Checkpoint of View
Checkpoint of View
Checkpoint of View
After failing to beat out the bevy of Jijistu "Side Escape" tutorial videos we've changed the channel name and the structure of our weekly podcast. This is Checkpoint of View. Once a week we bring 3 nerd topics to dicuss for your enjoyment.
Vault Buddies: A Journey of Failure
7 месяцев назад
@foreignuser_ 23 дня назад
Found you guys! At first glance I was like who the f is reuploading side escape?! Cool format change, boys. Moms are proud.
@foreignuser_ 4 месяца назад
Damn, I'm older than the average gamer. Glad we had this talk, boys. Poor Star Wars. 420 Blaze Em
@CheckpointOV 4 месяца назад
It's always a pleasure Foreignuser! See you next week! 420 blaze em - Jake
@foreignuser_ 5 месяцев назад
Brotato is great. The devs also have a 2d platformer roguelite that has the combat of hollow knight with the itemization of Binding of Isaac. Space Gladiators. Cheers, boys! Good to have you back James my wife has been asking about you. Ted, carry on. Jake. Jake? Jaaaaaaaaaaake!!!!
@foreignuser_ 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for the show, guys. RIP James XD
@CheckpointOV 5 месяцев назад
RIP James, Rumor has it he'll be back next week.... but we'll see. - Jake
@foreignuser_ 5 месяцев назад
Good show boys
@keenanmiller8132 6 месяцев назад
Great points fellas!
@foreignuser_ 6 месяцев назад
If someone asks me at any point in the rest of my life "Hey Foreign, how was The Side Escape Gaming Podcast Episode 162?" I'll have to say it was good! PS Loved the intro with CEO Ted lol thanks gents
@foreignuser_ 6 месяцев назад
Ted should edit in some anime characters into the spa scene behind him. Would make him look like a boss with these girls behind him and he's just sitting there talking with his boys. XD
@foreignuser_ 6 месяцев назад
Good show, boys.
@keenanmiller8132 7 месяцев назад
Blows my mind you guys don’t have 100k subs
@T3DD3RsTV 6 месяцев назад
Thanks man! One day we'll get there! :)
@foreignuser_ 6 месяцев назад
true there's only so many moms in the world though
@theo5260 7 месяцев назад
🤗 'Promosm'
@foreignuser_ 7 месяцев назад
lol I don't play Rumble XD Thanks for the show.
@CMacNally 7 месяцев назад
Hilarious!!! Can't wait for part 2!
@foreignuser_ 8 месяцев назад
Jeff should really call it the "Game Awards Show" so they can use the acronym GAS in all kinds of fun ways.
@tastysoupyum 8 месяцев назад
Cowards too afraid to admit Gollum actual GOTY
@foreignuser_ 8 месяцев назад
For the moms. 🎊
@CheckpointOV 8 месяцев назад
Always! Happy New Year Foreign User!
@CMacNally 11 месяцев назад
FYI Act 3 starts when you complete your questline with Takemura JAKE do the Panam stuff! It's a larger questline than Judy in scope.
@tonywalls7991 11 месяцев назад
The ecliptic are being raised by the boss starborn in first part its a temple power . The story is I'd say one the most broken story in gaming history. In New game plus you can have people pop in from your first universe which is broken because you have to have all the artifacts to create the uniti and then somehow everyone is jumping with you
@tastysoupyum 11 месяцев назад
Any sea of stars, lies of p and blasphemous 2 gamers in chat
@user-sx8nn2yw9n Год назад
yall making me feel bad for having 3 days 23hrs haahah im a chef, ive done back to back 60hr weeks but when i finish... starfield hahha
@mattj2692 Год назад
I don't get people saying it starts slow. You're in New Atlantis in about an hour and can go do whatever you want at that point. I was immediately doing cargo and passenger runs and living out my firefly fantasy after an hour. Hardly slow imo.
@CheckpointOV Год назад
Hey, in my opinion the game itself doesn't necessarily start slow. I think how it teaches you the systems is very drawn out/non-existent. I think that is what James was trying to say, I even slightly disagreed. The way Starfield tutorialized their systems can be perceived as slow. -Jake
@mattj2692 Год назад
@@CheckpointOV yeah I 💯 agree that they could've had a better tutorial at the start and it definitely seems like you level up slower then previous bgs games. I was overwhelmed with options at first sure but I was never bored nor thought it was slow. To each their own though, it'll be interesting to hear opinions evolve!
@itsdajamester94 Год назад
I am mad that Ted has never played the best dlc of all time
@foreignuser_ Год назад
LOL @ who is using sharkbite I like to get up early like Jake so I have an hour or so before leaving for work to game and relax, drink coffee. It's cathartic and helps me get to bed earlier so I can get up and enjoy the morning. I gotta tip my hat to anyone who games while exercising. Such a pro move.
@foreignuser_ Год назад
Just got off work and finished listening. Great discussion guys some of the predictions were really interesting. If you guys could make any exclusive franchise or game available everywhere, what would it be?
