Al Jazeera America
Al Jazeera America
Al Jazeera America
Al Jazeera America is the new American TV news channel that connects you to the human stories at the heart of the news.
Al Jazeera America
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David Boies - Talk To Al Jazeera
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Swimming with Sharks - TechKnow
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Glenn Greenwald - Talk To Al Jazeera
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Earthquake Warning - TechKnow
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Alice Waters - Talk To Al Jazeera
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The Coverage Gap - Fault Lines
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Brain Hack - TechKnow
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The Car of the Future -- TechKnow
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Cross-Border Killings - Fault Lines
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AJAM Presents: Motley’s Law
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AJAM Presents: Motley’s Law
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Death In Plain Sight - Fault Lines
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The New Dust Bowl - TechKnow
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@mastrodamus8133 2 часа назад
dont do the crime when u cant do the time
@UrN0rma1W3ird0 10 часов назад
Placeholder: 8:54 - Lungs breathing in the box
@UrN0rma1W3ird0 11 часов назад
Placeholder: 5:03 - Heart connected to the machine & warm blood & begins pumping
@User0000000000000004 12 часов назад
"Some people will die before they do change" Ah, yes, the rambling musings of a man with a 4th grade education.
@User0000000000000004 12 часов назад
If you're dealing with a population with neurological degradation, then why, IN THE HELL, are you playing loud music?
@User0000000000000004 12 часов назад
I don't think there's anything else in this world more disgusting than watching an old man eat food. That blind fellow? The way his lips almost fight with eachother? Made me sick to my stomach.
@Hazelgirl50 14 часов назад
This is an ashame! When they get this old, they need to be released. They are no longer a threat to society Same on tax dollars!😊
@ms.moniquebrown6754 18 часов назад
This was such a fantastic segment. As someone with ambitions to help the children of inmates and specifically elderly inmates before I advance to helping as many inmates as possible, this has opened my eyes to specific challenges to laser focus on.
@pebb2378 18 часов назад
I feel sympathy a little. But they also took away the victims' choice to live and get old.
@alexandercoombs7726 20 часов назад
Look at this turbin mfer telling us what we should and shouldn't be doing 😂😂 what a joke and give me back my shower towel
@fizalex6612 20 часов назад
don’t let their old demeanours fool you, they’re there for a reason.
@paulofthewall880 21 час назад
Oh no I’m suffering the consequences of my own actions
@jodiunger9425 День назад
Imagine all the people locked up for life for non violent drug offences.... Yay prohibition guess we learned absolutely nothing from history, that's going to be me behind bars one day, and I've never thrown a punch in my life.
@JamesBOydston-pq9zq День назад
Free medical food shelter etc criminals have more rights
@PoojaYui 2 дня назад
When hearts fail and person die why they dont do heart transplant and make them alive ?
@ImranKhan-ce9ef 4 дня назад
@orlandolmartinez9837 5 дней назад
What a beautiful organ 🫀🫀🫀 God bless us All amen
@michaelpyatt831 5 дней назад
What is the problem with ICE working with local law enforcement?? I believe in legal migration, not illegal immigration. I emphasis with peoples circumstances but the law is the law , if you come to this country illegally , you are removed, if I came to your country by illegal channels, then I would be removed
@katharis90 6 дней назад
These comments are so whacked man lmao
@BirdNerd52 6 дней назад
Here in Canada, the publicly funded health care system for seniors is, well, not as good as what these prisoners receive. It essentially amounts to warehousing,. There's goodb staff, most o whom really do care, but the system is overburdened and underfunded. If you can afford the "extra"perks, it's better.
@samanthaalexander4983 6 дней назад
No matter what age they still did bad so should stay punished
@imtiazchoudhary3976 6 дней назад
can anyone tell did they succeed?
@imtiazchoudhary3976 6 дней назад
lets us all promise to give another person a chance at life.
@namatovupeninah2445 7 дней назад
Getting old in prison doesn't take away the fact that you shed blood I honestly don't feel pity for them
@maryjohnson7110 7 дней назад
The thing is...many have no clue as to how strong the elderly really are. Worked in a nursing home and a guy in his eighties grabbed workers and pulled their head down by the hair and she had a hard time getting away.
@kp0121 8 дней назад
No carpet in there to fall on
@carolynlewelling7970 8 дней назад
It’s the price they pay for the crime that they committed .
@alexshep3083 8 дней назад
"i need to be home on the farm" this guys a great actor
@alexshep3083 8 дней назад
Alot of these guys outlived there families. were exactly are they going to go if released?
@randomcosplaydudesimpressi8509 9 дней назад
That old blind man is all grumpy. This is what prison does to you. Many years locked up can drive you to insanity.
