Animated videos re-creating famous historical battles. Displaying battle strategies, tactics and formations used! Advance!
A critique on World War 1
3 года назад
@lolasimmons9152 9 дней назад
my husband John is a direct decendant of Abraham. Pretty cool
@lolasimmons9152 9 дней назад
my husband John is a direct decendant of Abraham. Pretty cool
@otiebrown9999 13 дней назад
At another location, did Santa Anna execute 300 prisoners, who had surrendered? In cold blood. Any truth to that?
@Hartzell_F4 13 дней назад
Long story short, Mexico fucked up letting englishmen in Texas. These guys colonized and took the territory away from the country just to join to the emerging US
@waynelee6183 23 дня назад
Rubbish graphics
@georgemelton1061 24 дня назад
I have an ancestor who died at the Alamo on the last day of the siege.
@jillgro Месяц назад
Here because of Les Miserables. Thanks! This was really helpful!
@qwidium Месяц назад
2:55 Im afraid Custer was not informed. All the time he though Reno was atacking so he pursued with his original plan.
@rollingspike Месяц назад
This was the Texas quest to keep slavery. Despite it being already illegal in Mexico by then.
@suvaranasalvi3122 Месяц назад
But Pharmacy or first aid Red cross change to Green Cross logo. To operate for better health how will it be part of the Red Cross?
@captainbeastazoid7084 2 месяца назад
Very well made video. Clear and concise!
@Landon777 2 месяца назад
If you are reading this. Please come back if you can. I deeply miss your videos (especially the old ones) and hope for your future return. Have a wonderful day.
@harryg6169 2 месяца назад
This video made me Remember the Alamo.
@redswingline262 2 месяца назад
So many inaccuracies
@UnsiAlt 3 месяца назад
Amazing video, better explained then most history books!!
@stephaniegilmore-l9s 3 месяца назад
And Yet They Completely Forgot What They Fought For 25 Years Later.
@StevieMoore-q3c 3 месяца назад
None would get home expect those protecting the king and nobles who could pay .. in total including baggage train their might have been 40,000 / 50,000 dead trying to get back to england .. the baggage train would be attacked on the roman road ,, we tend to forget it was not just fighting me who accompany a army on its campaign .. most would die in the fourth trying to escape or in the Bannockburn .. it gets wider the closer you are to the fourth and deep sandy silt banks as it was tidal .. 100s of dead horses and men and woman running scared .. the english brought a poet with them to document the victory that never happened . The welsh archers would taken prisoner and would be killed that night on day two in front of stirling castle .. only the clergy were spared or noble men who would be ransomed to their family's . this was a clear message to the english and their king .. brutal times ...
@TuiMartin-kq2dd 3 месяца назад
H.M.B. Endeavour Sir. B for Bark - being a transport
@Wifgargfhaurh 3 месяца назад
I've lived in San Antonio my whole life and I've visited the Alamo at least 4 times. It's so cool that we can just visit such an important piece of our history.
@The_coco_monkes 3 месяца назад
@q.b.3828 4 месяца назад
@adamcastro4425 4 месяца назад
Where did he go? he never come back
@tall-grasss 4 месяца назад
This channel is such a gold mine for battles
@cammo253 4 месяца назад
Listen to the Ballad of The Alamo by Marty Robbins for a great song about this! Marty Robbins is probably more commonly recognised for singing Big Iron too!
@GrantJacob-ce6zo 4 месяца назад
Napoleon v Wellington!.How about Blucher the commander of the 50,000 Prussians who saved Wellington.Not only was Wellington saved by Blucher the extremely wet conditions played a factor,delaying by hours the start of the battle,that time was crucial for Wellington.
@DrissMEV 4 месяца назад
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Alamo_defenders List of names of defenders were both white and Mexicans
@JT-rx1eo 4 месяца назад
I think the general placement of the shooters in this vid is a bit off. The whole thing should be moved deeper into the vacant lot and mostly off of Freemont street to start. I think Doc Holliday was the only one standing on the edge of Freemont street to begin with. Then, after the firing started, evidently some of the shooting drifted out onto Freemont Street with Frank McLaury the target, but this movement is uncertain. Wyatt Earp's drawings of the starting positions in the 1920's illustrates the initial starting position was deeper in the vacant lot and off the street. And if you visit Tombstone today, the statues of the shooters are positioned accordingly.