@foreignuser_ Год назад
I appreciate the video and thoughts. Great coverage guys! Sorry if you mentioned this, but another, much smaller, acquisition is being made as of April 2023. Sega is buying Rovio, of Angry Birds, for around 700 million. I predict that after this deal, Call of Duty will start to become a 100% free to play franchise, in which case it will be in Microsoft's best interest to put it on every screen they can. I think this is probably a long time coming for this series anyway and is a healthy compromise assuming the deal is not going to be blocked. I really doubt Microsoft wants the rights to CoD just to keep pumping out full releases onto GamePass. They are going to want an infinity game in it.
@foreignuser_ Год назад
Great conversation boys. I was 9 when Super Mario RPG came out and it was right on time. Spent many sleepovers playing and watching this game. I wonder if Diablo 4 is set up more like PoE, where most players will never get to max level, and the end-game is the merciless quest to achieve the highest level possible through understanding and exploitation of all of the mechanics available. Compared to Diablo 2, 3 is VERY cartoony. Check out the Diablo 2 cutscenes.
@foreignuser_ Год назад
Summer theme is on point boys. Someone told me once about wearing sunglasses inside: "When you're cool, the sun is always shining on you."
@foreignuser_ Год назад
Glad you guys all liked the game! This was fun to hear having not played either of the newer Zelda games but being very familiar with a lot of the series.
@ktdagoat1289 Год назад
Tbh id say they are the best at structure and im not fanboying.. They've made FOURTEEN games this gen ONLY Redfall scored low thats a 90+% of success.. The main problem is media bias like lbh it was NEVER sold as thier "Premier" game STARFIELD was and ALWAYS have been.. Its AMAZING a company can release THREE games this year, have ZERO COMPLAINTS, then ONE is basically "Deathloop with Vampires and co op..... AI to match", doesn't score well now get leadership debates.. If you look at IGN, Eurogamer, KFG, the bigger sites have CONSTANT pile ons of Xbox and IMMEDIATE defenses and excuses for PS... Xbox dealyed Redfall and Starfield, media IMMEDIATELY pushed a KOTAKU article as fact and "Xbox bad at management" cause they have only 3 AAs and spread that to everyone.. Now in the last MONTH AND A HALF PS has (no bs) closed Pixel Opus, cancelled THREE exclusives with partners, thier best studio showed they cant make a PC game via putting out one of the worst PC ports EVER.. They also got Factions shut down, GOW director has left for Netflix, they killed a indie studio in Deviation Studios.. Its been NO TALKS of "PS bad at management".. (Im not familiar with you guys so pardon I dont know your names) But even the guy saying "Xbox has a problem putting out games".. Its CRAZY.. This year they've released Hifi Rush, Age of Empires 2 on console, Minecraft Legends, Redfall, THEN Starfield and Forza MS are coming afterwards.. Meanwhile it will be a YEAR PLUS no AAs or ANYTHING when Spiderman 2 releases since and yall are saying BUY A PS FOR GAMES.. When THAT is having a output problem ESPECIALLY since they showed a showcase of no games for next year.. You guys need to report truth cause Xbox had released FOURTEEN GAMES this gen, PS only ten.. Out of Xboxes releases ONLY ones had problems were Redfall and Halo... Destruction All-stars, Ratchet and Clank, Returnal, GT7 and HFW ALL RELEASED IN TERRIBLE STATES... IN A ROW.. Thats FIFTY PERCENT rate thats TERRIBLE.. You guys GOTTA stop doing the xbox bashing causw it gets the clicks..
@foreignuser_ Год назад
43:05 LMAO this was great. I adored Gran Turismo 3 on ps2 back in the day. I used to play it with only one of the audio cables so I could run the other audio cable from a cd player and listen to my own music through the TV while still hearing the game. I haven't played a GT game since then but I recently put quite a lot of time into Forza Horizon 4 and really enjoyed it. I'll never be a teenager with a cd player and a PS2 again, so I can't call it on which is the better series. I'm also not a car guy and these are really the only racing games I've ever gotten invested in. I don't own a car and don't want one. Bicycles for life.
@foreignuser_ Год назад
lol @ "I was on keyboard and mouse"
@foreignuser_ Год назад
Redfall is such a disaster. I was never interested in it personally, but that release combined with all the other trash that is hitting Gamepass and I actually cancelled my sub last week. It's so bad if you look at the last 20 games they threw on there, at least for PC.
@10pmmemes88 Год назад
Tip: drop these pods a day after launch at latest. Gonna be really difficult to build views when people have already watched their fix of reviews. Good luck with the grind
@foreignuser_ Год назад
Great conversation between buds. Enjoyed the episode in spite of not being a Star Wars fan at all. Always appreciate the no-stress gaming hour with you guys.
@CheckpointOV Год назад
Thank you for the comment! Always appreciate the feedback! Fun to know someone is watching! -Jake
@CMacNally Год назад
Din "Jar-in"
@CheckpointOV Год назад
Exactly, D-Jar-in!