@AwesomePlaylists888 9 дней назад
Here is a thought, if you want to stay out of prison and hell ...Get off the throne and make the Holy Spirit your only KING. Murder + life doesn't= justice for victims
@Drrayoldman 9 дней назад
There are some countries that offer voluntary and humane euthanasia. These people are not living, they are simply surviving. I'd choose to eat a good meal and quietly check out.
@danielholt6741 9 дней назад
No matter the cost, keep them in. We give billions away to other countries. We can afford it.
@danielholt6741 9 дней назад
@danielholt6741 0 seconds ago I for one and millions of others don't really care about you thugs and murderer's. You took the lives of others for no reason and you expect us to feel sorry. Nope, you can rot until you die. No matter how educated you get in prison, you still are murderer's. And, don't tell me about growing up in the projects or coming from a home where your daddy left you to be raised by your mom. Drugs that you took and became so high you choose to kill for your next fix! Bottom line is that you made these choices.
@imperceptiblewriter3019 9 дней назад
The guy near the end has a Masters degree, earned in Prison and it's paid off, he is free and clear of the financial burden many citizens who have not committed crimes will never know. I believe in forgiveness for a prisoners sentence, and for a citizen's student loan debt. Neither of us are free. Poverty is my prison.
@nancyharris6648 9 дней назад
I've never thought of this before. Thanks for enlightening me. So sad, maybe we need to change a few things. No more life sentences. You get out when you turn 70, or something to that effect. Because like the first gentleman said,they are harmless by then. Just my opinion.
@dactimis3625 10 дней назад
Heart transplantation = killing a man so that another can live, the doctor can be successful and the hospital can make money! Dirty thing!
@nitprb1648 3 дня назад
Low eyeQ
@steveohellno 11 дней назад
Wasted times
@kimcoon5614 11 дней назад
They chose this life by the actions they made!
@RICKYPOYPOY 11 дней назад
$100,000 a year per inmate and people are living off almost nothing on the outside. And this video is 9 years old… disgusting
@laurawinters1504 11 дней назад
They knew they were going to die in prison when they were hit with a life sentence.
@gayeflockheart4258 13 дней назад
I wish Australia 🇦🇺 had longer sentences like the US...commit a murder here it's 12-17 years and out earlier for good behaviour and other crimes half the time it's a slap on the wrist 😢
@sandyusa-tw1xx 13 дней назад
Life’s means life they’re crimes out weigh everything they’re going through rn
@mattb8754 14 дней назад
0:38 Europe will also send you to prison for speaking your mind. For having opinions. Also things the U.S considers infractions and misdemeanors like graffiti, drinking while driving, littering, loitering are felonies in Europe. Sounds like he has plenty of time to do some research and solve his ignorance.
@failure_4_sale 15 дней назад
sadly, it doesn't matter if we release them, the cost will still land on the state and taxpayers same it would if they were in prison, the only difference is, they wouldn't be in prison... I'm sorry but if you didn't want to die in prison, then I guess you shouldn't have done what you did... Am I supposed to feel bad for a murderer dying in prison? absolutely not... I love that that guy mentions Europe Europe still has life sentences... They still have people who die in jail... The only difference between us and them is they actually make an attempt to rehabilitee as opposed to just throwing away the key... even that guy that killed all those kids in Norway, back in like 2007 or 2008, would you want him back out on the street after killing all those helpless kids stuck on an island? I know I sure fucking wouldn't, well Europe plans on giving him his first parole hearing in about 4 or so years time and they is a very high chance he will be released at some point in his life.... how does that sit with you? Make you feel nice and cozy? would you be okay with him living in the apartment under you and your kids? I know I wouldn't sorry. don't want to die in jail? don't go to jail... that being said, i get it to that at some point someone is capable of being a danger, does that mean we still give them a break just because they're old, sick, dying? Forget whatever horrible crime they committed to land them in prison for life... LIFE really love the "should they be in jail if they don't remember" well if that's the case then, my bank owes me for a lot of money spent at the bar, after all, i don't remember spending it right? That's a stupid argument because there is no way to prove they dont remember... no way at all...lets just release all pedophile with dementia then, itll be safe right? after all THEY CLAIM they dont remember, im sure no one will get hurt... people who leave jail rarely ever go back, its so rare *inset sarcastic chuckle here"
@sheilagilyard9380 15 дней назад
With GOD you can go through anything with peace and dignity and integrity ❤
@get3ome 16 дней назад
What did America (we) think was going to happen with all the convictions ?? No other nation has more people locked up . Duh older people locked up has gone up 75 percent
@619DOGGS 16 дней назад
Doc my girl broke my heart and you fix it ?
@tinkertrek 16 дней назад
Moral of the story commit a crime at about 68 and receive free healthcare and room and board.
@garfield1186 16 дней назад
Fast forward, 2024 I believe Marietta Georgia Police Department have something like this