@endicah3gurl4201 3 года назад
Dude if we are gonna spend 1200 usd for a Crystal we need more videos of this thing working. I love the idea but I am not sold yet.
@AppleiTouch6497 3 года назад
Yeah dude I’m just like.... “what IS it?”
@oefster 4 года назад
These crystal are very expensive. I cannot buy this item.... I'm sorry
@kentinousss6 4 года назад
Hi, question, why is it the only video about ARK that allow to see the tube of energy ? The light dont seem flow through the hand but ON the hand at 1:03, that's why i dont beleive that video.
@Starseed3 5 лет назад
I don’t see a THING
@midlander4 6 лет назад
He's been developing this 'since 1999'. You can pay 1200 bucks upfront on the Resonance Foundation website... and get nothing. Why no RU-vid videos from ecstatic customers showing how this miracle piece of quartz has changed their life? Is this really "science" (which it claims to be, right?) Or is this fraud, pure and simple?
@Mulli9anStew 6 лет назад
"If I may say it so, abstract knowledge dichotomized from experiential knowledge is false and dangerous; but abstract knowledge built upon and hierarchically-integrated with experiential knowledge is a necessity for human life." -Abraham Maslow, "The Psychology of Science"
@williamdavis2505 5 лет назад
@midlander4 7 лет назад
Update - I just checked back. The Resonance Foundation (WTAF?) website's press release says "product [LOL] scheduled to begin shipping in September 2017" - so that should reassure everyone who's paid up and received nothing, right? Keep 'resonating', suckers!
@midlander4 7 лет назад
Yikes - just seen the laughable web site. So Mulli9anStew has shelled out 1200 bucks apiece for a - still non-existent - small piece of quartz, metal and plastic (worth pennies). Good luck mate - you're going to need all the 'resonance' you can find to keep up the monthly payments on that! And just out of interest: If the Egypt tour costs $4800 - how can Nassim afford to give away a $1200 'free gift' in that price? Oh... and does it not bother you at all that there's no kind of video demo of this game-changing wonder on the elegantly designed ARK website?
@Mulli9anStew 7 лет назад
There is plenty of media coverage of the ARK Crystal technology. It is not, however, a completely developed product as of yet. This month is the first full production run or the crystals themselves. The website reflects the beginning stages of this endeavor. Along with running an online learning platform, multiple not for profit and for profit organizations, planning a series of consecutive events in multiple countries and being parents and just people in general, I'd say they have a lot of fronts to uphold and maintain. If you think this could be some kind of conspiracy... by all means pursue what you think constitutes justice for all the parties involved, do what you do to make the world a better place and let others get on with what they do. I am not sure if you have the credentials to view this photo, but here is photographic proof that these are in fact getting produced and will eventually be received by those who have purchased them: academy.resonance.is/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/ARK-Crystal-Tetrahedron-Adam-Apollo.jpg
@midlander4 7 лет назад
You've totally ignored my points - as I knew you would because you have no leg to stand on. There is no ARK Crystal. A 5-second Google search confirms there is fuck-all 'media coverage' for this wonder device. How stupid do you think people are? And if the website 'reflects the beginning stages of this endeavor', then why is Nassim taking $1200 upfront payments for a non-existent piece of quartz crystal that's he's been touting since 1999? And why do you ask 'I am not sure if you have the credentials to view this photo, but here is photographic proof...' before giving everyone a link to a JPEG of some shitty jewelry? By any stretch of normal intelligent discourse how is that proof of anything'? I never said 'conspiracy'. I do say 'fraud'. And just going back to your earlier point, you say that it's 'not however a completely developed product as of yet.' So why - after nearly 20 years - does the website clearly say it's shipping this month? You're a liar. And he's a liar too.
@Mulli9anStew 7 лет назад
I have actually addressed your points, you seem to be unhappy with my capacity to answer your inquiries. If you can't find a video on the ARK Crystal then you are probably not the kind of person who is going to have the understanding to appreciate what an ARK Crystal can do. Why would it bother you in any way how someone chooses to live their life?
@midlander4 7 лет назад
Mulli9anStew you haven't addressed a single one of my points, have you? The real issue is that you - either as a hopelessly naive punter or, more likely a Resonance Foundation stooge - think it's ok to persuade people to pay 1200 bucks for a crappy piece of quartz that (a) doesn't do anything and (b) doesn't exist.
@Mulli9anStew 7 лет назад
@midlander4 7 лет назад
So "in 1999 the first iteration of the ARK device was prototyped and tested", claims Mulli9anStew. It's now 2017. No product. No peer review. No more videos. Nothing. Although it's great to see that Nassim is offering this as an inducement for his $4800 (minimum) Nile tour. So basically, Mulli9anStew, it's all fraudulent bollocks - and you know it perfectly well.
