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@spice102 26 минут назад
This was a lovely video and very relatable !! It’s hard especially when the people closest to you find what you do or draw or like or whatever else is cringey because you expect them to be there for you, even if they don’t necessarily like the same stuff, but then they make fun of you n what not :/ I tell myself it’s not a big deal but it does hurt and ultimately I don’t share a lot of what I make. I finally did show my dad one piece I was proud of and it alleviated my stress bc he was kinda impressed, but the fear is still there of being labeled and different, cringey or weird but I’m starting to accept that and continue in spite of it. Thanks for this video, your art is amazing!!
@spicygarlicsauce 2 часа назад
i totally relate to this! had a phase of drawing kpop idols in 2020-2021 and my dad commented about me drawing the same thing over and over again. it felt like i was being criticized for what i liked drawing/my interests. it made me spiral whenever i wanted to draw or post anything because i felt so judged. slowly working on it this year with posting more fanart though. tired of hiding my interests of book and anime characters bc of random comments :)
@xironel2674 15 дней назад
The whole "putting the social back in social media" just makes sense, yet it's something I dont really do. I stopped interacting with posts after lockdown, but I want to implement that now!
@WWS322 17 дней назад
Wow, you really drew the human form well!
@Renagade14 21 день назад
I really honestly love how real and awesome your videos are. Please keep going! You have so much talent and so much to offer. You definitely made my day a little bit brighter.
@Soulful-Expressions 28 дней назад
Thank you so much for posting this. I’m still trying to figure out my art style. Most of the times I find myself sketching or doing little random doodles. I do want to take it more seriously though. At times I don’t always feel inspired or even have the desire to draw. But I’m thankful you posted this video because I def can be hard on myself when it comes to creating art. Whether I feel I may be taking too long or I feel like I’m just not getting the right idea or inspiration. It’s about the journey and I’m learning to be comfortable and more compassionate with myself so I can be in that state of flow to create unique art. Thanks again ❤🫶🏾
@moon_sun4122 Месяц назад
I LITERALLY STARTED CRYING when you talk about born out phrase because Im middle of something like this too it felt too relatable Im glad I clicked this video
@artisticesther Месяц назад
Hi, I just stumbled across your video today. I really appreciate you sharing your experience & emphasizing taking your own time. I’m a huge dreamer so I put a lot of emphasis on the end result rather than the process. Thank you for your tips & openness to talk about this in a fast paced society, especially as an artist. I’m about to go outside to take a walk and get a new sketchbook :) just subscribed!
@blippo Месяц назад
Hi! We sent you an email! Looking forward to hearing from you! 💜💜
@natalyamanning9547 Месяц назад
This! Thank you for sharing! I needed to hear this.
@misaandcoart Месяц назад
While I don't have a chronic illness I am currently pursuing a potential diagnosis for ADHD and can understand the brain fog. I'm also recovering from pneumonia and the massive work with emotional regulation and being more present has definitely helped with being kinder to myself as I recover. I cannot imagine what it's like for you, even hearing your story I can sympathise but can never truly understand as I haven't experienced it myself. I want to express how much I admire your strength, to share your story as well as enduring through all of that. It's so easy to take health for granted, I've only been off work for 2.5 weeks and it's made things so much more difficult already. I cannot imagine how I'd cope if I had something like MS given my reliance on my body as it's a physically taxing role. I think that for your support you should consider doing a Patreon with rewards that don't put too much pressure on you. Even just a monthly group Discord call so you didn't have to physically do anything, and that way you'd have an extra revenue and your community can help support you. Also I can understand if it's something that you wouldn't want to consider, but potentially have a think on potential other countries you could see yourself living in that provide free healthcare. I noticed you mentioned you enjoy travelling so it could be something that would allow you to continue your creative career while also providing the support you need. ♥
@fancysmudges Месяц назад
Thank you so much, I really appreciate that!! It's definitely a challenge but I'm determined to eventually find a good balance for myself. I am also planning out a Patreon page right now which should hopefully not be super taxing in the long run! Thank you so much for watching and I hope you take care as well 🧡
@eroane Месяц назад
❤❤❤❤❤ AAAHHH!! An artist whom finally gets it!!^____<❤❤❤❤ I’ve been drawing since the age of 7 and am usually taking my time or whom has been my huge inspiriation of the newspaper comic strip cartoonists of the past…and yet whether I’m sketching or painting I’d rather work at my own pace😊 THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORKS❤❤❤
@shebonyshand Месяц назад
Hey love, im a carer for my mum and she has MS as well, she relapsed in 2017, I feel for you , she was diagnosed in 1999 and it was horrible for her as the doctor was blase about it, im happy she was able to walk and hear throughout my childhood. MS is weird as hell, the numbness around the abdomen is scary. Sorry for the long paragraph. I'm just happy that you are kinda okay and medicine has gotten better nowerdays. I pray for your wellbeing and hopefully art can be your peace ❤❤
@johndoe-rq1pu Месяц назад
If I was moving any slower they'd pronounce me dead.
