. There was an additional character in the book, Silk worm, that was removed from the movie because they're mostly only used to explain the seagull catching scene. So this book/movie/what have you is pretty familiar with simplistic characters LOL This is my first video I've ever seen from you, and I'd love to see any more of your analyses, advice, opinions, etc! I'd be happy with anything you'll upload but I'd love to hear your thoughts on the book as well!! You have a wonderful voice and sense of direction in your videos. Excited to see more :3c
@authormdluna 3 месяца назад
Jar of worms to dive into... literally? XD Thank you for the meaningful comment - it really made my day. :D <3 It's really exciting to hear that you want me to upload more videos. Thanks again. Do you have a favourite book and/or movie? (Other than James and the Giant Peach, which is amazing, obviously.)
@somdxr 3 месяца назад
@@authormdluna LOLL yea true-- and yeah of course! i'm so glad you've liked my comment and replied too <3 <3 also uhmm, honestly I have a lot of books and movies I love, but maybe Good Omens? It's a book that has a show adaption, which has gotten a new season recently, which I've just truly fallen in love with! It's such a cute take on the angels and demons trope and I love Gaiman's and Pratchett writing style within the book.
@authormdluna 3 месяца назад
@@somdxr I've been wanting to read that! Are you fan of both Gaiman and Pratchett in their solo work? :)
@somdxr 3 месяца назад
@@authormdluna yess!! I was only familiar with Gaiman's work before I read Good Omens (coraline, sandman, etc) but now I've been reading both of their own solo works!!
@authormdluna 3 месяца назад
@@somdxr There’s so much on TBR and it’s ever-growing, but I’m really excited to dive into both of them!
@forestdeerling 3 месяца назад
i dont know if ive read james and the giant peach, but i am a huge roald dahl fan so im sure i probably did read it cuz i find that when i love an author i try to read everything by them at least once. i think ive seen the movie only once though, i think it was probably just not one of my personal fave roald dahl stories (i enjoy charlie and the chocolate factory but for one of those rare moments i preferred the sequel: charlie and the great glass elevator, i love the witches and bfg and matilda (though i think i preferred the movie adaption over the book) . but your analysis is interesting! so while i dont remember much of james and the giant peach, i still find it interesting take on it :) . i would love to hear/watch more video essays about other books/movies/etc even if its ones i dont really know much about haha (might even prompt me to watch/read/play it), i just enjoy people talking about what they passionate about and their own thoughts about it. i dont know if you know of matpat? he does (did? he is now retired but he still does his main channel) theories on all sorts of things and while a lot is media i dont personally consume or know very little about, i still enjoy listening to him and his theories (or even the new theorists that took over his other channels). everyone finds different meanings in things and i always enjoy listening to different perspectives! gives me things to think about, especially if its different to my own interpretation on something
@authormdluna 3 месяца назад
I’ll check him out! That sounds like my cup of tea. I definitely feel you enjoying hearing people’s opinion on things, even if I disagree or am not super passionate about the thing myself.
@forestdeerling 3 месяца назад
i met the author of the nevermoor series at a book signing and talk! she signed my book hehe. she said it took her about 10 years to write the first nevermoor book and that made me feel so much better for taking so long with my book. and also hearing you saying youve taken about 10 years to write the 1st book of your series adds to that hehe. i unfortunately only read part of the 2nd book of nevermoor and havent picked it up since 2019, i was really just not in the mood at the time (im a huge mood reader), but its one of my goals is to reread book 1, finish book 2 and finally read book 3 before book 4 comes out at the end of this year. harry potter was my childhood! i remember lining up at midnight to get the books haha. a series of the unfortunate events is soooo good, i would love to do a reread sometime, ive never done a full reread of all the volumes, i think ive only gone to maybe book 10 more than twice? i know for sure ive only read book 13 once. oh my god! i have that fairy tale book!!!! thats crazy, i was looking at it the other week for a story but it didnt have it but i was like i should reread it, i read it so much as kid!
