KODX Seattle
KODX Seattle
KODX Seattle
KODX-LP 96.9 FM Seattle is a grassroots community-based news and public affairs station based in the University District in Seattle, WA.
John Rizzo Deposition 03/20/17
3 года назад
Jose Rodriguez Deposition 03/07/17
3 года назад
Bruce Jessen Deposition 01/20/17
3 года назад
James Mitchell Deposition 01/16/17
3 года назад
Ari Kohn explains "County of Origin"
3 года назад
@KHallesy 2 года назад
One of the best things about Seattle is how diverse we are and how we do not have any racism anymore. Well at least in the Kent area!
@zbjames4194 4 года назад
The train analogy is pretty spot on
@TheDoomWizard 4 года назад
So good.
@joeschembrie9450 4 года назад
The GOP is the party of big business, make no mistake. But the Democratic Party leadership is the biggest roadblock to economic justice in this country.
@jeffreykent5271 4 года назад
When he talked about he would not be complicit he would not be passive ...that even if he fails his children can say he tried ...I felt that ....the good draws the good ...I have to believe that ...and sometimes we have to fight not because we can win but because it is the right to do .....even if we lose ....we tried .....
@nanzlazarus1034 4 года назад
@harntheory5572 4 года назад
Really great to hear both these brilliant women on so many fine topics. I was a bit bummed to realize I totally missed my chance to groupie Roxane... But now I know I need to offer a hand in greeting. Need to read more of her stuff.
@jimburks6599 4 года назад
In memory of Aaron Swartz, FREE JULIAN ASSANGE
@nyutrig 4 года назад
feels good to know i wasnt the only one paying attention.
@Larkinchance 4 года назад
It's not that the Chris Hedges is brave or a great speaker or an intellect, It is the warning that he carries. He appeals to people to wake-up and cast off their apathy and make protest visible. But he also warns that it may already be too late. You need to be aware..
@fredoctober292 4 года назад
The big brass balls, few other men can compete. Much love Mr Hedges.
@Dung_Bernard 5 лет назад
Worth a revisit
@darrenclarke4671 5 лет назад
Mr. McGovern, I have the utmost respect for you and what you are stating here also, but how is it that when I listen to Malcolm Nance, whom I also respect explains the Russian meddling and what the Russian Intelligence community involvement in the 2016 election.. Who is correct? I've never liked the Clintons, and lost all respect for Trump as a human being in October 1995. It's sad that we had those 2 to choose from. Between your speech hear and Malcolm Nance's book, "PLOT TO DESTROY AMERICA", and his analysis.
@ronaldgarrison8478 5 лет назад
This is all so thought-provoking. It's giving me a bunch of questions, but at the same time, while it may be very hard to find the truth about Chernobyl and Belarus, Ms Brown's claim that global exposure to radioactive fallout from bomb testing is many times that from Chernobyl is really striking. The questions this raises are profound, but at the same time, it should be possible to come to some major conclusions by data collection over very large areas, populations, and time periods. One example I remember from the book is that of collecting baby teeth in the Fifties. An ongoing program of that sort would be one way to get a lot of data. Clearly, just measuring background radiation in the general environment is not sufficient; you have to determine what has been absorbed into people's bodies, in multiple sites, and there are numerous ways to do that. Has anyone tried to pull together the huge collections of data there must be for radiation exposure? I can't help noticing that, at least in the US and thus presumably in the developed world in general, cancer incidence appears to have peaked around 1990. Atmospheric bomb tests peaked about 30 years before. Hmmm…makes you wonder. How have radioisotope concentrations in people's bodies trended during that whole period? Also: What about other environmental toxins? And on top of all that: Let's realize that, surely, there must be a lot of toxicity, AND a lot of radiation exposure, from the natural environment (for example, the by-now-infamous banana loaded with K40. How much of cancer incidence is due to such factors? Do we have some control over that? For example, does the way we obtain our food bear on cancer risk? These all seem like answerable questions.
@pmachelor 5 лет назад
What a great man and a great mind. How desperately needed he is today!!