@bychechisart Месяц назад
Following dreams as an artist is scary, so I can’t imagine how you feel after being diagnosed, I wish you the best of luck 🤍✨. I understand so well how you feel as an artist, but please don’t give up on your dreams, your art is beautiful and I think someday we will make it ✨
@kadinelindsayart Месяц назад
Thank you for this video, I’ve been trying to make this change recently in my art practice, this video is really concise and the that hack to log out of each app is so good ! 😊
@aidamaria_reads Месяц назад
I feel this on so many levels as a chronically ill person who’s a creative as well (I love writing stories and poetry and would like to one day make that my source of income, although I’d like to take up drawing again as my ‘slow’ hobby). Currently looking for a ‘boring’ job I can do remotely, but since the worst of the pandemic is over, employers want their employees back at the office where they can see them (which is hard to keep up for me physically). There are so many annoying factors you have to take into account to make it possible to work fulltime and not take to much from your body in the process (e.g. (public) transport, tough schedules etc.). I hope we can both find a solution that will tap into both our physical and mental/creative needs. Sending you lots of love 💗🍀
@Martina.Mustac Месяц назад
I wish you good luck and hope you succeed. I myself also deal with autoimmune and inflammatory disease and you hit the nail in the head with saying how sleep affects it. Take care and stay positive ❤
@zoepollock7010 Месяц назад
Don't give up on your dreams, you can make it work. You are strong and brave and you will do it ❤
@andrea15026 Месяц назад
I recently found and subscribed to your channel with the "it's okay to make art slowly" video. I really liked the message in the video and I also really liked and appreciated your sincerity and honesty on all of your thoughts concerning artists and their relationship to their own art; I really related and took the advice to heart. Your sincerity and honesty really shone through in this video as well, and I appreciate that you shared with your community this difficult thing that you have to deal with because I know that a lot of people are also going through something similar, with both their health and their future careers, which can cause feelings of fear and uncertainty, but having another person who also knows what it's like is comforting (in a solidarity and supportive sort of way). I know that it was helpful for me at least, not to mention I'm also attempting my own art career endeavors in the face of being in a field that is not art related at all. The attempt to pivot in that direction is there, and I'm kind of scared but I'm also hopeful. All of this to say that I can relate, and it's tough out there, but I don't think success is out of reach for any of us artists. I truly believe that it is possible to figure things out and that things will work out, even if it's scary at first. I'm not great with words, so I hope that the message got across okay, but yeah, I admire you, and I'm rooting for your success in your art journey and beyond! You've got this!!!
@ambubb Месяц назад
I hope it will work for you to porsue an art carrier! Handling life and pacing with a chronic illness is so hard!
@petty.artist Месяц назад
Im chronically ill/immunocompromised and an artist too. I was also diagnosed at 23. Thank you for this video, it’s really difficult to talk to people about my experience and to get them to understand what I’m going through. I’m one of those people who aren’t as privileged to access adequate medical care and the struggle is very, very hard. Of course it’s difficult for anyone to become disabled but when you don’t have proper care and support you feel like you’ve fallen into a dark pit that’s impossible to get out of. I’ve had to accept that I can’t go into my chosen field of animation because of my joint pain. I’m not even sure if I can do art at all anymore. I really empathize with your fears and struggles (chronic fatigue and brain fog puts a lot of limits on what I can do too). Being an artist has also been my why, and I can’t help but feel like I’ve lost all grips on who I am. I’m trying to find new ways to being an artist that’s accessible to me and finding your channel a month ago and seeing this video now makes me feel like maybe I can still do something artistic that is attainable and worthwhile to me. As you’ve stated there is no certainty when it comes to chronic illness and things can change very quickly. So who knows? But I hope it works out for the both of us.
