Aid to the Church in Need Australia and New Zealand
Aid to the Church in Need Australia and New Zealand
Aid to the Church in Need Australia and New Zealand
An international Catholic organisation supporting persecuted and oppressed Christians since 1947.
The Night of the Witnesses 2023
Год назад
The situation in Ukraine
2 года назад
Activity Report 2020
3 года назад
Transport for pastoral care
3 года назад
Urgent Prayers for India
3 года назад
Benefactor Day - June 11 2021
3 года назад
Africa Global Campaign - Cameroon
3 года назад
@xavier736 Месяц назад
Praise The Lord Amazing work by ACN
@CHRISTO_0101 5 месяцев назад
@karengoderie7758 10 месяцев назад
Good job , amazing for so many years
@philidorfox6372 Год назад
God bless you , brothers and sisters.
@markaraujo06 Год назад
Rev Church for you to be truthful & honest to heaven & earth. Do you love me? Do you care about me? Do you agree to help & support me two thousand dollars a week miracle for life? Are you a friend?
@ValuableChristianMessages 2 года назад
لقد فعلها يسوع! دمر يسوع حاجز الخطيئة بين الله والبشر على الصليب. لماذا فعل ذلك؟ يخبرنا الكتاب المقدس (كلمة الله الوحيدة الجديرة بالثقة للجنس البشري): لقد ولدنا جميعًا بطبيعة خاطئة شريرة. لقد ورثناها روحياً عن آدم وحواء ، أول شخصين خلقوا الناس ، بسبب عصيانهم لله بإعطاءهم إغراء الشيطان الخادع. لماذا يفعل الشيطان مثل هذا الشيء على أي حال؟ لأنه يكره الله! لا يريد الشيطان أن يتمتع أحد بعلاقة حميمة وفرحة مع الله. لقد فقدها ذات مرة ، والآن لا يريدها أي شخص آخر. الله قدوس - بار جدًا - طاهر جدًا ... لدرجة أنه لا يستطيع ولن يسمح للخطاة غير الأبرار بالبقاء معه في السماء. لكن كان لدى الله خطة للتراجع عن ما فعله الشيطان بالجنس البشري. يسوع المسيح هو الخطة! جاء يسوع إلى الأرض ليفديك أنت وكل شخص آخر عن نفسه ، الله الآب ، والله الروح القدس. لقد أخذ العقاب الكامل لخطاياك ضد الله وخطايا كل شخص آخر على الصليب حتى لا تبعدنا خطايانا عن الله بعد الآن. علاوة على ذلك ، فقد استبدل بره بإثمنا من خلال موته ودفنه وقيامته! (انظر: 2 كورنثوس 5:21). هذا ليس بالأمر الهين ، عزيزي! تخيل أنك في قاعة المحكمة ، وقد حكم عليك القاضي للتو بالإعدام. تخيل أيضًا أن يكون يسوع المسيح محاميك. يقول يسوع المسيح للقاضي (أو بعبارة أخرى ، الله الآب السماوي): "جلالتك ، أريد أن أخدم عقوبة موكلي وأن أدفع ثمن أخطائه بالموت بدلاً من ذلك حتى يتمكن موكلي من إطلاق سراحه. " هل يمكنك أن تتخيل شخصًا يفعل شيئًا كهذا من أجلك ؟! لقد فعلها يسوع! فعل يسوع المسيح ما لم يفعله أي إنسان آخر أو يستطيع فعله. لقد كان الشخص الوحيد على هذا الكوكب الذي لم يخطئ قط. ولأنه لم يخطئ أبدًا ، فهو الذبيحة الوحيدة المقبولة التي يقبلها الله الآب لدفع الفدية عن كل خطايانا. هذا ببساطة مذهل ، أليس كذلك ؟! لكن يسوع فعلها! www.precious-testimonies.com/exhortations/jesus-did-it/jesus-did-it laqad faealaha yasuea! damir yasue hajiz alkhatiyat bayn allah walbashar ealaa alsalibi. limadha faeal dhalika? yukhbiruna alkitaab almuqadas (kalimat allah alwahidat aljadirat bialthiqat liljins albashari): laqad waladna jmyean bitabieat khatiat shiriyratin. laqad warithnaha rwhyaan ean adm wahawaa' , 'awal shakhsayn khalaquu alnaas , bisabab eisyanihim lilah bi'iieta'ihim 'iighra' alshaytan alkhadiei. limadha yafeal alshaytan mithl hadha alshay' ealaa 'ayi hali? li'anah yakrah allah! la yurid alshaytan 'an yatamatae 'ahad biealaqat hamimat wafarhat mae allah. laqad faqadaha dhat marat , walan la yuriduha 