Cathy Berberian  Michelle
12 лет назад
Cathy Berberian Yesterday
13 лет назад
@pierrrecitron 2 года назад
amazing ! I've just discovered her and i'm loving it !!
@riccardobarreca8066 2 года назад
Chi ha classificato tra le grandi questa voce di "mezzosoprano" ? Sarebbe molto interessante capire quali siano stati i presupposti, sui quali è stata poi costruita questa fama di grande voce e di grande interprete. A parte il fatto, mi pare incontrovertibile, che di toni gravi non c'è proprio niente. Un pò di urletti. Io di leggera ascolto poco ma di certo tra lei e Mina, per dire una vecchia gloria come la Berberian, c'è la stessa differenza che corre tra un asteroide e un sole. Ecco, Carmen Consoli è già meglio, molto molto più buona. Magari anche molto più bbona, riportata alla stessa età di esecuzione.
@StuckInTheMiddlewithYou 3 года назад
is that the cello or violin playing at the beginning (before the vocals start)??
@dimitramina9875 3 года назад
@johngrad01 7 лет назад
I've been having to watch this ever so often since last November.
@golisanjiv 7 лет назад
Why is 178th in infant mortality bad?
@barb2435 7 лет назад
so take that trump and believe it,thats what america is about,,not just money,,
@eduardotamashiro9293 7 лет назад
Finally I've found full The Newsrooooom movie here => twitter.com/2b325b39a6ad4fdb6/status/824453594590044160
@rockysmith371 7 лет назад
wish this show was on now
@Mezzykins 7 лет назад
Does anyone know what is the name of the tune that starts around 6mins 40seconds
@RobertSilvestri86 7 лет назад
Have seen this scene countless times. I LOVE it because of the truth that lies within the fiction.
@NeoBladeSC2 7 лет назад
"7th in literacy, 27th in math, 26th in science ..." MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! ... And which Executive Order - 22 so far by Trump - addressed one of those issues? Oh right ... NONE!
@y__h 7 лет назад
Based Teddy, thanks for bringing Mark Watney home.
@RoodeMenon 7 лет назад
The 3rd season of Newsroom will have a lot of wonderful real world political material to work with.
@shantanu240 7 лет назад
Watch from 3:20
@drgregoryhaus 7 лет назад
Those stupid facial expressions in the audience and sorority girl make me cringe. They were supposed to be educated but they got offended when Will said America isn't the greatest. Are they really that arrogant? Any logical and open minded person would agree with Will and the statistics that support his statement.
@Vincent_Beers 7 лет назад
When our colleges are now overrun with SJW cults who hide in safe spaces and protest anyone who speaks the truth of course they are going to get offended easily. It's what they do. The current generation of college idiots are just professional victims hiding from the real world. They would rather preach at you that there are more than two genders in the world than pay attention long enough to figure out that there might actually be something more important than themselves in the universe. There was a recent video from a college girl giving a speech about how we should abolish science because her voodoo priest can strike you with lightning through prayer and because science can't explain it than science must not be real. The man who tried to stand up and correct her ignorance was told to shut up because they were in a safespace and it's rude to correct other peoples opinions.
@sukidhillon9024 7 лет назад
Absolutely mind-blowing scene, incredible piece of writing by Aaron Sorkin
@jacobaden2847 7 лет назад
This is the opening scene for the first episode of the first season, talk about starting off with a bang!
@user-ik7mk7te5z 7 лет назад
is korea free? south korean said 'well.. no?' north korean said 'OF COURSE WE ARE TRULY FREEE!'
@user-ik7mk7te5z 7 лет назад
is korea free? south people said well.. no? north people said OF COURSE WE ARE TRULY FREEE!
@theolocalloner9404 7 лет назад
I think this is actually behind the scenes footage with Jeff Daniels
@efraimsanez6556 7 лет назад
is this a tv series? where can i watch the full episode/story of the newsroom???
@zaori2785 8 лет назад
Germany has no freedom. america is still occupiing it under the name "Bundesrepublik Deutschland". We have fu**ing Employee-Identification-Cards where no nationality is stated! Just this crap "deutsch" which means "German" not "Germany". So where ist this state "German"? Never found it! Germany needs a treaty of peace together with Italy and Japan to be souvereign again. But that is neither wanted from America nor the by america corrupted german leadership, because then the war would be over and America couldn't invade other countries anymore for oil without a declaration of war. My oppinion.
@illuminatus2355 8 лет назад
your opinion - which is basicly neonazi conspiracy bullshit
@zaori2785 8 лет назад
...says "illuminatus"? :D google "deutscher personalausweis picture" and READ that thing. Even your president says that germany is still occupied.