@JYHRO0 5 лет назад
Seems that it is
@jonabandzz835 7 лет назад
it's October when can I get one
@Mulli9anStew 7 лет назад
Who knows? I ordered two from this website: www.ARKCrystals.com but have not received them yet. My guess is they all went to Egypt and forgot to leave someone behind to keep shipping them out.
@midlander4 6 лет назад
Jona Schill never!
@DowntownFarmerBrown1 7 лет назад
this is sweet. reminds me of a pyramid video I watched that some I think German dude hooked up power to it some how and made some plasma looking stuff. it was neat to see. sometimes when I watch people do reki live I will see a similar string come out there hands. I don't see it to often physically more third eye.
@Ep0pteia 7 лет назад
I see no crystal nowhere
@bobino34ify 4 года назад
Master Cordoba its a light effect thats all
@B-mang 7 лет назад
we need more videos of this and an explanation of what we are seeing!
@Mulli9anStew 7 лет назад
These crystals are coming to the public soon. The first production run is coming out in October, 2017 and is going out to the delegates of the Resonance Science Foundation as part of the Egypt Delegate Conference. There is a section in the Delegate Program that goes through the effects and experiments conducted with these crystals. As far as what you are seeing in this video, it appears to be an effect produced by the properties of the crystals. These crystals are 'charged' with a device called a magnetohydrodynamic simulator (www.google.com/patents/US8073094) which enables a type of piezoelectric effect through the crystals atomic structure purported to be a conduit of the vacuum energy fluctuations. For more info on these crystals, read: www.freepatentsonline.com/y2015/0093571.html
@joerose4848 7 лет назад
Mulli9anStew Hey - just wanted to point out reddit.com/r/holofractal to you - you'd fit right in
@DanGusTube 8 лет назад
Crystal clear :-)
@thrillstube111 8 лет назад
Hey, I've met Nassim and been to 2 of his talks. The man and what he has discovered are an inspiration. For those of you out there searching the web trying to make sense of this video - my personal experience is that this material is legitimate. I want to help disseminate these crystals here in Europe however I can. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. I own a nubian (phi ratio) pyramid and the sitting with it for half an hour gives a very pleasant feeling. From what I can understand from his talk, and what must have been the beginnings of what is now the ARK crystal, Nassim spun a specially designed crystal inside a geometric form - some kind of 64 tetrahedron grid or star tetrahedron shaped framework - at 18 million RPMs, and found that the crystal developed a strong field around it that had seemingly miraculous (inexplicable) properties that involved healing of diseases/ailments as one of the benefits. I think I should mention that all of Nassim's studies and theories are published on the website along with a whole host of fascinating material.. Here it is resonance.is and here is an interesting image of an experiment - imgur.com/a/9oSZu
@williamdavis2505 5 лет назад
Jody Deane 18 million RPMs? If you believe that you are gullible.
@alfaandomega1 4 года назад
@@williamdavis2505 i believe you are gullible i bet if you get cancer you will take on u chemo just to prove urself science base/?
@williamdavis2505 4 года назад
alfaandomega1 I recently heard Nassim claim that “charging” water with this crystal then watering plants increases growth 400% and fruiting 1000%. If you believe this you are gullible. Making false claims is a hallmark of snake oil salesmen. I have held one in my hand. It is neat, but I did not feel anything. Why is the crystal not visible in this video?
@williamdavis2505 4 года назад
I worked at a Physics R&D lab (LBNL) for 20 years. I can read technical literature. Nassim’s papers are nonsensical and scientifically illiterate. What do you expect from a man who has zero credentials?
@1981mlk 9 лет назад
Damn, it's a sad state of affairs when the educational system is so useless that people believe in this garbage ... no wonder the world is going down the toilet.
@Mulli9anStew 9 лет назад
1981mlk The difference between forming your beliefs based on your biased perceptions and actually experiencing something is a failure on the part of the educational system. I don't expect this video to change your mind in any way, but may I inquire into what it is about this video that makes you conclude the world is going down the toilet?
@1981mlk 9 лет назад
Mulli9anStew The fact that if something like this crystal actually exhibited the properties demonstrated in the video then it would be revolutionary and the entire global community would be fascinated by it. The fact that apparently only "emissaries" have access to them and can control how they are filmed as well as the post processing makes it even more suspicious. The fact that none of these have been made available to actual scientists who could test their effects. The fact that it's posted with no context or information, yet people believe that it demonstrates the effect of a magical crystal. Hopefully once this is demonstrated to be another element of the elaborate con perpetrated by the cult leader and lying fraud Nassim Haramein you will open your eyes. Until then, I doubt anything I say regarding the scientific method, actual physics or the continuous spout of lies streaming from Nassim's lies will change your mind. People who believe in this stuff lack common sense and reason, the fact that there are so many, makes me believe that the world is circling the drain, far too many idiots.