@nl4064 5 лет назад
this video is so important lets share it widely
@wlhgmk 5 лет назад
There may be another very positive effect of the type of farming that David describes in his book, Growing a Revolution. This type of farming greatly reduces or even eliminates the need for pesticides. At present our insects are disappearing at a rapid rate. See this item for chapter and verse. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-YfTNeXOMyvY.html With the demise of the insects great chunks of our flora disappear and along with it more of our fauna. The severe reduction of the use of insecticides has to be one factor in stopping this decline.
@runePV 5 лет назад
Not many views.... BERNIE 2020
@deborahproctor7779 5 лет назад
There is this human misconception that somehow we can stop and reverse the inevitable. The idea that something must be done by 2030 to stop the 6th mass extinction is wishful thinking. According to scientists like Guy McPherson and others, humans are likely to be gone by 2030.
@cassandrabond2315 5 лет назад
Yep, broken hearted.
@janetmcneill8781 5 лет назад
Fabulous, mind-blowing book. I'm reading it slowly, because the contents are so ... difficult to absorb. Great talk - so much important material covered. Really glad I saw it!! Such amazing work Kate Brown is doing. Count me a new fan!
@fernly2 5 лет назад
Thanks for your video. VA is an important link in the chain of health care delivery system no longer as you say mission oriented according to the long gone Hill-Burton Act. Changing to an economy driven health care (non) delivery system has been a disaster. From the top, FDA is quick to approve new preparations of fentanyl while stove piping R&D of new antibiotics into bankruptcy! Rule of gold instead of the golden rule. Keep up your good work to provide citizens with information. The internet makes it easier.
@cdgr0820 5 лет назад
Great quote from the Q&A: (paraphrase) Nobody from Ukraine and Belarus believes only 35 people died from Chernobyl, as the UN states. They all personally know 35 people who've died from Chernobyl.
@jamesmcdonald3672 5 лет назад
Thank You very informative
@TDWUSA 5 лет назад
Chernobyl = worst nuclear disaster Fukushima = global extinction disaster + We're Phuqued ! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_and_radiation_accidents_and_incidents
@bradleythomsen3083 5 лет назад
Invaluable work.
@endeavorwebs719 5 лет назад
There is more plastic in the ocean than fish. There is micro plastic in all life on Earth pretty much, including us! Humans already eat tones of plastic everyday... belgium scientists discovered that micro plastic when in our bodies migrate to the bloodstream. We don't know the impact of that in our health... and what it will be in couple generations. There are millions of fish, bird and mammals silently dying constantly due to plastic ingestion... these species will not last until the end of the century, in fact there are low chances that humans will. Prepare accordingly, enjoy your existence, if you have kids teach them how to survive with little and enjoy every single moment with them, let them know you love them. Hope is important but facts are the reality.
@DowntownsUptown 5 лет назад
@mjsnosk8er720 5 лет назад
Best of luck to you. A worthy persuit.
@Jervisdude 5 лет назад
I wish Peter would get active in historic preservation. I’ve seen 3 brick and glazed terra cotta apartments in Capitol Hill torn down without a peep from Historic Seattle. All in the name of density and affordability. Can you imagine San Francisco tearing down their iconic Victorian townhouses and replacing them with apodments in the name of affordability? The scale of projects under the new zoning in Capitol Hill, is unfortunate.
@peterbaxter2913 5 лет назад
Hunter Harrison's face is the very embodiment of unscrupulous greed.
@jasongibson2299 5 лет назад
Thank You
@bradleythomsen3083 5 лет назад
Spot on. Today the only difference between US democrats and republicans is their rhetoric. The two parties are beholden to the same interests. There is truth in left wing rhetoric economically speaking. Unfortunately the left is now a social justice platform yet neoconservative as the right regarding economics. Politics should be based around economics first. I don't know what's sadder. The left getting wrapped up in social issues as their political party serves the neoconservative globalist agenda. Or right wingers who echo their neoconservative slave masters talking points.