@Vincent_Beers 7 лет назад
Are you stupid? What the fuck do you think "German" means in regards to nationality? If you are from Germany your nationality is not "Germany" it's German If I'm from the USA my nationality is not America, it's American. You are complaining because you don't know the fucking words mean... that's sad.
@zaori2785 7 лет назад
Perhaps in your language (or you are wrong), in ours it means only the language. So if you do not speak german, don't accuse people of being stupid. I think that is indeed stupid.
@illuminatus2355 7 лет назад
There's a whole batshit-crazy right-wing conspiracy subculture in Germany called the "Reichsbürger", which basicly translated to "citizens of the Reich". They say that basically the German state is just a corporation and therefore not sovereign, as it still answers to the USA. For example they refer to our passports as "employee identification cards", like Zaori did above. I've read about a bunch of conspiracy theories in my time just for the lolz and this is one of the most inconsistent and stupid ones I've come across. While it just sound absolutely ridiculus, it is a growing problem, because sometimes these idiots refuse to pay taxes or are violent against police or other state employees. So there's really no point arguing with this guy.
@thatwaygaming8679 8 лет назад
so the writer of this show had a lot to say about political affairs huh?
@michaelallport5816 8 лет назад
Right on the nose!!!
@chadbingham8069 8 лет назад
*Will:* _You think I'm him? [Don Quixote]_ *Mac:* _No, I think I'm him. You're his horse._ *Will:* _He rode a donkey._ *Mac:* _Well, I can't help you there._
@Audiomancer 8 лет назад
If a guy like this ran for office, I would vote for him....I have a feeling many agree with me:)
@mattw4k266 7 лет назад
yes and no. Someone who holds himself as professional maybe, but the context of his information for example: His argument against the leftist is one of strategy instead of principle "noone likes you because you always loose", and his argument against the rightist is a montage of countries who have restrictions on first and second amendment rights that he claims is just as free as America. He then goes on to quote statistics, even though most of those stats (like maths and literacy) are a direct result of freedom (compared to the likes of china for example). Or the stats are debunked, like the infant mortality rate where most countries unlike the US leave premie's to die and don't count it in their stats. Or the stats are used as just plain antisemitism towards people who believe in God, which Ironically the founding fathers did, which is why they chose to model the American government as a constitutional representative republic and give people liberty in the form of a "God given freedom". You don't even have to be religious to get that.
@abigfatblob 7 лет назад
you know that the american government was in no way made with religion in mind right?
@mattw4k266 7 лет назад
it depends on how you interpret the constitution and the first amendment.... On the one side of the coin you could consider the fact (like you do) that a quarter of the founding fathers were athiests, and they wanted to make sure no religion whatsoever entered lawmaking or decision making in government. Or on the other side of the coin you could interpret it as the founding fathers ensuring no single religion would have the power (even by mob rule) to enforce their domain on government, as back then the catholic church was a very dominant and controversially powerful presence in the world. That all lawmaking in government would have to consider the fact that this new nations identity would want to be one of many religions and religious beliefs.... in the name of (as I said above in my last comment) a "God given freedom"; congress shall pass no laws respecting establishment of any religion.... OR PROHIBITION thereof... You see I do find a lot of atheists tend to missquote the first ammendmant and only include the first half of the quote... completely ignoring the second half, thereby removing the very context of why this law was passed in the first place
@abigfatblob 7 лет назад
wait i sec i think i misread something i thought you said they modeled it after the system of religion but after rereading it i have found that is not the case, sorry for taking your time.
@mattw4k266 7 лет назад
haha allgood man! You're not half wrong though, i did imply that the forefathers were religious and that they modelled the constitutional representative republic on the religious notion of a God given freedom... but my point was the notion was not set in concrete on any one religion
@Sodomantis 8 лет назад
As non us, I never understood why he punctuate is statement with "Yosemite".
@bannlystman8644 8 лет назад
Some of us do understand why he said it.
@thatwaygaming8679 8 лет назад
hell i live here and i dont even understand it.
@sharlesdaviskendy2391 7 лет назад
Sodomantis It's a park. "I don't know what you're talking about! Are you talking about Yosemite park, which is pretty great?" is essentially where he was going.
@MultiTHEJOKER 8 лет назад
it never was
@user-wm1qd2ix1u 8 лет назад
признание проблемы первый шаг к решению этой проблемы
@irish6783 8 лет назад
It was spot on until he called this generation the worst generation ever. Fuckin sorkin
@Nikagor 8 лет назад
Yeah because 20 year olds are the problem, not the 60 + generation that ran basicly any country in the ground, the baby boomers that only took took and took and never gave back, oh sure the new generation with idiotic tumblr genders, wanting to silence facts and police everyone..thats a problem, but why..because the previous generation fucked them up, with their "noone left behind" and "you are not second, you are the second winner", people are not special, not everyone is born for greatness, now that those seeds sprout anyone who planted them has absolutly no right to complain about it.
