Special guest minister
14 лет назад
God is so much fun!
14 лет назад
Awesome time in church
14 лет назад
Holy spirit outbreak of joy
14 лет назад
Cop, homeless, Santa Monica
14 лет назад
Pier View and Santa Monica beach
14 лет назад
Santa Monica Pier, Churros and more!
14 лет назад
Venice Beach, Corn Dog, Santa Monica
14 лет назад
Superman and Spider man in Hollywood
14 лет назад
The Grove main street
14 лет назад
Inside wholefoods
14 лет назад
My walk to farmers market
14 лет назад
Gm personal hi
14 лет назад
My walk day out
14 лет назад
Century city upstairs
14 лет назад
Century city oudoor shopping mall
14 лет назад
Personal hello to TM and GM star
14 лет назад
The Beverly centre day out
14 лет назад
Beverly Hills
14 лет назад
Aussies new possie
14 лет назад
Aussie Aussie Aussie
14 лет назад
@HoursIV 2 года назад
Dead channel
@flightcentre 10 лет назад
aussie actually not british
@cymagen 10 лет назад
stfu snooty brit
@daze319 11 лет назад
The first churros taste better... The ones near the food court are always over cooked.. Very nice beach.
@flightcentre 12 лет назад
@harrysgiantstp1 Thank you for your intelligent comment
@lewisnwkc 13 лет назад
Three views since 2009? Damn... they should hide Bin Laden here, he will never get found!
@smanvenesss 14 лет назад
Sorry man I just stumbled on ya clip and if you think this aint religious then you've been in church too long. This type of thing was being done in the 60's.
@flightcentre 14 лет назад
@aliciarose22 It is an awesome place!
@aliciarose22 14 лет назад
I lived there for 3 months i miss it!! It was on floor 62 too
@flightcentre 14 лет назад
@ModischFrame Great question! During the service an "alter call" is made usually for a specific need (like sickness or financial help) The Pastor(s) lay hands and pray over those who responded to the invitation and the power of God is released into them... Often the power is quite great and some fall backwards in order to receive. (ushers always stand behind the prayer line to catch anyone who falls) Hope this helps answer your question.
@ModischFrame 14 лет назад
what is the meaning of the prayer line?
@henzofrm60 14 лет назад
@flightcentre yer ns its funny u dnt see that often
@flightcentre 14 лет назад
Oh yeah,, funny huh.. she was pretty nice to talk to.
@henzofrm60 14 лет назад
lol theres a old lady playing a nintendo ds
@grant24678 14 лет назад
WOW its nice to see so many more views from flightcentre and a collection of comments...You could get more if you added more tags mate....LOL...YAY your family know about us YAY YAY YAY
@flightcentre 14 лет назад
Okay mate.. will do.
@flightcentre 14 лет назад
1/2 the world is in Summer over Christmas .. we just get used to it. Still nice having BBQ and beach over the Christmas New years break. But I have enjoyed a white Xmas in Canada before and it was nice.
@tobysblogs 14 лет назад
Hi Stefan . I think Christmas should be cold and snowy its tradtion a Hot Christmas is unthinkable . Great Video Mate . And I see u have made a new Friend on youtube . Horray . Great Video
@flightcentre 14 лет назад
Hey.. Yes I do.. All my family know I have 2 friends in England.
@grant24678 15 лет назад
I hope you joined in Stef....Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap :)
@grant24678 15 лет назад
Oh i would love to see you church on a day such as this
@grant24678 15 лет назад
That Looks So Much Fun...YAY our church is boring as hell
@tobysblogs 15 лет назад
Reminds me of coming down to the Dance floor Hoilday . Doesn't seem very Lifely Music .
@tobysblogs 15 лет назад
your Church is different from mine yours has more old . My Church seems more Lively .LOL
@flightcentre 15 лет назад
The USA was pretty good with service, While there are a lot of Mexicans most servers in the US are students or actors looking for work which ment we were always understood. Good comment buddy, I also find it very frustrating when shop staff can't speak english very well.
@flightcentre 15 лет назад
Cheeky ! Na I was going to the condiment bar to get ketchup. They also had free refills on the drinks. hehe
@grant24678 15 лет назад
This is gonna sound rude but you have english people serving in these burger bars.....We always have people who take like 3 minuites to understand what there saying.........BURGERS i love that feeling
@grant24678 15 лет назад
What did you say your going to get another
@grant24678 15 лет назад
This is House of Prayer and you have turned it into a den of thieves LOL
@grant24678 15 лет назад
You so like me if I'm correct in thinking thats Ketchup or Tomoto Sauce I always have loads and loads of it
@grant24678 15 лет назад
No Way....That Man is just lying there because he's homeless
@grant24678 15 лет назад
Thats a Catchy Song from Luke....Its Cloudy Over here too
@flightcentre 15 лет назад
Not sure what happened to all my titles but I fixed them all up. This was a random street we took to get to Melrose Avenue. Ever see that show "Melrose Place"?
@grant24678 15 лет назад
Where are the titles
@grant24678 15 лет назад
Its so Quiet Lovly YAY Stefan Reflection
@grant24678 15 лет назад
Superman vs Spiderman
@grant24678 15 лет назад
@flightcentre 15 лет назад
It is a supermarket but it is 100% organic and health foods... and I'm in to all that. Thx for comment :)
@grant24678 15 лет назад
Were you opening another chocolate bar at the end with the russell Ha..You know Mate I'm kidding around No Offense Intended
@tobysblogs 15 лет назад
Looks like are Supermarkets
@grant24678 15 лет назад
@grant24678 15 лет назад
Woah Food for a King Not Calling you Fat LOL
@grant24678 15 лет назад
Vegtable Department Stefan LOL
@grant24678 15 лет назад
Wow that is a lot of Candy....Your gonna need all that toothpaste with all those goodies your eating....Enjoy your Sweeeeeeeettttttttiieeeeee FEAST...> Thanks for this video its so nice of you to dedicate time to do this..... Woah look at the size of that TV Ok bye buddie
@flightcentre 15 лет назад
Pumpkin pie is a traditional and delicious cake. Sweet and creamy... you wouldn't even know it had pumpkin in it. Bit like carrot cake, you don't really know it has carrot in it.
@flightcentre 15 лет назад
Hey Buddy...yes .. I have been getting the comments and reading them each day. Thx so much... tomorrow we do SunSet strip and Hollywood ...so u will see more movie stuff in the next few days.
@grant24678 15 лет назад
Stefan you Kiddie....Buying candy in a supermarket LOVE IT :)
@grant24678 15 лет назад
Pumpkin Pie butter thats well wierd you can do that with Pumpkins
@grant24678 15 лет назад
There are loads of Food places arn;t there buddy.. Are you actually getting my comments LOL....Cause I want to make sure you know I'm watching them all and being entertained
@grant24678 15 лет назад
Stefan your making me Hungry LOL He he