Sunshine Tinoe
Sunshine Tinoe
Sunshine Tinoe
@gladyschebet7719 10 часов назад
The shaking is real
@gladyschebet7719 10 часов назад
Why you really an Adventist? I doubt it because what you a re saying shows that you have never been attending bible studies in the church,every thing is very clear from Genesis to Revelation no contradiction.I am a proud Adventist
@user56gghtf 23 часа назад
I see in a lot of these comments people don't understand what a cult is and how they control the narrative. Scientology, Mormonism, SDA, JW, etc. all have BITE model structures. Jesus is the way. Whether people want to admit it or not Ellen White, Charles Taze Russell, Joseph Smith, etc. are not Jesus.
@skypegeneric6338 День назад
"Adventist says the bible has mistakes..." please start trouble right here... so we can use your testimony in the future... GOD WILL BE VINDICATED.. but please do be HONEST .. because ALL YOUR QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERABLE... please engage
@skypegeneric6338 День назад
GOD IS NOT SANTA CLAUS.. there are kids who REALLY "BELIEVE" IN SANTA CLAUS... many people 'believe' all manner of things... and treat the True GOD as if HE is merely a giver of things - there for their wants and needs, "he will handle it" - he will get me my wish, my brand new bicycle - they actually find peace in that sort of relationship -just like the kids on christmas morning.. a person asleep on the back seat of a car is blissfully unaware of the imminent car crushing crash with a 18 wheeler.... the feeling of BLISS has NOTHING to do with truthfulness. True PEACE IS ONLY FOUND IN THE REALIZATION OF FOLLOWING THE TRUTH WHEREVER IT LEADS..
@skypegeneric6338 День назад
as you said and apparently still don.t understand ... we can clear it all here... in public for the world to see.. your TESTIMONY may really prove to be a blessing to others.... please... shoot questions at me..i dont mind - i dont care about 'me' here... this is about VINDICATION of GOD.. the truth.. lets go sister... IT IS IMPOSSIBLE THAT YOUR PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED BY A GOD WHO AUTHORS THE BIBLE IF IT DISAGREES WITH THE BIBLE.....
@skypegeneric6338 День назад
we are in the end of days.. this is THE PERFECT time and place for these things.. only the TRUTH matters...
@skypegeneric6338 День назад
my dear.. lets us have a plain discourse on what you''re saying... frankly im saying you are delusional.. not as an insult. but as a statement of fact... you were NEVER taught your roots.. i say this to get your attention so we can talk about what REALLY matters - the truth , not merely YOUR "journey" because owning it doesn't make it true.. i am ready to provide REAL answers to anything you may want to ask... it will be HYPERLOGICALLY presented... no mental gymnastics required. this will be all in the public domain.. Your Potential Brother in CHRIST
@sheredith79 2 дня назад
30 minutes is a lot to listen to. This comment is based on the first eight and a half minutes. I grew up in an Adventist household that was only Adventist on Saturdays and sometimes Friday nights. So, as I started to listen to this video I immediately began to wish I had the upbringing you had. Reason being, now I'm older and I have devoted myself to Bible study and reading Ellen White books I realized how much better my life would have been if I knew and followed her counsel from a young age. Even my son who will be 26 this month would be a much better man, had I read the book child guidance by Ellen White. Which I didn't even know existed when I had him. The things some take for granted are as pure gold for others. Only God knows. I wish you all the best.
@swcworldwide 2 дня назад
Ms. Sunshine Tinoe, so you have traded the truth for what: tradition, fables, witchcraft, worldliness, wars, pestilence, rebellion, anarchy. What do you see in this world that is worth giving up the truth that God gave to the Foundational SDA Church. The only thing that you will find in this world is the Lust of the flesh, the Lust of the eyes, and the PRIDE of life. If any of these things are found in you sister repent and be separate and come back to your first Love, because the time is short.
@MaryPassangu 3 дня назад
Something is wrong, well it's just out of curiosity.
@MaryPassangu 3 дня назад
Hi, Adventist who are watching these video,I hope you're seeing what I see,and hearing what I hear.something definitely is wr
@Sammusicable 4 дня назад
That sounds more like someone who did not study for themselves. I’m not trying to bash this young lady but I’m sure you haven’t really read any of her books.
