Global Justice Center
Global Justice Center
Global Justice Center
Advancing Gender Equality through a Human Rights Revolution
The Global Justice Center was founded in 2005 to fill a critical need in the international human rights field. The success of the human rights revolution over the last 30 years has resulted in treaties and international human rights laws that need to move from paper to practice. Now is the time for enforcement and implementation; and to do this, aggressive lawyers are needed who combine international law expertise with strategic and creative lawyering skills. That is where the Global Justice Center comes in.

A member of the United Nations NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security; the Global Justice Center develops legal strategies to define, establish, and protect human rights and gender equity.
@theeaskey 18 дней назад
I guess given that mentality so is murder.. those people are sickos
@rheelgreybird4276 25 дней назад
Thank you ALL so very, very much for your work, your passion and your help. We WILL make this world better because of people like you!
@michellelingg8795 3 месяца назад
What about the poison in our food and air?
@jabbastag5466 5 месяцев назад
If someone dismembers a live fox using forceps, these women would be horified. But when it is a human baby and not a fox it is ok cos it is a human right?
@ariabk 5 месяцев назад
thats really funny
@Usortert 5 месяцев назад
I do, fully, support humans right to abort. But to phrase this as the gorilla having rights? What the... how is it possible to arrive to that conclusion? This has been an animal, with near human intelligence and sentience, that most likely has been fully aware of that there was a pregnancy going on ("most likely" due to that I assume that cryptic pregnancies can happen in other animals than humans also). Feeling fine and dandy, potentially have started building a nest, and then being drugged down by the caretakers. For then waking up, no longer feeling movement, feeling physical pains in the genitalia, and having a hormonal rush. And all this, with zero point of reference, and no closure that can be comprehended by a gorilla. I get the point behind putting this as a story of gorillas having more rights than humans. Yet, the lack of empathy towards the animal in this story, in the way it is told, the wordings, the tone of her voice, the whole setting? It is not right.
@geniewiley4217 5 месяцев назад
I get that this is an ironic and funny story, and I fully support abortion rights, but gorillas are legally property; which is why they can perform an abortion on the gorilla. The gorilla doesn't get to have autonomy over her own body at all wouldn't choose to abort even if she did, primates generally go for infanticide. Including humans until recently.
@Usortert 5 месяцев назад
Yeah... this makes it sound like gorillas can drive up to planned parenthood and ask for an abortion. It was forced, at a sickeningly late stage, and from what I can tell in a way that would leave the poor animal confused for a very long time.
@sigh...947 5 месяцев назад
No they don’t
@cyaneye5098 5 месяцев назад
WOW that's actually freaking insane 😞
@werocktheplanet 7 месяцев назад
Congrats! Let's GO!
@bilbob7624 10 месяцев назад
Don't Murder Your Children.
@zawminnaing9482 11 месяцев назад
The genocide maker is the Myanmar military group for the geting of Presidental Crazy of the Chief of Myanmar military coup council.
@mrcleanisin Год назад
No comments? I wonder why? Maybe I can spice it up a little. When I read a story that puts girls and women in the same category, I don't know what they mean, do you? Can a girl get an abortion based on Romeo being older than Juliet? It's called statutory rape. If abortion was considered a sex crime, should the girl/woman and doctor be put on the sex registry or central registry? Just things to think about.
@nayhtet817 Год назад
We Love my country❤ we are myanmar. .No need Bingalar😂
@Onceuponatime112 Год назад
37:11 what is going on?
@aungkyawmyint6279 Год назад
Help me
@sanjusaha6073 Год назад
The Bangladesh government has done a lot for them for the sake of humanity.But from now the world community needs to pay more attention to Rohingya repatriation.
@halimkumar9093 Год назад
The Bangladesh government is kind enough to the Rohingyas.The government has also shown a lot of humanity by allowing them to stay in this country. But they are creating various kinds of sabotage in the country. Now they must return to their own country
@md.ahammadhasan5243 Год назад
In Rohingya camps, where they are denied a normal existence, many Rohingya children are born each year. Despite the fact that they are thriving as refugees in Bangladesh, they are being denied of their normal lives after being driven out of their nation for years. Give them back their legal rights.
@md.khalidhasan9487 Год назад
The Myanmar government is creating a frightening situation by carrying out terrorist activities one after another in Rakhine. Due to which the bilateral (Bangladesh-Myanmar) repatriation initiative is also failing. So far not a single Rohingya has been sent to Rakhine due to Myanmar's negative attitude. Because, no refugee can be sent back without humanitarian security and citizenship.
@ashikkhan9854 Год назад
Myanmar government should be kind to Rohingyas as Bangladesh government has shown humanity towards them.Becose they are mayanmar citizen.
@ali-mahmud223 Год назад
The Bangladesh government is kind enough to the Rohingyas.The government has also shown a lot of humanity by allowing them to stay in this country. But they are creating various kinds of sabotage in the country. Now they must return to their own country.
@Rahul-vp7sj Год назад
People's are dying every day .. one thing i learn .. these international committee are fake.. useless.. ICJ .. UN all are useless.. in real world..
@p.c2750 2 года назад
So it is human right to take another person's life? 😂 Very unintelligent. This is selfishness at it's highest. By the time you realize you are pregnant and want abortion, a baby, a life has been formed for goodness sake!!! What is this?