'ayu shakhs akhar. allah quduws - bar jdan - tahir jdan ... lidarajat 'anah la yastatie walan yusmah lilkhutaat ghayr al'abrar bialbaqa' maeah fi alsama'i. lakin kan ladaa allah khutat liltarajue ean ma faealah alshaytan bialjins albashari. yasue almasih hu alkhutatu! ja' yasue 'iilaa al'ard liufdiak 'ant wakulu shakhs akhar ean nafsih , allah alab , wallah alruwh alqudsu. laqad 'akhadh aleiqab alkamil likhatayak dida allah wakhataya kula shakhs akhar ealaa alsalib hataa la tubeidna khatayana ean allah baed alana. eilawatan ealaa dhalik , faqad astabdil birah bi'iithmina min khilal mawtih wadafnih waqiamatihi! (anzur: 2 kurnithus 5:21). hadha lays bial'amr alhayin , eazizi! takhayal 'anak fi qaeat almahkamat , waqad hukim ealayk alqadi liltawi bial'iiedami. takhayal aydan 'an yakun yasue almasih muhamik. yaqul yasue almasih lilqadi ('aw bieibarat 'ukhraa , allah alab alsamawi): "jalalatuk , 'urid 'an 'akhdim euqubat muakili wa'an 'adfae thaman 'akhtayih bialmawt bdlaan min dhalik hataa yatamakan muakili min 'iitlaq sarahihi. " hal yumkinuk 'an tatakhayal shkhsan yafeal shyyan kahadha min 'ajlik ?! laqad faealaha yasuea! fael yasue almasih ma lam yafealh 'ayu 'iinsan akhar 'aw yastatie fielahu. laqad kan alshakhs alwahid ealaa hadha alkawkab aladhi lam yukhti qut. wali'anah lam yukhti abdan , fahu aldhabihat alwahidat almaqbulat alati yaqbaluha allah alab lidafe alfidyat ean kuli khatayana. hadha bibasatat mudhhil , 'alays kadhalik ?! lakina yasue fielaha! www.precious-testimonies.com/exhortations/jesus-did-it/jesus-did-it
@hazellim4127 2 года назад
What an extremely moving video! We are all one in Christ, with Christ and for Christ. My heart goes out to our brothers and sisters persecuted for their faith. Your crowns of glory shine bright from Heaven and inspire us to do the same. May we be instruments of help and love for you, our brothers and sisters.
@michaelnyandun5693 2 года назад
Hard life in Dubai then
@anthonysciberras1294 3 года назад
I was very moved by the work done by Aid to the Church In Need My prayers and help when I can .Our Lady of Perepetual Help please intercede for our needy brothers and sisters.
@johnalexander4940 3 года назад
Wow so many Arab brother's and sisters in Christ Jesus its incredible, never knew there were so many fellow believers in the World Hallelujah ""
@davidratnam1142 3 года назад
God Jesus bless UAE Dubai Abu Dhabi Sharjah Ajman and all 7 kingdoms good people freedom for Christians thanks God Jesus
@davidratnam1142 3 года назад
God Jesus bless all
@sofialinus8241 3 года назад
I'm so excited Thanks Jesus for loving us too much 🙏
@yaohushuayaohu4843 4 года назад
I (Mashiach)revealed Myself to those who did not ask for Me; I was found by those who did not seek Me. To a nation that did not call on My 'Shúam' (Name), I said, 'Here am I, here am I.' - YaoshuaYÁOHU (Isaiah) 65:1
@jobydevasia2039 4 года назад
Jesus Christ is Lord forever and ever. Amen
@tettymarlina7903 4 года назад
Glory to The Lord Jesus Christ in Peninsula
@skellingtonmeteoryballoon 4 года назад
Gorgeous 😍 glory to our father in heaven 😍
@sofialinus8241 3 года назад
@rvaidrvaid8763 4 года назад
God blessed middle East Christian ameen
@SonShines1 4 года назад
Christians? What's with all the candles?
