Fintech Surge
Fintech Surge
Fintech Surge
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🗓13-16 October 2024
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@kirkdubielewicz1906 20 часов назад
All been driven by Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street.
@ProbablyAtTheOffice Месяц назад
Hmm I wonder which race of people is famous for usury
@tadekaldas1992 Месяц назад
@arouse6140 Месяц назад
🤔🍁 They could do a weighted basket ( maybe that’s your plan ) as apposed to an unweighted basket. 60% gold 30% oil 10% adding changing numbers and things. That of course over time opens another bunch of complications. “KISS*”unencumbered Silver 60% (wages ) Gold40% (Nation wealth) oil, lead, wheat, and pork bellies given separate consideration for helping a country 🤔 ♥️🌎free🌍trade🌏♥️-🖤 1*. “KISS” KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!(s)!!! 😬 2* Physical banks are going bye bye through competition. Right? Note: We need a digital mule to convert gold and un-encumbered silver ♥️🗡️ (old banks for depositories?* )into consumer digits etc. Bitcoin public Eth business? Put the public kitty on global block chain not wages and savings etc..
@summondadrummin2868 Месяц назад
Because of its highly political nature, Economics seems likely the most dumbed down knowledge domain. In example "Central Banks in their models don't have Banks in them, and they don't have money in them"
@stephendiangelo4215 Месяц назад
@robert Breedlove please get him on the show
@stephendiangelo4215 Месяц назад
Mechanically, Bitcoin solves all of this and more. It creates a competitive money market. Instead of centralized control of money. True capitalism, and an actual free market. It’s by definition a deflationary money/commodity/asset/ledger/property….whatever you want to call it, because there’s never been anything in principle, like it in the written history of mankind. A paradigm shift…that’s why most people won’t like this comment, and I understand… but the reality is…it may be the first, money we’ve discovered/created that is immutable and resistant to the same problem all forms of money have had forever, in every civilization before and now. True sovereign money. If you don’t think so, I just bet you have no idea how it works and it’s properties, and until you do. You’ll keep trying to build your house with sand, as more and more people pick up bitcoin and start building with mortar for the first time.
@terrj Месяц назад
If we talk about CBDC, then we have to distinguish between retail and wholesale CBDC. How it comes that a professor such as Mr. Werner doesn't spend one word about it? In his speech he referred to CBDC as the retail CBDC. There are countries such as Switzerland that are testing the concept of wholesale CBDC, which would make more sense in my eye. So what I want to say is, there are use-cases that would benefit from an electronic and programable central bank money.
@aybee63 2 месяца назад
Can the people of the world, who are beholden to the globalised banking system, run by a cartel of jet-flying elites, do anything to stop the implementation of CBDC's?
@nicolem5626 2 месяца назад
The outrage is unnecessary. Money has always been created out of nothing. Please explain the practical use of gold. Look, if the asset doesn’t provide food, water, shelter, then it’s value is artificial. Then, when we began to give out paper to represent gold we continued to create artificial value. Later, we decided that money would be backed by trust alone. It doesn’t matter. So now banks have managed to invent a scheme to make money every month from 100,000,000s people by handing out credit cards. Credit was never real money but consumers do pay back credit in “real” money. I don’t see the problem in that people want to live like the elite, and want to spend money. A salaried job isn’t going to provide enough for the amount of the lifestyle that people prefer. Money doesn’t need to be regulated. People need to be regulated
@nicolem5626 2 месяца назад
Cbdc will not making any difference. Fiat dollars, fiat dollar amount on a computer, and cbdc are not different. Banks have just perfected the art of money creation.
@lauraleslie4954 2 месяца назад
This dude is very brave to put this information out to the preople. Props to him.
@madeinengland1212 2 месяца назад
So its not the masters of the universe at Goldman and J P Morgan organizing the chaos, its some minor bureaucrats at the central bank? Or is it the revolving door between goldman and the central bank?
@christinemassey7127 2 месяца назад
Great talk, thank you for this and thank you so much to Prof. Werner :)
@detectiveofmoneypolitics 2 месяца назад
Economic investigator Frank G Melbourne Australia is following this informative content cheers Frank 😊
@RolfStumpfRailMedia 2 месяца назад
Thank you for demasking the financial matrix we are forced to live in. This needs to be shared and shared and shared. Best aired at prime time instead of the stupid "news".
@HoneyBadger80886 28 дней назад
Say it plain. Say it in multiple languages. Say it to workers morning and night. Repeat
@HoneyBadger80886 28 дней назад
I save in #bitcoin. Self custody and #hodl
@joseftaghizadeh8655 2 месяца назад
Who can be winner of Dedollarisation? One has biggest dept in dollar. US nation has biggest dept in dollar, 300 trillion dollar.So,US gov and citizens and companies will be biggest winner of depolarization or if dollar disappear.They will not need pay back 300 trillion dollar. US government don't print dollar.Private owned FED print dollar and lend to us gov and citizens by interest and citizens pay interest costs by taxes. Privat bank could produce dollar(banknote) because they had gold and issued banknote(dollar) for gold.After demolished goldstandard(1971) private bank(FED) have no right to issue dollar.Aren't Private bank(FED) prodused dollars after 1971 fake dollars?
@niels471 2 месяца назад
I feel bad for professor Werner having to repeat himself so often. Needless to say, he's doing god's work.
@sfoster18sf 2 месяца назад
CBDC will ensure no more bank runs can ever occur. Bank runs were a way for citizens to voice their displeasures with how things were run.
