1 Car Crash Compilation
1 Car Crash Compilation
1 Car Crash Compilation
1 Car Crash Compilation is licensed by VISO Media company
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@LittleHatHacker 6 месяцев назад
why there's like only russian crashes?
@user-dm7od3cp5f 8 месяцев назад
But russian car crash😂
@thomasn3882 Год назад
0:05 Chucky?
@philippenachtergal6077 Год назад
3:00 Cammer is also a complete idiot for not slowing down when a car in front of him is clearly about to crash.
@Burago2k Год назад
Russia is just a pos of a place, ive solidified my opinion of Russia, its just a dictatorship and a pos place, a wild west.
@user-ht4rj4kb5o Год назад
좋은 ㆍ
@marcbrown5081 Год назад
I will turn here no matter what!!!!!!
@marcbrown5081 Год назад
That crane operator maybe unemployed.😄
@rachelpurity1 Год назад
What even is this "braking" when approaching a dangerous situation? And what the fuck is that annoying thing sticking off the side my car!?
@walkergillette3918 Год назад
if you see a ugly communist car, and there are a lot in Russia, stay clear
@walkergillette3918 2 года назад
at the end, alterative ending of the Graduate
@letthesmokeout828 2 года назад
They increase insurance rates. It is too bad there is no way to discriminate against them. Asians should only be allowed to drive bicycles.
@kentkoleslau7390 2 года назад
Each of these people needs to be beaten in the face with an aluminum baseball bat til they forget how to breathe
@kentkoleslau7390 2 года назад
God I hope all these drivers fucking died along with their stupid families
@fransiscajide7620 2 года назад
most of these accidents are caused by the speed of the vehicles being too high and the driver being careless
@anniefawcett9936 2 года назад
I wonder where some of these people got a driving license!
@buckshotgigalo 2 года назад
I think asians have a hard time telling the difference between the gas and the brake. When in doubt...WHISKEY THROTTLE!!
@spcriverside 2 года назад
5:54 0_0
@JLibs123 3 года назад
Such npcs
@FormerDeathMachine 3 года назад
It’s funny how the people in the comments are saying Asians are the worst drivers. These videos are taken in Asia where the vast majority of the drivers are Asian. You go to any other country and it will be the populating demographic that are had drivers.
@kentkoleslau7390 2 года назад
had drivers? How about you type correctly fuckface
@CamperEater 3 года назад
2:13 got me lol
@ziyedmercedes4206 3 года назад
يا مبـدع البـدائـــع لم يبـغ في إنشــائها عونــاً من خلقـــه يا مبـدع. إِنَّ اللَّهَ هُوَ الرَّزَّاقُ ذُو الْقُوَّةِ الْمَتِينُ. اللهم صل صلاة كاملة وسلم سلاما تاماعلى سيدنا محمد النبي الذي تنحلُّ به العقد وتنفرجُ به الكرب وتُقضى به الحواىج وتنال به الرغاىب وحسن الخواتيم ويُستسقى الغمام بوجهه الكريم وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين وسلم تسليما كثيرا.
@scootyeet8760 3 года назад
"I turn now, good luck everybody else"
@ledahrdltschkw7064 3 года назад
I like car crash video, so i forgive the clickbait
@aquaplante8240 3 года назад
3.00 что за даун, ни льда на дороге, и топит до последнего и ещё комментит типа профи бля
@aquaplante8240 3 года назад
Прямо гордость берет, почти 100 % наши олени!!! Если б не мы то и показывать нечего:))
@miksjunior 3 года назад
@ 2:13 ... WTF !!!!!?????
@miksjunior 3 года назад
Honestly @ 0:23 only an asian stops dead in tracks on a motorway and causes a car pile up and trucks flipping ect.
@oscartijerino1917 3 года назад
Like the one who sees it in 2020
@christiandickerson2308 3 года назад
How is Russia even a country?
@beatniksvintage 3 года назад
Are they not taught to brake? Or accelerate slowly instead of blasting your way through cars? Or pay attention to the cars in front of you?? It's actually irritating to watch such absolute stupidity.
@rosehuber1997 3 года назад
Where ever this was filmed, The people drive like idiots.
@Alex.Fukuoka 3 года назад
Lenguajes in this video pretty much mandarin and Hangul.
@karma_oop 3 года назад
1. 4:51 My guy didn't even attempt to break, lol
@dundy7691 3 года назад
0:43: *KA BOOM* Baby!
@DavInCan 3 года назад
2:16 oh my brother in South korea 🤣🤣🤣
@TastyTarco 3 года назад
its too damn funny, how tf did that even happen
@TastyTarco 3 года назад
actually i think it was a revenge
@valeskaroquep9928 3 года назад
Is not funny
@bigdog4230 3 года назад
Ride the dragon!
@wagman68 3 года назад
I turn now! Good luck everybody else!
@f.s.s.4152 4 года назад
This is not traffic, this is WAR!
@culle6522 4 года назад
so dumm...............................
@grimstone007 4 года назад
I'm here from BucketHeadNation
@gurkaransinghdeol2456 4 года назад
The flying tyres are famous around the globe❤️
@wrencher1998 4 года назад
How do you blind an Asian? 🤔 Put a windshield in front of them!😂😜😜😂
@katiekaylor1391 4 года назад
damn at 3:09 how she get off the bike
@GonzoFam 4 года назад
5:15 Crashes in Snow Was was the bad thing
@nmena3792 4 года назад
How do you know their Russia?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
@cassierichter7793 4 года назад
In my mind I'm narrating this in Buk Laus voice 😂
@jkonefivethree5043 4 года назад
1:39 what are the white dots in the sky?
@DrQuen 4 года назад
Not a shortage of dump f#@#ing idiots on the road