@user-id8cl5zd9e 4 года назад
Why did u put a fake picture of prophet muhammad. It's considered disrespectful so avoid doing that
@annagabriel8351 4 года назад
No wonder you are in Islamic country.The land of the people who's god is the best deceiver... Muslims are not merciful. They spent billions of dollars to entertain themselves but do not pay enough the foreign workers . But to the world they show how wealthy they are. LIARS!!!
@user-id8cl5zd9e 4 года назад
What do u mean Muslims are this and that. Ur literally generalizing and being racist out of ignorence. Most Muslims are poor btw and there are good rich ppl and bad rich ppl.
@martintruther5808 4 года назад
@fayebirdsturgeon5439 4 года назад
how can i give aid for this beautiful and god loving people .would be grateful if any member of this community would let me know.thank u
@Hancetanisan 4 года назад
@arminasangma64 4 года назад
Islam is false religion islam is from the devil satan
@arminasangma64 4 года назад
Non muslims are slavery in saudi arabia
@arminasangma64 4 года назад
Muhammed was False prophet islam is false religion
@arminasangma64 4 года назад
Muhammed a sinner man he was not prophet he was False prophet muhammed forced converted by sword by terror by slaughtering by beheading by chaining in neck collected heavy Zajia mujammed was false prophet
@user-id8cl5zd9e 4 года назад
Whenever they went to war he told his soldiers not to cut a tree not to harm and woman or child or elderly not destroy a home and harm anyone exept for other soldiers. He even told them not to torture the prisoners and to take care of them. He never would hurt any one for no reason. He gave women their rights he was never rich and never used his position to make him rich either NEVER TOOK ADVANTAGE FOR HIS BENEFIT NEVER. and we Muslims beleive in Jesus and all profits and respect them alot but u seem to only know Jesus and u are more anti Islam than u are Christian. Horrible image
@shinammasebastian2298 4 года назад
Greeting from india.
@bengoodhart6075 5 лет назад
The natives country is theirs and that’s the way it should be. I want the same in my land.
@popest.victori5389 5 лет назад
Jesus is the center of the Catholic worship that is why no wonder that christianity has penetrated even the hardest land of middle east. We love our muslim brothers and the non-catholics alike because that's what Jesus taught us let us pray to the Almighty Father that our non-catholic brothers may open their heart so that they may too enjoy the beauty of being a Christian and being a Roman Catholic. Long live the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC CHURCH. Greetings from the Philippines.
@bostongirlsandy 4 года назад
I love being Catholic!
@sofialinus8241 3 года назад
Amen🙏🙏🙏 I think 🤔 maybeOur non-Catholic bother and sister they following faster miracle without care about God
@jesuscastanares4968 5 лет назад
@theophilusniilamptey8519 5 лет назад
These same Arabians go to free world complaining about condition of worship.
@amen7761 4 года назад
They are making us fools
@randy75sandoval73 5 лет назад
That is not true Christians, Catholicism is just a modified paganism, they still practicing idol worshipping, which is against God and Christians True Christians are in the Church of God, it is the real Church name in the Bible If you want to be with God you must be called upon his name 1 Corintians 1:1,2
@richardmutabaruka4298 5 лет назад
ignorance has no cure cris enlighten your self your are so misinformed that no one can convince you apart from your self education, help your self brother
@randy75sandoval73 5 лет назад
@@richardmutabaruka4298 your wrong, the cure of ignorance is education, and understanding, keep in mind, I do not believe in all people claiming that they are Christians are automatically real Christians, it must be proved biblically not by mouth It must seen in their life, doctrine, teaching, in accordance of the Bible
@popest.victori5389 5 лет назад
Ignorance is a very sad thing. The common mistakes of those people who keep on attacking the Catholic Church are misinformation and misinterpretation. Bro try to learn for your self the beliefs that we have Catholics because it is logical, reasonable and yet biblical. Everything we believe is in the bible its all there just be patient in knowing the truth. Read some history books written and authored by known scholars and historians I'm sure there is no reason for you to find the truth. There is no other Christian Church that you can trace back the history than the Catholic Church. Try to look for yourself the beginning of CHRISTIANITY in any encyclopedia or history books. May the Spirit Light guide you bro in your search! Lol. Im from the Philippines.