@ghostshell1432 4 дня назад
My sister in Christ... SDA churches are not all the same...ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-9dqczX3qYF4.htmlsi=3b5teiznNJBDRzo1
@leiyawonleiyawon4015 6 дней назад
When I saw you first time, I know from your face, your are not going to be in the Adventist church because you want to be like the world. You want to put lipstick, you want to pain eyebrows, you want to wear jewellery, and you want dress as the world dress,and you want to eat as world eat. 1 John 2:15 [15]Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. [15]Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. [15]Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
@Sanele-x6o 7 дней назад
My sister who has bewitched you ?u were doing fine until the devil took a tall on you,pray for the spirit of discernment then you will understand clearly ❤
@veronicafelix3765 7 дней назад
😢will pray for you. You were scared from the don’ts and the do’s of adventism which opened up doubt and Satan seize the opportunity to take you down a rabbit hole of doubt and disbelief. You are quoting scriptures so let me understand! The Ten Commandments was done away with?? You left the Sabbath for Sunday worship?? Let me remind you who Jesus is because you probably forgot. Jesus is the head of all the churches. He said to Peter on this rock I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail. It was Jesus custom, tradition and practice to go into the synagogue on the Sabbath day to read and partake in the service. There’s one true church the Bible states that so if you are a follower of Christ not Ellen white you should be practicing what Jesus did. Not man who changed the law of God. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires will have itchy ears and will turn away from the truth. My sister sad to say that’s what happened to you . Satan is doing everything in his power to destroy God’s remnant church. I will keep you in my prayers. The Sunday law will pass soon which side will you stand on?? The commandments of God or the commandments of man?
@user-zv9nx8li8s 7 дней назад
After watching your video I felt like crying especially reading the comments, people who read the word know that these are the last day events, prophecy being fulfilled every minute of each day. Truly converted Christians should not be arguing or telling the world such things but praying for each other as well complementing and uplifting each other. We thank God because he is a long suffering God who wants no one to perish but all to be saved. Not understand the word , just like the disciples is leading his people to this, May his hand of mercy touch us . The Bible is clear about the devil and his advocates during the last days, all we need is to fast and pray , seek repentance, deny ourselves and spread the gospel and not waste energy on arguments. The disciples walked with Jesus but did not understand him, his own people disowned him, we are not better than them. The Jews could not comprehend the scripture, parables came and go, some repented and some didn't. What is new today, he who claims to understand should be preaching truth and baptism of repentance for the time is near and not seek publicity and rejoice in criticism. If the holy spirit inspires you to see wrong in me, pray for me and with me so I can be saved. Jesus did not publicize Peter but he prayed for him when he saw his failure to understand predictions of his death. We are not any special my beloved people if we are really After salvation, let's preach the gospel, be patient, cry for our fallen brethren, if God is good and really wish them the goodness we are professing. Whatever is happening is nothing new, the scripture declares what kind of people we will be in the last days , no exceptions save for those who seek his face through prayer. The book of Mark states Jesus saying, prayer is the secret, he never failed to accomplish his mission amongst, traps, criticism, denial by his own or labeled a liar, that should inspire us in whatever situation we face. All that will be saved will be persecuted, the Bible says. I pray that God can open our eyes and ears as we medidate on his word.
@user-kf6sp7wh2y 9 дней назад
Always pray and read the Bible for God's guidance, he always shows the way.
@user-kf6sp7wh2y 9 дней назад
Salvation is all about understanding jesus christ as your lord and saviour and being led by the spirit of God .Not this denomination or that.
@andy_effah08 9 дней назад
Read matthew 15:18-19 The emphasis was on eating with unwashed hands not meat
@rethiasmkemotivation1571 9 дней назад
@rethiasmkemotivation1571 9 дней назад
May The Heavenly Father guide you through your journey to heaven. God bless
@RockStar977X 10 дней назад
As a SDA it’s your responsibility to live your truth. Wear your fashion and jewelry just not hoochie mama fashions. Eat all the meat you want Get your coffee ☕️ if you want Chill and be happy No need to live your lives like the FLDS, Amish, ugly masculine women without any feminine traits, Avoid looking trashy tattoos, multiple piercings navel, nose, nipple, coochie, penile, etc…bad breath, greasy hair, body odor bc of chemicals 😂 Be mindful bc people look at you and if you look cult like 😢 Be you, be happy ❤ You can leave and go to Heaven obviously 🙄 Weird people shouldn’t be judging if it’s not a true cult…unless you openly dress trashy cheap low class…it shouldn’t be an issue. I love your earrings and her makeup is beautiful young woman is beautiful and intelligent if she wants to be Evangelical ok!