@NerdyX90 2 месяца назад
Thank you Professor Werner
@nacionaldelacapital 2 месяца назад
" Banks in England have no Deposits" " Banks is no intermediary " 🤯🤯🤯
@jmc8076 2 месяца назад
You’re surprised?
@stevejacobs9320 2 месяца назад
This needs to go viral, please share everyone!
@carloschu7127 2 месяца назад
A. Carsten, the BIS man, who didnt miss a meal since " Last Supper " .
@GM4ThePeople 3 месяца назад
"Oliver Studd" is an anagram for "Did Over Slut", "Do Live Turds", or if you prefer, "Oil Udders TV". o/
@iriscrocus1717 3 месяца назад
This talk shows you how corrupt the system is.
@bustermoon8297 3 месяца назад
ein mal....nur ein einziges mal anstatt dem tatort 20.15 am sonntag
@deborahlsmith7583 3 месяца назад
The Valhalla Network - from their website; "This means each bank will allocate a significant portion of their dividends to a charity that reinvests into local, social, and community initiatives as per the DAO’s ESG (environmental, social, and governance) policy.".........hm.........can you say......shilllin' for the villains..........???........nice trap........just sayin'
@Saved-kp4sq 3 месяца назад
The Mark of the beast in the future.. Revelation 13.
@nacionaldelacapital 2 месяца назад
Pardon me, probably a semiconductor in the brain and in the body of a human.
@jmc8076 2 месяца назад
It’s a popular theory. Watch myth vision videos.
@hezzy6957 4 месяца назад
Ritesh sir, absolutely smart !
@keikirigaya6149 4 месяца назад
fougito good aap
@debradelarue9717 4 месяца назад
Who is that rude man on the right, turning around talking and making an interference at 13minute mark.
@debradelarue9717 4 месяца назад
Thankyou Professor for highlighting this issue. Most people are walking blindly into this trap, when there should be much more pushback. Cash is autonomy, privacy, freedom. REJECT CBDC
@bruce4130 4 месяца назад
Need more Professor Werner’s to implement economic policies!
@mikemcglauflin8985 2 месяца назад
Actually he needs people to understand where the problems are really coming from. More central planning is not a favorable solution.
@bruce4130 4 месяца назад
Thanks for voicing your economic experience on central banks! Centralised of any aspect of social and economic life leads to forms of dictatorship unintentional or not!
@jmc8076 Месяц назад
I think this was known by key sources in our world for centuries.
@HoneyBadger80886 28 дней назад
Bitcoin is decentralized. No #Trusted3rdParties. No single point of failure. Bankless and Sovereign human.
@janosmolnar5851 4 месяца назад
Ez egy baromság. A FIAT pénz MINDIG inflációt gerjeszt, mert hitelből keletkezik és csak a hitel összeget hozza létre, a kamat mindig hiányozni fog a globális pénzügyi rendszerből! This is bullshit. FIAT money ALWAYS incites inflation because it is based on credit and only creates the amount of the credit, interest will always be missing from the global financial system!
@truenorth3010 4 месяца назад
Haiti proves it: poverty destroys the environment. Better economics for all would stop the forest destruction in the Amazon and on Haiti.
@jmc8076 2 месяца назад
Mass consumerism (cheap or expensive) incl food and all excess also destroys the environment. We have grown more separate and detached from the rest of natural life.
@Aristosek 4 месяца назад
@dazzleawakening 4 месяца назад
Love this man
@mariabyrne1954 5 месяцев назад
Speaks to the ordinary person🙏 The faculty of common sense
@mariabyrne1954 5 месяцев назад
This man is gold
@JohnAdams-mu7xd 5 месяцев назад
@MichaelMcCausland-pg6qs 5 месяцев назад
Homeostasis is only obtain through collective capitalism very similar to the human form. One resides.Within! MWM
@MichaelMcCausland-pg6qs 5 месяцев назад
All economies begin with the soil
@iantroesoyer1864 2 месяца назад
Absolutely. We all depend on the earth. No one made it, so no one should own it outright. I'm a big fan of replacing most taxes with a land value tax that would function as a rent paid to the community for the privilege of exclusive right to use the land.
@ona2779 6 месяцев назад
Since we are at this discourse of CBDCs - may I ask what's the link behind the multiple rounds of C-19 vaccinations? Is it the implantation of multiple microchips? Does that mean one microchip is not enough for central banks to achieve the desired level of programability ? There are so many puzzles but great work Mr Werner !
@jonswanson7766 6 месяцев назад
Where's the fire? 🔥
@KnordStream49554 6 месяцев назад
The number of banking institutions in China reached to 4,561 by 2022. The number of banks had been increasing until 2019 and been relatively stable since then. In recent years, the Chinese government had increased its grip of the financial industry.
@flexflow4602 6 месяцев назад
In Switzerland they announced the city festival in Lucerne to be cashless. The shitstorm of the public made them finally change course and cash was accepted.
@jmc8076 2 месяца назад
Human free will has historically been the wild card.
@grootjohnmorrison4165 6 месяцев назад
Poor common man 😢
@freethinkers-inc. 6 месяцев назад
Very clear an correct analysis of the real reality. Thanks a lot for this great interview.👌
@andreagaali7172 6 месяцев назад
always love to listen him 🙂
@ngana8755 7 месяцев назад
The wrong year is on the top left side of the video. It should be 2023, NOT 2024!!!!!!!!
@soroushadel8684 5 месяцев назад
Its advertising for an upcoming event.