@authormdluna 3 месяца назад
Yes, it took me about ten years to finish the first book, and I am still in the process of publishing it! Sometimes it's demotivating, how long it takes to write something. This was especially the case in the last few years of working on 'IV: Aurora and Luna'. But in the end, I am really glad I took my time and didn't rush things. I think the 'V: The Solar Queen' will come faster. I can definitely understand why it would take the author ten years to write the first book in the Nevermoor series. I feel the first book in a fantasy series is the hardest? At least in a sense. Because you have to set everything up for future books so it all aligns and makes sense. Btw, I am just about to finish the third Nevermoor book! The third book is a little slower and more political, at least compared to the first two. Reminds me of how the Harry Potter books shift over time. I also want to do an ASOUE reread. I have only read the later books once. And I want to show my partner the show too! I can't believe you have that same fairytale book! It's the best! I love the artwork, especially the double-page illustrations.
@forestdeerling 3 месяца назад
@@authormdluna definitely! and having mental health problems makes it harder too, i have a lot of lack of motivation due to my depression so i go months without writing but i want to try though. but yeah i think once you have a foundation for something future books would come easier cuz you know your characters and world :) ah fair enough! i bought 3 new books yesterday (including yours xD, i sent you a insta dm about it haha) and i bought 2 other ones ages ago, so i would like to read them maybe after this series im finishing up right now, as 3 of the books will be easy reads at least to me, cuz 1 is a manga and the other 2 are YA queer books by a author i love so i kinda know what to expect. right now im reading the last book of a urban fantasy? not really sure. its about angels and demons with humans basically and its been a struggggleeee for so many reasons haha. so i do want a break from "fantasy"/thick/long books before i delve into your book and the nevermoor series. hope you get to watch the show with your partner! i hope he likes it :) i sent you a photo with my message on insta haha. it was crazy cuz i was like how small is this world, cuz it definitely didnt seem like a "classic"/popular version of fairytales so i didnt think i would see anyone else have it haha
@authormdluna 3 месяца назад
@@forestdeerling THANK YOU FOR BUYING MY BOOK! :D <3 It really means the world to me, and I am excited for you to have a physical copy, as I know you, like me, prefer physical books. No rush to read it. I definitely understand buying a book but waiting until 'the mood strikes'... hehehe. I feel like the last book in a series would also be hard to write, perhaps harder if there is a large readership to please. As for my first book, there were several years during which I was ironing out the story, so that it would have a good, solid foundation and be consistent in my world going forward. Then once that was figured out, there was a year or two of working on the writing, itself. I remember being super impatient and annoyed along the way, at least at times. But in the end, I'm glad I took my time and put the work in. I'm also glad I took breaks from my manuscript when I needed them. The space was helpful. I'm sorry your mental health struggles get in the way of your writing, that's rough. I feel like my mental health struggles can sometimes make it harder to write... but I do also feel better if I do write, even if it's just a bit work. Like the other day, for example, I was feeling really out of sorts, but I still put in a hour's work, and I felt so much better having done that. (Kind of like exercising, not that I'm a gym rat lmfao! XD) I feel like having the ritual of writing (almost) everyday helps me keep my head above water. However, when I am having a bad mental health day, sometimes I struggle to engage in my hobbies (reading, movies, video games, etc.). I find it way too easy to fall down the RU-vid rabbit hole instead. I am working on this though because taking in art and story really inspires my own creative work. By the way, at this time, I usually don't have Instagram downloaded on my phone, mainly because I find the app really addictive and distracting and just generally bad for my mental health. Do you still use Discord? If so, that's the best way to reach me!