@anonanonymous1970 2 года назад
Beth Van Schaack is not quite correct. The interpretive statements and decisions regarding treaties, including CEDAW, keep them current. CEDAW isn't outdated - it's dynamic because of the treaty body. She's also wrong about trying to bring women to be on par with men - the text specifically refers to de facto equality (and of course the treaty body has expanded on this point). Please don't spread inaccuracies about this important treaty.
@thomasfields7902 2 года назад
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Hebrews 9:27) The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9) I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. (Luke 13:5) And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (Acts 17:30)
@bilbob7624 2 года назад
Don't Murder Your Children.
@britishmgtow7251 2 года назад
Abortion is murder
@shuaiba5s370 2 года назад
Assalamualaikum ARSA 🌷 ARSA loves you 🤲🤲🤲
@zaitonphyu6258 2 года назад
Aweful Burmese Interpretation. Most of the time, this interpreter did not even say a complete sentence. Just repeating " so lo shi yin daw" ( if so) again and again. Is it on purpose? Check 32:28. Organization like Global Justice Center should have a Burmese interpreter who is not biased and has proper empathy. There are many Rohingyas who are working as Burmese interpreters and knows the Rohingya issue Very well.
@DVRNEWS 2 года назад
Yasmin Ullah isn't working for Rohingya
@ademcarroll658 2 года назад
I would suggest there are more constructive ways to address personal and strategic differences, real or imagined. Instead of competing and blaming, how about speaking with her directly and understanding your differences as well as what you have in common? Again and again, we see good people who are under attack choosing to attack each other instead of building unity. Unity does not mean complete conformity, and it starts with communication!
@mdidresarakani9644 2 года назад
They are not Rohingya, They are Rohingya seller
@mdidresarakani9644 2 года назад
They all are traitor
@nwayoolin505 2 года назад
Thank you 🇲🇲🙏
@smjahed9990 2 года назад
The way Bangladesh is carrying the burden of 11 lakh Rohingyas is rare in history. Rohingyas are able to get all kinds of benefits. Thus, it is not possible for Bangladesh to carry this burden for long.
@ademcarroll658 2 года назад
I think you need more accurate information. The humanitarian funds for this emergency human need have come from outside Bangladesh and some of it benefits the people of Cox's Bazar as well as the refugees. The Bangladesh govt has chosen very imperfect policies-- dialogue with China and Myanmar without including Rohingya leaders (this will go nowhere); banning employment of Rohingya and closing their small shops, schools and mosques. When you treat a group of genocide survivors in this mean spirited way, you fail to find opportunities for constructive action. Rohingya want to return home but what has been done to make it safe for them or to restore their lands and homes?
@mdshuvo3329 2 года назад
Is it true that Rohingyas have been lying in a country for so many years? They have their own country and they have to make arrangements to send them there as soon as possible
@NurArakane 2 года назад
Right yesmiullah
@NurArakane 2 года назад
Magi wai wai Nu
@mranwarsadekvoiceofrohingy9983 2 года назад
Justice for Rohingya for ICJ ⚖️⚖️🙏🙏
@Inuko15 2 года назад
Of all pregnant women. Not pregnant people. Abortion is murder.
@anilKumar-gb2yw 3 года назад
Please save myanmar people 🙏🙏🙏😢😢😢
@genovevasotirova3401 3 года назад
Why Amnesty' and you don't make globaly petition to stop this
@generationzee525 3 года назад
@generationzee525 3 года назад
This must be stopped. Peace can never be achieved under a Terrorist Military dictatorship. The Terrorist Military units responsible for atrocities are committing war crimes against humanity and genocide from 1962 to 2021. The role of the UNSC under their convention responsibility has been confirmed in theory, but in practice it has failed to meet expectations. Their failure to intervene in Myanmar from 1988 to 2021 along with its continuous failure to fully implement the responsibility in Darfur are a few examples.
@generationzee525 3 года назад
Time to step up international pressure. Never ever trust or believe the legal frameworks of the Terrorist Military and security forces in Myanmar. Impunity is deeply entrenched in Myanmar’s political and legal system, and effectively placing the Terrorist Military Group above the law. The impetus of accountability for their War Crimes against Humanity and Genocide must come from the international community.
@generationzee525 3 года назад
The CCP and Russia have been destroying the whole country and the future generation of Myanmar for more than 50 years in Myanmar. Myanmar Terrorist Military Leaders wouldn't have power without the CCP and some Russia military leaders financial and weapon supports to kill innocent civilians and ethnic people in Myanmar. That's why CCP is the head of Human Rights Violating Monster. Some Russia military leaders are well paid guards to the CCP Monster. That's the main reason the CCP Monster is able to tyrannize in Myanmar and many countries around the World.
@generationzee525 3 года назад
It is clear that Myanmar Terrorist Military and security forces are committing widespread violations as a deliberate tactic. During an interrogation, the terrorist members always use the tactic such as Kicking the whole body including faces, Hitting the head with a rifle, Sexual violence, and Torture.
@generationzee525 3 года назад
Under the Myanmar Terrorist Military regime, which ruled from 1962 to 2021, the Terrorist Military ruthlessly went after civilians in areas where ethnic people live and the local remote areas. Their systematic rights abuses including extrajudicial killing, sexual violence, torture and forced recruitment in the country. The international community must contempt the Terrorist Military and security forces for their human rights abuse, integrity & freedom abuse, sexual abuse, crimes against humanity and genocide. The international community should be apprehensive about the health and safety of innocent civilians and ethnic people population in Myanmar.
@امروان-غ9ك 3 года назад
@maungmaungmaungmaung1865 3 года назад
The Fake Lady Aung Seng Sushi is Genocide criminal chief