@dennismorgan2303 4 месяца назад
good one
@tonylang3163 4 месяца назад
Remember the Alamo!
@diallosidy1875 5 месяцев назад
je voudrais la version francaise
@annedejong1040 5 месяцев назад
Cannons in 1346?
@CoachIreland 5 месяцев назад
A friend of mine in Wales🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 actually said it best that, in regards to military might and overall mentality, it could be said that the U.S.🇺🇸 is the son closest to the father🇬🇧. Canada🇨🇦 is the well-behaved first born but Uncle Sam is the rebellious son more like the father in his prime (which the father hates to admit😂).
@MrTomV 5 месяцев назад
Perfidious Albion. - W. Shakespeare
@LscVip 5 месяцев назад
Hmmm I'm not quite sure
@britishpatriot7386 5 месяцев назад
All the crybaby anti English hater's here making up their own history because they cry so much.
@Gloriaimperial1 5 месяцев назад
They are called data. You want to keep only the data that interests you, to make your country great. I understand. But you understand that the rest of us put data from history, where we won. After the English victory of 1588 comes the Spanish victory of 1589 against Drake. After Vernon in Portobello 1739, comes the Spanish victory in Cartagena de Indias 1741, of Lezo against Vernon. After Trafalgar 1805, comes the Spanish victory in Argentina and Uruguay 1806-07. And Nelson lost 3 times against Spain in 1797.
@whiteknightcat 5 месяцев назад
Not all the defenders were killed in the battle. According to the diary of Col José Enrique de la Peña, about a half dozen were captured and brought before General Santa Anna. General Manuel Fernández Castrillón petitioned Santa Anna to spare their lives, but his entreaties were ignored. Santa Anna ordered the prisoners executed per his original orders.
@Chris-zrh1 5 месяцев назад
And Europe remained at peace until the Crimean war. Franco Prussian war, and I took that personally
@iainmulholland2025 5 месяцев назад
Not good, the young guard were sent to hold the right flank, the old and middle guard advanced in column, the old guard stopped short with Napoleon and the middle guard with Ney attacked the ridge, they were fired on by the foot guards in front and the 52nd in the flank. Try to get the facts right, this has been well documented. Poor presentation.
@bampitony6108 5 месяцев назад
That's easy ..Pakistan Afghanistan.. Albania Iran . Syria.Ho sorry i thought it said who take the piss out of or flag..🇬🇧
@richmorg8196 6 месяцев назад
The Union flag is only called a Jake when it is flown on a ship. The Union flag is the flag of the union of the countries of the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, but having said that the flag does not represent Country of Wales as the flag does not contain the yellow Cross of St.David on a black background or the Red dragon of Wales on a white and green striped background. As the Union flag contains England's Red cross of St.George on a white background, Scotland's white X cross of St.Andrew on a blanket background and the red Northern Ireland upright cross on a white background and the red X cross of Northern Ireland on a white background. Therefore the Union flag of Great Britain does not actually represent the Country of Wales.
@dodgeboy9052 6 месяцев назад
You forgot the British Visa Consulate in Brisbane Queensland as the Door Mat.. Honestly yes... The Fucking Door Mat
@michael1714 6 месяцев назад
Great video, well done, nice and simple to understand 👍
@lukagalic9533 6 месяцев назад
It is a shame actually, it really looks like that they are part of the Uk still i mean why cant Australia as a big country have a kangaroo on their flag.