@forestdeerling 3 месяца назад
you are most welcome! <3 i did message you on insta and posted it to my bookstagram, but i totally understand deleting insta. i find insta overwhelming and the interaction is barely there. i prefer youtube and tiktok. i know tiktok isnt for everyone for the same reasons insta isnt for me. but i find that im pretty good at only limiting my time to my very curated follow feed and dont look on the for you page. like theres 2 tags i look at (they are very niche so they get less than 20 posts a day and a lot of them i just skip straight past), but yeah i think i spend no more than an hour on tiktok a day, its usually more around the half an hour mark though. youtube can still be a bit overwhelming especially when the youtubers i follow and watch most of their content post all in one day haha, but i still try to limit my time on youtube though. cuz i can easily spend all day on youtube cuz i go into hyperfixations so i look up videos to do with them hahaha. im just grateful that i dont watch every youtube video in my subscription feed that theres just ones im generally not interested in (people i follow do still post content i enjoy, its just they are variety so sometimes theres content they post that im like nah, hope that makes sense!). i think its important to have a balance with social media and take breaks and even completely deleting some platforms if need be. yeah i understand you! every project is different. so the amount of time needed for each project is different and i think if its one that you will turn into a series you really do need a good foundation that you can keep building on in future additions :) . im glad you are proud of your work despite having impatience and annoyance but i think they could also push you forward as well! breaks are important! i also find that working on other projects sometimes can inspire your "main" project, like it gives you a new perspective. i think its important to know you can have bad days, its normal and its normal to just not do the things you "want" to do, but i guess you have to try and not turn those days into weeks, months, etc. which is something i still really struggle with. like sometimes you just need a veg out hahaha. but i think yeah you have to try and push yourself after that though. i guess its about balance cuz you can get burnt out on even the things you enjoy if you go too hard for too long. i find doing challenges help too. i had one a couple years back where for a month i had to sit and write 100 words, sometimes i didnt even reach that, and i had to be ok with that, but even if i still wrote 50 words or something, i was ok with it, it was 50 more words than i had the day before. i think its a challenge i would like to do again, and this time maybe have a couple projects on the go, as i worked out i have like 10 projects ive not finished hahaha. so i would like to finish at least a couple of them this year xD most is all just short stories so i think its doable, theres only really 2 that im wanting to turn into a novel/series. so im not expecting to finish those this year, but the others would be great if i could finish them, as i still think in this moment, they are ones i do enjoy the plot. if im finding i am no longer enjoying the plot/world then i can just not finish it, no point spending energy on a project you have no interest in anymore, like you change, so sometimes your interests change. the 2nd book i ever worked on, i wrote over 40,000 words but i never finished it as i just didnt care about that anymore. sometimes writing about "hyperfixations" arent a good idea xD . have you ever heard of gossip girl? it was a gossip girl - esque type book. yeah i have discord! i do find that im very addicted to discord though, so i am trying to limit my usage on there haha, so you can still reach me on there obviously but i will reply in a day or 2 . i try to go on once a day in the mornings to look at servers, mostly skimming and replying to any messages i have. sometimes i try to skip a day too. sorry for my yapping xD
@authormdluna 3 месяца назад
@@forestdeerling Ooo, I'll redownload Instagram today for a bit and take a peak. Thanks once again. Word of mouth is the most helpful thing. <3 Yeah, I watch a lot of RU-vid, but I don't watch everything in my feed. I try to be disciplined with how much RU-vid I watch... but I, too, get hyperfixated on something then will look up video after video on whatever topic it is. XD I think vegging out is good... I just want to do it in a more... mindful and intentional way. Like, the other day I watched a long video about the Neopets fairy lore, which was a nice refreshing break, but also was helpful because it gave me ideas for the next book I'm drafting (which is going to have a lot of fairies in it! XD) That's the kind of vegging out I like, something that feels meaningful to me and my values if that makes sense? It's watching too much RU-vid drama or doom-scrolling that leaves me feeling more drained than I was when I started. Ooo, yes, I feel about hyperfixations and how they can be fleeting. I don't usually have this problem with my writing because, I usually wait months or even years to start a project, and that's kind of part of my process? Like, I'll get the idea, but I'll usually be working on something else, so I won't be able to start right away, and then I will kind of let that new idea bubble in my mind. Sometimes, I'll get bored of the idea and forget it, and then I'll know I didn't really want to write it. But if the idea sticks around, it means I do want to write it. And the time usually allows me to build on the idea, which helps me know what I'm doing when I do finally sit down to writ that particular project. Of course, there are always low-points with any project. And I think that's the hardest part: pushing through during a low-point, when it feels impossible, but I still know I want to finish the project, if that makes sense. I have heard of Gossip Girl but know very little about it. Don't apologize for yapping! I love it! :D
@authormdluna 3 месяца назад
05:16 - Harry Potter 10:33 - The Once and Future King by T.H. White, & Arthurian legend in general 13:27 - The Elder Scrolls, particularly Oblivion 16:46 - A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket 21:02 - The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham 24:57 - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins 27:25 - the works of J. R. R. Tolkien 31:24 - A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin 34:02 - Eragon by Christopher Paolini 36:09 - fairytales & folklore 37:21 - Star Wars
@authormdluna 4 месяца назад
01:39 - I discovery wrote 'IV: Aurora and Luna' and it was kind of a trap 05:49 - my plan for outlining 'V: The Solar Queen' 09:44 - but discovery writIng is a good method too! 18:44 - can I outline and binge write a novel!? also 11:09 - Melody is bad at math! What I meant to say is that I divided the anticipated word count of the project by the amount of days I had to write it. I hope that makes sense. I am sorry that this wasn't clear.
