Every week for a year I'm making a video about something- anything- join along if you're curious where this'll go..!

Thank you for watching~

The Big Scary Unknown
14 дней назад
The Most Surreal Game You Missed
Месяц назад
Information Booth
Месяц назад
2 месяца назад
Before the Sun Sets - Cowboy Song by Me!
2 месяца назад
Finding an Aesthetic
2 месяца назад
Strange Punctuation Marks
2 месяца назад
The Essentials of Music Theory, Essentially
3 месяца назад
Ode to Pokemarts
3 месяца назад
How Do I Make Better Goals?
3 месяца назад
The Valentine's Episode
4 месяца назад
4 месяца назад
chill song that's a wee bit creepy
4 месяца назад
The Area After the Beginning
4 месяца назад
An Honest Attempt
5 месяцев назад
Grand Returns (and Great Revivals)
11 месяцев назад
I Played the Most Iconic Visual Novel
2 года назад
Sunny Saturday | Funky Game Song
2 года назад
OFF: A Classic Cult Classic
2 года назад
@how4989 День назад
AND YOU DID NOT FAIL. you made me do it literallt
@NomarOmens 18 часов назад
@how4989 18 часов назад
@@NomarOmens and with that came quite a few favorite characters (herlock, satoru, barok and a few others)
@wyatteb1663 7 дней назад
I have over 1000 hours in Tomodachi life. Id buy a direct port of the game if it came to switch. I love unlocking all the stuff.
@denpa_chan 8 дней назад
youre so right about everything tbh!! i dont like the sims franchise and while tomodachi life endeared itself to me it lead to the same fatigue that the sims and acnh caused for the "omnipresent god" playstyle you mentioned </3 really hoping that if they do bring back the tomodachi franchise, they lean into stuff you mentioned here ^_^
@Terrariadude11 10 дней назад
I definitely want the island to be bigger I hope they do juts port the 3ds game with an new coat of paint and call it new
@Ketsu112 10 дней назад
im scared that they'll never take that chance after how tomodachi life got caught up in a ton of controversy back in the day for not including queer relationships. but who knows maybe they'll make a sequel with proper queer rep :)
@NomarOmens 10 дней назад
I believe that the director of the game said that they would be including proper representation if they ever made a follow-up game! Here's the source: www.nbcnews.com/tech/video-games/nintendo-apologizes-omitting-gay-marriage-tomodachi-life-n101861
@Ketsu112 10 дней назад
@@NomarOmens omg i never saw that!!!! yipeeee :]
@Terrariadude11 10 дней назад
I know it might not happen but I STILL WANT IT vary much
@Terrariadude11 15 дней назад
Every time I come and watch a new vid I always relate or have a new game I want to play
@Zeiji369 24 дня назад
Okay, but the Beggsclimation mark is absolutely awesome. Seriously love it.
@NomarOmens 14 дней назад
Heck yeah!!
@skeleton4962 Месяц назад
its free so I’ll be playing it
@ffff-od3jb Месяц назад
strange how ur video showed up in my feed out of nowhere. but thanks alot for the game.
@Terrariadude11 Месяц назад
Welp looks like I have another game to go dive into
@YourLocalNumberblocksFan Месяц назад
We need them bacc
@Eeeg_yea Месяц назад
I need no convincing ive already done it! 👍
@Terrariadude11 Месяц назад
Man you just got roasted today 😂
@skeleton4962 Месяц назад
You really convinced me to buy omori
@skeleton4962 Месяц назад
Amazing video bro
@NomarOmens Месяц назад
Thank you!
@RetroTheStupid Месяц назад
Very underrated!!
@ArissaHaque Месяц назад
the ace attorney games are phenomenal
@jamozmynamoz6516 2 месяца назад
20:35 I love how the song used is intentionally or not in cut time
@susavet 2 месяца назад
@shlokwaghela9560 2 месяца назад
I sent this to my friend and he called me a bitch 😢😢😢 but fr, amazing shit, though I'd recommend to begin with AA trilogy still
@NomarOmens 2 месяца назад
@zapzapfishes5878 2 месяца назад
I'm not sure to think that this is really 'the essentials', more like the "whats" of the most common knowledge without going much into the underlying "whys" that connect the pieces together. If interested, you may want to learn about tone frequency, the harmonic series (overtones), pure intervals vs.12 tone equal temperament, why the diatonic scale is built as it is (ie. by getting close to pure intervals or by stacking fifths), voice leading as well as alteration and/or transposition to get other modes, scales and keys (including their unique possibilities for chords and melodies) while being able to interpret their relations to each other very well. Also, playing a bit around with some nonwestern scales can help contextualise the western concepts as well as add a lot on their own. That's where things may start to make more sense than just being a random list of rules. But the video was very entertaining and I had a lot of fun, so keep it up!