@Gloriaimperial1 6 месяцев назад
1588 is only a small (although important for England) chapter in a world war. England was saved by the island. In 1588 Spain was invading Germany (which is why South Germany and the Palatinate are Catholic today) In 1589 the Spanish fleet destroyed Drake's invincible English fleet, sinking 80 ships. Elisabeth condemned Drake to be a lighthouse keeper. In 1590 the Spanish Empire invaded Paris. France had to accept Catholicism as its main religion. We were also in Italy and the Netherlands. In 1595-96 Drake had 5 defeats in the Caribbean and died. In 1596 Spain sent another 130 invasion ships to the British Isles. The fleet was stopped by a storm In 1597 Spain sent the third invincible fleet, with more than 130 ships, to invade England. With 20,000 elite soldiers, without the need to rely of Spanish Troops in Belgium. The Royal Navy did not know where the Spanish fleet was. Another storm stopped the Spanish. Although 500 soldiers arrived on the English coast and made a little chaos there. It must be remembered that a large part of the English population was Catholic, and would have supported the invasion. The Spanish fleet achieved dozens of naval victories throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. -1591 Spain defeats the French fleet off the French coast -1591 The Spanish fleet defeats the combined English-Dutch fleet at Almería -1591 Spain defeats the English fleet in Portugal -1592. 5 small Spanish ships defeat and capture the English fleet in the Bay of Biscay -1593 The Spanish fleet defeats the English fleet off the French coast -1595 Spanish attack on towns in England -1597 Spain defeats the Essex-Raleigh expedition -1601. Almeria. Spain defeats the combined fleet of France and Holland -1602 Spain defeats the English at Cape Saint Vincent -1605 Spain defeats the Dutch fleet in the English Channel -1606 Spain defeats the Dutch at Cape Saint Vincent -1613 Spain defeats the Turkish fleet in Türkiye -1616. Spain defeats the Turkish fleet in Türkiye -1617. The Spanish fleet defeats the Venetian fleet -1621 Spain defeats the Dutch fleet -1625 Spain defeats the Dutch fleet in Brazil -1625 Battle of Cádiz. Spain destroys 62 English and Dutch ships -1625 The Spanish fleet defeats France and Savoy at Genoa -1627 Spain defeats the Dutch fleet -1629 Spain defeats the combined fleet of England and France at Saint Kitts, Caribbean. Spain wins the war against England -1631 Spain defeats the Dutch fleet in Brazil -1633 Spain defeats Holland in the Antilles -1636 Spain defeats the Dutch fleet in Corsica -1637 Spain defeats the combined French and Dutch fleet off the French coast -1638 Spain defeats the Dutch fleet in Cuba -1641 Spain defeats the French fleet at Tarragona -1641 Spain defeats the French fleet again in Tarragona -1646 Spain expels the French fleet from Italy -1646-47 Spain defeats the Dutch fleet in the Philippines -1651-52 Spain defeats the French fleet in Barcelona -1681 Spain defeats the fleet of Brandenburg, Germany, at Cape Saint Vincent ... Regarding the quality of Spanish ships in the 18th century, compared to the British: there was not that much difference. The ship "El glorioso", coming alone from America with a cargo, fought against 12 British ships. 4 ships of the line 6 frigates and 2 brigs. The Glorioso sank 1 ship of the line and a frigate, damaging the rest of the British ships and leaving the cargo in port. She only gave up when she ran out of ammunition. She was a little Spanish Trafalgar. They were high quality boats. The same cannons carried by British ships of the line were carried by British frigates. However, when Spain made a naval blockade of England in 1779-82, capturing two British fleets of 24 and 55 ships, the 39 British frigates surrendered without a fight. I think the British had better ships, but Trafalgar is not the battle that reflects the quality of the Spanish or French fleet throughout the 18th century. In the War of Jenkins' Ear 1739-48, Spain captured more than 400 British ships, war and merchant, in the Atlantic and Caribbean. Only 100 Spanish ships captured. Spanish cannons, moved from Spanish ships to the fortresses of Cartagena de Indias in 1741, sinking dozens of British ships. The British were also very vulnerable when they got off the ships. In 1806-07, a year after Trafalgar, Spain defeated the British invasion army in Argentina and Uruguay, capturing the generals and redcoats. And Nelson in Tenerife 1797. That was repeated many times. The British were only able to capture 1 out of 400 parts of the Spanish empire in 300 years, and 2 indies fleets out of 1200 Spanish indies fleets. And it was in the 17th century, in a port and without a prior declaration of war.
@The44One 6 месяцев назад
Seems like history is repeating itself, look at what’s happening in Texas today 🫨
@machinerydoctor 6 месяцев назад
I read the crew went ashore at Thirroul about the 28th of April for fresh water
@watch-Dominion-2018 6 месяцев назад
truly great video indeed
@Big.Bad.Wolfie 6 месяцев назад
Esti idiot? Adica latimea frontului era de vreo 17-20 de kilometri (ca sa incapa 25,000 de luptatori, umar la umar)?
@siskomatek 7 месяцев назад
Damn the us had nazi mind sets 😮
@CraigStCyrPlus 7 месяцев назад
Travel across the world to fight your neighbour. 👏