@KillerKartoffelHD 8 лет назад
no its our generation just not fighitng back
@thatwaygaming8679 8 лет назад
it is both. what people miss is that we are the consumers and consumers have the power so what we consume is what we will be given. stop letting the censorship rule you and dont purchase things from companies you dont believe in. the US wants to run off business? fine. show them what YOU want through business
@brwnkd3795 8 лет назад
He's not wrong.
@karthik547 8 лет назад
I am not even American I keep coming back
@NickDiasOuttaMyLeague 8 лет назад
@irish6783 8 лет назад
Loves telling you how to think
@ruthchanson8140 8 лет назад
#DoItOVER Recount The Votes #Bernieorbust
@lindagier6389 8 лет назад
this is the one I like the best. . .outstanding
@rigelaltair465 8 лет назад
Wow! Honest bold man!
@trimanlast 8 лет назад
The president is pretty much a socialist by the way.
@jjb101 8 лет назад
You must not know what a socialist is then.
@trimanlast 8 лет назад
***** Thank for the response. The president has massively increased the size of the welfare state, he has purchased an automobile manufacturer, he has taken over healthcare. If your idea of a socialist is Hugo Chavez then he is not a socialist. Best
@trimanlast 8 лет назад
This is classic and prototypical self righteous liberal propaganda. This is a left wing sermon with fire and brimstone.
@trimanlast 8 лет назад
lightning crashes an old mother dies Thanks for the response. Whatever this fictitious clown calls himself he is spouting liberal babble. He is advocating government control of education, healthcare. and art. He is critical of liberals for not "losing so much". Republicans are no bargain, they have rolled over for democrats for decades but they at least claimed to stand for conservatism. This very genuine liberal character comes right out and proclaims his contempt for America. Best
@dankmeme5060 8 лет назад
This isn't a cover. Its a parody.
@natheniel 8 лет назад
What is the difference? If it were to be a parody, it is a good one still.
@danieltorreyo 8 лет назад
The things he says justify the freedoms we have. The reasons so many of his statistics are low compared to the countries around us is because people have the right to do so many things which affect their lifespan, education level, etc. many of the countries he brings up do not possess freedoms to the same extent we have.
@Nikagor 8 лет назад
Oh really..so germany, france, basicly all of the first world european countrys have less freedom than you? Strange, I don't need to get my balls fondled by tsa agents.
@danieltorreyo 8 лет назад
Nikagor sorry i've never had to get my balls fondled by a tsa agent. also, you dont have to get on an airplane. plus, other countries do have airport security. i'd rather get checked along with other people than get my flight hijacked.
@Nikagor 8 лет назад
daniel torre The tsa is highly inefficent at doing their job actually, now go on, you claimed that noone is "as free" as you are, now prove it.
@danieltorreyo 8 лет назад
This woman in the beginning is an imbecile.
@righthandluke8143 8 лет назад
DAE find this cringeworthy? This is the same mindset I had when I was an angsty sixteen year old.
@leanndravaldes5810 8 лет назад
@-integrity-3287 8 лет назад
I don't know what the F*** you're talkin' about!
@-integrity-3287 8 лет назад
@user-gz3ud8ll6r 8 лет назад
The USA has the project Venus jack fresco Norbert winer and another ideas how to build a better society for a future generation of the world
@AJudgeFredd 8 лет назад
My god do we need this show back. The Left, the Right, they are out of control, we need this back, badly.
@agentdarkboote 8 лет назад
What we need is the actual news broadcast hosted by Will that a lot of people watch.
@EnvoyOfDestinyZ 8 лет назад
i watched the last episode an hour ago and its one my Favourites of tv-shows - Newsroom, Six Feet Under, Homeland and others - it was real, funny, tragedy, dramatic - everything what a good show should have
@RoxxxTeddy 8 лет назад
Oh, I forgot... We have freedom... too... ;)
@RoxxxTeddy 8 лет назад
I Love it... At least once in a month I have to see this... What did -urlastchance1- said: the fucking truth.. he told... I could cry with a smile on my face... Or lauhging with tears dropping down... Such a great nation. Love it... Greetz from Germany! Peace
I think this clip is awesome, because I believe what a fictional character says without researching any of the issues he brought up. I R SOOOO SMART!!!!!