@nehmenia. 2 месяца назад
Great music taste
@Powder-Point 2 месяца назад
I would recommend playing Ghost Trick as I consider it to be Shu Takumi’s best work with the best pacing. Ghost Trick is more underrated than the Great Ace Attorney and it deserves more praise and recognition. Lowkey the better game. I still love the Great Ace Attorney though, but not as much as Ghost Trick which is Shu Takumi’s masterpiece and magnum opus
@skeleton4962 2 месяца назад
Im going to listen to this while playing red dead redemption
@Terrariadude11 2 месяца назад
If I could put a dancing cat gif I would but alas I cannot 😞 good song though!
@AlexanderBaumgartner-zh5gh 2 месяца назад
Cool video :)
@MatthewGriffin-xl2jg 2 месяца назад
i was the 200th person to like this video
@hackmaniteultra4329 2 месяца назад
undertated video aesthetic
@skeleton4962 2 месяца назад
fever dream aesthetic
@bobjeaniejoey 2 месяца назад
I have this same book, also lacking the CD, which I found to not really matter. It's a pretty good basic music theory book to learn the standard concepts that need to be memorized in understanding Western music notation. It doesn't go into analysis of the reasoning behind most concepts, but I've found that it's worth its purchase price for what it offers. It's fairly well organized so it can easily be used to refer back to for occasional reminders of particular terms. This video does a remarkably good job of covering everything in the book.
@Terrariadude11 2 месяца назад
“ do that then dog gammit “ my new favorite quote this year
@turtlefalcon5546 2 месяца назад
Here is my essay on why you should play the great ace attorney: We have: Sherlock Holmes A very very logical jury Do forgive the discourtesy Defense attorney with a sword in a court of law That’s all I got
@kay_nanika 2 месяца назад
As a guitar player I immediately am lost in Unit one with sight reading 😅
@queenchaosyet 2 месяца назад
Before I ever played tgaa I was kinda confused by it? Like I loved to listen to all the pursuit themes from all the aa games in a compilation and putting a full orchestra rendition song next to an 8bit chiptune built for the gameboy certainly turned me away from the game for a bit because it just seemed so, distant from what I knew? Luckly I got the Chronicles on a steam sale and the slow introduction in Adventures really helped me get a grasp on what these games are all about. The characters had incredible introductions and to set the pace of the story they BROKE the set rules and rhythm of every ace attorney game before it by not having the “1.court, 2.investigate-court, 3. Investigate-court-investigate-court 4. Inv-court-inv-court-inv-court 5.+ repeat 4” which I think I actually worked VERY well to give us a pace slow enough to understand each new gimmick while not changing the game up on us every hour. I also have been going CRAZY with the parallels this game pulls from the original source material because its not a requirement to know what happens in the og trilogy to get it but it gives new flavour and foresight into whats happening and on many occasions breaks initial preconceptions about characters like at first I thought we where gonna meet mikotoba by defending her INSTEAD she THrOWS US ACROSS THE ROOM 5 TIMES LIKE A BADASS LIKE WHAT!?? Instead of a bumbling detective who leak’s information to the defence MOTHERFUCKING Herlock Sholmes (lost my mind a bit at his name the first time I got introduced to him) makes us work for our deductions by, dancing???? Its incredible how seamless the introduction of all these new mechanics where like theres no other game on earth that could make me willingly get a headache crossing my eyes staring at 2 photos at the same time like tgaa can. I can see why it is intimidating to regular ace attorney fans but its such an experience I couldn’t recommend it enough. Sorry for the word spaghetti im just currently on my first run through Resolve and am SO NORMAL about this game :)
@NomarOmens 2 месяца назад
Hope you enjoy Resolve!!!
@khoo02 2 месяца назад
good choice of music 👌
@NomarOmens 2 месяца назад
Thank you!