@bostongirlsandy 4 года назад
Catholics don't worship idols.
@ginalozadasinglemomrandomv655 5 лет назад
I am a catholic. And i try to be churching in christian like born again the sermons its ok and an amazing but the problem is they criticism about catholic.they cant sermons without mentioning the catholic faith. And i am realy disappoint that way they sermons. They spread about the gospel of god but lots of hatred about the catholic then i realize this is not realy in a good way. Catholic never criticism other religion and am proud catholic no matter what. I saw him in my dreams godbless to all of christian
@BJ-lg5jx 5 лет назад
Gina Lozada if these people are true follower of Jesus, they only talked about love not hatred ....true followers of Jesus don’t talk bad about others...🙏🏻
@S_u_n_Flower_ 4 года назад
I'm a Christian and one of my problems with Catholicism is how they pray to dead people (Mary, Saints, etc.) And basically worship popes, when in reality you should only confess your sins to God and pray to our Father
@zenvirgil 4 года назад
@@S_u_n_Flower_ Please understand first the Catholic faith before you complain. There are a lot of youtube videos that explain why the Catholics do it. Go enlighten yourself.
@isaiah3872 4 года назад
@@S_u_n_Flower_ Catholics ARE CHRISTIANS! We do not worship anyone but God (the Holy Trinity) especially not the Pope. There may be some people that are major Pope fans, but if you consider that "worship" then "born agains" are just as guilty with the way they treat pastors like superstars. Catholic, Eastern Orthodox & Oriental Orthodox Christians all trace their origins to the Early Christians, we all believe in the _veneration_ & intercession of the saints (especially of the Virgin Mary), we all believe that Christ is our only mediator & Eternal High Priest, in holy sacraments/sacred mysteries (including confession & the Eucharist, in which Christ is truly present), in salvation through faith *and* works (again, we existed long before the 1500s). We believe that a personal relationship with Christ *is important* & we three account for more than 60% of all Christians globally. Finally, we're quite tired of Protestants (non-denominational Christians included) regurgitating the same erroneous claims over the centuries. May the Lord be with you!
@pitapita70 4 года назад
@@S_u_n_Flower_ Catholics don't pray to Mary,
@thoufeeqvp9390 5 лет назад
No mosque in vattikan....
@azmanjusoh8925 5 лет назад
There's a pagan shrine in mecca.
@Wayfarer-z4d 4 года назад
Vatican is only 66acres.
@amen7761 4 года назад
Yes there is a mosque in vatican
@mariamolla8495 5 лет назад
@sofialinus8241 3 года назад
@abzhassan8324 5 лет назад
Can someone answer how the fuck you can think prophet isa (Jesus) can be god because that’s being an idiot
@thorthor1745 5 лет назад
What will happen when they run out of oil look out west mass migration unimaginable
@terintiaflavius3349 4 года назад
We would gladly take the Arab Christians
@ally2000 5 лет назад
Catholics are not Christians. They should be called maryams because they follow mary.
@MrPinoCavallo 5 лет назад
So you're basically saying that Christianity hasn't existed for nearly 1,500 years and was re-established 500 years ago in the process of reformation?