@ShojiPanda Месяц назад
I am grateful to you for sharing this. I also have chronic illnesses and have been looking for videos from fellow artists dealing with the same issues, as inspiration. It's difficult to see videos of healthy people saying 'just do this or that and you can be successful like me' when they don't have the added burden of navigating life with chronic illness. Please don't give up. I look forward to your pursuit of building this channel. Sending hugs from one spoonie to another.🐼💕
@dwimmered Месяц назад
I don't know how to use any fancy words but I still wanted to tell you I really really hope your health stays well under control so your body can serve you well into the old age creating art and following your dreams<3 I also believe in you, I think you have the power and will, and the spark to attract people to support you on your art journey. I, with all my heart, wish you succeed this year so you can stay on this creative path, I really don't want you to do something that doesn't fulfill you or make you happy and I believe there will always be a way and new possibilities will come, you just have to keep following your calling ah, anyway I believe in you and can't wait to see you grow and succeed<3
@JCarrera27 Месяц назад
@TheBlackHatOutlaw Месяц назад
First and foremost, I'm sorry you have to go through any of this, chronic illness is no joke. You don't realize how much something like that affects a person, how it can get into the tiniest cracks of everyday life until you feel it for yourself. I don't quite have a chronic illness, but I do live with mental illness with physical symptoms and my father was a cancer patient for 15 years. I know brain fog so well. You can think about something simple, like taking a sip of your drink only to realize you're extremely thirsty and reminded yourself to take that sip 6 times in the past 3 hours before you actually do it. Sadly I don't have much advice to offer you because... well... affording care isn't in the cards for me, but I do think you can get through this. I can tell from this video how much strength and determination you have and I wish you the best of luck with this.
@AshWednesday06 Месяц назад
I know it’s cliche to say but please stay strong! 🙏🏽 Don’t give up, you are doing great! You have an amazing mindset about your future and don’t let those hard, scary days win! I’m 35, a single mom of two, I’ve had to work hard & physical jobs, my hands hurt everyday, and it scares the shit out of me to think that one day I may not be able to pick up a drawing pencil anymore. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to follow a path in art, but idk where I’d be if I couldn’t create anymore. And believe me, I’m not trying to compare my situation to yours at all, but the fear of not being able to create art anymore I do understand! Please keep up what you are doing, you have the passion and skills to make it!! I’m rooting for you!! 🙏🏽💪🏽🩷
@remeisarat Месяц назад
i love your earrings!! this video was so sweet and a really necessary reminder for me. i’ve been so busy and burnt out recently that now as i’m trying to get back into creating, i’m taking that restless/busybody energy with me and it’s making me feel so rough. thank you for this reminder and reassurance that it’s alright to take it slow
@coryschlosser7826 Месяц назад
Am a struggling artist who does fan art and recently iv have been having trouble getting likes and followers. Iv been doing art since I was in high school now am 28 and I have been feeling like what am possibly achieving. Iv been feeling worthless
@beckyl6261 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing! It’s great to have this perspective around enjoying the process of art ❤
@catmothcrow Месяц назад
Thank you for posting this... thank you thank you thank you. I REALLY needed to hear this right now. 💖
@kookatsoonjan Месяц назад
your music choices show me how Chicago may have influenced you...the home of many of the greatest...way back in the day...Chicago and Detroit...and the "BLUES" AND MUCH MUCH more..I Iove the music choices you make for your videos. all the best...Janis...from The Yukon Canada...on the shores of Kookatsoon Lake.