@stevefromsaskatoon830 5 лет назад
" Our New President" by field of visions (a short doc) is the best evidence I've ever seen of Russian collusion and it's super funny . It's free on RU-vid and worth watching .
@johickey3158 5 лет назад
love ray and all the VIPS
@hailmaryrecordings8255 5 лет назад
This is my favorite of his. He’s very relaxed here, and stunningly brilliant and brave
@NeoCynic1 5 лет назад
This man is a hero.
@grannygamer71bot 5 лет назад
Thanks for posting - I was there and it was powerful!
@amyhagopian 6 лет назад
Thank you so much to Mike McCormick, who records and makes these talks available.
@voodooromeo8749 6 лет назад
Keep up the honest work Chris, your voice is needed. Thank you for all that you have done for humanity. Best wishes my friend
@chenhuirong1427 6 лет назад
What a great intellect!
@patriciatursi1 6 лет назад
Felt like my ear was to the keyhole of the itell....I have figured out the timetable of when Russiagate was born...to divert from the the Damn Dem emails.....but what a great trail of info.
@adrianarizo5618 6 лет назад
Why haven't more people seen this!? I'm always interested in this stuff. It never popped up!!!! I had to see him acting up in a bombard video. Then a informed person posted who he was. I couldn't stop watching this!!
@TheGoodChap 6 лет назад
I'm amazed by how some things that were my position or opinion on regarding this which it's always really bothered me other people haven't picked up on or mentioned often enough like Jimmy Dore or Kyle Kulinski, are his positions and opinions as well! One of THE most important ones which I try to remind people all the time because it's something almost everyone has forgotten, and the only reason why I didn't forget was because it was bothering me the moment I heard it and something I kept in the back of my mind throughout the entire start of Russiagate is simply the fact that Clinton was extremely vocally anti-russia and using it as a political technique WELL before Russiagate actually began, it was the biggest reason for alarm bells going off in my head and seeming to be blatantly obvious that they were just doubling down on a strategy that would shield them while working to take down trump. The entire idea was just that Clinton was acutely aware of the political climate of the 90's when her husband was running or being impeached and understood the demographics well. She knew her husband was impeached because older christian republicans around the midwest, south, etc were staunchly against that kind of behavior for a president. The basis for this technique was blatantly obvious, they were trying to cause the older crowd who impeached her husband to be conflicted and feel hypocritical thus incapable of voting for Trump in good conscious. The other part of this was to target these same mostly older, christian and conservative voters by bringing back the fears of the cold war, and a feeling of needing to protect our country from an outside threat (which wouldn't be hard for her to sell at ALL once she was in the white house because her plan was not to resist the military in the slightest making it look like she's making good on that promise which would have happened no matter what lol). This was done pretty early in order to make Trump seem like he wouldn't be able to defend the country and it just so happened to be the PERFECT set up but putting those fears in people's minds at an early time so when it comes up again it's nothing new and it will have more impact.
@DJB1609 6 лет назад
"You don't need made up stuff" - exactly what I said before the election and since.
@thechadeuropeanfederalist893 6 лет назад
Trump is denying climate change. In a sane world that would be enough to impeach him.
@radiootoo 6 лет назад
Betcha there ain't a nonprofit in America called "Veterans for War".
@kimpeccable 6 лет назад
Thank you, Ray McGovern, for laying out in chronological order the complex events from which Russiagate evolved, and impressing upon citizens how important it is to do your own research to be able to separate the truth from the barrage of establishment propaganda. I never believed in Russiagate, and I still don't. What a great distraction from the evil machinations of the DNC and the intelligence agencies that support it.
@Adrian-fx7ln 6 лет назад
👏🏼 thank you!
@istillsuckatguitar 6 лет назад
True American Hero
@ralphiesmom2 6 лет назад
Thank you so much! It is mind-blowing to have this information available in an accessible format like this. We have so much work to do. WE HAVE BEEN ROBBED! Where was city government, who should have been stopping this whole-sale give-away to the developers and their billionaire friends!!!