@susanamoroso8581 5 лет назад
Catholics honor Mary because she is the mother of Jesus Christ. Catholics are the first known Christians. The protestants , the Baptists, the Lutherans and other deNonminations and non-denominational sects were founded to retaliate AND REBEL against the Catholic Church and the papacy . Martin LUther, founder of the Lutheran Church and Protestantism is a former Catholic priest. King Henry VIII , the founder and head of the Anglican Church in England was a Catholic before he rebelled against the Pope for not giving him the right to marry Anne Boleyn. The Pope would not grant King Henry VIII a divorce so King Henry founded his own Church. The same story goes for all others cHRISTIAN churches. The Catholic Church is the one. holy,catholic(meaning universal) and apostolic (because all its teachings and traditions were handed down by the 12 apostles ) founded by Jesus Christ in 33 AD. Whoever said the Catholics are not Christians are liars and misinformed. Why don't you read and study the early church fathers from St. Peter down the line? THey were all CATHOLICS. The first Bible was created by the Catholic Church based on an edict by the Pope. All the sacred scriptures and holy objects about Jesus Christ's teachings, life, death and resurrection including the HOly Shroud of Turin are in the possession of the Catholic cHURCH and the Christian Orthodox Church.
@ally2000 5 лет назад
@@susanamoroso8581 there's a difference between followers of JESUS ,who are called Christians (little Christ) and roman catholics, who follow mary and saints made in vatican.
@starman9190 5 лет назад
soooo true dear
@tumasukab8428 5 лет назад
Catholics are not christians, yes, it's true,
@dsouzaronald7335 6 лет назад
I Love Abu Dhabi just like my country India, a well civilised nation among the Arab world. Now its nothing hidden into this Internet era. The world knows about the truth and that is Jesus Christ our Lord our God. Jesus Loves all.
@crystanella13 6 лет назад
Soooo many lost souls in search for salvation. It's too bad they find Catholicism rather than true christianity. May God lead them to the real truth- in the name of Jesus. Amen.
my sentiments though ,i pray that along the way they will come to the REAL LIGHT OF THE WORLD. JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH the SON OF THE MOST HIGH GOD . We should pray for them also just like our eyes were open in one way or the other. MUSLIMS are NONETOLERANT and they only pretend to TOLERATE simply because CATHOLISISM isnt FULLY SUBMISSIVE to JESUS CHRIST TEACHINGS.
@richardmutabaruka4298 5 лет назад
@@withoutjesuschristofnazare2746 which cave are hiding in you have been brainwashed and you need to see the light , search read and find out about the holy church you will know the truth open your mind and search for knowledge for those who seek him find him ,
@wfcoaker1398 4 года назад
Catholicism is the original Christianity. So called "Bible based" Christianity is a heresy that wasn't even dreamt of till the Reformation. It rejects many of the beautiful aspects of the faith. The result is that many modern Protestant Churches practice a kind of self worship. Some have become almost Gnostic in their views of the body. They have no understanding of the Incarnation or redemption, and have turned God into a corrupt judge. It is truly sad.
@bostongirlsandy 4 года назад
Catholicism is a form of Christianity and can save your soul.
@andrewthein7704 6 лет назад
That's why the Catholic , the Universal Church kicks in. Be patient folks, His four days late will glorify and intensify the kingdom of God.
@S_u_n_Flower_ 4 года назад
You should only pray to God
@pitapita70 4 года назад
@@S_u_n_Flower_ Catholics like all Christians pray to God only
@S_u_n_Flower_ 4 года назад
@@pitapita70 Some do though pray to Mary. There is different branches of Catholicism someone told me. So I apologize for not saying this :)
@junedobson5776 6 лет назад
Hi, Do you know TRUE GOD ""JEHOVAH, he GOD of BIBLE"", PSAMLS, 83 v 18, his SON is JESUS, he came to DIE for us all, also to make is FATHERS NAME GREAT all over the WORLD, soon now JESUS is coming back to KILL all wicked people, get to know him now, 😇💕❤️
@kingswarriors243 6 лет назад
Wow.. christians in the Arabian peninsula! Talk about thick skin
@user-id8cl5zd9e 4 года назад
What do u mean. There's so many and we live in harmony
@qualqui 8 лет назад
Multiculturalism SHOULD also come to the Arabian Peninsula!
@hokmah1955 9 лет назад
This is Sister Ban Saaed, OP -