@Mulli9anStew 9 лет назад
Well, I can understand why you are feeling that way. I am also looking forward to the public release of these crystals. However, as I am not the person calling the shots on how that is to happen, I cannot project my own nescient opinion on the best way to do that because I simply do not know everything there is to know about such a product. From my own personal experiences with the crystals, I can only say that the effect in the video is a physically felt vibration in the palm of the holder. At a conference with a hundred and fifty or so attendants, everyone who had the opportunity to hold one said the same thing. The Resonance Project does have laboratories where they are testing the affects of these crystals on biological organisms in controlled environments and have published the results in the online delegate course. You may think the standard model and method to solve issues will eventually have all the answers to solve the mysteries and phenomena of the universe. However, that does not negate the fact that there is more that one way to arrive at the same conclusions, and it does not mean that one way is better than the other. The two approaches I am mainly referring to here are a holistic approach and the atomistic approach. Both have their value, both will come to similar or complimentary conclusions, but without an inclusionary mindset from either perspective, neither will be complete.
@1981mlk 9 лет назад
Mulli9anStew If you can point me to a single peer-reviewed double-blind study that demonstrates anything you are saying to be true then I would be far more likely to believe it. I would also like you to direct me to a single peer-reviewed double-blind experiment conducted by the Resonance Academy which demonstrates what you are saying. This should be relatively easy as the Resonance Academy generates hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit per year, surely they've conducted a single double-blind or peer-reviewed experiment which proves what you are saying. Unfortunately, at the moment, there have been numerous peer-reviewed as well as double-blind studies which directly contradict what you are saying about crystals. I'm interested to see what you come up with as there are numerous people around the globe with rewards numbering in the tens of thousands (and above) if you can prove what you are saying. I bet you didn't even know that you could become incredibly rich just by proving what you are saying. Through your "personal experience", there is literally millions of dollars waiting for you if you can prove it to be anything beyond the placebo effect. But please, before you start your quest towards unfathomable riches, please make sure to direct me to these experiments so that I don't feel left behind. I can't believe I'm talking to somebody who is literally at the forefront of the most incredible scientific discovery in human history! I eagerly await your links with double-blind and peer-reviewed studies, what an incredible time to be alive!
@Mulli9anStew 9 лет назад
1981mlk Crystals are used in all sorts of electronic and energy devices. Haramein has simply utilized his theory of the structure of the vacuum to create devices that resonate with the scaled frequency/radius of objects found throughout the universe making his devices resonate with the energy of the vacuum. Growing quartz in a lab and cutting the crystals along the growth axis into tetrahedrons gives these crystals the proper structure in order to pick up and hold the frequency desired. The crystals are charged with Haramein's patented device, a "magnetohydrodynamic" apparatus, also known as the ARK Resonator. From the Resonance Academy: "Quartz is a trigonal crystal system comprised of a continuous matrix of SiO4 silicon-oxygen tetrahedra. Quartz crystals convert mechanical vibrations and pressure into electricity through what is known as the piezoelectric effect. Through this effect quartz crystals form the control element of oscillatory circuits in modern electronic devices, such as the Central Processing Unit of computers. Amazingly, the molecular ordering and structure of quartz is similar to that of ordered water clusters, or liquid crystalline water." web.archive.org/web/20110725032851/www.foxonline.com/techdata.htm "In 1999 the first iteration of the ARK device was prototyped and tested at very low energy levels and spin rate. Nevertheless, the device was successful in generating a certain amount of coherency gradient in a localized region of space, producing gravitational effects, and as well demonstrated certain other qualities that were noteworthy. It appeared that some elements in the vicinity of the device changed certain of their attributes. More specifically, the ARK device induced significant molecular phase transition in water structure and crystal lattices that seemed to retain coherency even after being removed from the spin field." If you are looking for me to publish someone else's work, then you are delusional. Haramein has financial backers and has received donations from individuals upwards to 15 million US dollars. It just takes time, the requested proofs will become available when they have gone through the appropriate channels. You are indeed living in an incredible time! I am honored to be here with you, although your sarcasm and nihilistic comments do the true beauty of the time no justice. Resistance is futile; go with the flow; integrate or disintegrate.
@Mulli9anStew 11 лет назад
Yes, this is the only video I have come across. It took some backdoor maneuvering to get it, but somehow managed. There is still progress being made with getting these crystals out to the public, so far Emissaries are the only ones who have received them, but a patent has been granted for the "cage" that snaps on around the crystal, along with a patent for Nassim's "Harmonic Sphere Flux Resonator" device which he uses to charge the crystals. Check out the "AlienScientist" forum for more
@williamdavis2505 5 лет назад
Mulli9anStew patents are public domain. Somehow I doubt a patent was granted for the “Harmonic Sphere Flux Resonator,” but if true you should be free to provide a link, or at least a patent number. It is possible that a design patent could have been awarded to the cage. It need be nothing more than jewelry to be awarded a design patent. While it might give the appearance of scientific credibility, a design patent does nothing of the sort. So what are the patent numbers?
@Mully383 12 лет назад
Looks like simone won.