@islanddryad Месяц назад
Working slow has been the best for me. Before social media created more demanding algorithms in order to force us to create more content for their platforms in order to even have an opportunity to have our art seen by others, I use to take my time making things for myself. If I blasted through an art piece it was because I was in zone, not because I had to meet unrealistic deadlines mired in this NEED FOR MORE CONTENT. A couple years ago I got intense burnt out after failing to finish a comic commission I got (they gave me ridiculous deadlines and the other artists who was supposed to to help me abandoned me without saying anything, I never heard anything from the client so I burned myself out for nothing) and I’ve never been the same since. It got so painful that even if my spirit wanted to draw, I felt mentally and physically overwhelmed even looking at art hurt. Then AI Art happened and that overwhelming feeling only got worse as I spiraled into depression. I decided that I wouldn’t do art as a career anymore and that was heartbreaking for me, being an artist is my childhood dream. Thankfully this year things have been changing. I got a job doing graphic design for a company that works with other artists and my boss is so sweet and kind and being able to be creative again and not having to worry about money has given me the energy to make art again. This time though I’m being selfish with me art, it’s just for my eyes only until I’m ready to share my art with the world at my own pace ❤️
@pamelawamala6751 2 месяца назад
Just found you. Thank you for your messaging and sharing your art. So much great advice / thoughtfulness here. Thank you. Subscribed. 🎨🖌
@helloelisamilan 2 месяца назад
I'm about to be mom and I know many things will have to be set aside these next few years which is very hard for me. I needed to hear this, thank you. ✨
@paradoxtoad8074 2 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing this, it’s so refreshing to hear you perspective on going slow. It truly resonated, as slow human just trying to live a sustainable healthy life. Keep going at your own pace and enjoy being present
@saveriasteinkamp627 2 месяца назад
Just want to chime in and say I really love what I've seen of your videos, so far! I've recently pivoted into the field of concept art, and I have found all your videos really relatable haha - you do a great job calling out a lot of the little things that I think all of us are dealing with, but that largely go unacknowledged, or that people think they're alone in. On a day I'm feeling iffy about my portfolio, or my speed at generating pieces, etc. I find your vids really uplifting :)
@fancysmudges 2 месяца назад
That means a lot! I personally find it comforting when other artist share these things so I'm glad it resonated. Thank you for watching!! 🫶🧡
@Troygdesign 2 месяца назад
Very thoughtful and mature message , you are wise beyond your years.
@starryluu 2 месяца назад
I'm an artist who developed severe carpal tunnel syndrome and tendinitis when I was 23, take care of your hands everyone!! Do stretches and take breaks, don't end up like me 😭
@teapartyeternal 2 месяца назад
Don't forget about your shoulders! The trapezious muscle hurts alot too after drawing for hours. Also, I can't wait for your Kyoshi video!! And your hair color is awesome, it looks really good on you ^_^
@jimendoza 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this lovely video! I have been feeling kinda dissapointed, as I am currently working with my mom, creating things with cross stitch decoration, and I really like it but it takes some time to get the orders completed. I started comparing us to another people, and how fast marketing works now days and I really hate it, because it feels like you have to be on that level of massive production to get richer but that as an artist just does not feel right. Art is a human ability to create things that can make others feel something when they see it, that is why we take our time to get them done, as everything is on the details. However, I know that to some people it has worked creating something in massive production, I feel like that definetly depends on the product you are offering as the process might be easier or faster than others and that is okay. The general issue to me is that life now seems to go so fast that any minute that you use in yourself instead of working feels bad, as it seems as time wasted. We might be our own boss but we also have to let ourselves have human rights , if that makes sense (?) hehe. Again, this was a helpful video and made me feel better so thank youu💗
@hunternovak7001 2 месяца назад
This video has been very validating! I've been feeling a very similar way and I keep telling myself to slow down, take a step back, and enjoy the life I have.
@KeyDyer 2 месяца назад
As an artist just finally getting into RU-vid/Patreon, your videos have been so inspiring. I am very much a slow artist, it’s my process, and it reflects how I live. I definitely relate to all of this! Especially in the day and age of posting an original piece everyday
@wronghandlane9665 2 месяца назад
Craft ease reached out to me to partner but they do support and use AI art for a collection of their kits :(
@justlearning1881 2 месяца назад
@barrington5438 2 месяца назад
Those stretches were amazing🙌
@spammalammy4954 2 месяца назад
These are so helpful, thank you!
@vulpinefae 2 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing these amazing tips an exercises! Gonna implement them now. Also *subscribes* I love finding new channels, esp smaller ones. Can't wait to see more of your art and creations and videos!
@userbunny 2 месяца назад
3h long morning routine , not starting earlier than 11:30? How do you earn money? What kind of job do you have? Do you live alone? I am really curious because most people can't have such a morning routine incl. me. 🥲😅 I wish
@lachicapercebe 2 месяца назад
as someone that has also being doing art for as long as you and is now at 26 being under investigation for arthritis... yeah, is not a joke guys, take it easy and stretch before working long hours or even just a 30 minutes, y'all don't wanna end up like me, having to learn how to draw again due to extreme wrist pains for months.