@Red40msg 2 месяца назад
Nice animation 👍
@nocturne_interlude 2 месяца назад
Already played the game but came here by curiosity. And to vouch as well : Play TGAA people. It's a threat. Also since you mentionned it I'll add that you should play the Layton crossover. I was skeptical at first but it's actually really good and throw twist at your face surprisingly well. Like, I genuinely start the game with no expectations thinking it'll be decent at most and before I knew it I was fully into it and then the stroy do its thing and I fell from so high because damn, the shock. Graphics are a bit more rough than tgaa's and I'm torn about the dub but it's honestly just a detail. So yeah, whoever read this : Play TGAA. And LaytonVSPhoenix. And the main trilogy. And the second trilogy. And the Investigation spin off---
@ArissaHaque Месяц назад
just play every single ace attorney game and join the brain rot
@nocturne_interlude Месяц назад
@@ArissaHaque This. Exactly. Fall in the infernal ace attorney spiral. Get stuck in the rabbit hole. If you don't I'll drag you there anyway. XD
@Terrariadude11 2 месяца назад
I never even knew some of those punctuation marked even existed._. The more you know ig
@nonexistent101_ 2 месяца назад
here before this blows up (it deserves to, anywho)
@NomarOmens 2 месяца назад
Omg thank you!!!
@battlecatsbonanza8190 2 месяца назад
punctuation who needs it
@NomarOmens 2 месяца назад
Definitely not me nope not what so ever ive never used any punctuation ever
@BreadAndEggsBen 2 месяца назад
the average person just uses ! or ?
@dagtheking5739 2 месяца назад
@MarkScrimbleburg 2 месяца назад
i will now use The Beggsclimation Mark to be more awesomerbrubbrubrubbrubbru
@ArissaHaque 2 месяца назад
Yes, you should play tgaa unless you’ve already played it like me bc tgaa needs more recognition
@ekoi1995 3 месяца назад
The whole essential bunch in 40 minutes: Introduction to Music Theory Basics Notes, Pitches, and Staff Notation Treble and Bass Clefs Grand Staff and Ledger Lines Note Values and Time Signatures Introduction to Note Values Time Signatures such as 4/4 Rests Further Exploration of Time Signatures Time Signatures like 2/4 and 3/4 Dotted Notes, Ties, and Slurs Repeat Signs and Eighth Notes Explanation of Repeat Signs First and Second Endings Eighth Notes Dynamics and Tempo Marks Dynamic Signs (e.g., piano, forte) Tempo Marks Articulation Symbols and Advanced Repeat Symbols Introduction to Articulation Symbols Advanced Repeat Symbols (DC, DS, Coda) Flats, Sharps, and Scales Explanation of Flats, Sharps, and Natural Notes Whole and Half Steps Enharmonic Notes Introduction to Scales Key Signatures and the Chromatic Scale Key Signatures for Major Scales Introduction to the Chromatic Scale Exploration of Intervals and the Circle of Fifths Introduction to Intervals Perfect and Major Intervals Relationship to the Major Scale Introduction to the Circle of Fifths as a Tool for Key Relationships Introduction to Intervals Augmented and Diminished Intervals Chromatic Intervals Solfège, Transposition, and Time Signatures Solfège and Transposition Sixteenth Notes and Rests Common Time and Cut Time Signatures Introduction to 3/8 and 6/8 Time Signatures Eighth Note Triplets, Pickup Notes, and Syncopation Triads, Scale Degrees, and Chord Inversions Introduction to Triads Scale Degrees and Their Names Dominant Seventh Chord Chord Inversions and Figured Bass Notation Major Chord Progressions and Relative Minor Keys Modes and Composing Melodies Harmonizing Melodies and Blues Chord Progressions Motives, Phrases, and Musical Forms Introduction to Motives and Phrases Harmonizing Melodies Introduction to Musical Forms: Binary, ABA, Rondo Conclusion and Further Exploration
@skeleton4962 3 месяца назад
Great video I hope you keep going
@actualsatan7033 3 месяца назад
iirc most sessions of google+ lasted like 6 seconds which is why they shut it down, and as someone who occasionally used it im still a little mad i didnt get to save my data from it lol
@lexlinkroy 3 месяца назад
but no free will.
@Terrariadude11 3 месяца назад
The funny thing is I’ve never heard of Google + but this video was vary funny and I enjoyed watching it!