@foreignuser_ Год назад
I have a question for a future episode if you boys like: What challenge in gaming would you say you are most proud of? For me it was beating The Cave of Trials in Steamworld Dig 2. That cave ends up teaching you so much more about the physics of the game and how you can move the character and at the point that you reach it you have already technically beaten the game. It's such a masterpiece of a final challenge. For me it was obstacle after obstacle that I didn't think was possible to overcome. Then you play around with the movement and realize you can do so much more than you thought you could. It's incredible. A runner-up for me would be a lot of bite-size challenges in Slime-San, the best arcade platformer ever made. Non-gaming bonus question: What is your proudest accomplishment in life thus far?
@foreignuser_ Год назад
My only experience with the original RE4 was when I was living in a homeless shelter for young adults and this kid brought in a gamecube. We had a blast taking turns and watching each other play. We would joke around like wait for someone to come around the corner and go "Whattaya buyin'?" It also started plenty of arguments, both between those of us who liked the game and those who wanted to use the TV for literally anything else lol. I remember finding a job around this time and being sad about missing out on the good times during the day. I still miss the brotherhood in that place. I'm glad you both enjoyed the remake. I probably won't play it for a while but I do own the original on Steam. I bought it but I never checked it out on PC. Take care guys!
@foreignuser_ Год назад
Ted must have escaped through the side.
@foreignuser_ Год назад
Man that issue with RE4 sucks man! I still need to play the original but I've never been an RE guy. I would just be playing it with keyboard and mouse anyway. I know it was designed for gamepad, but screw that. If there's aiming a gun, I need a mouse.
@CheckpointOV Год назад
Ha, I am the opposite, its controller ALL DAY for me!!! - Jake
@foreignuser_ Год назад
That opening bit about a silent podcast is very interesting. Sounds like a pretentious artpiece. XD
@CheckpointOV Год назад
That will be episode 200... get ready
@julienorby-fr7lm Год назад
Glad I got a mention in this episode. Couple of thoughts… as you know, I am not a gamer, but after watching this podcast and listening to you guys, I can say that this is the first time I have ever thought I might want to play a video game! Thought number two: I don’t think Joel can be “saved”. As we move along with him on the journey, he appears to be softening and caring for others more, but I think the last episode takes him right back to his hard self absorbed character. I don’t think he is saving Ellie per se, he is only saving her for his own selfish reasons…hence why he lies to her at the end. I think he knows she would have wanted to sacrifice herself for the world. She showed that throughout the show. Just my perspective. Great podcast guys!
@foreignuser_ Год назад
Really interesting show guys! You gentlemen are a joy to listen to. I think I align a lot with Ted's sensibilities and I'm 100% PC only because I have a good one for work already and don't see a need to game in two places at home.
@foreignuser_ Год назад
Looking forward to checking out Diablo 4. Glad you guys seem to enjoy it so far. Diablo 2 was responsible for many sleepless nights in high school lol. I also have over 1,300 hours in PoE and over 600 in Grim Dawn. Great games!
@CheckpointOV Год назад
Yeah, I am really intrigued to try Diablo... I could love it or fine it an absolute bore. So we will see! - Jake
@julienorby-fr7lm Год назад
I knew the fun fact about you!
@CheckpointOV Год назад
Thank you for watching!! - Jake
@foreignuser_ Год назад
Never got to play Metroid Prime as I didn't have a GameCube as a kid. It looks neat and I highly suggest checking out how speedrunning works in the original. It's thoroughly busted. The movement exploits are just so impresssive and quick. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ciO70uQvkyo.html Here's a spot in a GDQ run that showed it off pretty well.
@CheckpointOV Год назад
I just watched this... wild to think some people can figure this out. Speed running is just not my thing! - Jake
@foreignuser_ Год назад
One of you guys has my old "ding" cell notification sound XD
@p1zzaonly Год назад
Your podcast came up in my recommended. Never heard of you guys, but love the podcast.
@CheckpointOV Год назад
Oh thank you Caleb! Please subscribe we will be here every Monday morning! - Jake
@foreignuser_ Год назад
That's how I found it too I have no idea why it was recommended to me but the name and thumbnail caught my eye. Been a fan ever since!
@foreignuser_ Год назад
Really liking the Ted background. I've been loving Forza Horizon 4 and would like to see one set in Florida with boats, airboats, motorcycles, swamp buggies, deep mud trucks, and stuff like that in addition to the rest. FL does have some off the densest forest area that might not translate well to the game though. Haven't seen you guys much in the comment section hope you still see our comments and know we're here! Hi mom.
@CheckpointOV Год назад
Oh don't worry, we are still here. My real job ahs just been pretty busy lately and I haven't had the time. I've been enjoying ted's background changes. We think its why we're getting more views!!!! - Jake
@foreignuser_ Год назад
@@CheckpointOV Busy is good my man take care!
@zainalicontractor72 Год назад
Even when I saw the trailer for justice league I knew Ted will be like “I am okay with this”
@tastysoupyum Год назад
You guys were so gentle on this hunka shit game :)