@forayjumpman 4 месяца назад
Inspirational story MD Luna. As a self-published author myself, I can relate to your personal story and creative journey. I just bought it!
@authormdluna 4 месяца назад
Ohhhh thank you so much!! And thank you for the comment, too. Did you self-publish for similar reasons? 🙂
@forayjumpman 4 месяца назад
@@authormdluna Yeah. I feel like my story simply doesn't fit what traditional publishing houses are looking for, and it also feels really good to have a book in and of itself.
@authormdluna 4 месяца назад
@@forayjumpman Yes, I know exactly what you mean. What is your book about?
@forayjumpman 4 месяца назад
@@authormdluna My book is about . . . a lot of things. There's a video called The Absolutely Fine Song. It shows what it is about . . . sort of.
@authormdluna 4 месяца назад
00:12 - being rejected SUCKS 04:29 - the fear of losing my passion 06:52 - why I self-published 08:56 - 'IV: Aurora and Luna' & 'I: The Misfit Princess' 14:07 - reading the description of 'IV: Aurora and Luna' aloud 19:12 - I've started outlining 'V: The Solar Queen' 20:09 - rambles about marketing and promotion and whatnot
@moonrisechants 6 месяцев назад
I stumbled upon your cover while browsing Tumblr for some inspirational images for the Ostara celebration. I was wondering if I could use your lovely cover for a short video montage inspired by spring. I think it would fit perfectly. It's nothing fancy just a little hobby of mine making these vids for fun. Of course, I'd give you full credit for the music, and I'm not planning on making any money off it. Let me know what you think! 🌸
@authormdluna 6 месяцев назад
Oh my goodness, that’s very kind! Absolutely! I would be honoured. 😀
@moonrisechants 6 месяцев назад
@@authormdluna Awesome, tysm! I'll post it either later today or tomorrow 😊🙏
@authormdluna 5 месяцев назад
Send me a link when you do! 😀
@moonrisechants 5 месяцев назад
@@authormdluna ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-T0jZ2kuzUQs.html 😊
@forestdeerling 6 месяцев назад
i love this song so much! and your cover is so lovely 💖
@authormdluna 6 месяцев назад
Thank you! Did you watch the cartoons as a kid too? (Or as an adult?)
@forestdeerling 6 месяцев назад
yup both haha! @@authormdluna
@authormdluna 6 месяцев назад
Yes, me too 🤣 I am currently rereading and rewatching them. A springtime classic!
@forestdeerling 6 месяцев назад
nice!!! its autumn here so doesnt feel super right to watch them just yet haha but definitely will rewatch and reread the books in my springtime. i have bit of a collection of the books, i like to collect different versions. i have the tv show on dvd hehe.@@authormdluna
@authormdluna 6 месяцев назад
@@forestdeerling Amazing! I should get a physical copy of the show… I had the VHS tapes, but my VCR ate them one day. 😬
@cook5992 7 месяцев назад
😘 *Promo SM*