@RockStar977X 10 дней назад
You all calm down she’s a Christian she will go to Heaven. Wether you are SDA or another Christian religion doesn’t save only Jesus. Let her leave…wish her happiness. This woman Ellen W. did write for her times, and there’s cults vibes when they put her over Jesus or the Bible. The young woman has a judgmental personal issue… One day she will realize most 99.9 walk on the flesh even her and she will stop judging and pointing fingers expecting perfection. This is why we all need Jesus 24/7. People let people down that’s for certain. Jesus will never let you down. When SDA are fanatical or extremist they always leave 100%. They get mad, bitter, they missed out freedom based on their own mind rigidity and wanting to be perfect follow all rules and law to a T in the flesh that it’s going to burst 💥 like a pressure cooker. They judge all the other Christians that’s a red flag for self check, fearing Evangelicals 😂, fearing Catholics 😂, other Protestants 😂 omogosh How about you fear the Church of Satan instead? Etc…The Church of Stan are promoting Satanic clubs in children school in some state, and other real evil groups like cults. Anyways, peace out.
@rogelioleedonalson6426 12 дней назад
Surrender yourself willingly to be under the POWER AUTHORITY AND CONTROL of YAHWEH The last loud cry They want the power and authority but refused to surrender Thinking they can make better decisions than YAHWEH THOSE who are under HIS Control don't make any decisions Because all decisions are made for them Is the only way Aslong they are making their own decisions is call laudicia condition and they love it Because of prosperity Since 1888 the massage was delivered by CHRIST AND WAS REJECTED AND THAT IS THE REASON OF ALL THE BEHAVIOR AND CHARATERS WE SEE IN CHURCH THEY DON'T WANT HIS DIRECT DIRECTIVES THEY TELL YAHWEH WHAT THEY WANT THEY SING IT IN CHURCH CALL HIM UP AND TELL HIM WHAT YOU WANT WHAT ABOUT WHAT PLAN HE HAVE FOR YOU DO WE CARE TO ASK THE FOUNDER AND BUILDER OF OUR FAITH WHAT HE WANTS REMEMBER WE ARE ONLY A VESSEL TO BE INHABITED BY YAHWEH OR SATAN AND HIS DEMONS AND TRUE SELF IS HOW THEY GET IN WE MOST REMEMBER TO SURRENDER ALL TO BE UNDER THE POWER AUTHORITY AND CONTROL OF YAHWEH
@user-fo4wq9fj9i 14 дней назад
I do not think you knew what you stood for. That is why you have fallen for foolishness.
@cabangamanuel6697 14 дней назад
Ok sister, so you say that the Lord made all foods "clean"!!! Practically you are saying that you approve of people who eat crocotches, rats, snakes, squirrels etc, so when will you cook such foods for your family?
@michieal-yn5gg 15 дней назад
watch former adventist. Answering Adventism. he is explaining why religion of Elen White [adventism] is cult.
@alexandraumana99 16 дней назад
I would be careful to generalize and say that “adventists are….. so and so.” Our example is Jesus to follow. You may talk about your personal experience because it is seen under your lenses. The books of Ellen White align with the Bible. The “not drinking coffee” and other health recommendations can also be compared with today’s scientific findings and realize that those are helpful recommendations for better health and long quality of life. If you didn’t want to read the books written by Ellen white I don’t see why you would feel forced to do it. 150 books as you said she has written, are not books that teach different things from the Bible but expand on it. Now, you also said why would God needed to give instructions to Ellen White. Well, God always used prophets to call His people back to the Word and to explain what He expected from them at different times in history. Revelations were given through dreams, angels, prophets, and signs from heaven and earth were given (hence many turned back to God when they took heed at their warnings) The hideous people you met at church are most likely people who need a lot of work to be done in their lives and God in His mercy allow them to taste and see the love of God so they will have no excuse when God judgements come to pass. Look at the disciples before Jesus came back to life after His crucifixion. They were called by Jesus to follow Him and still had many personal issues that needed the intervention of the Holy Spirit in order to be completely transformed to Jesus’s likeness. And so do we. We need Jesus to complete the work in us. Your husband seems to be a wonderful example of a Christ like Christian praise God for that, but you’re called to look at Jesus as your perfect example and follow only him. Maybe you want to argue about the doctrines of the church and show from the Bible how God has convicted you differently. But talking about people’s behavior is God’s business and is not going to help others to focus on their salvation and the need of God in their lives. Time is short, talk life, talk about how good Jesus is and how He’s blessed your life. That is your testimony to share! All thourghout the Bible we see God’s people going astray and doing terrible things, but when they had an encounter with God they were transformed and saved from their sins. That’s the reason why God warned us to be careful not to take away the weeds at the time of harvest because you may take out the grain. God will do the harvesting at the end and He will do it soon. About people saying that “Jesus is coming soon” is not only an Adventist message” it’s all over the Bible. He is calling us to be ready because His return is soon to come. In another passage , the apostle Paul says, do not think that Jesus is delaying His coming, but He is patient not wanting that any should perish. God’s definition of “soon” is not a human definition. His time is not how we see it. So soon for Him could be 120 years as in the days of Noah, or more than 2,000 years for the coming of the Messiah. Now whether we live 100 years or 50 or less, that makes it soon for us. Think of the length of time you take to get ready to serve God, and instead of focusing of “why you left this church or that church” preach the gospel, the good news of salvation so people can be convicted and live lives worth living to honor God and for the service of humanity. Time is at the essence!!!
@kimbe998 16 дней назад
Only people who are weird leave the Adventist Church..
@goldwinkennedyndou906 16 дней назад
John 8:32 And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-FUKUBdYLaSI.html
@MercyChesang-f9r 16 дней назад
Not born adventist but i thank God for his mercies and grace he leads me to light and now iam a proud adventist
@untoldhistory2800 16 дней назад
The sanctuary showed me that the Lord directed the Seventh Day Adventist movement the same way he directed the lutherans, the baptists, Methodists and those Protestants that preceded us
@user-fo4wq9fj9i 16 дней назад
I am happy for your journey. Some of the things you are are claiming are misconceptions on your part. Who told you that you need to read everything that Ellen G White has written. The health message is not a commandment it is a recommendation for good health. The state of the dead is wrong? Please re enlighten me. Ellen White herself said that if we were reading the Bible there is no need for her writings. I hope that this is not something that will lead to you being lost. Seventh Day Adventists do not teach that Jesus is a Levitical priest. He was born from the tribe of Judah. He is a priest after the order of Melchisidech who was not a Levitical priest. You are a fourth generation member but you do not know the Bible for yourself so you have been deceived I believe.
@danielzulu2820 16 дней назад
Hi sorry dear that you left my roots are in Catholic church ,you know to some of your cortes are not true esp were you said egw prophesied the coming of Christ ,you know young lady the Adventist massage is a real protestant message which will save the world you stand still and reflect back restudy your Bible don't talk a lot because spiritual things are spiritually discerns and be careful list you fight God.
@TagiLalalatu-k8d 17 дней назад
My sister don't judge just concentrate on your searching the truth, God will only answer those who really searching for truth.
@michaelbrown7998 17 дней назад
@sunshinetinoe7927 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-oBZ3h8uaLgg.htmlsi=BbiHnPasQlM8KMza
@michaelbrown7998 17 дней назад
Sis a little more info for you ru-vid.comY-xtCKKlwqo?si=-sDY0lbAFUVEK7Nz
@michaelbrown7998 17 дней назад
@sunshinetinoe7927 Colossians 2 explained. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-CSLvxaaf3aE.htmlsi=rdl5jpPJB3C1u-Y4
@user-jl1zt2zn6f 17 дней назад
But, the Bible say let every man work out his own SOUL salvation.
@michaelbrown7998 17 дней назад
@sunshinetinoe7927 Where does SDA say that the Bible is false? Please explain
@PetrinaLalao 17 дней назад
Do you know the context of each texts you've just read?
@joachimkarutifrelo3307 17 дней назад
Please stop lying to people, use references to your story, how did you realize what you are highlighting,
@earlem9771 17 дней назад
Ellen White shouldn’t be a stumbling block to you. If you read what she was inspired to write, you will see that God used her as He used the writers of the scriptures.
@rklegend17 17 дней назад
I am an sda and I have never heard anyone say EGW over jesus. She wrote books but it does not mean her books are our main focus . The bible is the on ly book we follow .
@AcademyApologia 4 дня назад
Her books are placed on an equal status with the bible. Just read her words: “I am instructed to say to our churches, Study the Testimonies. They are written for our admonition and encouragement, upon whom the ends of the world are come. *If God’s people will not study these messages that are sent to them from time to time, they are guilty of rejecting light.* Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little, God is sending instruction to his people. Heed the instruction; follow the light.” White, Ellen. Selected Messages. Vol. 3. Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1986, p. 359
@katmossa3503 2 дня назад
​@@AcademyApologia No they are not Not to Take the Place of the Word. The Lord desires you to study your Bibles. He has not given any additional light to take the place of His Word. This light is to bring confused minds to His Word, which, if eaten and digested, is as the lifeblood of the soul. Then good works will be seen as light shining in darkness. (Letter 130, 1901.) Get Proofs From the Bible. In public labor do not make prominent, and quote that which Sister White has written, as authority to sustain your positions. To do this will not increase faith in the testimonies. Bring your evidences, clear and plain, from the Word of God. A [p. 30] "Thus saith the Lord" is the strongest testimony you can possibly present to the people. Let none be educated to look to Sister White, but to the mighty God, who gives instruction to Sister White. (Letter 11, 1894.) . . .
@AcademyApologia 2 дня назад
@@katmossa3503 You are not reading carefully and with understanding. I stated the books of Ellen White are on equal status with the bible. Both the bible and Ellen White (as claimed by Adventists) were inspired by the Holy Spirit. I grow weary teaching Adventists about their religion, but I am here to help. Below are just a few samples where it is taught EGW is on the same level as the bible: *“We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White's writings to be of equal quality.* The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other. There is, however, a definite distinction to be made between the normative authority of Scripture and the formative authority of Mrs. White's writings in our church. Why should a distinction be made? In the first place, Ellen White clearly placed the Bible alone in the category of standard and rule for doctrine.” Graybill, Ron. "Ellen White's role in doctrine formation." Ministry Magazine, October 1981, p. 8 “While Seventh-day Adventists do not consider the writings of Ellen G. White to be a modern addition to the canon of Scripture, *we do recognize in them the same quality and degree of inspiration as that of the Bible writers, and consider their teaching authority to be equal to that of the Bible-for Seventh-day Adventists.”* R. F. C. “The World Council Looks at Seventh-day Adventists” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. 30 March 1967, p. 12 “. . .,so, we believe that Mrs. White was a prophet to the church of Christ to-day. And the same as the messages of the prophets were received in olden times, so her messages should be received at the present time.” Wilcox, Francis. “The Source of Mrs. White’s Inspiration.” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, 4 October 1928, p. 11 *“The counsels of the Scriptures and of the inspired writings of E. G. White necessarily must be the guidelines of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.* This has been recognized in official actions taken by the General Conference in session, and explained in the Church Manual.” Wilson, Neal. “When a Person Joins” Review and Herald, 17 February 1977, p. 13 I can post mare, but that is enough
@rklegend17 17 дней назад
I am an sda and the things you have said are false!!! Ellen g white is famous in the sda community but she is never talked about during sermons. You people are trying to force stereotypes on sdas when u guys have the worst of them like praying to mary. Jesus is obviously more important to us sdas.
@rklegend17 17 дней назад
We dont worship Ellen g white like catholics worship mary. Stop acting dum
@RhodaChitsala 17 дней назад
May God help you to understand this,you must know that the last the books of sister white are not above the Bible And you can't tell me that the one who convinced you to be a member of SDA he use the name of sister white and baptized you in the name of sister white ,you are mis quote her sister Search first advent movement after dark ages until 1844 it's when you can understand why the SDA use the books of sister
@RhodaChitsala 17 дней назад
I mean all books are not above the Bible
@RhodaChitsala 17 дней назад
Note this sister, God use people to deriver the gospel to the world Most of the people now days they don't know the present truth,the message of this time In the book of sister to connect with Bible reviewed that 1.The hearthy message it's there 2.Dressing reform it's there 3.Sunday law is there 4.Family reform 5.the work of Jesus in heaven sanctuary 6.people living the cities to prepare coming Sunday crisis Note The books of sister white expanded the Bible and it comes to correct the errors to mis interpret the Bible
@bonanibhebhe 18 дней назад
thank you for this video.